Continued From Last Post....

Wisdom. He becomes a Brahm-Giani: one with the knowledge about God - a realised person. This confirms the practitioner into -
Bharosa - faith. A deep faith and dependence on God. A firm faith in Vaheguroo (God) is the first and the foremost experience of the practitioner of the Naam-Jaap. He becomes a firm believer that God is one and there is none other like Him, He is the Creator, Doer, everywhere, Omnipotent and every thingis under His will.
Leenta - an absolute attachment (absorption) to God.
Santokh - contentment (on destiny).
Detachment - from the dear ones and the worldly possessions.
Hukam - acceptance of the will of God. It is total surrender to Him.
Sehaj - equilibrium, equipoise.
Anand - perpetual delight, permanent joy.
Vismaad - ecstasy: Joy plus wonderment, forgetting the self.
Nidar - benevolence of God. He believes in the mercy of God as an instrument of his attainments, and that his own efforts mean nothing. This attitude keeps him free from ego. His efforts are needed to make him fit for the mercy of God.

Mukti or Moksh
Liberation from the worldly attachments, transmigration, and from the cycle of birth and death (reincarnation). These are the characteristics of a Mukat (emancipated, liberated person).

Four boons These are - Dharam, Arath, Kaam, and Moksh. These four are the usual goals of life for everyone - an ethical discipline of life, assets to fulfill the needs, marriage and children, and in the end liberation.
Dharam - discipline. Understanding of his or her duties i.e. virtues (ethics).
Arath - assets. He or she has no dearth of money - precious metals, pearls, and stones. Gets all the wealth.
Kaam - desires. His or her all desires get fulfilled and it covers marriage and children.
Moksh - redemption (liberation). He or she attains emancipation.

Traaekaal-Drishti, Vaak-Sidhi
Traaekaal Drishti - Triple-Vision (three-dimensional), all knowing. He can see (know) all that happened in the past, is going on now, and will come tomorrow (omniscient). The powers of intuition and prophecy develop, he will know things before these happen, can make predictions and foretell his own end. These experiences should be taken as indicators of progress. Boasting about them creates an ego, which hinders further advancement of the practitioner. Commonly, the people think that these should be kept secret. Of course, one should share these only with the right persons. Such things motivate others to do the Naam-Jaap. The Guru advises to recite His Name and to attach others to do so.

Vaak-Sidhi - Whatever he or she says, comes to pass (happens). It is generally advised that anyone practicing the Naam, should never let anything unwanted escape from his or her mouth.

Samm-Drishti, Turi-aa-Avastha
Samm-Drishti - No discrimination. Everyone is one and the same to him. He perceives God in every thingand everyone. Turiyaa Avastha - Chautha-Padd (Fourth Dimension) - Going higher to the three states of Maya (mundane, the worldly things) i.e. ego, evil and virtue. The world is a play of these three dimensions. Turiaa Avastha means the Fourth State i.e. detachment from these three characteristics of the world, and transcending them (Transcendental Meditation).

Deh Abhav
One feels that one’s body is no more. The body-sense disappears. With the Naam-Jaap, one rises to such a level of absorption in God that one has no more to do with the body. When there is no body sense, there is no affliction or pain. He or she gets detached from the physical existence, and goes above the fear of disease and death. There is no disease or death for such a realised person. To keep him or her alive, others have to take his or her care.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, “braham bi(n)dhai tis dhaa brahamat rahai ek sabadh liv lai ||
One who knows God, and who lovingly focuses his attention on the One Word of the Shabad, keeps his spirituality intact.

nav nidhee attaareh sidhee pichhai lageeaa fireh jo har hiradhai sadhaa vasai ||
The nine treasures and the eighteen spiritual powers of the Siddhas follow him, who keeps the Lord enshrined in his heart.

bin satigur naau na paieeaai bujhahu kar veechaar ||
Without the True Guru, the Name is not found; understand this, and reflect upon it.

naanak poorai bhaag satigur milai sukh paae jug chaar ||1||
O Nanak, through perfect good destiny, one meets the True Guru, and finds peace, throughout the four ages. ||1||”



Game of love 💛- DEVILS WORKSHOP!


A man went to the market and he sees a stall with no products on it. He asks the stall holder, "What are you selling?" The stall holder says, "I'm selling something which will change your life. They are invisible ghosts, who will do all your work, free of charge. Anything you need done, housework, cleaning, DIY, cooking, driving.. Anything, this ghost will do it for you."

The man was shocked and said, "Wow, I have so many things which need doing at home. I could do with this ghost, how much does it cost?"

