Game of love- THE TRUE STATE OF LOVE 2


People in general, always talk about love but most people who talk about love, have no clue how powerful this word really is, it should not be used as loosely as it does. The love we know about in general, is more attachment in reality. To know about love, we have to experience it first. This only comes from contemplating and meditating on Naam, bringing our self closer to our soul and recognising our mind.

When we meditate on Gods name continuously, Naam becomes a natural contemplation. Most say it's very difficult, it's only difficult because in reality, we are not willing to put the time and effort in to practice it. Nothing is achieved without time and effort. It is nothing to worry about, just keep on meditating Athai Pehar (24/7).

The word love means, to love something more than ourselves i.e, sidelining our ego by the love of Gods name. Singh Sahib Yogee Harbhajan Singh says, โ€œlove is the experience of sacrifice in ones selfโ€.

Bhai Sahib Bhai Kanaeiya Jee was an embodiment and shining example of love. This is one Saakhee (story) that probably all of us know. When the Mughals were in battle with Gursikhs, Bhai Sahib Jee went around with a sack of water and quenched the thirst of most, if not all injured soldiers on the battle field, regardless of whether they were Muslims or Sikhs. The Sikhs complained to Guru Jee, that Bhai Sahib was helping the Muslims in battle, Guru Jee in turn questioned Bhai Sahib. Bhai Sahib said, "I only gave water to where I saw your roop (face)." Guru Jee is Ghat Ghat Ke Antar Kee Jaanat (the knower of all hearts), he embraced Bhai Sahib with a hug and said "This is my true Sikh." The Muslims were humbled by this amazing human being and did not have it in them to attack the embodiment of love. Bhai Sahib must have reached the amazing state of oneness with God, only Vaheguroo knows.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "One whose mind loves the Lord, Har Har, obtains supreme peace. He reaps the profit of the Lord's Name, the state of Nirvaanaa."

