"Harihaa(n) soee jatha(n)n bathaae sakhee prio paaeeai.
O Lord! Tell me how I can find my Beloved, O my companion."

This is a beautiful shabad by Guru Arjun Dev Ji. Guru Ji talks about, how important it is for our senses to withhold Vaheguroo within them. 

Guru Ji firstly, starts to talk about the eyes that do not see the holy people, they will always remain miserable. Why will they remain miserable? They are too busy looking at and watching the pleasures of the world. These pleasures are temporary and once they are out of sight, the mind becomes sad again. When these eyes see spiritual people, in bliss within themselves, they begin to feel content and at peace also. 

Secondly, Guru Ji speaks about those ears that do not hear the current and sound of the shabad. They may just well as be plugged. We spend most our time listening to negativity and become negative. We do not realise, when our mind listens to the shabad. Our minds become ecstatic in love and powerful through positive energy through Guru Ji's Pavitar (pure) shabad (mantra). 

Then Guru Ji goes on to say, "The tongue which does not chant the Name of Vaheguroo should be cut in to small pieces." These are harsh words by Guru Ji but we need to understand why they have been uttered. Would Guru Ji say this for the sake of it? Guru Ji has only said this, because he believes firmly in what he has said. Guru Ji has said this, because without the Name purifying our thoughts with every repetition, the mind becomes a wild monkey and roams around uncontrollably. "Rasanaa japai n naam thil thil kar katteeai."

Guru Ji finishes off by saying, "when one forgets Vaheguroo, they grow weaker day by day. They only grow weaker, because they are not surrounded by the positivity and purification of this beautiful Name of Vaheguroo! "Harihaa(n) jab bisarai gobidh raae dhino dhin ghatteeai"




"Jo mashslee bin paaneeai kyo jeevan paavai
How can the fish live without water?"

This is a beautiful shabad by Guru Arjun Dev Ji. Guru Sahib Ji uses many analogies in this Shabad to make their point, on how a Gursikh can not live without Vaheguroo.

Guru Sahib Ji Says, how can the quench of a rain-bird's thirst be satisfied without the raindrops. A rain-bird would never be happy without the raindrops. It would suffer and struggle to survive. 

Then Guru Ji goes on to say, the deer gets entranced by the hunters bell and runs straight towards him. This appeals to the deer. They love this sound. The deer wants to move closer towards it, as the sound fulfils its quest. 

Next, Guru Ji goes on to say, the bumble bee is greedy for the flower's fragrance; finding it, he traps himself in it. Bumble bees adore the fragrance of flowers. Their desire is satisfied when it moves closer to the fragrance of the flower. 

Guru Ji finishes off by saying, Just as the humble Sikhs of the Guru, beholding the blessed vision of their Guru's Name and vision they are truly satisfied and satiated. 

Just as the fish can not live without water, a True Sikh of the Guru cannot live without their Guru. If we want to become closer to our Guru, we have to follow their beautiful teachings. Those that don't follow the teachings of the Guru and struggle to follow this special path, have not really tasted the ecstatic taste of pure love! 

"Thio sa(n)th janaa har preeth hai dhaekh dharas aghaavai."


Game of love 301- SPIRITUAL GATES


The Khands refer to physical places we can reach in our spiritual journey. 
Guru Ji describes that at each stage (Khand) there are certain characteristics which are more evident. 

Dharam Khand is described very much like earth. There is night and day, there is seasons, there are different species. The people that reach this spiritual gate are those who have great actions. People are judged by their actions and those who have meditated are recognizable and stand out.

Gyaan Khand is more about knowledge and spiritual wisdom. Guru sahib ji says that there is a lot of anand (bliss) there. We should add, that it is often impossible to put certain situations or scenes into words so sometimes Gurbani may seem to brush a subject but ultimately the full experience needs to be felt for it to be fully understood. 

Guru sahib Ji then goes onto describe Saram and Karam Khand and makes a specific mention of the types of people who have achieved these spiritual levels, 'Tithai jodh mahabal soor' (the warriors of great power and spiritual heroes). Japji Sahib. 

