Game of love ๐Ÿ’›- MAN OF HIS WORD!


A Muslim woman called Banu came to visit Hari Singh Nalwa. She had heard a lot about the seven foot tall General of the Sikhs at the time. She had heard he was powerful, strong, spiritual and a great warrior.

When she came to visit him, the Gursikhs asked General Hari Singh, if she was ok to come in. She said, she wanted to speak alone to Hari Singh Ji. The Gursikhs asked if this was ok and Hari singh Ji responded, it was fine.

She said, "I'm here to make a request, which I would not like you to decline."
Hari Singh uttered, "please make your request."
She replied, "I want you be the father of my children. I want my children to be strong and powerful like you"
Hari Singh Ji calmly said, "It's not possible, I am married, so therefor I can not give you what you want."
In hearing this, the woman got very upset and said, "I have heard Sikhs are very spiritual and compassionate people, with amazingly great characters and they never turn down the request of anyone. I have also heard no one goes away empty handed from the house of Guru Nanak (1st Sikh Guru)."
"You are completely right," lovingly answered Hari Singh Ji. "No one has ever gone empty handed from the dharr (door) of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and neither will you."
When Banu heard this response, she became very happy.
Hari Singh Ji lovingly uttered, "Please close your eyes." Banu closed her eyes and was waiting eagerly for a response she desired.ย 
Hari Singh Ji put his head in Banu's lap and sweetly said, "From now, you are my mother and I am your son. I will look after you til my very last breath."

General Hari Singh Ji lived by this promise for the rest of his life.

This is the beauty of Sikhi, when Sikhs of the Guru make a promise (Bachan), no matter how hard it is to follow through, they will make sure they live by it.

Are we still living in the same way today? Do we still have the virtues of the old puraatan Singhs and the stead fast saintly/warrior character? Do we give our word (Bachan) to people and live by it or do our words not hold that power and wealth anymore?

We need to look inside ourself and live by the beautiful teachings our Gurus have left us with. They are ours to spread in to the universe and make the world a much better, loving, peaceful place to live in.

Live by the teachings and spread them far and wide.

Are you doing your bit for your father Guru Gobind Singh Ji? Are you a kehnee te karnee da puttar (live by the teachings) or are you a naalaek puttar (has no respect for his father).

You choose and you decide what you want to be. You can be either. The choice is ours. We just need to take the steps and live it.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Following the Guru's Teachings, compassion, righteousness and contentment are found."

