Game of love 364- LOVE FOR GURSIKHS


The humility of Guru Ramdas Ji is immense. 1534-1581

"O Gurmukhs, O my friends and companions, give me the gift of the Lord's Name, the life of my very life.
I am the slave, the servant of the Guru's Sikhs, who meditate on the Lord God, the Primal Being, night and day. Within my mind and body, I have enshrined love for the feet of the Guru's Sikhs. O my life-mates, O Sikhs of the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, instruct me in the Teachings, that I might merge in the Lord's Merger."

Bapu Ji (father, Guru ji) shared something amazing yesterday. He said, 'we can measure someone's love for Sikhi and Guru Sahib, by seeing how they treat other Gursikhs and Sangat.'

Gursikhs belong to Guru Sahib so if we have love for Guru Sahib, we will automatically have love for everything related to Guru Sahib. Especially his Gursikhs. 

Reminds me of something someone else had said earlier, that we should kiss the feet of even a dog that lives near a Gursikhs house! But sometimes we can't even treat Gursikhs with any love, forget about the dog. Love is very distant. We find it very easy to hurt and disrespect Gursikhs (Guru's children).

If we hurt the feelings or inflict any form of pain and suffering upon anyone, let alone Guru's Sikhs, Guru Sahib Ji will not be happy with the way we have conducted ourselves in our Pavittar (pure) form. We become a stain upon our fathers (Guru Gobind Singh Ji) turban. 

We have lost our love for Guru Sahib Ji. This is the reason, why we don't have the same love for Gursikhs anymore. We don't live our lives according to the Gurbaani lines quoted at the top of the page. 

"Gurbaani Banneeai" ang (page) 304. Guru Ramdas Ji says, 'become Gurbaani, the walking figure of Guru Jis perfect and spiritual teachings.'

Can we truly say, we are taking steps to become like Gurbaani? Are we true to our hearts and Guru Ji? Do we love Guru's Sikhs, even if their views are slightly different or contrary to ours? Have we lost our patience and failed to develop Guru Ji's loving virtue of tolerance? DO WE SEE GOD IN ALL? Do we think, we have more of a hold on Gurmat (Guru's teachings) than other Sikhs of the Guru? Do we think, we have the right to behave in an anti Gurmat way, if we feel others have disrespected our way of thinking? Some points to ponder on! If we answer the questions above honestly, they should give us an idea of how close we actually really are to Guru Ji. 

"All Gursikhs actions should only be according to Gurmat."

The sign of true Gursikhs love will be, when they recognise and do saanj (look at views shared) of Gurmat and ignore the contrary. Views shared by Gursikhs will always outweigh views contrary at around 90%-10%. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says,  "Saanj kareejai guneh kaeree shhodd avagan chaleeai."
Let us form a partnership, and share our virtues; let us abandon our faults, and walk on the Path together.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji - "Hoe eikathr milahu maerae bhaaee dhubidhhaa dhoor karahu liv laae."
Come and join together, O my Siblings of Destiny; dispel your sense of duality and let yourselves be lovingly absorbed in the Lord.

"Har naamai kae hovahu jorree guramukh baisahu safaa vishhaae."
Let yourselves be joined to the Name of the Lord; become Gurmukh, spread out your mat, and sit down together. 


Game of love 363- POWER


"I respectively bow to those who have power, yet remain humble."

Bhai Gurdas Ji 1551-1636

Power can destroy or heal. Power can turn the mind away from the needs of the soul. Those people who have power yet attend to the needs of the spirit, realise what true power is. When you have true power, always remember your humility towards others.

Power can come in many forms. Some people have the power and wealth of money. Some people have the power of status, authority and positions. 

Everyone is powerful in their own way. Guru sahib ji tells us, the most powerful human being is the one who remembers God (Vaheguroo). If we don't remember God, all worldly power and wealth is worthless. We need to remember, all we have is Gods (Guru Jis). They can give and take back at any time. 

The God loving human being, will always remain humble, even if they have all the wealth and power in the world. 

The aura and energy of Naam, will always keep them radiant and powerful in both this world and the next (spirit world).