"It's free" said the stall holder, "However, there is a catch. Make sure you keep it busy, because if it has nothing to do, it will kill you." The man was worried but was sure he could keep the ghost occupied. He took it home and set it doing different things. The ghost would do them in a flash and await the next command.

The man carried on giving the ghost chores. However, the ghost was finishing them so fast that the man became worried.

He turned to his wife and said, "What shall I do? Soon the ghost will be idle and kill me." His wife said, "Just put this ladder against the side of the house and tell the ghost to keep climbing up and down it. Then, when you need the ghost for something, just call it and when that job is done, send it up and down the ladder again." The man was relieved and was able to keep the ghost busy.

The ghost is our mind... When it is occupied or engaged in work, it doesn't head towards the panj chor and Paap (5 evils of the mind).. But, when left idle, it will destroy us. An idle mind is the devils workshop (behlaa mann, shehtaan da ghar). So just like this man, we must keep our mind engaged in the routine of Naam meditation, Gurbani (reading Guru's words) and Seva  (selfless service up and down the ladder). Keep that going and keep yourself busy and the mind doesn't have time to concoct or build any weapons to damage you with. In this way, the mind finds happiness, joy, balance, true love, peace and contentment and dwells in the fourth and highest state of Sehj (truth, tranquility and bliss).

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, "The intellect of the mind is like a drunken elephant."



Game of love 💚- BHAI TARU SINGH JI


A Muslim man came to Bhai Taru Singh and said, his daughter has been kidnapped by the commander of village Patti. Bhai Taru Singh promised him that the Singhs would bring her back.

Bhai Taru Singh spent a lot of time meditating and practicing the teachings of Guru Ji. He was a man of his word. He fulfilled his word given to Raheem Bakhsh (Muslim man) and returned his daughter. The commander was killed in the raid!

On hearing this Zakhrya khan (commander of village pahoola) was distraught and sent his soldiers to arrest Bhai Sahib ji. Zakhrya asked Bhai Sahib Ji to accept Islam and he would be freed and given all the riches he could imagine. Bhai Taru Singh declined! Zakhrya asked his men to cut Bhai sahib’s hair. When trying, the scissors broke but Bhai sahib’s hair would not be cut. Eventually, Zakhraya asked a cobbler to remove the scalp from his head.

Bhai sahib promised Zakhrya he would die from his slippers. Zakhrya got a very bad headache later and stopped passing urine. No physician could cure him! Eventually, it was Bhai sahib’s slipper that cured him. The urine would only pass when hit on the head by his slippers. 22 days later Zakhrya passed away and only then, Bhai Taru Singh breathed his last.

Bhai sahib meditated through the torture for 22 days, with his mind balanced and at peace within.

This is the respect Bhai sahib had for his hair (symbol of Guru Ji). Today we don't take two minutes to remove our hair. We pay the barbers to cut our hair and watch them step all over it. Bhai Taru Singh preserved our faith and honour by giving his life. Today, we've sold it at the barbers shop.

Bhai Sahib Ji showed above, Sikhs are compassionate, righteous, faithful, loving, tolerant, honourable, live by their word and most of all love and meditate on Vaheguroo's name.
Rehitnama Bhai Desa Singh. "The hair, moustache and beard are created within Gods order. How can those who violate their natural form by cutting their hair ever be accepted by Vaheguroo."



Game of love ❤️- AMRIT (baptism)

AMRIT (baptism)

Before the birth of Dr. Surinder Singh, Subedar Harbachan Singh and Mata Tej Kaur had given birth to ten children but all ten died very young.

Dr. Sahib’s mother was a very Gurmukh (blessed) soul and despite all her children dying, she remained firm in her Sikh faith. If she ever felt sadness, she would go before Sree Guru Granth Sahib Ji in total humility and express her deepest feelings and then after would accept Guru Sahib’s hukam (command) and be satisfied. Sometimes though, she would ask her husband how long this difficult time would last? Why all her children would die? Gurmukh Piaaray (Guru’s beloved) Bhai Harbachan Singh would say that the children born in their home were bhagats (saints) from their last lives. They would take birth only to receive amrit and then, when they were blessed by Guru Sahib, they would leave for SachKhand (highest state of spiritual truth). For this reason, he said, she should not feel sad.

We have to accept the blessed nectar of Guru Ji's Amrit to be liberated. Without it, we will suffer in reincarnation.

Amrit Kirtan states, "The 1st discipline of a sikh is to accept the Guru's Amrit."



