Game of love 25- HARSH WORDS


"Harsh words bring only grief."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

In our anger, we can say many bitter words. In that moment of frustration this aggressive behaviour brings you relief, but in the long run the guilt and realisation of your harsh words will only bring you sorrow. It is best to think before you speak. It is best not to speak if it only brings negativity to the conversation. 

When the love of the lords name becomes one with our breath it becomes difficult to speak harsh words. Only the praises of The Lord are uttered from such a mouth. If the name disappears for even a second, our mind opens up to the evils of this dark age, which then can cause us to make silly mistakes through harsh words. 

Be aware of this drunken mind with every breath we breathe. 


Game of love 26- HARVEST


"As you plant, so shall you harvest."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

The seeds of positive thought and action will be enjoyed when they flourish. Begin to do good and positive things for yourself and others now. It will bring you more happiness and foster good character for the future. 

If we sew bad seeds we create bad karma and we have to pay for it in this life or the here after. So it's easier to do good and reap good. 

It's important we sew seeds of virtue in this life, as virtuous deeds will help our soul become closer to god and accomplish our coming on this earth, Which is to liberate our soul. 

Doing good for others will always be rewarded. It's easy to do good for our families but very difficult to put others before loved ones.

This is exactly what the Sikh Gurus did for us and all mankind. 

Our final thoughts play a large part in our souls journey. This is the reason Guru ji wants us to remember god with our every breath. 


Game of love 23- GOOD CONDUCT


"If you seek the path of good conduct, forsake greed, and do not look upon another's property and women."

Bhagat Jaidev Ji 12th Century

Good conduct will never go out of fashion. Avoid materialism and envy and act in a way such that peace and contentment surround each and every act you perform. 

We are blessed to be Sikhs of the Guru, if we perform wrongful acts, it is like a gaal (swear) to the Guru, as we perform them in Guru Jis roop. All women/men are our mothers/fathers, sisters/brothers, and daughters/sons. 

When we act in righteousness and conduct ourselves in a kind, loving and positive way this energy is recognised by the world and Guru Ji is praised for it. 

All praise is Guru Jis, none is ours, as the roop and gift of spiritual Sikhi is Guru Jis 


Game of love 24- GREED


"When there is greed, what love can there be? When there is greed, love is false. How long can one remain in a thatched hut which leaks when it rains?"

Sheikh Farid Ji 1173-1265

Replace greed with love. Do not allow your mind to be filled with greed. It can be difficult to feel content, but sincere effort will allow you to overcome greed. Take steps to overcome the feeling of greed by nurturing love and contentment in your heart. It becomes very difficult to love when we are controlled by greed. 

In this life we want more and more but all will stay here. Only naam, baani and our good and bad actions will be accounted for and help in our souls journey. 

When we are greedy, it's all for our own selfish needs, we are totally controlled by our mind and ego. The mind is like a wild monkey always on the loose. We should not let the mind control us but instead we should be fully in control over our mind. This is only possible through meditation on the lords name. 

If we control our wild mind no vice in the world will be able to lead us a stray. 


Game of love 22- SILK


"Jin pat andhar bahar gudhar, te bhalay sansaar" .. Those who have silk on the inside and rags on the outside are the good ones in this world. 

"Tin neho laggaa rab sethee dekhnay veechaar".. They embrace love for the Lord, and contemplate beholding Him.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

The Sikh in which Guru Ji created, was created to be very simple in form and action. They would have the wisdom of the universe yet look as though they know nothing, when they speak, they shall speak as though silk pours from their mouths. 

The attributes of soft, sweet speech, divine wisdom, contentment and humility are naturally developed through constant meditation on Vahegurus name.The mind remains balanced through the naam. 


Game of love 21- GOSSIP


"One who's heart is filled with malicious gossip, everything they do is in vain."

Guru RamDas Ji 1534-1581

Everyone enjoys a good gossip, but no one wants others to gossip about them. Gossip only brings negativity. Avoid gossip and accept that everyone, just like yourself, has ups and downs in their lives and are different. 

When we gossip about others, it shows we are weak humans. Life is a mirror, we are on the inside as we are on the outside. If we are loving, peaceful and calm on the outside, that's exactly what the state of our mind and soul will be on the inside. 

By gossiping about others we are sewing bad karma for ourselves, which we will have to pay for in this life or the hereafter. 

It's easier to accept all as one, meditate and live in high spirits. 

Gossip means we are empty inside and separated from the true taste of spiritual fulfilment. To listen to Gossip is as bad as speaking it.  


Game of love 20- GOOD AND BAD


"From the one light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad?" 

Bhagat Kabir Ji 1398-1448

How can we call anyone good and bad? One divine light pervades and creates us all. Realise this and you would have grasped one of the most spiritual truths realised by saints through the ages. 

We are all souls from the supreme soul (god). We will only realise this when we become one with our mind & soul through meditation and discover the spirit within. Guru sahib ji changes our dhrishthee (inner eyes) when the mind is absorbed in the lords love through naam meditation. 