Finally Guru sahib Ji talks about Sach Khand and says, that this is where the formless Vaheguroo is experienced. Sach Khand itself contains many galaxies and planets and Vaheguroo watches over all of these. Guru sahib says to describe it is like trying to eat iron with these teeth. So it must be experienced as per what We said before.
A Gursikh will follow Guru sahib Ji's command. Do Naam simran (meditate), read bani (Guru's teachings), refrain from the four Cardinal sins and try to live a righteous life. 

They should engage in seva (selfless service), bringing betterment to society and try to stay close to the saadhsangat (holy/spiritual company). This is the path of a Gursikh which can lead them to the Guru and therefore, lead them to Vaheguroo. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Eith than laagai baaneeaa.
This body is softened with the Word of the Guru's Bani;
All the world continues coming and going in reincarnation.
Vich dhuneeaa saev kamaaeeai. In the midst of this world, do seva.
Thaa dharageh baisan paaeeai.
and you shall be given a place of honor in the Court of the Lord.
Says Nanak, swing your arms in joy!"


Game of love 300- LIVING AS A WILD HUNTER!


"Naanak neech kehai beechaar. 
Nanak describes the state of the lowly."

In this Shabad, Guru Ji describes how we are lowly people. He describes our wretched states of minds. 

He calls us greedy in this Shabad. Guru Ji explains how we do everything through falsehood and always attempt on deceiving the world to make life easier for ourselves. 

Guru Ji says, they live as wild hunters, hunting to succeed through falsehood. they have done no good deeds or ever helped anyone and now they have become horribly deformed and disfigured. 

Guru Ji goes on to say, they slander day and night. They spy on the houses of others, as they have no control over their sexual desire or desire in generals and they are filled with unresolved anger. Guru Ji keeps on calling these people wild hunters throughout the shabad. 

Guru Ji begins to talk about the hypocrisy in us and how we are always trying to get one over others. He calls us thieves in many forms, as most our actions are those of a cheat. We cleverly try to exploit others! 

At this point Guru Ji begins to say, what face will you show when you go to the true court and your worldly account having to be judged? 

Is this a picture of us Guru Sahib Ji has painted? 

In the same shabad Guru Ji gives answers and goes on to say, "Thaeraa eaek naam thaarae sa(n)saar.
Your Name alone, Lord, saves the world.
mai eaehaa aas eaeho aadhhaar.
This is my only hope; this is my only support."


Game of love 299- I'M EXHAUSTED


"Ab ham chalee t(h)aakur pehi haar ||
Now, I have come, exhausted, to my Lord and Master."

In this Shabad Guru Ramdas Ji says, he has become exhausted. He doesn't know what else to do. Guru Ji just wants to be accepted now by God. We all know Guru Ji is all powerful and one with God. Guru Ji has written this in their humility. This shabad is written to show us how humble we should be towards Vaheguroo. 

Guru Sahib Ji goes on to say, he has come to your sanctuary Vaheguroo Ji, please save him or kill him. Our life is not worth living without Vaheguroo. The love and power of Vaheguroo is too strong and powerful to live without. "Jab ham saran prabhoo kee aaee raakh prabhoo bhaavai maar."

Again these are teachings for us. Guru sahib Ji goes on to say, he has burned in the worlds clever devices and praises. No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to satisfy the world. Most people in the world are out to please themselves or their families. "Lokan kee chathuraaee oupamaa thae baisa(n)thar jaar."

Guru Sahib Ji says, they have got to the stage where they are not bothered if people speak ill about them or praise them. They have surrendered their all to Vaheguroo, as this is the only substance in which will save us. "Koee bhalaa keho bhaavai buraa keho ham than dheeou hai dtaar."

Guru Sahib Ji is so amazing. He has made it clear to us in this line, that anyone who comes truly to the sanctuary of Guru Ji will be saved by Vaheguroo. Guru Ji will never let down their devotees. "Jo aavath saran t(h)aakur prabh thumaree this raakhahu kirapaa dhhaar."

Guru Sahib Ji is miraculously humble! He goes on to say, "The Guru Servant has entered your sanctuary dear lord, please save him by your merciful grace. "Jan naanak saran thumaaree har jeeo raakhahu laaj muraar."

Where will we ever find a Guru as pure and perfect as Guru Ramdas Ji? Yet we choose to be Guruless! 




"Karavath bhalaa n karavatt thaeree.
I would rather be cut apart by a saw, than have You turn Your back on me."