Game of love 💜- THE LIVING GURU (Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

THE LIVING GURU (Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

Lately, Sikhs have faced many atrocities towards their Spiritual Guru (GGSJ). Why do the Sikhs treat Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji with so much respect? Below is a shabad by Guru Arjun Dev Ji, which states the importance Guru Ji plays within the lives of Sikhs.

"Pothhee paramaesar kaa thhaan.
This Holy Book is the home of the Transcendent Lord God.

Saadhhasa(n)g gaavehi gun gobi(n)dh pooran breham giaan.
Whoever sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe (Guru Granth Sahib Ji) in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, has the perfect knowledge of God.

Saadhhik sidhh sagal mun lochehi biralae laagai dhhiaan.
The Siddhas and seekers and all the silent sages long for God (Guru Granth Sahib Ji), but those who meditate on Him are rare.

Jisehi kirapaal hoe maeraa suaamee pooran thaa kokaam.
Only to that person, unto whom my Lord (Guru Granth Sahib Ji) and Master is merciful - all his tasks are perfectly accomplished.

Jaa kai ridhai vasai bhai bha(n)jan this jaanai sagal jehaan ||
One whose heart is filled with the Lord (Guru Granth Sahib Ji), the Destroyer of fear, knows the whole world.

Khin pal bisar nehee maerae karathae eihu naanak maa(n)gai dhaan ||2||90||113||
May I never forget You God (Guru Granth Sahib Ji), even for an instant, O my Creator Lord; Nanak begs for this blessing."

This Shabad makes it clear in how important GGSJ is to the Sikhs. We treat Guru Ji as our living Guru, our spiritual guide, which unites us to Vaheguroo (God). No Sikh in the world, whether baptised (Amritdhaaree) or not can tolerate any form of disrespect towards GGSJ.

GGSJ is the embodiment of our Ten Masters/Gurus, (Dhasa Gurooaa Ki Dhayhee athe Joth) as mentioned in the ardaas (Sikh prayer). GGSJ is the light and soul of our Ten Gurus. GGSJ has the teachings to purify man kind, through spirituality and meditation. GGSJ purifies the mind and character of every single human being on the planet, if understood, lived and practiced. GGSJ is the complete way of living.

Our fifth Guru (Guru Arjun Dev Ji), slept on the floor, whilst GGSJ throned upon a manja (bed). Guru Ji understood the value of the ocean of spiritual wisdom (GGSJ). Sikhs have sacrificed their lives in the honour to protect our living Guru. The more we spiritually and physically serve our Guru, the more blessings we receive from Guru Ji.

NO SIKH CAN TOLERATE GGSJ EVEN BEING SLIGHTLY DISRESPECTED! We live and die by the teachings of our Guru!

Please read all of this perfect shabad below by Guru Arjun Dev Ji, which explains the importance our Guru plays within our lives.

"Sa(n)th janahu mil bhaaeeho sachaa naam samaal ||
Meet with the humble Saints, O Siblings of Destiny, and contemplate the True Name.

Thosaa ba(n)dhhahu jeea kaa aithhai outhhai naal ||
For the journey of the soul, gather those supplies which will go with you here and hereafter.

Gur poorae thae paaeeai apanee nadhar nihaal ||
These are obtained from the Perfect Guru, when God bestows His Glance of Grace.

Karam paraapath this hovai jis no haae dhaeiaal ||1||
Those unto whom He is Merciful, receive His Grace. ||1||

Maerae man gur jaevadd avar n koe ||
O my mind, there is no other as great as the Guru.

Dhoojaa thhaao n ko sujhai gur maelae sach soe ||1|| rehaao ||
I cannot imagine any other place. The Guru leads me to meet the True Lord. ||1||Pause||

Sagal padhaarathh this milae jin gur ddit(h)aa jaae ||
Those who go to see the Guru obtain all treasures.

Gur charanee jin man lagaa sae vaddabhaagee maae ||
Those whose minds are attached to the Guru's Feet are very fortunate, O my mother.

Gur dhaathaa samarathh gur gur sabh mehi rehiaa samaae ||
The Guru is the Giver, the Guru is All-powerful. The Guru is All-pervading, contained amongst all.

Gur paramaesar paarabreham gur ddubadhaa leae tharaae ||2||
The Guru is the Transcendent Lord, the Supreme Lord God. The Guru lifts up and saves those who are drowning. ||2||

Kith mukh gur saalaaheeai karan kaaran samarathh ||
How shall I praise the Guru, the All-powerful Cause of causes?

Sae mathhae nihachal rehae jin gur dhhaariaa hathh ||
Those, upon whose foreheads the Guru has placed His Hand, remain steady and stable.