In this way we effortlessly see the light of god in their creation. 

We can not be separated from the naam for even an instant as this would give an opportunity for negative thoughts to appear. Separation from god becomes unbearable and we lose the wealthy love of seeing god in all. 


Game of love 19- GIVE


"One gets hereafter only what one gives here out of honest earnings."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

To give is divine. As you give and foster love for others now, so your soul shall receive the rewards on its journey after this life. 

Giving is a great gift. The most important wealth to give is our time to others as we are normally quite selfish when it comes to helping others, specially people we don't know. If we saw god in all, just as we do with our friends & family, we would find it a lot easier to give. 

Through meditation we develop the qualities of love, compassion, forgiveness, faith, truth, humility, contentment, patience, kindness and many others. These virtues are the blessings of the divine and if we could encourage others to develop and live in this way, it would be the most blessed form of giving.

This would be the true service and honest living Guru sahib ji would bless and reward us for hereafter. 


Game of love 18- FORGIVENESS


"To practice forgiveness is the true fast, good conduct and contentment." 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

It can be very hard to forgive, however if you do, then others will see the good in you and your own grief over being hurt by someone else will not dig in to you. It is far better to forgive and move on rather than hold on to the past and make life difficult for yourself and others, as negative energy is always clearly felt. A sack of potatoes always rots and gets heavier over time. It always takes a bigger person to forgive and move on. 

What is the point in fasting if we can't forgive? Guru sahib ji speaks to our Muslim brothers/sisters in the shabad above. 

It is our egos that don't let us forgive. If we meditated, purified our filthy minds and attempted to see god in all, as all is the soul of god, we would find it very easy to forgive, move on and always be surrounded by the positive energy of naam and baani. 


Game of love 17- FLOWER


"If one obtains the subtle fragrance of that spiritual flower, he can not describe the indescribable; he could speak, but who would understand him." 

Bhagat Kabir Ji 1398-1448

Spiritual experience is beyond description. Like the smell of a beautiful flower, spiritual experience cannot be fully described by the one who experiences it. Guru Sahib Ji has described it as, 'a mute can not speak about the taste of sugar, so is the beautiful taste of meditation.' One thing is for sure; spiritual and mystical experiences are life changers.  

Naam and baani can be tasted and one can be imbued in the colour of the lords name. The world will see and feel this energy in a god loving person but the experiencer would fail to explain it's beauty, as most of it is a blessing by Guru ji and the taste of this ecstasy is so powerful and strong that one would not no where to start, as worldly words would not do justice to the explanation of high spirits through naam meditation. 


Game of love 16- FEAR


"Fear no one and give fear to no one."

Guru Teghbahadur Ji 1621-1675

Fear is good for no one and a very destructive feeling. Try not to feel afraid of anything and remember never to put fear in to others. This way, fear will not grip and burden your life. 

When the mind finds Sehj (peace/tranquility) through meditation, it fears nothing and only loves the one who created it (vaheguroo). A balanced mind becomes nirbhao (fearless). Nothing physical scares us as the mind is controlled by the mantra of 'vaheguroo' and the blessings of Akaal purakh (timeless one).


Game of love 15- FALSE


"Those who have one thing in their heart and something else in their mouth, are judged to be false." 

Sheikh Farid Ji 1173-1265

Always say what you mean, and know to be true. Avoid making up stories in order to impress someone or to avoid some difficult circumstances. The truth will ultimately prevail. No one likes someone who is false and can not be trusted. Present the real you to everyone you meet. They will both appreciate and like the real you. 

When the mind is joined to Gurus Shabad (vaheguroo), gods qualities of 'truth' become a part of the being and even if one attempts to lie, it becomes impossible as the truth of shabad (vaheguroo) speaks through them. 


Game of love 14- FAITH


"None is faithless, if they have faith in themselves".

Bhai Nand Lal Ji 1633-1713

Organised religion is fading from many lives. As a result of this, many lack some sort of faith. This is a shame. The first step towards faith is to have faith in yourself. This is a stepping stone to realising true faith, peace and contentment. Believe in yourself. A lack on self-conviction can only lead to inner frustration. 

It is a known fact, that those with faith are always happier and more peaceful. 

Game of love 11- EGOTISM


"Egotism and possessiveness are very enticing, egotistical pride has plundered everyone".

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Egotism is one of the greatest obstacles in achieving a state of spiritual bliss. Those who forever think and say 'I, I' can never appreciate what they have or respect the feelings and ways of other people. Their mind is blinded by ego, they see no further. Stop your ego; think of others, have love in your heart and meditate as often as possible.  

We should all have DIVINE pride, which is a pride for our faith and beliefs. This makes us powerful individuals through blessings of the divine. We should not be ashamed of who we are and walk with our heads held high, as we are the sons and daughters of the most spiritual guide to have ever existed. 