Let's forget fighting for worldly positions, as in the end these positions will be filled by others, after we depart. We will only be remembered, if we have loved, respected and genuinely helped others, whilst having the power of these worldly positions. 

Guru ArjunDev Ji Says, "All wealth, power and the eight miraculous spiritual powers are in the supremely sublime essence of Naam." 


Game of love 362- PARENTS


"O son, why do you argue with your father? It is a sin to argue with those who nurtured and raised you."

Guru Ramdas Ji 1534-1581

In this day and age, it has become the norm to disrespect our elders and get away with it. 

We have started to think they should do as we say and not the other way round. Parents also have adopted this philosophy and have started to let children get away with disrespecting them. 

Equality has hit another level. We want to be equals with everyone and everything they do. 

When daas was growing up, whatever our parents said was final, no questions asked. In this way, love and respect stayed intact. 

We have forgotten about all that our parents have done for us. They brought us in to this world, nurtured us, clothed us, educated us and fed us. The question is, what haven't they done for us? 

In reality, we can not pay our parents back for what they have done for us. Without them, we wouldn't be, who we are today. 

Please remember this the next time we have a petty falling out with our parents. 

Guru sahib ji has given parents the respect of God, as they gave us our first teachings. Let's remember all the good they have done for us and guarantee we will never upset them again. Their short falls come no where near. 

Ego and anger is only controlled through meditation, which creates a balance within. 

"The name of The Lord is the medicine; it is like an axe, which destroys the diseases caused by anger and egotism." Guru ArjunDev Ji

Unconditional love is the only substance we can repay our parents back with.




"O Guru Amardas Ji, your glorious virtues are so sublime; your praises belong only to you."

Bhatt Bal Ji ang 1396.

Sree Guru Amar Das Jee’s First Sermon

When Sree Guru Amar Das jee became Guru, historians have recorded his first words to the Sangat:

β€œIf someone treats you badly, bear it. If you bear it three times, the fourth time Vaheguroo will be on your side. The aggressor will be given such a punishment that he will not be able to save himself, regardless of all his efforts. Vaheguroos grindstone (of justice) may turn very slowly, but the grain is ground very finely (the justice is perfect).”

Then, Guru jee read the 21st PauRee of Sree Asa Kee Vaar β€œJit saeviai sukh paeeai so sahib sadaa samaaleeaai…”

He then continued,

β€œBe kind to everyone. Having pride over anything is not noble.

Consider the company (immoral relations) with another woman/man to be like the company of a snake or a murderous elephant. Never even by mistake go into bad Sangat (company).

Humility is the greatest weapon. Never speak badly.

Those who praise themselves are always lost. The path of dharma is the abandoning of slander (ninda).

Don’t spend or eat more than you need to. Also, work just as much as you need to. Don’t do anything above and beyond the need for it.

Leave behind fakeness and hypocrisy. A life of false show is always a painful one.

If someone is a Sikh of the Guru, listen and obey them.

Loving another woman/man, even if he/she is a devotee of God (bhagtaNee) is a relationship which will result in loss not gain.

Go to and meet the Shabad of the Guru. Do not go somewhere where the Guru is forgotten.

Eat when you are hungry. Don’t fill what is already filled. But don’t abandon food either. Sleep when you feel very sleepy. Don’t sleep without feeling tired. Don’t pain your body.

Listen to the stories of the Guru. Sing Shabads and listen too. Don’t’ speak falsehood.

If someone is forgetting about the Guru, try and remind them. Speak to them from the heart. If they don’t listen, then it’s up to them.

Take the Guru’s words to heart. Give (the Guru) at least a tenth of your earnings. Keep the company of good people and serve those you encounter.

Before putting anything in your mouth, say Vaheguroo. Vaheguroo will bless it.
Those who have day and night japped Vaheguroo, and left their ego, they are the truly high and good ones.

Controlling one’s desires is Dharam. One who does this is jeevan mukath (liberated while alive).

One who is a beloved of God cannot ever remain bound by any restraints. He is free. He is above all tradition, custom, fortune, luck, and delusion."

