Game of love- PARENTS


True story...

There was a young boy and his mother. The boy realised his mother only had one eye, as he got a little older. 

He went to school and he thought all his friends mothers were pretty but he felt his mother was ugly. He told his mother to stop dropping/picking him up from school. He would not let his mother go to any of his school functions, as he was growing up. He told her never to go anywhere with him, as he was ashamed of her. He would not let his mother open the door, when his friends called for him. He started to miss treat and disrespect her for he thought his mother was ugly. 

He told his mother, he was leaving home, when he got a little older. He never gave her the address, as he didn't want her to follow him. He then got married and had children. 

Ten years later, his mother turned up at his house, as she was depressed and her eyes couldn't bare not seeing her only son. Someone had given her the address. Her grandson came to the door and screamed, when saw the women. Her son came running to the door and never asked how she's been in ten years but started shouting at her saying, "Why don't you leave me alone, you scared all my friends and now you're scaring my family." She cried and said, 
"I've  seen you now son, I'm going."

Five years later, there was a primary school function in his mothers village, in which the son was invited too. He came, saw his mums house and got greedy thinking, he could claim some of her house and land. He went in, looked around and saw no one. His neighbour came and said, "It's been ten days since your mother passed away but here's a note she has left you." He thought great, at least she won't follow me around anymore. He sat down and opened the note. The note said, "Dear son, I know there is a function in our village and you will come. I am seriously ill. By the time you get here, I may not be alive. I just wanted to tell you, when you were younger, you had an accident and you were left with one eye. I didn't want you to be looked down on so I gave you my eye. I will always love you my son." 

The son could not believe how badly he treated such a compassionate women. He placed his head in his knees and cried in frustration and regret. 

We occasionally miss treat our parents. We can never repay them for what they have done for us. We are totally in debt to them. Their love is unconditional. They brought us in to this world. They nurtured us, clothed us, educated us. We should always serve our parents and always be there for them as their support. 

Bhai Gurdas Ji Says, "Forgetting lacs of benefactions (of mother), the son becomes disloyal and sets him self at logger-heads with his parents. Rare is any obedient son like Saravan, who was most obedient to his blind parents."
