Sikhi Game of love- MANTRA


"While walking, sitting, sleeping and awake, contemplate the Gurmantra within your heart."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

Guru sahib makes it clear in Gurbani (sikh holy scriptures), we have to meditate with every breath in order to find peace, bliss and a balanced tranquil mind. By meditating 24/7, with every breath, we find the state of Sehj (peace poise). This is the highest state of love. One is not phased by anything in this state. All emotions, thoughts and the mind’s desires are completely controlled by the shabad (word mantra) Vaheguroo.

We should not miss even one breath of Naam meditation, as Guru sahib ji says, it is a breath wasted in evil thought.

Another reason why Guru ji tells us not to forget the naam with any breath is, when we breathe our last, if we have not remembered vaheguroo (god) throughout our jivan (life), it will become very difficult to remember them in the last breath. This will most likely result in us remembering our attachments, which will result in our soul’s next life form.

Guru sahib ji says, if we remember god in our last breath, our soul will merge in the heart of the supreme soul (god) and we will fulfil the purpose of this human life.

Keep the company of those who love to meditate by loving god, and those who relish the love of Vaheguroo’s creation with every breath.

The blessed souls experience the ras (love) of naam. It's an ecstasy that can not be matched and one would rather die than live without the ras of Vaheguroo.

"Without meditation on your name my life does not even exist"
Guru Ramdas Ji


Bhai Rama Singh Ji, was a blessed and very loving soul. He would fall deep in to meditation whenever he found the opportunity. He would say, always love those more without a faith, as they need it more. His eyes were of a truly innocent child's. Looking in to them would be like looking in to a piece of glass. He was born in a Hindu family and adopted Sikhi after meeting the 10th Sikh Guru through spirit. He was the living example of a human being always imbued in the taste of meditation. Bhai Sahib’s body left this earth over 10 years ago. He may have left but his aura, love and energy is still felt today.

