Sikhi Game of Love- CHAUPAI SAHIB Ji


Chaupai Sahib Ji, is the fourth Baani in the daily prayers of a Sikh. It is written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and it is a Benti (request) to God for protection from all those ritual and false practices mentioned in Tav-Prasaad Savaiye. Further more, it is also recited to ask for energy, positive focus and protection from external and internal enemies, worries and afflictions. The Baani can be read with love and understanding within five minutes at a steady pace and it is very easy to memorise. As a result, a lot of Sikhs read this at anytime during the day. This Bani gives one the feeling of reliability and dependability on Vaheguroo (God). Many Gursikhs in sikh history recited Chaupai sahib hundreds of times a day, which gave them shear strength, power, faith and commitment when fighting battles. They would always recite the Baani before battle too for support from Guru Sahib Ji. If one has a negative feelings and a lack of confidence in the future, one should recite this Bani to get an instant boost. The Baani has a very powerful energy. Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says In Chaupai Sahib, Hamree Karo Haath dhai rashya pooran hoay chith kee ishaa. Protect me O Lord! with Thine own Hands, so all the desires of my heart be fulfilled. Vaheguroo!


Sikhi Game of love- TAV- PRASAAD SAVAIYE


This Bani is the third daily prayer. It is the shortest of the five (composed of 10 stanzas) and takes no longer than five minutes to complete with love. Again, this is written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Tav-Prasaad means with “Thy Grace!” The Bani talks about and rejects idolatry, pilgrimages, grave worshiping and other ritualistic beliefs. Guru ji emphasises, that without Naam meditation on the true one God (Vaheguroo), all other actions are false and none will help us in the end. Only those who have loved and adorned God, will be free from the cycle of birth and death. Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says In Savaiyay: Saach kaho sunn layho sabhai jin prem keeo thinn hee prabh paeyo I speak Truth, all should turn their ears towards it: He, who is absorbed in True Love, will realise Vaheguroo (God).



Sikhi Game of love- JAAP SAHIB


Jaap Sahib is the second bani of the five read in the daily morning routine of a Sikh and it is written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. This Bani is the opening Bani of Dasam Granth Sahib Ji. It contains 199 rhythmic verses and all the verses salute God. 

Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s great poetic skills are realised by reading this prayer. The language of Jaap is close to classical with words and compounds drawn from Sanskrit, Brij Bhasha, Arabic and Urdu. Most of the verses point to the fact that one can only describe God by describing what God is not. This Bani is truly divine. 

Gursikhs in battle were encouraged to recite Jaap Sahib, whilst horse riding and fighting, because of how rhythmic it was and the sound of Jaap Sahib also rouses the soul and awakens the self being. 

Recite it when your position is endangered, or when your authoritative personality is weak. This Bani brings grace and greatness. It will give you strength and steadfastness. 

Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says In Jaap Sahib, Dhukaalang pranasse dhayalang saroopay
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer of hard times and Embodiment of The Mercy Lord!

Sadha ang sangay abhangang bhibhoothay
Salutation to thee, O Ever present with all, Indestructible and Glorious Lord! 199.



Sikhi Game of love- JAPJI SAHIB


JapJi sahib is the first Bani in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It was received by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, directly from God and it is in effect the condensation of the whole of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. All basic teachings to being a Sikh of the Guru are within JapJi Sahib. 

The word ‘Jap’ means to recite or chant and implies the aim of human life, which is to meditate and meet God. It has considerable content on the virtues of the Creator, the universe and humans place in it. It also tells us that the purpose of human birth is to unite the soul with the Creator and guides us on how to go about it. 

One who daily recites JapJi Sahib with love and devotion, will have the blessings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and gain spiritual peace and tranquility. Gursikhs in the past such as Baba Deep Singh Ji and Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale would recite JapJi Sahib over one hundred times a day; there lies the reason they were so spiritually awake and powerful. The Bani will truly and always have a magical influence if read with infinite love. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says In Japji Sahib, 
Sachaa Sahib Saach Nae bhakhiaa bhao Apaar- True is the master! True is his name-Speak it with infinite love.