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Naanak har kathhaa sunee mukh bolee guramath har naam pareechai jeeo."
O Nanak, I listen and chant the Lord's Sermon; through the Guru's Teachings, I am fulfilled by the Name of the Lord.


Game of love 360- GURU


"Leaving a side the philosophers stone in the form of the True Guru, people go on searching the materialistic philosophers stone."

Bhai Gurdaas Ji 1551-1636

A young child went to a Gursikh and stated, that no matter how hard he tried to keep Gurbani in his heart, he just could not understand or keep it there. He stated, that his mind was not a bucket but a strainer, which let everything pass through and did not contain the meaning of Gurbani.

The Gursikh said "Let us try an experiment. Here is a strainer and here is some water. Now pour a bucket of water through the strainer." The child did this and said, "See, the water was not contained, it just passed through. My mind is just like this." The Gursikh said "Do it once more," so he did, and still the water passed through the strainer. The Gursikh said, "Do it ten times at least." The child did, and at the end of this experiment he said, "See, water still passes through, no matter how many times and how many buckets we pass through it." The Gursikh said, "Look carefully at the strainer and see if there is any thing different." The child did, and his eyes were fillled with tears and he said, "Yes, I see the difference now. The grimy dirty strainer is now shiny and bright, like never before."

The Gursikh said, "My son, this is what Gurbani does for you. It cleans your mind and even if you do not realise it, it still slowly cleanses your mind and protects you from the five vices. The more you recite Gurbani, your mind will not only become shinier but become like the bucket itself, which will not only become clean but hold the meaning of Gurbani in your heart." The child smiled and felt he had received the best example of the power of Gurbani ever.

Gurbani is that detergent that cleanses the mind of its dirt. The more we rub our mind with Gurbani, the cleaner it will get. Dhur kee Baani is full of Amrit. Whoever utters Baani of Satguroo, literally drinks Amrit. 

"Gurbaani is the light to illuminate this world; by his grace, it comes to abide within the mind." Guru Amardas Ji. 


Game of love 359- UNIVERSAL SIKHI!


When I read this, it made me feel very proud at how Guru Ji himself is spreading spiritual Sikhi in to the wider world. Also, how passionately, devotionally and lovingly non punjabi's are accepting this beautiful way of life. I had to re-share it!
Chilean Sikh Converts Inspire

by SikhNet

Rai Singh (Chile): 
I didn't have a good role model, so when I found out about the Gurus I said "Wow. That's something I can relate to."

Mukhande Kaur (Venezuela):
I was the only Sikh in my city, and everyone was shocked. Then I started to share with them what it is to be a Sikh. It's an attitude of being real, and having a spiritual path.

Sat Sansar Singh (Chile):
I noticed how people acted after Gurdwara during langar... everyone was so happy. It was a creative mood that made me happy. So I thought there has got to be something in this...

Charan Sev Kaur (Chile):
Sikhism is not well known in Latin America, so I wear bana every day as a seva, to spread the word, and people are always asking me about it. They respond very positively. 

Ram Krishan Singh (Argentina):
When I heard simran I felt something. So I started to explore Gurbani, and Guru Nanak took my heart, and He gave me the key to God's door.

Sat Pavan Kaur (Chile):
When I went to my first Gurdwara, and bowed my head for the first time my heart opened. It was a flow of loving energy which made me cry. 

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Jo Gursikh Gur saevadhae sae pu(n)n paraanee."
Those Sikhs of the Guru, who serve the Guru, are the most blessed beings.


Game of love 358- SHORT LESSONS


Read this the other day. Made a lot of sense. So much wisdom in such few words.

"Make spiritual wisdom your molasses, and meditation your scented flower; let good deeds be the herbs." 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

I've  learned ...That  the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.

I've  learned ....  That when you learn how to love, it shows (God).

I've  learned ....  That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day.

I've  learned ....  That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

I've  learned ....  That being kind is more important than being right. 

I've  learned ....  That you should never say no to a gift from a child. 

I've  learned ....  That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help them in some other way.  

I've  learned ....  That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.  