This is a beautiful Shabad by Bhagat Kabeer Ji. Bhagat Ji utters this shabad in longing and yearning for Vaheguroo's Darshan (vision). 

When one becomes very close to Vaheguroo and remembers them with every breath, they struggle to live in this world without him, hence utter the following words. "Karavath bhalaa n karavatt thaeree." They would rather suffer under the pain of a saw ripping them apart, rather than the name of God being departed from their breath. 

One wants to be hugged and embraced by Vaheguroo very tightly. They don't want Vaheguroo Ji to leave them for even a second. The love is too powerful and the energy is of that which can not be described. And that's when Bhagat Ji Says, "laag galae sun binathee maeree."

Bhagat Ji keeps begging Vaheguroo Ji to turn their face towards him so he can rejoice in their sweet love. Bhagat Ji then goes on to question Vaheguroo saying, "Why have you turned your back on me, why have you hurt me like this?"

When one yearns for Vaheguroo's Darshan and they continue trying but are not reaping the rewards and not seeing what they wish for, one becomes very sad and begins to question their beloved, as they would question a very close friend. 

But the love remains very strong, as the beautiful taste of the shabad won't let one turn their face away from Vaheguroo Ji. This is when Bhagat Ji Says, "jo than cheerehi a(n)g n moro ||
pi(n)dd parai tho preeth n thoro||
ham thum beech bhaeiou nehee koee||." No one can come between Vaheguroo and the devotee of God says Bhagat Ji.   

Bhagat Kabeer Ji goes on to say, "you are the husband and I am your soul bride. Listen O people of the world, I place no reliance on you. Vaheguroo Ji will come to meet me very soon. He never lets down his devotees."

Bhagat Kabeer Ji Says, "Ho vaaree mukh faer piaarae ||
I am a sacrifice to You - please, turn Your face to me, O Beloved Lord.
Jo than cheerehi a(n)g n moro ||
Even if You cut my body apart, I shall not pull my limbs away from You."


Game of love 297- I WANT TO MEET YOU!


"Kehi ravidhaas aas lag jeevo chir bhaeiou dharasan dhaekhae. 
Says Ravi Daas: placing my hopes in You, I live; it is so long since I have gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan." 

This is a beautiful shabad by Bhagat Kabeer Ji. A sikh lives to be blessed with the Darshan (vision) of Vaheguroo. If the Darshan are not to come in this life, then one becomes sad, pitiful, sorrowful and feels dejected and abandoned. One feels they have no need to live in this world, as the only reason they were given this human life form was to meet their beloved God. This is exactly what Bhagat Kabeer Ji said, "Hum sar dheen, dhaeaal na tum sar, ab patheeaar Kia keejai."

All Bhagat Kabeer Ji wanted to do was surrender his mind to the word. Bhagat Ji wanted nothing from this life apart from the blessed vision of God, as he knew this would bring him everlasting peace, love and happiness. He knew he would become virtuous like God and see the whole creation as his true family. So he said, "Bachnee thor mor man maanai, Jan Ko pooran dheejai."

Bhagat Ji sacrificed his whole life in the remembrance and ecstasy of Gods name. He loved remembering Vaheguroo with every breath. He would die if God's name was taken away from him. He used to get upset with Vaheguroo and say, "I remember you all the time but you are silent, you never answer back. Please show me just a glimpse of yourself and my thirst will be quenched." He uttered sorrowfully, "Ho bal bal jao Ramaeeyaa kaarnae. Kaaran kavan abole."

This line relates to all of us! Bhagat Ji says, "He has been separated for so many incarnations, this human life is lovingly dedicated to you God." And that's exactly what he did. He dedicated his whole life to Vaheguroo. Remembering him day and night, until Vaheguroo Ji came to meet him. "Bahut Janam bishray thae Madho, eh Janam thumaarey lakhay."

Bhagat Ji finishes off by saying, he places all hope and desire in God coming to meet him. He has full faith! If he carries on remembering Vaheguroo with whole hearted dedication he has been remembering him with, Vaheguroo has no option but to come and meet his beloved devotee. 

It's the so called small things we lack in our devotion towards God. Just one loving cry from the heart in the direction of Vaheguroo would open up our tenth gate for God to enter and bless us with the beloved vision. 

