Sikhi Game of love- Who is Guru?

Who is Guru?

Gu- Dark Ru- light : From dark to light; The dispeller of darkness.

Guru is also a sanskrit word, meaning a guide or a teacher 

Gurbani refers to the ‘Guru’ many a time. Guru Ji themselves, refer to ‘Guru’ in Gurbani, with reference to the ‘True Guru’ and ‘Guru’s Grace.’

A few examples go as follows:

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says,

Gurparsadhee Paiaa ||

By ‘Guru’s Grace’ I have found him (Vaheguroo).

Guru Arjan Dev Ji says,

Man Gur Mil Kaaj Savaare ||1|| Rahaao ||

Meeting with ‘The Guru,’ your affairs shall be resolved.

Guru Tegbahadur Ji says,

Baahar Bheethar Eko Jaanahu Eho Gur Gyaan Bathaaee ||

Inside and outside know that there is only the One Lord; the ‘Guru’ has imparted this wisdom to me.

Who is the True Guru? How do we engage with Guru Ji?

When Guru Gobind Singh Ji was asked by Bhai Nand Laal Ji about the different forms of ‘Guru,’ he confirmed that Guru ji has 3 forms. This is recorded by Bhai Nand Laal Ji in Rehatnaama.

Guru Ji has 3 different forms:

1. Nirgun- Formless. Guru ji is described as a formless being with no physical essence to them. Guru Ji is everywhere, an energy and a power listening to all our prayers. We are referring to Vaheguroo themselves. The Guru and the One Lord God are the same.      

* Gur Mera Paarbrahm Gur Bhagvanth- My Guru is the Supreme Lord God; the Guru is the Lord God.

1. Shabad Guru- Spiritual enlightener. Gurbani is the Guru. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our Guru. Through the teachings of our Guru we are enlightened, and can find our way back to Vaheguroo; just like a droplet of water merges back in with the sea.

* ‘Bani Guru Guru Hai Bani Vich Bani Amrit Sare’ - The Bani is the Guru and the Guru is the Bani, whoever follows this Gurbani, the Guru will be their as their support always.

* Guru Arjan Dev Ji says, Dhur Kee Baanee Ayee - The Bani of his word emanated from the Primal Lord. Thin Saglee Chinth Mitaee- it eradicates all anxiety. 

This Bani is the sermon of God himself!

1.  Sargun- physical form of Guru Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the first Guru and their jyot (light) passed through all 10 Gurus, with Guru Gobind Singh Ji being the 10th Guru. This is the physical form of the Guru. Guru Gobind Singh Ji then goes on to say that his Khalsa is also his form. We are now his sargun ‘physical’ body. He resides in his Khalsa. 

* Guru Gobind Ji says, Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas -The Khalsa is my special form. Khalse Mai Hau Karo Nivaas- In the Khalsa I live.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji said that his Khalsa is the one that has given their mind and body to their Guru; the one that follows the code of conduct given to us by our Guru; the one that keeps truth alive and never swerves from God, and in their heart the light of God forever shines.

