Game of love 197- TRADER


What is the best business? Which business gives the greatest wealth? What trade gives the just rewards? Truth, trade in this and you will receive indescribable rewards. 

Everyone likes an honest person. This individual is loved and trusted by all. Back in the days, if two people could not make a decision between them, they used to say, 'call a sikh person, he will be very honest and speak the truth.'

Why do people like honest people? Others feel safe and protected around honest individuals. Honest individuals are very approachable. 

There are many forms of truth. There is speaking the truth, there is acting the truth through being righteous, there is living the truth through Naam meditation, reading Gurus word (Gurbaani), keeping Rehit and living in  and amongst like minded, honest people. And there is seeing the truth the purification of our drishtee (Godly eyes). 

When one meditates on Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo's Name, one naturally becomes pure in all the truths mentioned above. Naam does not let the individual waver off the path of truth. It keeps them steadfast on it. However when the Naam departs, this leaves room for the chor (thieves) of the mind to come and rob us from our profit of love and truth. Then the weak mind acts according to their will. 

However there is one eternal truth we have not mentioned and that is Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (God). For us to become the moorthee of sach (stature of truth), we have to recognise the truth. Vaheguroo is the truth. There is no other truth. They were there in the beginning, middle and will be there in the end. If we want to become infinite and merge into the truth (God), we have to become like them and be virtuous like them. They love all and so should we. There should be no differentiation of caste, colour, creed, background jathebandheaa (sikh groups) etc. If our minds are caught up in any type of difference, know this as being maya (delusion). One will never reach the padhvee (state) of truth!! 

If we want to reach Sachkhand (the realm of truth), then Amrit (Sikh baptism) is a must, athe pehar naam abhiyaas (meditating with every breath) is vital, in order that the mind doesn't wander in vice. 

Why waste time, open your heart and become the trader of truth! 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "let us be traders in the business of truth. This product will take us to the true court."