Gur a(n)mrith naam peeaaliaa janam maran kaa pathh ||
The Guru has led me to drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He has released me from the cycle of birth and death.

Gur paramaesar saeviaa bhai bha(n)jan dhukh lathh
I serve the Guru, the Transcendent Lord, the Dispeller of fear; my suffering has been taken away.

Sathigur gehir gabheer hai sukh saagar aghakha(n)dd
The True Guru is the Deep and Profound Ocean of Peace, the Destroyer of sin.

Jin gur saeviaa aapanaa jamadhooth n laagai dda(n)dd ||
For those who serve their Guru, there is no punishment at the hands of the Messenger of Death.

Gur naal thul n lagee khoj ddit(h)aa brehama
There is none to compare with the Guru; I have searched and looked throughout the entire universe.

Naam nidhhaan sathigur dheeaa sukh naanak man mehi ma(n)dd
The True Guru has bestowed the Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. O Nanak, the mind is filled with peace."

No Sikh can tolerate the beadbi (disrespect) of our Poora (perfect) Guru!



Game of love 💙- CHARACTER!


There was an elderly sikh man sat at the train station, waiting to catch his train. The man fell in to deep meditation, whilst waiting for his train. The train had just arrived and the queue was very long. Most people boarded the train but nobody could get past the sikh man, as he was engrossed in the ras (taste) of Naam meditation.

A police officer had seen the line was not going any further and that the Singh was holding it up. He went to the singh and told him to move on. The singh did not hear his request. The police officer then slapped him across the face, which threw the singh completely from his state. The Sikh man humbly apologised and boarded the train. This was witnessed by a Hindu person.

The next day, the same Hindu person was going for a walk and all of a sudden, he heard some screaming. He turned around and saw nine men chasing one women. He then saw the same old Sikh man run past him with a latthee (stick). The Hindu man followed the Singh and witnessed him beating the nine gunday (bad people) with his latthee). They were all left on the floor asking for forgiveness from the old Singh.

The old Singh took the top layer of his dastaar (turban) off and covered the girl. The Hindu man then approached the Singh and said, "You got slapped by one police officer yesterday and apologised, as though you were scared."

The singh replied, "Sikhs are never scared. We have already died and given our head to our Guru. I was wrong in that situation. I was holding up a queue, as I fell deep in to meditation. It was my fault."

The Hindu person touched the Singh's feet and embraced him with a hug and said, "If you are like this, what must your Guru be like?" The Hindu person adopted the path of Sikhi, after witnessing this humble, compassionate and righteous act.

All power comes through faith and meditation!

Guru Arjun Dev Ji says, "He alone is called a warrior, who is attached to Vaheguroo's love in this age. Through the Perfect, True Guru, he conquers his own soul and then everything comes under his control."



Game of love 💛- LIFE!


Bhagat Kabir Ji once went to a village, where he met a young friend. Bhagat Ji said with love, "Naam Japla!" (meditate on Vaheguroo's name). The young boy said, "I'm only young, these are my days to enjoy myself."

Bhagat ji came back to the village 25 years later, saw the same boy and said, "Naam Japla!" This time the man quietly uttered, "My kids are young! I want to see them grow old and support them, I'm too busy with life."

Bhagat ji came back to the village many years later, sees the same man and says, "Hun ta Naam Japla" (come on, mediate now). The man, who is still not bothered responds, "What is the point now, I can't see with my eyes, I'm deaf from the ears, my body is shaking. I can't physically do it."

Bhagat Ji comes back to the village two years later and sees a bull In the village. He approaches the bull and says, "Hun Japla" (what about meditating now). The bull lowers his head and a tear drops from his eyes. The bull was the same man reincarnated.

We spend all our lives making excuses, running away from faith and spirituality (our only true support in life). We'll never know, when we will breathe our last breath.

Sikhi is ecstasy, love and bliss. Please don't waste any more years of your life.

Guru Ji wants young energetic Sikhs, who are focussed and have immense energy to spread the treasure of Guru Ji's wisdom.

Become that sikh!

Bhagat Kabir ji says in the same shabad, "When the summons come from Vaheguroo (God), the mortal departs leaving behind his wealth and mansions."



Game of love 💚- SUTHRA SHAH 5


Suthra Shah was singing Guru Ji's hyms one day, as he was walking towards the Gurdwara Sahib Ji (Guru’s House) to meet Guru Ji. The Sikhs were sick of Suthra at this point, as he was always getting them in to trouble and exposing their hypocrisies. They all got together and made a plan. "When Suthra comes to meet Guru Ji, we'll ask him for darshnee bhetaa, which he will not have, as he is very poor." This was their way of getting him back. Darshnee bhetaa is a gift of money or something special one brings with them to meet the ocean of spiritual wisdom (Guru ji).