Sikhi Game of love- ALIVE AGAIN


Parents often explain to their children, especially those in their teenage years, that they need to be careful about the company they keep as ultimately, they will end up adopting the behaviours and habits of the people that they socialise with.

In today’s society, we see that people are obsessed with materiality, earthly possessions, self image, wealth etc. These are the things that the whole world obsesses over. It’s all many people talk about with one another.

The end result of this is, that people have lost all their spirituality. They are walking around totally absorbed in the material world and have died spiritually. Their souls are dead. 

The Sikh Guru’s often talk about the quality of sandalwood. One of the most pleasant, naturally occurring fragrances; it has the ability to even make an ordinary plant near it, smell with a similar fragrance.  

This is a metaphor for the effect that enlightened beings can have on the spiritually dead! 

Going into the Sangat (the company of the enlightened saints), our dead soul, slowly starts to awaken again, and the grip of the material world starts to loosen. It is important that we seek out the company of the holy.

I have personally heard stories from people, who have said how they came on to the spiritual path, after simply having being hugged or just being in the company of an enlightened soul.

Halath Sukh Palath Sukh Nith Sukh Simarano Naam Gobindh Kaa Sadhaa Leejai ||
Peace in this world, peace in the next world and peace forever, remembering Him in meditation. Chant forever the Name of the Lord of the Universe.

Mittehi Kamaanae Paap Chiraanae Saadhhasangath Mil Muaa Jeejai ||
The sins of past lives are erased, by joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; new life is infused into the spiritually dead. || 



Sikhi Game of love- HOW TO DEAL WITH ANGER


"Fareed, answer evil with goodness; do not fill your mind with anger."

Anger is closely related with ego. When one gets angry, ultimately that is our ego saying, 'I am right and you are wrong,' which means we are belittling another person (God). However, Gurbani tells us to see ourselves as the lowest of all humble beings. Every opportunity you get, say to yourself, 'I am the lowest of the lowest and Vaheguroo is my only saviour!' This becomes a habit, so next time we get angry, our mind is trained to see another as an equal. 

Gurbani also tells us to see the divine within everyone. However, The only way to do this is to see the divine within oneself first. Once we recognise that God is within us and God is within others, and there is no other than God, then even a slight bit of anger shall not enter the mind. This state of mind is a very difficult one to adopt and only meditation on Vaheguroo’s name and constant contemplation of becoming meek and humble will support us to achieve it. 



Sikhi Game of love- DYING DAILY


A few years ago, a well known rock musician was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given six months to live. 

When he was interviewed by the press and asked how he was dealing with his situation, his response was that he had never felt so peaceful and liberated in his entire life.

This is the essence of the spiritual path of a Sikh. The one thing that every single human being on the planet has in common is, that we will all inevitably succumb and give in to death but we rarely know when this moment will come to us.

As in the above example, when we do know that death is just around the corner, all of a sudden, all the material distractions in our lives very quickly evaporate. There is a stark realisation of the importance of the vast majority of things in our lives. 

This state is the ideal gateway to spiritual liberation. If we can live every moment of our life, as if it is the last, this will automatically connect us to the essence of the universe, the Naam (God’s mantra). Everything else then becomes secondary and unimportant. 

Then, when actual death does come, it will be a peaceful and smooth transition for the already liberated soul.

The 3rd Master, Guru Amar Das Jee, blesses us with the following teaching.

Kiaa Jaanaa Kiv Marehagae Kaisaa Maranaa Hoe ||
What do I know? How will I die? What sort of death will it be?

Jae Kar Saahib Manahu N Veesarai Thaa Sehilaa Maranaa Hoe ||
If I do not forget the Lord Master from my mind, then my death would be easy.

Maranai Thae Jagath Ddarai Jeeviaa Lorrai Sabh Koe ||
The world is terrified of death; everyone longs to live.

Gur Parasaadhee Jeevath Marai Hukamai Boojhai Soe ||
By Guru's Grace, one who dies while yet alive, understands God's Will.