I've  learned ....  That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I've  learned ....  That simple walks with my father around the block, on summer nights, when I was a child, did wonders for me as an adult.

I've  learned ....  That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I've  learned ....  That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.

I've  learned ....  That money doesn't buy peace.

I've  learned ....  That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I've  learned ....  That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

I've  learned ....  That to ignore the facts does not change the facts. 

I've learned ....  That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I've  learned ....  That love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've  learned ....  That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter and wiser than I am.

I've  learned ....  That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile..

I've  learned ....  That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them. Perfection is only seen through love. 

I've  learned ...  That life is tough, but I'm tougher and stronger. 

I've  learned ....  That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.

I've  learned ....  That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

I've  learned ....  That I wish I could have told my Mum that I love her one more time, before she passed away.

I've  learned ....  That one should keep their words both soft and tender, because  tomorrow they may have to eat them.

I've  learned .....  That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

I've  learned .....  That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.

I've  learned ....  That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all  the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it. 

I've  learned ....  That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Giaan vihoonee pir mutheeaa piram n paaeiaa jaae."
She is utterly lacking in spiritual wisdom; she is abandoned by her Husband Lord. She cannot obtain His Love.


Game of love 357- ONE BREATH


"There is only one breath, we are all made from the same clay."

Guru Ram Das Ji 1534-1581

We all breathe the same air. We share this planet. We are all made from the same elements. Remember this when your mind begins to differentiate between people. We are all made from 5 elements of earth, water, air, fire and ether (sound). 

This clay is created by the one but has been painted in many different forms, says Bhagat Kabir Ji. They say, 'As you see yourself, see others. Only in this way shall your soul be saved.'

This clay will be destroyed in the end, yet the soul will continue its journey. 

So why waste time. Remember God and end the souls yearning. Go and meet with those who yearn for spiritual fulfilment and are content within. It's the only place you will experience true love. 

The world is false, most are out there for themselves. The spiritually uplifted are only out to conquer their mind, free their soul and encourage others to do the same. 

"Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of those Sikhs, who chant the naam and inspire others to chant it."

"Adopt such a guru so you don't have to adopt another again. Dwell in such a state, that you shall never have to dwell in any other again. Embrace such a meditation, so you don't have to embrace any other again. Die in such away, that you never have to die again." Bhagat Kabir Ji


Game of love 356- MIND


"Win over your mind, and you shall win over the world."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

At times, our mind can be our worst enemy. If you can control the pressures of the mind, then the outside world will become more manageable. 

The mind has always been connected to God, from the beginning. Over many life times, this mind has been blackened with negative thoughts and pressures. The mind has a tendency of living in the past or future, through the thoughts of our inner voice, always speaking to us. Our mind is darkened further, through the negative we speak, see, eat and hear. 

The mind has forgotten the name of God. Only through the meditation on Naam, can this mind discover it's true identity (God). The Naam (Vaheguroo) is the soap in which cleanses the mind in becoming pure again. Our senses should be controlled by Naam! 

Sing God's praises, hear God's praise, see God in all and speak about the love and qualities of God. These are the signs of a truly, blessed human being. We should all strive to become this radiant being. 

"Oh my mind you are the embodiment of the divine light, recognise your own origin." Guru Amardas Ji. 

Each thought is cleared, when replaced by the name Vaheguroo. The more we meditate, the more thoughts are cleared and the mind becomes purified and cleansed.  We begin to live in the present, which is living in the acceptance of God's will. Eventually, we reach the state of Sehj (true peace) and all our worldly affairs are dealt with by God themselves. 

"The pursuit of worldly affairs comes to an end, when you embrace love for the true one." Guru Amardas Ji, 

Every human being, has the potential of becoming a spiritually, pure, enlightened human being but we lack faith in God and ourselves. 

When we become pure beings, and reunite our souls with God, whilst alive, then the world will feel our radiance of pure love through our divine aura and energy of Naam. 

The mind is the most powerful tool in the universe! It is the universe and we all have the ability to conquer it and become one with the universe. 


Game of love 355- MARRIAGE


"They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together. They alone are called husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies."

