Game of love ๐Ÿ’œ- TIME!


Why is time so important?

We usually think we have enough time to do all we want in life. Sometimes, we do think time is running away from us yet we want to slow it down to get stuff done.

What do we spend most our time doing?

We spend half our life sleeping, much of our life studying and working. We spend a lot of our time eating. We also have our social lives. Let's not forget the TV! We spend a lot of our life in front of the TV.

Now, the vital question! How much time do we spend remembering the one who gave us an opportunity to live and cherish every breath of this beautiful, blessing of a life? How much of this time do we spend thanking him?

Sadly, the answer is not much at all!

Guru sahib tells us in Gurbaani, any thought and action carried out without the remembrance of Godโ€™s name, is a thought and action in evil. We have wasted many life times in the midst of worldly pleasure. Let's give some of what we think is our time back to Guru Sahib Ji.

What would we do, if Guru Sahib Ji decided to take our time away? There's nothing we can do. Guru Sahib is in control but unfortunately our ego believes we are and that we would live forever. We don't want to accept or understand the concept of death.

So, let's not waste anymore of our precious time and lets find the sanctuary of Guru Sahib Jiโ€™s lotus feet. They will embrace us tight and bless us with their Naam, Baani and Sangat for us to purify this mind, body and soul.

The greatest gift you can give anyone is your time, because you are giving them a fraction of your life you will never receive back. Time is what we want most but end up using the worst. Either you control time or time will dominate you!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "vakhath veechaarae s ba(n)dhaa hoe ||

One who reflects upon his allotted time span of life, becomes the slave of God."