Naanak Aisee Maranee Jo Marai Thaa Sadh Jeevan Hoe ||2||
O Nanak, one who dies such a death, lives forever. ||2|| 



Sikhi Game of love- CYCLE OF WORRY


There are times when we have something our mind really worries about. For example, worrying about meeting deadlines at work or college, or after having a falling out with a friend or family members, and worrying if your relationship with them may be affected, or if they will think of you differently, as a result. These troubles may then be overcome or even forgotten and accompanied with a feeling of happiness or satisfaction. However, inevitably, sooner or later, we reach another point in our life, where we are struck by another event to worry about. 

This cycle of encountering worries, overcoming them and running into another worry, just never seems to come to an end. However, we must never forget that our beloved Guru Sahib jee is always with us, as described by Guru Arjan Dev jee in Sukhmani Sahib, “Sir uoopar Thaaddaa gur sooraa”. Guru Arjan Dev jee Maharaaj jee gives us a simple solution to overcoming worries and anxiety by stating “jiss thoo aaveh chit tis ka kaaRiaa” - Ang 960; that person who remembers Vaheguru is rid of his worries and anxiety. This ‘Cycle of worry’ is only a temporary disturbance within our being, which is subdued by remembering and meditating on the Naam Vaheguroo, which fulfils all our hopes and desires. 

“Cheet aavai taa(n) saradhaa pooree.
When he comes to my mind, my hopes are fulfilled” - Guru Arjan Dev Ji Ang 1141



Sikhi Game of love- EMPTY GLASS


We have often heard the quote, “Before you can learn anything new, you first have to empty your cup”, Similarly, when we read or listen to Gurbani, we tend to do it with a cup (mind) that is already full. Alongside reading or listening to Gurbani, our mind tends to constantly chatter with our many desires and demands. To the extent that we don’t realise when we have finished listening/reading Gurbani. We want the Guru to hear, whilst we listen with full concentration. Due to this, we don’t make any spiritual progress. 

If a cup is pre-filled and a person continues to pour water in to that cup, it will overflow. Likewise, if our cup like mind is already full with negative thoughts, past, present, future and many other desires, how are we going to make room for Guru Ji’s teachings? We should go with a mindset clear of demands and desires, making an attempt to be the listeners rather than the speakers; to listen rather than to be heard. This is what the Guru teaches us, first to empty our mind by putting our desires and demands to a side and meditate on the Naam (Vaheguroo), so that it can be filled with the true knowledge, wisdom and for us to experience the supreme bliss and pleasure Guru Ji blesses us with. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says in the following Verse: “cha(n)chal mat tiaag bhau bha(n)jan paiaa ek sabadh liv laagee ||

Forsaking my fickle intellect, I have found God, the Destroyer of fear; I am lovingly attuned to the One Word, the Shabad.

har ras chaakh tirakhaa nivaaree har mel le baddabhaagee ||2||

Tasting the sublime essence of the Lord, my thirst is quenched; by great good fortune, the Lord has united me with Himself. ||2||

abharat si(n)ch bhe subhar sar guramat saach nihaalaa ||

The empty tank has been filled to overflowing. Following the Guru's Teachings, I am enraptured with the True Lord.

man rat naam rate nihakeval aadh jugaadh dhiaalaa ||3||”

My mind is imbued with love for the Naam. The Immaculate Lord is merciful, from the beginning of time, and througout the ages. ||3||



Sikhi Game of love- MULTIPLE TABS


Most of us, tend to open dozens of tabs when surfing the internet or flick through multiple apps, without closing them down completely. From one tab or app, we jump to another, then another to another; as a result our computer or phone tends to have numerous unnecessary tabs open. Instead of completing the task at hand, we tend to just switch tasks. Each one of these tabs will draw attention to your focus and when you click on it, you will lose concentration on work or the task you initially wanted to complete. These tabs are there to divert us! What happens when you have too many tabs open? Or too many apps on your phone? It slows down your device, crashes, consumes memory and the battery will die. Just like your device, your brain can only handle so much information at a time.

Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day. The overwhelming state of having this number of thoughts and ideas a day, and an ever-growing to-do list floating around in your head, you never really get to focus on the task at hand or simply close some tabs so you can shut off at the end of the day. Imagine having that many tabs open and expecting your device to do anything else elegantly and with love. We have spent many years minimising thoughts in our mind, instead of dealing with them. So now these thought like tabs are slowing down our brain, making us exhausted, lack concentration, remembering fewer items, making us less productive and efficient. Causing stress and other mental/physical illnesses.

Guru Ji says to decrease these thoughts to just one, which is of the divine (Vaheguroo). The way you can close tabs, you can also close and get rid of thoughts. This is what meditation does. For many, this is the time we feel the effects of too many tabs open the most. However, if a tab is minimised most of the time, you have to first open it and then close it, similarly let the thoughts come and pass (this is a normal process). They need to enter before they can be assessed, pass and closed. Thoughts have a tendency of becoming strong when we pay attention to them; we move from one thought to another, almost without any limit. Thus, if they come, don’t pay too much attention to them, if you see the mind wandering bring it back and concentrate on the mantar (Vaheguroo). By meditating with a mantar it gives the mind a task to do that takes up all of your attention and occupies its working capacity, so that there is much less room for other thoughts to creep in. As your practise increases, the number of thoughts will decrease and the mind is conquered. This will offer our own daily benefits; our social and surroundings benefits and also spiritual benefits. As meditation enhances, self-awareness increases our memory and attention span making us more productive and efficient, whilst eliminating stress. As one reaches high levels of spirituality, one experiences the divine, the ultimate bliss and is forever in the highest of spirits.

The first Master, Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says In their verses:

“eko chetai manooaa na ddolai dhaavat varaj rahaavai ||

He remembers the One Lord, his mind does not waver, and he restrains its wanderings.

sahaje maataa sadhaa ra(n)g raataa saache ke gun gaavai ||2||

He is intoxicated with celestial bliss, and is forever imbued with the Lord's Love; he sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord.” ||2||



Sikhi Game of love- PURE SENSES


There was a recent article on the BBC, reporting that a college in Gujarat, India had banned female students from entering the kitchens, touching other students or sitting with them, whilst they were menstruating, as this was seen as a time of the month when they were deemed to be impure. 

Some other traditions around the world also hold similar views about this particular situation. As well as this, there are many other days/seasons/events etc that are also deemed as being in some way inauspicious or impure. 

Guru Nanak Dev Jee totally rejected this viewpoint and saw this as a perfectly natural event, that did not make the individual in anyway impure. 

Instead, Guru jee questioned that if this is the case, then there are many other impurities that we are surrounded by and also constantly introducing into our minds and bodies through the senses, i.e. what we look at, what we listen to and what we think about.

This is presented in the following Salok from Asa Kee Var.

Man Kaa Soothak Lobh Hai Jihavaa Soothak Koorr ||

The impurity of the mind is greed, and the impurity of the tongue is falsehood.

Akhee Soothak Vaekhanaa Par Thria Par Dhhan Roop ||

The impurity of the eyes is to gaze upon the beauty of another man's wife, and his wealth.

Kannee Soothak Kann Pai Laaeithabaaree Khaahi ||

The impurity of the ears is to listen to the slander of others.

Naanak Hansaa Aadhamee Badhhae Jam Pur Jaahi ||2||

O Nanak, the mortal's soul goes, bound and gagged to the city of Death. ||2||



Sikhi Game of love- FIVE TIPS TO CONCENTRATE ON NITNEM (Daily prayer)


(Daily prayer) 

1. Don't rush it! Wake up earlier so there is enough time to complete it in peace and bliss. This way we can pay extra attention to what we are reciting.

2. Still your mind! Before reading your prayers, use a mantra to still your mind. This can be Vaheguroo mantra, Mool Mantar or any other mantra that works for you personally. By doing this, the mind is in stillness when it comes to reading bani and this helps us understand and love what we are reading.

