Game of love ๐Ÿ’›- BEGGAR!


There was once a beggar, who lived in terrible poverty. He sat under a tree and begged all day. People would throw a few coins at him and this was his only means for survival and all he could live on.

Eventually, he died as a beggar and his body remained in the same place for days upon end. He had no friends or relatives to cremate or bury his body. It was left in the same spot for a few days. On noticing this, the villagers decided to bury him under the same tree he had been begging all his life.

As they began digging, they hit upon a huge treasure Just a few feet beneath him. The huge pot was full of gold and the fool was sitting right above it begging all his life. If only he had dug down a few feet, he would have been a very rich man. Little did he know, he sat there all his life being a beggar.

This is our state today! We have the Guru Granth Sahib Ji as our spiritual guide, teaching us how to find the treasure of life by conquering the mind to discover the soul within, but yet we wander around lost just like the beggar.

Guru Ji is very close but we choose to ignore them. The ruby and emerald like mind is sitting within us but we have no clue how to unlock this treasure!

We cannot comprehend the ability and power this human mind has. The sad thing is, we are not even aware of its capacity or potential yet it sits within us being ruled by maya (worldly delusion). This stops it from progressing spiritually!

It's time to "Discover the spirit within!"

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Gur poorai har naam dhirraaeiaa har nihachal har dhhan palai jeeo."

The Perfect Guru has implanted the Lord's Name within me. I have the Imperishable treasure of Godโ€™s name within my lap.
