Sikhi Game of love- FEED THE WORLD


The Sikh community have truly stepped up to the mark during the global pandemic. From New Delhi to Gravesend to New York City, they have been actively preparing and delivering food to the needy in their local communities using the kitchen facilities in their local Gurdwaras (Sikhs place of worship).

But, this “stepping up to the mark” is not some sort of extraordinary achievement or behaviour. This should be ingrained in the DNA of every single Sikh on the planet. 

The three basic pillars of Sikhi make this absolutely clear…..Meditate on the Naam, Earn an honest living and Share your Food.

Sadly, there are many in the modern world, who instead live by the code of “Look after number 1” or “I’m alright Jack!”

Those drenched in the Naam, feel the intense love for the entire creation and will always think to feed another before they eat themselves. 

Some of the earliest guidelines on the Sikh way of life are to be found in the verses of Bhai Gurdas Jee (the great Sikh scholar, nephew of Guru Amar Das Jee and the scribe of the 1st recension of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee). This whole principle of feeding others is clearly articulated in the following verse, that describes the path of the Gurmukh (Guru Oriented).

Gurasikh Bhalkay Outth Kai Anmrit Vaylay Sar Nhaavandaa.

The Gurmukh getting up in ambrosial hours of the early morning takes bath.

Guru Kai Bachan Ouchaar Kai Dharamasaal Dee Surat Karandaa.

Reciting the holy hymns of the Guru, he moves towards the Gurudvara, the central place for Sikhs.

Saadhsangat Vich Jaai Kai Gurbaanee Day Preet Sunandaa.

There, joining the holy congregation, he lovingly listens to Gurbani, the holy hymns of the Guru.

Sankaa Manahu Mitaai Kai Guru Sikhaan Dee Sayv Karandaa.

Effacing all doubt from his mind he serves the Sikhs of the Guru.

Kirat Virat Kar Dharam Dee Lai Parasaad Aan Vartandaa.

Then by righteous means he earns his livelihood and he distributes the hard-earned food among the needy ones.

Gursikhaan Noo Day Kar Pichhon Bachiaa Aap Khavandaa.

Offering food first, to the Sikhs of Guru, he himself eats the remainder.

Kalee Kaal Paragaas Kar Guru Chaylaa Guru Sandaa.

In this dark age, illumined by such feelings, the disciple becomes Guru and the Guru disciple.

Guramoukh Gaadee Raahu Chaladaa ||11||

The Gurmukhs tread on such a highway of religious life.

