Game of love 107- NAAM RAS

 NAAM RAS (beautiful taste of Vaheguroo's Name) 

When Naam Ras is at its extreme in the body fortress of a Gurmukh, (the one who follows Gurus teachings), the body goes into a state of Bismaadh. This is when the body 'shuts down' and one experiences just pure Naam Ras. We can see Gursikhs experiencing this state in long smaagams (programmes), such as Kirtan (singing of shabad) Smagams, and Amrit vela (early hours meditation) - Many Gurmukhs go into this state. In Programmes, it usually looks as though they are asleep because their heads are pointed down and their body saavdhaan (straight). They will usually sit with their eyes closed for a number of hours. When we see other Gurmukhs in the state of Bismaadhee (ecstasy beyond description) it looks like they are sleeping, in fact physically the body is sleeping as it's in rest mode, but inside the Naam Ras is drenching them with love and ecstasy.

How do we go into the state of Bismaadhee? Bismaadhee is when the Anand (peace/joy) from Naam Ras is too much and the body cannot handle it, the body automatically slips into this state. It's when the naam ras travels through all the body chakras and settles in the 6th one (tenth gate).

A Gurmukh (spiritual devotee) can go into Bismaadhee any time s/he wishes to do so. But, because we live a Gristhee Jeevan (householders life) we experience it usually when we do long sittings in meditation (Kirtan smaagams). Sometimes, in this state, our soul can actually leave our body through the Dasam Duaar (tenth gate), this is the soft spot on the top of ones head. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Beyond the nine gates, the Tenth Gate is found, and liberation is obtained. The Unstruck Melody of the Shabad vibrates."


Game of love 106- ONLY NAAM


Each day is passing by, our body is becoming older. Death has transformed itself into a hunter and is coming for us. One day it will find us.. That day is coming closer. 
No mother, father, siblings, children, friends or spouse will support us when the butcher of death knocks on our door. 
We have one saviour..... Keval Naam japo re praanee, paroh ek kee saranaa - repeating Vaheguroo and come to reside in the Saran (sanctury), (hukam/command - rehat/discipline) of Vaheguroo. 

We may not be able to control what happens in our lives, but we can influence our thoughts and cultivate a peace, loving, happy inner world. 

Bhagat Kabeer Ji Says, "Day by day, hour by hour, life runs its course, and the body withers away. Death, like a hunter, a butcher, is on the prowl; tell me, what can we do? Says Kabeer, listen, O mortal: Renounce the doubts of your mind. Chant only the One Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mortal, and seek the Sanctuary of the One Lord."


Game of love 105- LIFE OR WORK


Father was a hardworking man who delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings after work attending classes, hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better paying job. Except for Sundays, Father hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best money could buy.

Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

The day came when the examination results were announced. To his joy, Father passed, and with distinctions too! Soon after, he was offered a good job as a senior supervisor which paid handsomely.

Like a dream come true, Father could now afford to provide his family with life’s little luxuries like nice clothing, fine food and holidays abroad.

However, the family still did not get to see father for most of the week. He continued to work very hard, hoping to be promoted to the position of manager. In fact, to make himself a worthy candidate for the promotion, he enrolled for another course in the open university.

Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

Father’s hard work paid off and he was promoted. Jubilantly, he decided to hire a maid to relieve his wife from her domestic tasks. He also felt that their three-room flat was no longer big enough, it would be nice for his family to be able to enjoy the facilities and comfort of a beautiful home. Having experienced the rewards of his hard work many times before, Father resolved to further his studies and work at being promoted again. The family still did not get to see much of him. In fact, sometimes Father had to work on Sundays entertaining clients. Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

As expected, Father’s hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful property overlooking the coast of Singapore. On the first Sunday evening at their new home, Father declared to his family that he decided not to take anymore courses or pursue any more promotions. From then on he was going to devote more time to his family.

Father did not wake up the next day.


We waste most our life studying & working and forget all the important things in life. Many people say we will remember God and accept Amrit (Sikh baptism) later. Will later ever come? Can we guarantee our breaths. Let's do what we have to do now!! The soul needs to be liberated, let's make the efforts now!! 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "In duality, you are ruining and wasting this priceless human life. You trade it away in exchange for a shell."

Game of love 104- TRUE VISION


We can sit in the sangat and feel bliss for a few minutes or hours. We can meet spiritual Sikhs who when we meet we might feel a good feeling or a positive energy for a few hours. There are not many people in this world who you see for the first time and you feel delighted with joy, and the joy remains for a lifetime or the mind feels an everlasting peace. These people are very rarely seen. 

Bhatt Kirat (poet) writes about the virtues of Guru Ramdas Ji in Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Sikh holy scriptures). Bhatt Ji Says, when meeting Guru Ramdas ji, he felt an amazing delight within his mind, he felt ecstatic, his mind was overwhelmed with love. He says Guru Ramdas Ji is like sandalwood, his fragrance spreads effortlessly around the world. He purifies many and liberates their souls, he is God himself. He said, this is the reason everyone fears, loves and respects Guru Ramdas Ji (4th Guru of the Sikhs). 

This is what Bhatt Ji experienced when meeting Guru Ji, May Guru Ji bless us all with their delightful Darshan (vision) and liberate our souls. How fortunate was Bhatt ji. 

