Game of love 101- KARMA


This Story Will Change Your Outlook On Life!!! 

Once a man said to Vaheguroo (God), "your spirit lyes in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Sikhs holy scriptures), you watch so many people come to your Darbaar (court), go and don't say anything to anyone. It's a hard job you've got, just sitting there all day. Let's swap jobs for one day, you relax as ME and place me on the side of your Darbaar so no one can see me." Vaheguroo said, "my job is very difficult, it is beyond your understanding, you won't be able to do it." The man insisted so Vaheguroo ji let him and said, "you can't say anything to anyone when they come to the Darbaar."

Now the man is sat there, a business man walks in asking for his business to flourish. As he did Matha Tek (prostrate), his wallet fell out. The man saw this and was just about to tell him but remembered Vaheguroo said, you can't say anything just let people pray and go so he left it. 

Next, a very poor man walks in, does Matha Tek and says, "Vaheguroo ji, my family is starving, they have no food. We are suffering so much, please help us." He turns to his right and sees a wallet there with lots of money in, he picks it up and thanks Vaheguroo Ji. The man experiencing this wants to grab the poor man and say, no it's not yours but remembers the words of  Vaheguroo and stays quite. 

Next, a sailor walks in, does Matha Tek, asks Guru Ji for his blessings, he's going on a 15 day ship tour. Just then the business man walks in with the police and says, "this is the man who's stolen my wallet." Now the man watching has had enough and thinks even God would intervene here so he does. He says, "your wallet was taken by a poor man" and explains the complete story. The police let the sailor go and thanked the man for speaking up and arrested the poor man later that day. The man went and stood back in the corner waiting for Vaheguroo ji to come back.  

Vaheguroo ji comes back after one day and says, "how was your day." The man says, "my day was so good, I did something you will be proud of." He tells his daily affair to Vaheguroo ji. Vaheguroo ji says "you've not done anything good, you have messed everything up. I told you to stay quite." The man looks in shock and says, "why?" Vaheguroo says, "all the business mans money was dirty money and not earnt by an honest living. The poor persons earnings all went to help others hence his family suffering, if a little of that money went to the poor man, his family would have had food and the business mans bad karma would have reduced. The sailor was going to be involved in a very bad ship accident hence if he got arrested he would have survived it." The man on hearing all this got very upset. 


God does everything for the best and loves everyone equally, we will never understand how God works. We have many problems in our lives which God will resolve for us but we don't have the faith and belief in him. If you ever have any problems in life which you can't face, please remember the story above, it will strengthen your faith. 

Guru Nanak says, karmee aapo apnee, ke narray, ke dhoor. "According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven further away."