Guru AmarDas Ji 1479-1574

Marriage, is not a mere contract between two people but a meeting of two souls. True marriage lies in the harmony of the couples physical and spiritual worlds. 

How do we make our marriage work? Every relationship has it's ups and downs, this should make it stronger, if we remain positive and have faith in the divine. We need to learn from our mistakes and strengthen through experiencing them. Every action we face, should be observed and a lesson learnt. 

In today's day and age, our egos clash, we fail to give in to one another, which leads to separation. If we were humble and calmed situations down, then spoke with a calm head later, more relationships would be saved. 

We spend more time on our smart phones and tangled in work pressures. We spend less time speaking to our partners and children. 

Marriage is a union of two souls, which is for life. In the teachings of Gurmat (Guru's way), separation is a NO NO, as we have made a combined promise to Guru ji. We will remain together until death, with the sangat (congregation) as our witness. 

We CAN NOT turn our back on Guru Ji!

Patience is the key and it only comes through purifying the mind through meditation. 

"Without patience and forgiveness, countless hundreds and thousands have perished." Guru Nanak Dev Ji.


Game of love 354- LIVING


"Truth is high, higher still is truthful living."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Live the truth! The highest state of spirituality is only accessed once so begin to live your own life truthfully. 

It's important we are always honest, speak, think and act upon the truth. We will be respected and loved more for this. Whilst speaking the truth, our actions become righteous. We will see God in all and act against any form of oppression, tyranny or falsehood. 

The reason a spiritual being does this is, they see God in all and find it difficult to turn their face away from the truth, as this would cause suffering to ones conscience and they would struggle to love God the same after being ignorant.

A great example of the above is, when the ninth Guru of the Sikhs, gave his head to save the Hindu faith from conversion. 

Also, another beautiful example is of our master Guru Arjun Dev Ji, who was the first martyr of the Sikhs and was martyred for not leaving his faith to convert in to another. Hot sand was poured over his head, whilst he was made to sit on a burning, hot, iron plate. He meditated through it and never flinched. He never swayed from his faith, unlike us today! 

Do we live a truthful and spiritual life or are we dishonest, when it suits our needs? Every action and thought is accounted for. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Sach sa(n)jamo saar gunaa gur sabadh kamaaeeai raam."
By practicing truthfulness and self-restraint, by contemplating His Glorious Virtues, and living the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
By practicing the True Word of the Shabad, one comes to the home of his own inner being, and obtains the treasure of all virtues.


Game of love 353- LOTUS HEART


"When the intellect achieves spiritual wisdom, the lotus heart blossoms fourth."

Guru AmarDas Ji 1479-1574

Spiritual wisdom is the most Important substance to gain. This is the only wisdom that can answer the issues of the heart. Once you begin to develop an understanding of the spiritual you, then your heart will begin to blossom like a lotus, opening and leading you to new horizons. 

Like water in the desert is spiritual wisdom to the soul. It only comes through meditation. 

A lotus flower is a beautiful flower which blossoms in dirty water. In the same way, you should stand out above the rest, in this filth filled world. 

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Aib than chikarro eihu man meeddako kamal kee saar nehee mool paaee."
The defect of the body which leads to sin is the mud puddle, and this mind is the frog, which does not appreciate the lotus flower at all.

We all have the ability to stand out, like the lotus flower! 


Game of love 352- THE ONE LIGHT IN ALL!


"Forget caste, recognise the one light in all."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Divisions are man made. Do not waste time believing in any ideals that promote differentiation between people. We are all human beings with the same universal divine light illuminating our souls. 

It's our duty, to see god in all. Yogi harbhajan once said, "If you can't see god in all, you can't see god at all." We are not pure beings, until we see God in every soul and we will not be liberated, until we recognise this. 

There is only one way to see God in all and that is to meditate with every breath. In this way, our mind becomes pure and our inner eyes feel and see the love of God within all. 

"No one is my enemy and no one is a stranger. I love and get along with everyone." Guru Arjun Dev Ji

Let's take a look within ourselves! How far away are we from the teachings above? Are we really living the spiritual teachings Guru sahib Ji has blessed us with? 