3. Wake up to a Mantra! As soon as you wake up, try and control the mind from having any other thought, other than Vaheguroo. It’s best to meditate before sleeping too, because it can relax us to help us fall a sleep, the mantra usually continues through our sleep and we usually continue reciting it when we wake up. A common bad habit is to reach for the mobile phone straight away. Setting an alarm with a Shabad, keertan or Vaheguroo simran can help initiate that first thought. Continue this thought of God into the bathroom, shower and throughout your whole day.

4. Listen to the meaning! Gurbani is there for us to learn from. By listening to and understanding the meaning, our mind can become engrossed in the sweet words of Guru Ji much more easily.

5. Change the style! Sometimes when we read Gurbani, we can become monotonous. Singing instead of reciting can help us connect more to the meaning and generate that feeling of love within. It’s great to add emotion and expression too! It always helps.



Sikhi Game of love- FAKE


"You know the inner state of the soul; you are the knower of knowers"

It is important to be a truthful and honest person. It is very easy to act a different way when we are out of the house in front of various other people. This behaviour is not accepted by Guru Ji as that person is considered fake. They are not true to themselves and not true to others. We forget Guru jee is the knower of our true behaviour, and although people may see us as good,  this may not be the case with Guru jee. It is much easier to be the same person all the time. Good actions become a habit and are many times more fruitful than temporary fake actions.



Sikhi Game of love- DREAM WORLD


One of the most popular and endearing forms of entertainment is the soap opera. All across the world, people are hooked to shows that create an alternative reality for them to follow several times a week. 

Many of these shows have been going for decades. In the case of one UK show this year it celebrates its 60th year. 

The irony here is that when we examine our lives on a spiritual level, we realise that the material world is all a temporary existence  just like a dream. However, through things like the soaps, we insist on living through a dream within this dream!

The only permanence in the whole universe is the Naam energy that we are all created from and that resides deep within us.

Rather than travelling from one dream into another, we should instead take a journey inwards to discover the reality of the universe.

The ninth master, Guru Teg Bahadur Jee has explored this theme extensively in their Baani.

Rae Nar Eih Saachee Jeea Dhhaar ||

O man, grasp this Truth firmly in your soul.

Sagal Jagath Hai Jaisae Supanaa Binasath Lagath N Baar ||1|| Rehaao ||

The whole world is just like a dream; it will pass away in an instant. ||1||Pause|| Baaroo Bheeth Banaaee Rach Pach Rehath Nehee Dhin Chaar ||

Like a wall of sand, built up and plastered with great care, which does not last even a few days,

Thaisae Hee Eih Sukh Maaeiaa Kae Ourajhiou Kehaa Gavaar ||1||

Just so are the pleasures of Maya. Why are you entangled in them, you ignorant fool? ||1|| Ajehoo Samajh Kashh Bigariou Naahin Bhaj Lae Naam Muraar ||

Understand this today - it is not yet too late! Chant and vibrate the Name of the Lord.

Kahu Naanak Nij Math Saadhhan Ko Bhaakhiou Thohi Pukaar ||2||8||

Says Nanak, this is the subtle wisdom of the Holy Saints, which I proclaim out loud to you. ||2||8| 



Sikhi Game of love- BOREDOM


"Cheated and plundered by Maya, you do not think of God, and you waste your life in laziness."

Guru Jee here emphasises the dangers of being lazy. A Gursikh should make effort to avoid an idle mind. By being lazy and bored the mind is vulnerable to attack with the five evils. It's vital to keep the mind engaged. This can be done by distraction through work or other activity, however these distractions are temporary. For 24/7 protection, Gurbani (Guru’s true word) and Naam simran (meditating on the name of God) will keep the mind safe, healthy In peace and ecstasy.



Sikhi Game of love- SIGHT OF THE SAINTS


"You come to mind, O Lord and Master, when I behold Your devotees."

The importance of holy company has been highlighted many times in previous posts. Gursikhs who meditate on Naam have a glowing look and an impacting presence. Simply, having the vision of Gursikhs is enough to have a lasting effect on oneself. They are a reminder that we should Jap Naam (meditate on God’s name) constantly with love in order to meet Vaheguroo jee (God) and obtain the qualities of pure Gursikhs and God. 