Bhagat Ji's last line, "Kehi ravidhaas aas lag jeevo chir bhaeiou dharasan dhaekhae. 
Says Ravi Daas: placing my hopes in You, I live; it is so long since I have gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan." 

Please come and meet me for the last time Vaheguroo Ji and keep me attached to your beautiful, lotus Charan (feet)!  




"Meray man Gur Gur Gur sadh kareeai
O my mind, dwell always upon the Guru, Guru, Guru."

Guru Sahib Ji has made it clear in Gurbaani, one has to remember the Guru at all times. The above pangtee (line) and the whole of this shabad makes it clear. If we don't remember him at all times, life becomes a struggle and an uphill battle. His remembrance glides us through life effortlessly. His remembrance becomes a ras (taste), that we become intoxicated in. His remember then becomes a substance we fail to live without. His remembrance becomes our heart beat and breath of life!

I overheard a few Gursikhs speaking once and they said, when they first heard this shabad in a kirtan programme, it made them feel that Guru Sahib has clearly stated in this Shabad, that one who calls themselves a Sikh of the Guru should always remember their Guru at all times. This means with every breath. It made me feel so proud in listening to them and I wanted to hold the teachings close to my heart.  

As life goes on and we grow older, we see our friends and family members leaving us. We see people in their day to day struggles. We see people with stressful and pressure filled jobs. We see people without food and shelter and we see people wanting to be better than others. And now science and the world has realised we have a cure called meditation which makes humans feel better about themselves, makes people feel more at peace and happier. It creates politer, loving, gracing and smarter individuals. 

This cure was blessed to us by Guru Nanak Dev Ji 550 years ago. Are we all taking advantage of the most powerful substance to have ever cress this earth? It's free, theirs no cost for purchase. Try living by the Guru's teachings and see how your life changes for the better. How loving, positive and radiant you become. The whole world becomes you're friend according to Gurbani. "Jo Har ka pyaaraa, so sabnaa ka pyaaraa."

In the same Shabad Guru Arjun Dev Ji goes on to say,  "Jaethae saas graas man laethaa thaethae hee gun gaaeeai. 
As many breaths and morsels as you take, O my mind - so many times, sing His Glorious Praises.
When the True Guru becomes merciful, then this wisdom and understanding is obtained. 
O my mind, taking the Naam, you shall be released from the bondage of death, and the peace of all peace will be found."




"Bhagath thaerae sabh praanapath preetham thoo(n) bhagathan kaa piaaraa.
You are the Beloved Lord of life of all Your devotees; You are the Beloved of Your devotees."

This is a beautiful Shabad by Guru Arjun Dev Ji. Guru Ji starts off by saying, only he obeys your will (Hukum), whom you are merciful. Only that worship is devotional and accepted which is pleasing to Guru Sahib Ji's will. My sovereign Vaheguroo, you are the only support of the saints that love you. No one other than Vaheguroo can support them, as no one understands them in the way Vaheguroo does.  

Guru Ji goes on to say, Vaheguroo is kind, compassionate, he fills everyone's hopes but yet most people lack faith in him and try writing their own destiny. The next line shows the relationship between Vaheguroo and his devotees. Guru Ji says, Vaheguroo is the breath of life for those that love him. He is there beloved. They can not live without him for an instance. They would die without his remembrance. He pulls them through life easily, he resolves all their affairs. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji goes on praising Vaheguroo saying, he is unfathomable, lofty exalted and infinite. There is no one like him. Guru Ji says, he only has one prayer, and that is, may he never forget you Vaheguroo. Please fulfil this beggars prayer Vaheguroo. He sings your praises day and night, when will you come to meet him Vaheguroo? Nanak begs for the peace of your name. O Vaheguroo, as it pleases your will, you will eventually guide him to attain your beloved darshan (vision). 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says this in the last line of this beautiful shabad, "Naam thaeraa sukh naanak maagai saahib thut(h)ai paavaa 
Nanak begs for the peace of Your Name, O Lord and Master; as it is pleasing to Your Will, I shall attain it."




"Naanak guramukh giaan paraapath hovai thimar agiaan adhhaer chukaaeiaa ||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh attains spiritual wisdom, and the pitch-black darkness of ignorance is dispelled."

