Game of love 24- GREED


"When there is greed, what love can there be? When there is greed, love is false. How long can one remain in a thatched hut which leaks when it rains?"

Sheikh Farid Ji 1173-1265

Replace greed with love. Do not allow your mind to be filled with greed. It can be difficult to feel content, but sincere effort will allow you to overcome greed. Take steps to overcome the feeling of greed by nurturing love and contentment in your heart. It becomes very difficult to love when we are controlled by greed. 

In this life we want more and more but all will stay here. Only naam, baani and our good and bad actions will be accounted for and help in our souls journey. 

When we are greedy, it's all for our own selfish needs, we are totally controlled by our mind and ego. The mind is like a wild monkey always on the loose. We should not let the mind control us but instead we should be fully in control over our mind. This is only possible through meditation on the lords name. 

If we control our wild mind no vice in the world will be able to lead us a stray. 
