Game of love ๐Ÿ’š- LIMITED BREATH!



"Ham aadhamee haa(n) eik dhamee muhalath muhath n jaanaa.

We are human beings of the briefest moment; we do not know the appointed time of our departure."


We live life by each breath. We have no clue whatsoever on the time of our departure, yet we continue not to remember God our beloved. We waste most our time in worldly affairs and our limited breaths decrease in vain. We have not accomplished what we were all sent here to do. We came to purify this mind and liberate the soul. We all came to change the face of the earth and most of us lost our ways, after witnessing and indulging in the luxuries this dark age of Kaljug brought to us. We could not control our desires so we decided to opt out, take the easy option and just do what everyone else is doing in this world. We were blind and we did not consider how many days this life would last. "A(n)dhhae jeevanaa veechaar dhaekh kaethae kae dhinaa."


Guru Ji goes on to say, we are deceitful and we don't remember the one loving name of Vaheguroo. The name in which would find us everlasting love, peace and happiness. When we get marched to deaths door, that's when we will realise who we really are and why we have come to earth in this human life form. We are extremely lazy and just continue living in our comfort zones. This is the time we will begin to regret and repent but at this point it becomes too late. "Naam khasam kaa chith n keeaa kapattee kapatt.

Jam dhuaar jaa pakarr chalaaeiaa thaa chaladhaa pashhuthaanaa."


As long as we are in this world, we should remember and speak always about Vaheguroo's name. By remembering, we are loving and thanking Vaheguroo for all we have and everything he has given us. Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, "I have searched and searched but I have found no way to live here forever." Death keeps following us. We can not escape it. There's no way out! There is only one way left and that is to remain dead, while yet alive. To live in this world by conquering our ego and finding true bliss within. Finding ones inner self is the place we should all be heading towards. It's the only place we will all remain in total peace, poise, bliss and happiness. "Jab lag dhuneeaa reheeai naanak kishh suneeai kishh keheeai.

Bhaal rehae ham rehan n paaeiaa jeevathiaa mar reheeai."