* Love will come through Simran (meditation), as it is a positive energy but we need to be in control of it. We should control when to give it, how much to give and not give any at all if it helps the situation of truth. The love will always be in the heart but controlled by us. 

* Donโ€™t think too much. Do things slowly; donโ€™t try too hard; be thoughtful and mindful before making any decisions, whether them  being physical, mental or verbal. 

* Only do any two things at once; meditation being one of them, 2nd can be materialistic, as we live in society. When the 3rd thought/action enters, the mind looses focus of any one of the other two. 

* Ask Guru Sahib for anything. He is always close. Remember if you ask, you have to learn to have faith, as it will always come true (spirit connection). 

* Make your GOAL in life to be like Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Jee. A human being with all the qualities of God, a true Saint-Soldier (Sant Sipaahe). The purest form of purity! 

* Stay fully focussed on the Shabad; speak only when you need to. Donโ€™t be afraid to speak the truth. 

* Try to speak only when you are spoken to. 

* All the points above can only be developed through Naam Abhiyaas (practice). 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Jalath anik thara(n)g maaeiaa gur giaan har ridh ma(n)th. 
The many waves of desire for Maya (materialism) are burnt away, when the Guru's spiritual wisdom is enshrined in the heart, through the Guru's Mantra."




"Paakha(n)dd praem n paaeeai khottaa paaj khuaar. 
His Love is not obtained through hypocrisy. Her false coverings bring only ruin."

This a beautiful shabad by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Ji states, everyone claims to be the true soul brides of Guru Ji but when the time comes to settle their accounts, their red robes will look corrupt. 

Guru Ji goes on to say, his true soul bride is decorated and ravished with the love of Vaheguroo's name. She is dyed in the deep Crimson of Vaheguroo's shabad. Her mind is pierced through constantly with the Guru's love. The true lover lives forever and adorns Vaheguroo's love. He permeates her consciousness and the temple of the tenth gate is opened. The name of Vaheguroo becomes her everlasting necklace. She recognises no man, apart from her husband Vaheguroo. 

Guru Ji then goes on to say, those who are a sleep throughout, how will they pass their life night without their husband Vaheguroo? Their limbs shall burn, their body shall burn and their mind alongside their wealth will also burn. When Vaheguroo doesn't enjoy the soul bride (us), her youth passes away in vain. We remain asleep on our beds, while our husband Vaheguroo lay awake waiting for us. How will we ever gain wisdom? 

We all look beautiful in Guru Sahib Ji's bana (attire) and dastaar (turban) but are we equally as beautiful on the inside. Guru Ji knows who is beautiful on the inside and who is a hypocrite and only looks beautiful on the outside. There is no need for this hypocrisy, as we won't achieve any peace, love or happiness from it. No one will respect us for it. The the true devotee of Vaheguroo is loved by all. Their fragrance and radiance is seen by all through the energy and love blistering through their eyes, body language and magnetic spirit. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the same shabad goes on to Say, "Sathigur maelee bhai vasee naanak praem sakhaae. 
The True Guru has led me to meet Him, and now I dwell in the Fear of God. O Nanak, His Love is always with me."


Game of love 292- PRIORITY


"Mus mus rovai kabeer kee maaee.
Kabeer's mother sobs, cries and bewails."

Bhagat Kabeer Ji's mother was very upset. She sobbed and cried saying, "Kabeer has given up all his spinning and weaving duties. How are we going to earn a living? 

Bhagat Kabeer Ji lovingly uttered, "when I pass the thread through the bobbin, I forget my beloved God. I can not live without him for even an instance." Bhagat Ji goes on to say, "People call me lowly, because I am a weaver but as long as I have God's name enshrined in my heart I have nothing to worry about." He tells his mother not to worry, as God will look after his worldly affairs. He says, "God has always provided for him and his children. 

We always think we need to earn more, as we assume we will never get by. We are not very content. We always want more and more. Most our elders (parents) behave in this way. We all need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Where is this life going? What's the reason we are here?

If we all used Guru Ji as a guide, we would never fail. Just as Bhagat Ji never failed, we would never fail either. We need to change our mentalities and the way we think. We need to help and guide our children to study and also take to the path of Sikhi and spirituality which will help them feel peaceful and relaxed at every moment of the day. 