They asked Suthra! He started crying and said in a sad voice, "I was left on a hay stack and Guru ji took me in. I am nothing without Guru Ji! Guru Ji is my all." They apologised and said, "Sorry you can't go in." Suthra begged them with his head on their feet but they wouldn't let him in.

Suthra walked away and came back an hour later with a full sack of some sort on his head. "What is this?" asked the sikhs.
"This is sugar for Guru Jis Langar" (a place for all to eat as equals when coming together in the Gurdwara). They had no choice but to let him in.

Suthra put the sack down in front of Guru Ji and started doing parkarma (circling) and matha tek (prostrating) around it.

The Sikhs raised their voices in anger and said, "There he goes again being stupid. He should be prostrating to you Guru ji but he's prostrating to a sack of sugar. Tell him Guru ji."
"What are you doing Suthra?" asked Guru Ji. "Guru Ji, this sack has blessed me with your divine vision (Darshan), that's why I'm prostrating to it. I confess! I lied also, I can not afford sugar so I filled the sack with sand to get past your Sikhs. Please forgive me Guru ji." Guru Ji grabbed Suthra with love and took him to their chest and said, "All my Sikhs should have the love and thirst for their Guru, just as Suthra does."

Suthra was very dear to Guru Ji. Guru ji loved him like a spoilt innocent child.

Children are very innocent! We have to purify our mind through meditation and become an innocent child (eeyaanaa) of Guru ji.

Bhagat Naamdev Ji says, "He is in love with Vaheguroo, like the young child, who loves his mother."



Game of love ❤️- SUTHRA SHAH 4


One day, a sikh was reading Rehras Sahib Ji da paath (evening prayer) in Darbaar Sahib (Gurus sanctuary). Every time he completed a line, Suthra would shout, "Thinoo kee" (what's it got to do with you). The sikh reciting the paath was getting very annoyed at what he was experiencing.

He went to see Guru Ji and made a complaint about Suthra. Guru ji asked for Suthra and an explanation from him. Suthra said, "Guru ji, your wisdom is so uplifting and beautiful, there is so much to take away from your teachings but this sikh had no focus on your baani (Gods word) at all. His concentration was elsewhere. He was always thinking about what others were doing, hence me asking, thinoo kee. This was the reason Guru Ji." Guru Ji smiled and told the sikh to stay focussed whilst reading the teachings and to live and build the character of a true spiritual Sikh.

Suthra was a very blessed soul and always right in his judgement. He didn't like any form of ritualistic practice. All his teachings were through humour. He was probably the most hilarious sikh of Guru Ji's times.

Are we focussed when reading prayers and meditating or are we just going through the motions like the Sikh from Suthra’s story? We don't want to be labelled in the category below, as Guru Amardas Ji has done.

Meditation will bring focus, love, concentration and balance to the mind. It will reduce thought for us to be more focussed with prayers and life in general.

Guru Amardas Ji says, "The blind and ignorant perform all sorts of ritualistic actions, they are in love with duality."



Game of love 💜- ​SUTHRA SHAH 3


One day, Guru Ji was doing katha (giving spiritual wisdom) in Darbar. Suthra Shah was sat crossed legged at the front of Guru Ji's Darbar (sanctuary). All of a sudden, Suthra stood up and turned his back towards Guru Ji. At this point, the Sikhs had enough of Suthra and thought he had gone too far now. They started shouting at him saying, "Have you gone mad? you have turned your back towards the most spiritual master in the universe."

Suthra said, "I was listening to baani (the teachings), you were not! Guru Ji's words were very harsh and powerful. I was getting many slaps on my face, which I could not handle so I wanted to take the rest on my back. It was getting too painful to bare." At hearing this, the Sikhs went very quiet and sat down.

Guru Ji's words are very powerful. We are getting slapped by Guru ji all the time but the mind has become so lazy and impure, that we force ourselves to ignore the teachings that are going to liberate our soul.

Guru Amardas Ji says, "They do not serve the True Guru and in the end, they regret and repent over and over again. They are cast in to the womb to be reincarnated and rot over and over again."

Find faith in Guru Ji! We don't want the above to be us!



Game of love 💙- SUTHRA SHAH 2


Guru sahib Ji was blessing the sangat (congregation) with a divan (teachings). Bhai Suthra was serving Guru Ji by chaur Sahib (ceremonial whisk).

