Please share this very important message, images and video in the bio with as many people as possible around the world. Let’s support those earning a truthful and honest living! It’s the largest peaceful protest ever in world history!

This is not about caste, colour, creed or religion. It’s about protecting the universal virtue of honesty and righteousness, which is everyone’s responsibility.

Dear Citizens of India,

If you had a meal today, thank a farmer!
During the pandemic and lockdown, these farmers kept working to keep you and your children fed.
Your education and health care has been privatised. Do you enjoy paying so much more for it?
Do you want your food privatised so that the same Indian oligarchs make even more money?

Your media will brainwash you and tell you that those marching to Delhi are separatists. The media will not tell you that a farmer gets paid seven rupees for crop, which the rich industrialist sell to you in the cities of India for 150 rupees. Now they force the farmer to accept even less. Ask yourself, is this ethical?
How many more farmer suicides do you need in India?

The police and army are inciting them with barbed wire, tear gas and water canons for protesting peacefully, which is everyone’s constitutional right. In return the farmers are feeding the police with langar (a free hot meal) of Guru Nanak Dev ji.

If you are a proud Indian and you appreciate the meal on your table;
If you want good quality food for your children, then support the farmers marching to Delhi and support a sustainable farming industry. The oligarchs have enough wealth accumulated from their greed.
In fact, if you want quality food for your children, then it should not just be farmers marching to Delhi, every citizen of India should be marching with them.
We ask you to support the hardworking farmer like they supported you in this pandemic.

Every country looks after its farmers, so why aren’t India looking after there’s?

Our elderly, at the ages of 80 - 95 years old, should not be sleeping outside in winter nights during a pandemic.
They should not be attacked by police with tear gas, water cannons and barbed wire. They do this in our names. They get told they are allowed to protest but then are attacked and blocked. How does this make sense to a cause they are allowed to protest?

Punjab and other farming states are being forced by Indian oligarchs like Ambani to privatise the food supply as they have already taken over healthcare, education, airports, rails and roads.
This affects the root of what Punjab is about.

Baba Banda Singh Bahadhur freed our lands from Thakurs, large landowners. This made the Punjabi free to sow his own land not a slave on someone else’s land.

Today Modi’s BJP is trying to make Punjabi farmers slaves to corporates and Punjabis are resisting. We all need to support them!
The Indian media is being used to demonise the farmers. Media networks from around the world should be positively supporting the peaceful cause too. let’s put forward our narrative. The middle classes of india need to understand why the farmers are protesting.
We do not want our elders of punjab sitting in the cold for months during a covid pandemic.
We want a resolution by the BJP government withdrawing these laws and nobody hurt through it!
Please all, Support the farmers!