Game of love 12- SPIRITUAL POINTS


* Love will come through Simran (meditation) because it is a positive energy but we need to be in control of it, we should control when to give it, how much to give, not give any at all if it helps the situation of truth, the love will always be in the heart but controlled by us

* Don’t think too much, do things slowly, don’t try too hard, be thoughtful before making any decisions whether it being physical, mental or verbal

* Only do any two things at once, meditation being one, 2nd materialistic because we live in society, when the 3rd enters, the mind looses focus of any one of the other two

* Ask Guru Sahib for anything, he is always close, remember if you ask you have to learn to have faith as it will come true (spirit connection)

* Make your GOAL in life to be like Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Jee. A human being with all the qualities of God, a pure Saint-Soldier (Sant Sipaahe)

* Stay fully focussed on the Shabad, speak only when you need to, don’t be afraid to speak the truth

* Try to speak only when you are spoken to

* All these points that have been spoken about are only developed through Naam Abhiyaas (practice).


Game of love 10- EXCELLENT LIFE


"Practice truth, contentment and kindness; this is the most excellent way of life".

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

The simplest things make for the best life. Seeking simple qualities will transform you forever. Think about the truth and always remain honest, feel content with what you have, ask for no more and thank God for all you have, keep kindness for all in your heart. It is so simple, and yet, you will find that these three qualities will lift your spirits and keep you happy. 




"From father, grand father, great grand father are born son, grand son, great grand son respectively and from great grand son is born simply a relative (natta, having no specific relational name).

The relationship of mother, grand mother, great grand mother, father’s sister, sister, daughter, and daughter-in-law is also respected.

Maternal grand father and mother and maternal great grand father and mother are also known.

Father’s elder brother (taia) younger brother (chacha), their wives (tai, chachi) et al. also remain absorbed in worldly affairs (Maya).

Mama, mami (mother’s brother and his wife), masi, masar (mother’s sister and her husband), all look dyed in their own colours.

Masar, phupa (mother’s sister’s husband and father’s sister’s husband respectively), father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law (sali) and brother-in-law (sala) are also close.

The relationship of chacha’s-in-law and those of the mama-in-law and phupha-in-law are known as inconvenient relations.

The relationship of sister-in-law’s husband (sandhu) and father-in-law of your daughter or son (kuram) are momentary and fake like those passengers of a boat sitting in a group.

The True relationship is with those brothers/sisters who meet in the Holy Congregation. They never get separated.

Through the Holy Congregation, the Gurmukhs learn the technique of renunciation amidst enjoyments".(19)

Bhai Gurdaas Ji 

This shabad explains the different rishte (relationships) we have in this world. Bhai Gurdaas ji goes on to explain, all these rishte are false as they are not connected by the spirit to naam & baani. These rishte will leave us after this life and not join us in the spirit world to rejoice in naam & baani here after. True love only comes through Guru and shabad. We also have nothing worldly to fall out over when our all is naam/baani. 
Only those relationships are true in which are connected/binded by naam, baani, Guru and Gursangat. Sangat (congregation) keeps us in touch with purifying our mind constantly. Those who are binded via shabad remain together in spirit forever..

With Guru Sahib, shabad and sangat we will never feel alone! If practiced correctly through meditation we actually feel ecstatic at all times, even whilst living in this dark age of worldly ras (enjoyment). 

Guru Sahib Ji will always protect and remain by us through mind, body and soul. They will never let us suffer according to Gurmat, they are our TRUE RELATION! 

Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Ji

"I have seen that all relationships are false, and so I have grasped hold of the hem of Your robe, vaheguroo". ||1||


Game of love 8- GURU SAHIB LISTENS


"Everyone chants the Lord's Name, Raam, Raam; but by such chanting, the Lord is not obtained.
By Guru's Grace, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind, and then, the fruits are obtained. ||1||
One who enshrines love for God within his mind,
never forgets the Lord; he continually chants the Lord's Name, Har, Har, in his conscious awake mind". ||1||Pause||
Guru Amardas Ji 1479-1574
When our mind is listening to Gurbani and Vaheguroo Gurmantar, this means Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji is accepting and listening to the shabad we are reciting also. If our tongue repeats but our mind fails to hear and contemplate, this means Guru Sahib ji has not accepted the Shabad in dargaah sachkhand (gate of truth) and we fail to receive their thaapraa (blessings).. 

Moral- always focus with single minded concentration when reciting naam meditation and baani. Just repeating is not accepted. EverySINGLE call, chant to vaheguroo should be a call of love and union for God the supreme soul through a separation of two souls. This leads to the emotion of bairaag (sincere longing and a cry of love), which ends in a state of Sehj (bliss, peace, poise and tranquility). 


Game of love 7- DREAM


"Like the king, asleep upon his throne dreaming that he is a beggar... Such is my own condition". 

Bhagat Ravidaas Ji 15th Century.

You are precious. we are all kings and queens in our own right. Every human being is precious. Do not walk around in a dream like state, not realising your true wealth. Those who have belief and faith realise the true wealth. 