A sadhu (Hindu saint) was sitting in the sangat. The sadhu had black dust applied to his body and face. This is a ritualistic sign for very spiritual people of some faiths.

Suthra caught his eye and bagan to pull silly faces at him by sticking his large teeth out. When the sadhu saw this, he got very angry and ran towards Suthra and started hitting him with a brush he carried. Suthra quickly grabbed Guru Ji's feet. At this point, the sadhu stopped.

The sadhu said, "Guru Ji, your Sikhs are not spiritual but actually very rude." He explained exactly what happened. Guru ji responded by addressing Suthra, "Suthra is this true?" Suthra replied, "Hanji, he has black dust rubbed on his face and body. He is tricking the world of his saintliness yet the pulling of my face actioned him to anger. He is not even spiritual, never mind being a devout saint."

After hearing this, the sadhu grabbed Guru Ji's feet and said, Dhan Guru, dhan thuhade Sikh (blessed is the Guru and blessed are his Sikhs). From that day onwards, the sadhu adopted sikhi.

Today we wear Guru sahib Ji's kakaar (5-K’s), bana (attire), Guru Ji's dastaar (turban), are we sure we are not living life like the sadhu above? Are we only pure and holy on the outside or are we pure and saintly on the inside too?

Purity of the mind, only comes through living the Guru’s teachings by meditating with every breath and adopting their virtues to build a saintly/soldierly character. Any act adopted without Naam is a ritual.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji says, "the religious rites, rituals and hypocrisies, which are seen are plundered  by the messenger of death, the ultimate tax collector."



Game of love 💛- SUTHRA SHAH!


Suthra Shah was a great devotee of Guru Hargobind Sahib ji. He lived on to serve our extremely amazing tenth Guru (Gobind Singh ji). Bhai Sahib ji had a great humour! All his teachings came through his humour. Guru Sahibaans had immense love for him.

Suthra was found on a pile of hay, after being abandoned by his family. He was abandoned, because he had a black mark on his forehead and his teeth were very big. Most people looked at this as bad luck in those days. Guru Sahib took him in. Guru Ji's Sikhs always complained that Suthra was very mischievous. Guru sahib ji changed his name from khuthra (dirty and ugly) to Suthra (pure within).

One day, a complaint was made to Guru Ji by their Sikhs, that Suthra is swearing at them. Guru ji said, "Call Suthra right away." Is this true Suthre?"

"No Guru Ji, they are lying said Suthra."

The singhs replied, "Suthra has even started lying now."

Suthra asked, when and what he said. The Sikhs named each and every exact moment. Suthra said, "Oh yes I remember, it's true. Guru Ji l, these are my Sikhs not yours. Ask them what shabad (teachings) you recited at rehras prayer yesterday." No answer from the Sikhs. The Sikhs embarrassingly replied, "Suthra is wrong for saying we are not your Sikhs Guru Ji."

"They remember my bad shabads (words) and not your beautiful teachings of wisdom. what does that make them Guru Ji?" Laughingly responded Suthra. Guru Ji embraced Suthra tight to his chest.

This is our state today! We remember all the false teachings, gossip and slander of the world, yet have no clue about what our Guru is saying to us or teaching us how to live. We struggle through life without Guru ji.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, "That carefree Vaheguroo can not be appraised; his real value is only known through the wisdom of the Guru’s teachings."



Game of love 💚- WIND!


The wind is blowing

through every home.

Some windows are broken,

whilst others

Remain closed.

The manmukhs (mind followers) look outwards

at the homes of others.

Surveying the damage

their foundations feel stronger.

But only a fool

looks at others.

Opening their windows,

they invite the wind.

The Gurmukh locks 

the latches tight,

sitting within

so far from the wind.

The wind is blowing

through every home.

Some windows are broken

whilst others

remain closed.

Look within yourself, don't look outside, you will suffer. Live by practicing Guru Ji's teachings and you will remain untouched.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji says, "The hot winds do not even touch those who are protected by their Guru."



Game of love ❤️- WISE WORDS!


💬 Stay away from Anger..

It hurts ..Only You!

💬 If you are right then there is no need to get angry,

💬 And if you are wrong then you don't have any right to get angry.

💬 Patience with family is love,

💬 Patience with others is respect.

💬 Patience with self is confidence and Patience with GOD is faith.

💬 Never Think Hard about the PAST, It brings Tears...

💬 Don't think more about the FUTURE, It brings Fear...

💬 Live this Moment with a Smile, It brings Cheer.

💬 Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,

💬 Every problem comes to make us or break us,

💬 The choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious.