Game of love 351- PRAYER!


Enjoyed reading this. Got sent it by a friend. We're sure most will benefit from it. Needs sharing ji! 

*Sakhi Ardaas, the power!! Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Bhai Laal Singh jis Dhaal*

Once in the darbaar of Guru Gobind Singh jee, a Sikh called Laal Singh came with a shield. He
had spent a lot of time constructing this shield which was almost impossible to penetrate. It was
not only strong but was also very light. Everyone in the darbaar praised the dhaal (shield) and
Guru Sahib too expressed their happiness at the dhaal.

Bhai Laal Singh was a very good Sikh but when so many people praised his dhaal, he developed
haume (ego) and declared in the sangat that no bullet can penetrate his shield. He said this
very egoistically. As soon as he said this Guru Sahib told him that he would test Laal Singh's
dhaal the next day. Bhai Laal Singh still did not realize his mistake and accepted the challenge
saying that no bullet could penetrate his shield. As he came out of the darbaar of Guru Sahib, he
realized that he had committed a blunder. He said to himself that Guru Sahib is a known warrior
and on top of that he is Satguru. What could stop him from penetrating his shield? He greatly
regretted his mistake and came to his lodging area greatly depressed. Although, he realized his
mistake of challenging the sangat, he still wanted Guru Sahib to keep his honour and not let
anyone break his shield.

He consulted his friends who were gursikhs as well and asked them what to do. They told him
that Guru Sahib could no doubt penetrate his shield. They suggested to him that the only way
for him to save his honour was to perform Ardaas in front of Guru Sahib. Bhai Laal Singh
prepared "Degh"(Karaah Parshaad) and along with other Gursikhs did Ardaas before Waheguru
to save his honour. Bhai Laal Singh did not sleep all night and kept doing paath all night.

The next day Bhai Laal Singh arrived in the darbaar of Guru Kalgidhar Paatshaah but he arrived very
humbly. After the bhog of Kirtan, Guru Sahib asked Bhai Laal Singh to get ready as he was
going to test his dhaal. Bhai Laal Singh did not accept the challenge as he had done the
previous day but responded very humbly to Guru Sahib.

Guru Sahib asked Bhai Aalam Singh to  test the dhal first. Bhai Laal Singh stood there with the dhaal, constantly doing naam meditation and
paath. Bhai Aalam Singh tried three times but the bullet missed the dhaal and did not hit it.
Then Guru Sahib smilingly took over the gun and took aim at the dhaal. Guru Sahib just
stood there but did not fire. After a few moments he called off his aim and asked Bhai Laal
Singh what he had been doing all night. Bhai Laal Singh fell at the lotus feet of Guru Sahib and
told him everything. Guru Sahib, blessed Bhai Laal Singh and declared that indeed, no one
could penetrate the dhaal as Vaheguru himself and all Gurus were present to protect the dhaal.
Guru Sahib told Bhai Laal Singh to never talk in haume (ego) again.

An Ardaas (prayer) with a true heart reaches the Guru.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Gur govi(n)dh kirapaa karee raakhiaa maeraa bhaaee."
The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, has shown mercy to me, and saved my brother.
I am under His Protection; He is always my help and support. 
The prayer of the Lord's humble servant is never offered in vain.


Game of love 350- KEEP GOING!


People are unreasonable and self centred. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people cheat you. Be honest anyway.
The good you do today, may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may not be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God (Vaheguroo). It was never between you and them anyway.

"Filled with all virtues and spiritual wisdom, I have become pleasing to God, nothing else matters." 
Guru ArjunDev Ji

The world will always judge us, we have to learn to ignore people and keep going. They will only drag us back. 


Game of love 349- SOUL


There was a man with four wives. He loved his fourth wife the most and took a great care of her and gave her the best. He also loved his third wife and always wanted to show her off to his friends. However, he was always had a fear that she might runaway with some other man. He loved his second
wife too. Whenever he faced some problems, he always turned to his second
wife and she would always help him out. He did not love his first wife, even though she loved him deeply, was very loyal to him and took great care of him. One day, the man fell very ill and knew that he is going to die soon.
He told himself, 'I have four wives with me. I will take one of them along with me, when I die. To keep me company at time of my death.' Thus, he asked the fourth wife to die along with him and keep him company. "No
way!" she replied and walked away without another word.