Sikhi Game of love- THE BOAT


"The Guru is the boat, the ship, the raft; meditating on the Lord in your mind, you shall be carried across to the other side."

Many times in Gurbani, this dark age is referred metaphorically as a terrifying ocean; one which we are to cross in order to reach the shore on the other side. In order to cross an ocean, we need support, we need a boat that can carry us across. That boat is the name of God (Vaheguroo). By continually meditating, we build and craft this ship which one day we shall board and be carried across elegantly. Only the name shall save us; all other ways and methods shall not work! Meditating and loving God’s name is the key to liberating the soul. 



Sikhi Game of love- GOD’S OWN IMAGE


You will often find people saying that Man has been created in God’s own image. 

Nowadays, in the materialistic world that we live in, this is often taken in the literal sense as a physical likeness or form.  However, we really need to think of this concept on the metaphysical level. 

The image of God is the eternal energy that we all have embedded deep within us. This is the likeness of God and indeed a part of God.

When we manage to destroy our own ego’s and awaken the Naam (mantra) energy within, we will then automatically exude all the qualities of God and indeed become an image of God. 

We can only get to this stage by truly connecting with the Naam meditation24/7. We will then see only the light of God everywhere we look and only feel one’s presence in the whole universe. 

Guru Teg Bahadur Jee in their Saloks, that appear at the end of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, offers us the following teachings to summarise this concept.

Jo Praanee Nis Dhin Bhajai Roop Raam Thih Jaan ||

That mortal who meditates and vibrates upon the Lord night and day - know him to be the embodiment of the Lord.

Har Jan Har Anthar Nehee Naanak Saachee Maan ||29||

There is no difference between the Lord and the humble servant of the Lord; O Nanak, know this as true. ||29||





We often make a list and work out what order to do things in by thinking which tasks are urgent and how important each task is. If we are unable to find out which order to rank them, we usually look at deadlines dates to prioritise. 

We often look at Sikhi as a chore and one of those tasks too. Some that are not on this spiritual path may often think we have enough time to tread on this path. We usually feel the need to prioritise and focus on gathering wealth and spending time with friends and family, and then when we are old and retired, we will take steps towards the path of Sikhi. We usually don’t give much priority to Sikhi as we naturally assume, Sikhi is not as important and we have enough time to become Guru’s Sikhs. However, we don’t know how long we have and there is no guarantee that we will make it to the old retirement age. We don’t even know if we are going to draw another breath. 

In light with recent covid events we can see that nothing is of guarantee, as anything can happen at any moment. We forget that Sikhi is not a task, rather, a spiritual path which leads one to enlightenment and everlasting peace, love and happiness through Naam meditation. It is a path which one constantly treads upon with each and every breath, as we don’t know if our next breath could be our last. Guru Arjan Dev Ji says: 

gagaa gobidh gun ravahu saas saas jap neet ||

GAGGA: Chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe with each and every breath; meditate on Him forever.

kahaa bisaasaa dheh kaa bilam na kariho meet ||

How can you rely on the body? Do not delay, my friend;

neh baarik neh jobanai neh biradhee kachh ba(n)dh ||

there is nothing to stand in Death's way - neither in childhood, nor in youth, nor in old age.



Sikhi Game of love- PARUPKAAR


The word ‘Parupkaar’ means to do good or give to people who we have no connection with; to be generous to a foreign entity; to be nice to someone who you do not know. 

Gurbani automatically moulds a person into a kind and loving person. As Sikhs, we should then spread this love into the world through our actions and sweet speech. No matter who we meet, love should be radiating and warming in the same way to the world through Naam meditation, as true love teaches us not to differentiate between anyone or anything. By doing so, Sikhi flourishes and the love of God (Vaheguroo’s) message spreads throughout the world. 

Guru Sahib Ji Says, 
“Parupkaar boleh bahu gunniaa mukh sant bhagat har dheejai.”
They do good deeds for others, and speak of God’s many Glorious Virtues; please bless me to meet these Saints, these devotees of Vaheguroo (God). 