Parents have a massive role in guiding their children in this wonderful spiritual way of living and becoming a professional whilst living it. It's our duty to repay Guru Ji with our time and they will most surely repay us with spirituality, peace, calm and constant happiness.

Kabeer Ji Says in the same shabad, "Har kaa naam lehiou mai laahaa. 
But I have earned the profit of the Name of the Lord which has saved me."


Game of love 291- NO ONE CARED FOR ME!


"Jin preeth laaee so jaanathaa hamarai man chith har bahuth piaaraa. 
One who loves the Lord knows this; the Lord is very dear to my conscious mind."

Guru Ramdas Ji starts off this beautiful shabad by saying, he is yearning for the lord's blessed vision. How will he survive without it. Those that love Vaheguroo know how dear Vaheguroo is to their minds. They can not live for a second without him. 

Guru Ji then goes on to say, he is a sacrifice to the True Guru (Guru Amardas Ji) , who united him with Vaheguroo and that he was separated from Vaheguroo for such a long time. Guru Ji is extremely humble. He says, he is a sinner. He has come to your sanctuary Vaheguroo and fallen before your door. Please accept me, he says. Guru Ji says, he has know intellect. It is worthless and that he is filthy and polluted. Please shower him with your blessings. Guru Ji talks about his demerits and how many times he has sinned. 

Guru Sahib Ji's humility astonishes me. We would never say such words about ourselves. We love praise but hate getting slandered. Guru Ji is such a pure mind. 

Guru Ji then goes on to praise Vaheguroo and talk about their beautiful and glorious virtues and that no one else could save a sinner like him. He then says, he the filthy worm was rolling around in the filthy mud and no one would come to his rescue. Only the True Guru took him in, purified him and exalted him. 

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Ham rulathae firathae koee baath n pooshhathaa gur sathigur sa(n)g keerae ham thhaapae ||
I was rolling around in the dirt, and no one cared for me at all. In the Company of the Guru, the True Guru, I, the worm, have been raised up and exalted."


Game of love 290- REGRET


I often wander why we have such a clearly defined maryada (protocol) in removing the kachera (one leg out of the old one and then put one leg in to the new kachera).
In the same way, Guru Sahib Ji protects a Gursikhs honour here and never lets them become naked. In the same way when a Gursikh goes to dargah (Vaheguroo's court), their honour will be kept and they won't be disrobed there either. Only the one who was naked here by never following the Guru's teachings will experience "Nangaa dojak chaaliyaa taa disaaa kharaa daraavnaa".

Guru Sahib will always protect the honour of his Sikhs, if they are willing to follow the loving path of Sikhi. He will never let them down. He will remain with them through thick and thin. 

The only problem is, we lose faith in Guru Sahib. We begin to think, life is a hurdle that can easily be lived without Guru Ji. We might have many ups and mostly be on a high but with ups come the extreme lows too. The balance can only be found through steadying the mind and controlling its thoughts and emotions. At this point, the mind becomes very relaxed and still. Once we've experienced this stillness, then one will never try to occupy their mind with excessive clutter again. 

The peace one experiences is too powerful to lose! 

This is when the soul bride returns to the lord's court imbued and dyed in the colour of Vaheguroo's name. Their honour is saved, their soul is liberated and their mind is forever uplifted. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, kaparr roop suhaavanaa shhadd dhuneeaa a(n)dhar jaavanaa ||
Abandoning the world of beauty, and beautiful clothes, one must depart.
He obtains the rewards of his good and bad deeds.
He may issue whatever commands he wishes, but he shall have to take to the narrow path hereafter.
na(n)gaa dhojak chaaliaa thaa dhisai kharaa ddaraavanaa ||
He goes to hell naked, and he looks hideous then.
He regrets the sins he committed. 


Game of love 289- WHO CAN WE CALL BAD


fareedhaa khaalak khalak mehi khalak vasai rab maahi ||
Fareed, the Creator is in the Creation, and the Creation abides in God.
Whom can we call bad? There is none without Him. 

The shabad above makes it clear, we can not call anyone bad. God is within everyone and resides everywhere. He created the creation and then abided in it. 

We are all in the rut of letting our emotions (mind) affect us. On doing so, our mind makes us speak ill about others. We don't always mean what we say and usually regret it afterwards. 