💬 Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful

💬 Do you know why God created gaps between fingers?

💬 So that someone who is special to you comes and fills those gaps by holding your hand forever.

💬 Happiness keeps You Sweet..But being sweet brings happiness.

If we are faithful and sincere to Guru Ji, they will guide us through this life and the hereafter by holding our hand. Guru Sahib Ji will fill and become the forever lasting gaps between our fingers. Wisdom is only attained through Creating an open and relaxed mind through meditation.

"Through the spiritual wisdom of Naam (Vaheguroo, God), the Gurmukh (Guru follower) is liberated." Guru Amardas Ji.



Game of love 💜- SING AND LISTEN!


"Sing and listen. Your pain shall be sent far away and peace shall come to your home."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Singing and listening to inspirational words brings peace and contentment. Steal a few moments for faith and you will find that this makes you a greater person.

What's the reason for the above?

Many experiments have been carried out, where an equal amount of rice and water are added to two jars. Positive words are placed on the outside of one and negative words on the outside of the other. These words are repeated by the same person daily at various, different times for the same length of time. The result in the end, always shows the rice in the negative words jar always moulds a lot quicker than the positive words jar. 3min vid below.

What is the reason for this?

The body is made up of about 60% water. This experiment shows the negative and positive effects by words, thoughts and emotions on water.

We need to understand the energy of being positive. A positive person always has a positive affect on people. Their aura and energy is always extremely powerful and vice versa. A positive person speaks through their heart and soul. A negative person speaks through their egotistical mind.

Singing and listening to the pure words of Guru Ji, is pure food for the soul. These words (shabads) are created by totally pure beings. They affect our being, even if we don't understand them. Just imagine how these words and praises of Vaheguroo would affect our being when they are understood and sang with true love. Think about how they will affect our mind, body, soul and also the people around us..

We need to recognise, we have been blessed the gift of Gurbani (Gurus word). let's find the correct sangat and profit from it..

Guru Amardas Ji says, "In this dark age of kaljug, the singing of Vaheguroo's praise has appeared as a light in this world."



Game of love 💙- JEWELLERS SHOP


"The body is a jewellers shop."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

The body contains many jewels. If you search deep within yourself, through sincere effort, the Guru will bless you and you will realise that there are many jewels within you. Start shopping for these jewels now.

The mind is the most powerful thing on the planet. Every being in the universe, has been blessed with a mind but only human beings have been blessed with the potential to purify it and liberate it.

The mind, body and soul has many jewels.  When searching deep within the soul and mind, one begins to realise how powerful we really are as humans.

Through meditation on Vaheguroo's name, one is blessed with many different states of spirituality. Ones mind can develop many spiritual powers.

Most God loving beings, build their character as a human through meditation, loving Gods creation, seeing God in all, becoming virtuous, pure beings and liberating their soul. They avoid dwelling in spiritual powers, as they can disrupt the mind and one can begin to dwell in their own ego. Ego is the vice that one controls and conquers to become humble and merge with Vaheguroo.

Look within yourself to find the jewel of Naam meditation and develop as a complete human being.

Guru ji will guide you within, through the divine wisdom of Naam meditation.

Guru Arjun Dev ji says "No human can get through this life in constant peace, love and happiness without naam meditation."



Game of love 💛- SERVICE!


Voluntary service helps both the giver and the needy. Taking some time out to help others on their life journey ultimately helps yours. To know that you can help and comfort others, makes you realise the depth and importance of your own life.

There are three types of service in Gurmat (Guru’s teachings). Firstly, serving God (Vaheguroo) through meditation. Secondly, physical service through our actions for the benefit of others, which is also serving Vaheguroo. Thirdly, giving a tenth of our earnings to the needy or any charity. This is also another way of serving Vaheguroo.

When we serve in the way above, we become very humble and Vaheguroo blesses us with a completely content and also an ecstatic state of mind. The ones that serve Vaheguroo in this way, are served by Vaheguroo in return. Vaheguroo doesn't just serve them, he serves their generations also to come.

"Through selfless service, eternal peace is obtained." Guru Amardas Ji 1479-1574



Game of love 💚- YOUR WORD! (BACHAN KARNA)


Back in the days, the Guru’s Sikhs had a very strong character and were respected very highly for it. If a sikh was witness to any injustice, their word was taken as Gospel and believed without any doubt or question. One of Guru sahib Ji's 52 commands was, a sikh will never lie or turn a blind eye as a witness. 