He asked his third wife. She said, "Life is so good over here. I'm going to remarry, when you die." He then asked his second wife. She said, "I'm Sorry! I can't help you this time around. At the most, I can only accompany you to your grave." By now his heart sank and turned cold. Then a voice called out; "I'll leave with you. I'll follow you, no matter
where you go." the man looked up and there was his first wife. She was so skinny! Almost, like she suffered from malnutrition. Greatly grieved, the man said, "I should have taken much better care of you while I could have!"

Actually, we all have four wives in our lives.

a. The fourth wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die.

b. The third wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they go to others.

c. The second wife is our family and friends. No matter, how close they had been there for us, when we were alive, the furthest they can stay by us is, up to the grave.

d. The first wife is our soul! It is neglected in our pursuit of material wealth and pleasure. It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.

Please Take Care of your SOUL, it needs the food of meditation. 

"Oh my soul, as Gurmukh, do this deed; Chant the Naam, the name of God (Vaheguroo)." Guru Ramdas Ji.


Game of love 348- KNOWLEDGE


"Knowledge grows in the seeker, it's light fades in those who argue."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Arguing prevents you from learning. Discussion and openness allows you to develop as a person. Arguing your point across to others means you never learn anything yourself. If you seek new ideas and thoughts then your knowledge will grow.

When we meditate on Vaheguroo's name, it causes us to become open minded. We become very quite and focussed and naturally become great listeners. Through listening, we learn more and gain knowledge. Most people in the world like speaking and struggle to listen. This causes us too learn less, become closed minded and accept less, which makes us more egotistical, rather than humble in our day to day approach of life. 

The true wisdom that Guru ji speaks about is spiritual wisdom and divine knowledge. This is gained through the spiritual teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and meditation on Gods (Vaheguroo's) name. 

When we meditate, we conquer our mind and thoughts and gain the knowledge/wisdom of God (brahamgyan). This is when we are blessed with the universe's knowledge and wisdom, just as God is. Guru Sahib himself holds our hand, becomes our support and guides us spiritually through this terrifying earthly life ocean, via their divine teachings.

Every human being has the potential of gaining this spiritual wealth. It's condition is, we need to beg for Naam (Gods name) through the Amrit Sanchaar Ceremony. This is when we become khalsa (pure) and are gifted with Naam meditation and rehit (code of conduct).

"Wisdom, honor and wealth are in the laps of those whose hearts remain permeated with God's (Vaheguroo's) name."
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 


Game of love 347- AATH PEHAR (24/7)


"The true capital and the true way of life, come by chanting his glories, twenty four hours a day."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

In our last post, we mentioned how the Naam should stay in our every breath, whilst facing the distractions of laughing, playing, dressing and eating. 

It seems quite hard to meditate 24/7. According to Guru sahib, it is quite easy. It's just that we are very lazy! 

When the Naam becomes a beautiful ras, (taste) in our heart, mind and soul, it's very difficult to let go. One would rather die than loose it. It begins to jap (meditate) itself, by connecting to our mind and breath. How is this possible?

Key to the days meditation is, when we wake up at Amritvela (ambrosial hours) and meditate for a couple of hours, as this is when single minded meditation can be achieved without any distraction (pure focus). After this, the Naam is resounded back to us in glimpses throughout the day. We need to make every effort to hear the Naam, with our inner ears more frequently. 

A few ways to do it! Whilst eating we can crunch and repeat 'Vahe' and then 'Guroo' after two crunches. Whilst walking we can repeat 'Vahe' and then 'Guroo' after two steps. Whilst brushing our teeth, 'Vahe' and then 'Guroo' for up and down. So basically, every action we commit should try to form a pattern of Vaheguroo simran (remembrance), in our day to day lives. 

Once we form this pattern, the mantra will become one with our every breath, mind, body and soul and we will start to experience the ras we talked about. 