This shows how far we are from our inner self and how distant we are from recognising our mind. We struggle to recognise Vaheguroo is in all, so who can we call bad? Are we calling Vaheguroo bad? 

For those of us that speak ill about others and follow it through by remaining upset and wanting to really mean what they have spoken verbally, tend to not recognise the mind and are hardly anywhere close from working out the cleverness of this mind. This shows how far we are from recognising the true form of the mind. We are letting the egotistical mind beat us in our quest of liberating our soul and conquering this filthy mind. 

In reality, no one is bad. We are the bad ones for we need to purify ourselves and everyone will begin to look pure to us. We will see God in all. When we remember and contemplate the love of Vaheguroo's name with every breath, we begin to see the virtues of God in all. 

People recognise our actions as being bad, as they are led by their own negative minds, which usually causes them to judge others in exactly the same way. When the mind is controlled by the love of Vaheguroo's name, then the so called worst of the worst seem like beautiful souls of God!  

Guru Amardas Ji Says,  "Antar Joth pargatyaa paasaaraa.
Deep within the self is the Light of God; It radiates throughout the expanse of His creation.
My God is pervading and permeating all places.
By Guru's Grace, I have found Him within the home of my own heart.
I serve Him constantly, and I meditate on Him single-mindedly. As Gurmukh, I am absorbed in the True One."


Game of love 288- GUESTS


"Bhalakae out(h) paraahunaa maerai ghar aavo ||
I rise up in the early morning hours, and the Holy Guest comes into my home."

The shabad above is beautiful. Guru Sahib ji talks about the spiritual souls (guests) that come to visit them, when they rise early in the morning and fall in love with Vaheguroo's name. They meet Guru Sahib within their being and Guru Sahib Ji rejoices in their company, as this is what they yearn for. 

Guru Sahib Ji says, he goes on to wash their feet, as the visit of the guests is the most pleasing and sublime to their mind, body and soul. 

Guru Sahib Ji says, they hear the Naam reside within them; they gather and collect the wealth of Naam meditation and they lovingly attune themselves to it. They can not survive without it. Their life would not be worth living. 

Guru Sahib then goes on to say, I can not stop singing the beautiful praises of Vaheguroo, as my bodily home has been sanctified and completely purified.  

Not many can trade in the meditation of Naam. Only those with great good fortune have been hand picked to trade in the spiritual bliss. 

So if you have been handpicked by Guru Sahib to trade in Naam meditation, please don't waste your opportunity. Trade in it in the way Guru Sahib wants you to, otherwise you will lose this life long battle! 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Har naam vaapaaree naanakaa vaddabhaagee paavo.
The Trader in the Lord's Name, O Nanak, is found by great good fortune."


Game of love 287- SOUL BRIDES


"Eis jag mehi purakh eaek hai hor sagalee naar sabaaee
In this world, there is one Husband Lord; all other beings are His brides."

Guru Amardas Ji talks about the beauty of Vaheguroo in this Shabad. We are all his soul brides. He is the true husband. Guru Ji goes on to say, Vaheguroo (God) enjoys the hearts of all, yet remains detached. Guru Sahib then goes on to say, Vaheguroo can only be revealed by the True Guru (Guru Granth Sahib Ji). Guru Ji reveals the purity of Vaheguroo. 

The Beauty of this shabad and this loving way of life go on to say and show, those that serve him lovingly will become just like Vaheguroo. He has no rival, no enemy nor attacker. His rule is unchanging. He does not come or go. Guru Nanak beholds his glorious greatness and blossoms fourth. 

We have been blessed with such a treasure in Gurbaani and Naam, yet we waste it for a mere shell (the world). We throw it away for temporary pleasures. We do not hold on to the Jewels, that will see us through this life in total happiness and go on to reward us in the here after also. We would rather enjoy a few minutes of worldly pleasure and desire and be left to depart with a blackened mind and soul, awaiting our next journey to enlighten this mind and liberate the soul. 

Let's purify the mind whilst we have the realisation to do so. We may not ever get another chance to realise the priceless emeralds we have awaiting us. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Gurmukh jaathaa sabadh pashhaathaa saachai praem samaaeae ||
As Gurmukh, she knows the Lord; through the Word of His Shabad, He is realized; through True Love, she merges with Him.
She who does not know her Husband Lord, the Architect of karma, is deluded by falsehood - she herself is false.
Listen, O brides of the Lord: serve your Beloved Husband Lord, and contemplate the Word of His Shabad."


