Game of love 165- NEEDS OF AMRIT!


I recently heard the story of a very devoted man, who used to do a lot of vaheguroo simran (meditation) and seva (selfless service), however had not taken Amrit (sikh Baptism). He lived around the time of Baba Kartar Singh Damdami Taksaal vale (1950-60s), and loved to listen to baba jis katha (religious discourses). 

This man had now grown very old and eventually had passed away. He was very devoted to Sikhi but had died before taking Amrit. At his funeral there were many thousands of people in attendance, as his seva and dedication had touched many people. As his body was about to be cremated, he suddenly got up. Everyone was shocked, as he turned to Baba Kartar Singh and said 'Please baba Ji, make me like you.'
Everyone was fascinated to know what had happened. 

The man narrated, that he had left his body and because he did so much seva and simran he was given royal treatment. All those in the next world gave him so much respect. They treated him like a king. He said to them, "I don't want all this, all I want is to see Guru Gobind Singh ji." The people there bowed to this man and he was revered, but he continually said "I don't want this, I want to see Guru Ji." He was taken before Dharam raaj, (King of righteousness) who also showed him immense respect, the mans soul asked, "I want to be with Guru Gobind singh." Dharamraaj said, "you haven't taken amrit, so you can not meet him. You haven't made him your Guru. Guru sahib is in Sach Khand but you can't reach him without Amrit."

He was sent back to take Amrit, and as he told his story approx 80,000 people took Amrit with him. Once receiving Amrit, he left his body permanently.

The acceptance of Amrit is a must for all Sikhs! The world is beginning to realise the purity and power of Guru Sahib Ji's Amrit! 

Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "Spending this life fruitfully the Gurmukh goes to the other world. There in the True court (of God) he gets his True place."