Today our word and character as humans has become very weak. we give our word and never see it through. Then we say chal koyna (oh never mind, it's ok). Back in the days, our word was our character. Whatever we said, we made sure it was actioned. We lived and died by our word. No one would want to get on the wrong side of a sikh and upset them, Incase they spoke some harsh words and were forced to follow them through. Their zubaan (toungue/word) was everything.

"Those who have one thing in their heart and something else in their mouth, are judged to be false." Bhagat Farid Ji

The shabad above is beautiful. Guru sahib ji also talks about kissing the feet and face of those, who have recognised the truth through the love of Vaheguroo's meditation.

Today we make false promises, we fail to acknowledge other Sikhs with a fateh (sikh greeting) or acknowledge via text, email, social media etc. We are very poor at being punctual because of our punjabi mentality. The list goes on. Guru sahib says, 'The one who respects time, I call them a true human.'

Our Mann (mind), Bach (word) and Karam (actions) all need to be pure. This will make us True Khalsa (pure ones), that Guru ji created.

It's easy to be false and fake. Genuine truthful human beings will always be respected and stand out amongst others.

Our word (bachan) remains pure only through meditation on Vaheguroo's name. Be true to yourself, true to your Guru and true to others. Keep your word!

"They are so brave; they are men of their word."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606



Game of love ❤️- IGNORANCE!


"The shabad (Vaheguroo) dispels the spiritual ignorance within and through the True Guru, one finds peace."
Guru Amardas Ji 1479-1574

One morning, when our new teacher of 'Introduction to the Rights' entered the classroom, the first thing he did was to ask the name of a student seated on the front bench:
“What is your name?”
“My name is Harjan, Sir.”
“Leave the classroom immediately and I don't want to ever see you in my class again!” screamed the teacher.
Harjan was bewildered but, when he got hold of his senses, he got up quickly, collected his belongings and left the classroom.

All were scared and angry but none did or said anything.
“Well…,” said the new teacher, “whom do the enacted Laws serve?”
We were all afraid but slowly gained confidence and began to answer his questions.
“So that there is order in society”.
“No!” the teacher responded.
“To accomplish them."
“So that the people who wrong others pay for their actions?”
“No! Does nobody here know the answer to this question?"
“So that there is justice,” a girl said timidly.
“At last! That’s it... so that there is justice! And now, what is the use of justice?”
All began to feel uneasy with such a rude attitude but followed on answering:
“To safeguard human rights...”
“Well, what more?” asked the teacher.
“To differentiate right from wrong... to reward the good...!”
“Ok... not bad, however,... answer this: Did I act rightly when expelling Harjan from the classroom earlier…?”
All were quiet, nobody answered.
“I want a decisive and unanimous answer!”
“No!" we all replied in unison.
“Would you say I committed injustice?”
“And why did nobody do or say anything about that then? Why do we have or need Laws and Rules, if we don't have the will needed to practice them? Each and every one of you has the obligation to complain when you witness injustice. Remember, each and every one of you!  Do not stay quiet… never again! Now go and call Harjan back,” he said staring at me.

That day, I received the most practical lesson ever in my entire Law course.
When we don't defend our Rights, we lose our dignity, and dignity is never negotiable! Guru’s Sikhs should never turn a blind eye! They should always remain righteous! Don't tolerate others being mistreated in front of you! This is the true nature of a spiritual Gursikh!

"This dark age is the knife and the kings are the butchers, righteousness has sprouted wings and flown away." Guru Nanak Dev Ji.



Game of love 💜- IMMOVABLE FAITH!


This story took place four years ago. A sikh soldier was celebrating the martyrdom of Guru ArjunDev ji. He was meditating on Vaheguroo's name, whilst preparing and serving langar (food). Just then, a Hindu officer approached the soldier and very rudely asked, "What are you doing here?" The soldier explained the story of Guru ArjunDev Ji's martyrdom with great love.
The Hindu officer very rudely spoke for the second time and said, "How is this possible? No human can sit on a burning hot plate." The officer continued being very rude and kept questioning the soldier. He kept saying, 'This is a joke, it can not be true.'

The soldier got very upset in listening to this and went and sat on a burning hot plate, where the langar (food) was being prepared. When witnessing this, the officer burst out in to tears and quickly rushed to get the soldier off the plate. He fell at his feet and repeated, "You Sikhs are amazing people. Your faith is immovable! You are very pure at heart and you can not accept the disrespect of your Guru." The soldier lifted the officer and embraced him with a hug. 

If we have faith in Guru ji, nothing will come near us. Guru ji will always be our saviour and protect us. Gain your faith in Guru Ji!

"The hot winds do not even touch those who are protected by their Guru."

Guru ArjunDev Ji 1563-1606