Game of love 286- EGOTISM


"Egotism and possessiveness are very enticing. Egotistical pride has plundered everyone".

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Egotism is one of the greatest obstacles in achieving a state of spiritual bliss (anand). Those who forever think and say 'I, I' can never appreciate what they have or respect the feelings and ways of other people. Their mind is blinded by ego, they see no further. Stop your ego; think of others, have love in your heart and meditate as often as possible.  

We should all have DIVINE pride, which is a pride for our faith and beliefs. This makes us powerful individuals through blessings of the divine. We should not be ashamed of who we are and walk with our heads held high, as we are the sons and daughters of the most spiritual guide to have ever existed. 

Don't let the egotistical mind beat you. The stick of Naam meditation is in your hand. Beat up the minds ego with it! 

When you allow your ego to control your thoughts, everything you believe in becomes an illusion! 

Bhagat Kabir Ji Says,  "Kutt kutt man kasavattee laavai.
He alone is powerful, who pounds down his mind.
Pounding down his mind, he escapes from the Messenger of Death.
Pounding and beating his mind, he puts it to the test;
such powerful one attains total liberation."


Game of love 285- ILLNESS


"Jai tan bani visar jaae, jio Pakka rogi vilaalaae" - When a body (person) forgets the Gurus bani, then they begin to suffer from a long term illness. 
Those who forget gurbani become Pakka Rogi. 

This line doesn't refer to reading or listening, it refers to forgetting. So we may read but if we don't remember in our day and in our actions, then we suffer. 
This affects our actions as we condone and participate within our daily lives. This may include swearing, lying, slandering, gossiping and so on. 

We become less sensitive to our surroundings and are happy to engage in anti-gurmat (non Sikhi/spiritual things. If Gurbani is the map which leads us to the Gurus door, then simply by looking at the map and not following it becomes pointless. 

The Guru is the bani and those that follow every Bachan (teaching), will reach the Guru.  Those that simply read or listen, will become lost in the whirlpool of kaljug (dark age). The Shubh Amal (correct actions) that Guru Nanak Paatshah talked about in Mecca are all clearly stated but our commitment to them is often lacking!! 

When we find the True Guru, we will follow the teachings and live by the truth. We need to recognise and attach ourselves to their beautiful teachings, in order for the love of Gurbaani to radiate through us. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, ""Naam nidhhaan sathiguroo sunaaeiaa mitt geae sagalae rogaa jeeo.
The True Guru has inspired me to hear the Treasure of the Naam; all my illnesses have been dispelled."


Game of love 284- VAHEGUROO'S IN CONTROL


Guru Sahib Ji controls everything. This life is his play. We are his puppets. He can make us think and act in anyway he wants. He controls our emotions!

In the Gurbaani lines below, Guru Sahib Ji says, "He makes us anxious and takes our anxiety away." 

Why would Guru Sahib Ji do this? 

All of us come to this world carrying the baggage of karma. Some of us have more to pay back than others, however we all have some to pay back. All this is Guru Sahib Ji's game and play. When this karma is purified and payed back the individual is liberated. Guru Sahib himself has set these rules, in order that the human practices and realises the truth within ones self. 

Guru Sahib Ji always wants the best for his children. Many bad happenings occur in an individuals life, where one begins to blame God, however one does not realise Guru Sahib loves all and only wants the best for his children. 

The more we meditate and remember God, the quicker and easier our karma is payed back. There was a man who was supposed to be severely ripped open by a large spear but because he turned towards God, his karma was payed back with a prick in his foot by a pin (soolee tho sooee).

Guru Sahib Ji will always love us. They will never let us down. Even when things aren't going right for us, Guru Sahib Ji is protecting us. We need to have more belief in Guru Sahib Ji and purify our karma through Naam, Baani and Sangat. 

Keep trusting Vaheguroo. He is always in control, even when all circumstances seem out of our control. 

Guru Sahib Ji Says, "God Himself makes the mortals anxious, and He Himself takes the anxiety away.

Naanak so saalaaheeai j sabhanaa saar karaee 
O Nanak, praise the One, who takes care of all. 