After a lot of abhiyaas (practice) and blessings, the name will begin to recite itself in ras and we will have to hear it with our inner ears. The more we try to focus and concentrate, the more ras we experience. 

In some day to day duties, like studying, work etc, we might not be able to focus fully but we should try to listen to the Mantra where we can, as Naam will subconsciously always be within. 

It is the command of Guru sahib ji and it is the only way we will find total peace, poise and tranquility (Sehj), when our mind is controlled by Vaheguroo's Mantra with every breath. 

From here we gain all attributes of God! They build in our character and Guru sahib ji blesses us with his divine wisdom and many various forms and states of spirituality, Including the tenth gate opening and access to the spirit world. 

The best way is to love God dearly, remain humble and accept the gifts Guru sahib Ji blesses us with, as many can get trapped in the state of occult powers (ridh sidh), forget the Naam and lose their life's battle through ego.

Note! To receive the full benefit of Naam meditation, one must beg for it at an Amrit Sanchaar. Most Sikhs will tell you what an Amrit Sanchaar is. 

We have to become khalsa (pure), to want khalsa raj (rule of the pure). The above is what every khalsa should be like, or aspire to become. We have to conquer our mind in order to conquer the universe. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Gur pooraa bhaettai vaddabhaagee aat(h) pehar prabh jaapai."
Meeting with the Perfect Guru, by great good fortune, meditate on God twenty-four hours a day.




"While laughing, playing, dressing and eating, he is liberated."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

Guru Sahib Ji says, we can be liberated whilst laughing, playing, dressing up and eating delicious foods. 

How is this possible? As these can be massive distractions in our spiritual gain.

It's important our mind and breath are not seperated from the Naam. When the Naam is within and heard 24/7 with our inner ears, this is a blessing by Guru ji and everything we do is parvaan (accepted) and blessed according to Gurmat (Gurus way). 

We can have a laugh yet remember God with every breath. We can own the best cars, houses and clothes etc, yet be detached, as the Name in our every breath detaches us from all worldliness. Nothing is ours, It's all Guru Ji's. The remembrance of the Name teaches us to think in this way with every breath (divine wisdom). Everything we eat will be purified through every breath of Naam meditation (no meat, fish or eggs). There are different forms of personal rehit, bibek for Gursikhs. Every gursikh has their own personal asool (rule). 

The above is a blessed and higher state of consciousnes. It's best to live a simple life, away from any distractions, in order to progress further spiritually. Guru Sahib will bless us with their wisdom, when we are ready to progress. It is all achieved through single minded practice of Naam meditation. 

Guru sahib ji caters for everyone's state of mind in Gurbaani, as they want all to excel further. They also answer the questions of all.

"Receiving the Name (Vaheguroo), the mind is satisfied; without the Naam, life is cursed." Guru RamDas Ji


Game of love 345- JEWEL


"Deep within the nucleus of the self is the jewel."

Guru Amardas Ji 1479-1574

The treasure we look for outside is within ourselves. You are precious. Realise your wealth and enjoy the depth of your own spirituality. You only need to meditate on the pure love that is within you to begin to realise what the jewel is. 

The Jewel is our soul (Vaheguroo/God) and it is realised from within, through Amrit Naam (Vaheguroo Mantra).

Naam is given to us by panj pyaare (5 beloved ones, in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib ji). We can not receive this diamond from anyone else. They teach us how to meditate and experience meditation with blessed souls, until the Naam meditation is instilled within us. 

The Angelic beings, silent sages and many others search for this Amrit. Only Guru Ji can bless us with it. 

The Vaheguroo mantra is very blessed. It has been complied with the first letters of four Avtaars (pure beings) names, from the four ages. So therefore, it is the most powerful and blessed mantra to have ever existed, given to us by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 

We don't realise how blessed we are to be be born or be gifted the life of a Sikh! Why are we wasting our life searching for shells, when the jewel is seated within us. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Heerae jaisaa janam hai kouddee badhalae jaae."
Human life is such a precious jewel, but it is being lost in exchange for a mere shell. 
You do not know the Name of the Lord.
You fool - you shall regret and repent in the end! 