Bhatt Kirat Says, "Whoever serves the True Guru obtains the treasure; night and day, he dwells at the Lord's Feet. And so, the entire Sangat loves, fears and respects You. You are the sandalwood tree; Your fragrance spreads gloriously far and wide. Dhroo, Prahlaad, Kabeer and Trilochan chanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and His Illumination radiantly shines forth. Seeing Him, the mind is totally delighted; Guru Raam Daas is the Helper and Support of the Saints."




A Sikh philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up the remaining open areas of the jar.

He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous β€œYes.”

β€œNow,” said the professor, β€œI want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – Your Guru (spiritual guide), Sangat (spiritual company),  Rehit (Discipline), Amrit (baptism), Naam (Meditation on Gods name) – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your family, your partner, your children, your health. The sand is everything else, the small stuff.”

β€œIf you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, β€œthere is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical for your spiritual progression, love, peace, joy and happiness. The rocks will assist you through this life and the hereafter. 

β€œTake care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

Don't waste your life! 

Guru Teghbahadur  says, "You have obtained the priceless jewel of this human life; why are you uselessly wasting it?"


Game of love 102- STREAM


"The stream of immaculate purity flows through the home of the self within; one who drinks from it, finds peace."

Guru Ramdas Ji 1534-1581

There is a light of positive power which surges through us all. If you can find the pure you, then bathe in that purity to feel rejuvenated. 

In the above shabad, Guru Ji is talking about the power of Amrit (ambrosial) Naam (Name). Guru Ji has called the name immaculate and pure, he says it flows in the vessels of those who love him and remember him. The ones who taste and drink this spiritual nectar find an everlasting peace and contentment. 

Guru ji also says, this body is the field of karma, the wise Spiritual Sikhs plow and work it, then harvest the essence. They purify all their actions and senses through the stream of Amrit Naam meditation. This is when it pours in to all the vessels of love. 

Guru Ji then goes on to say, those who follow their mind and not a spiritual guide, their minds are engrossed in to the attachment of materialistic pleasure (maya). Their minds become very thirsty for more and burn with desire. When we have desire, we have no love. It's just a yearning of WANT, one can never fall in love with God until we have this burning desire of materialistic pleasure within us. Peace, love and contentment are far away from such individual. The only desire we should have is, the desire of meeting God and liberating our soul.  

Guru Ramdas Ji then says, "The stubborn-minded, egotistical, proud-minded person performs rituals, but these are like sand castles built by children.

When the waves of the ocean come in, they crumble and dissolve in an instant."

let's not build temporary sand castles of ego and attachment, let's pump our vessels with the love of Gods name. This will be the only substance which remains within us when we leave our clay filled body.  


Game of love 101- KARMA


This Story Will Change Your Outlook On Life!!! 

Once a man said to Vaheguroo (God), "your spirit lyes in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Sikhs holy scriptures), you watch so many people come to your Darbaar (court), go and don't say anything to anyone. It's a hard job you've got, just sitting there all day. Let's swap jobs for one day, you relax as ME and place me on the side of your Darbaar so no one can see me." Vaheguroo said, "my job is very difficult, it is beyond your understanding, you won't be able to do it." The man insisted so Vaheguroo ji let him and said, "you can't say anything to anyone when they come to the Darbaar."

Now the man is sat there, a business man walks in asking for his business to flourish. As he did Matha Tek (prostrate), his wallet fell out. The man saw this and was just about to tell him but remembered Vaheguroo said, you can't say anything just let people pray and go so he left it. 

Next, a very poor man walks in, does Matha Tek and says, "Vaheguroo ji, my family is starving, they have no food. We are suffering so much, please help us." He turns to his right and sees a wallet there with lots of money in, he picks it up and thanks Vaheguroo Ji. The man experiencing this wants to grab the poor man and say, no it's not yours but remembers the words of  Vaheguroo and stays quite. 

Next, a sailor walks in, does Matha Tek, asks Guru Ji for his blessings, he's going on a 15 day ship tour. Just then the business man walks in with the police and says, "this is the man who's stolen my wallet." Now the man watching has had enough and thinks even God would intervene here so he does. He says, "your wallet was taken by a poor man" and explains the complete story. The police let the sailor go and thanked the man for speaking up and arrested the poor man later that day. The man went and stood back in the corner waiting for Vaheguroo ji to come back.  

Vaheguroo ji comes back after one day and says, "how was your day." The man says, "my day was so good, I did something you will be proud of." He tells his daily affair to Vaheguroo ji. Vaheguroo ji says "you've not done anything good, you have messed everything up. I told you to stay quite." The man looks in shock and says, "why?" Vaheguroo says, "all the business mans money was dirty money and not earnt by an honest living. The poor persons earnings all went to help others hence his family suffering, if a little of that money went to the poor man, his family would have had food and the business mans bad karma would have reduced. The sailor was going to be involved in a very bad ship accident hence if he got arrested he would have survived it." The man on hearing all this got very upset. 


God does everything for the best and loves everyone equally, we will never understand how God works. We have many problems in our lives which God will resolve for us but we don't have the faith and belief in him. If you ever have any problems in life which you can't face, please remember the story above, it will strengthen your faith. 

Guru Nanak says, karmee aapo apnee, ke narray, ke dhoor. "According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven further away."


Game of love 100- PLEASURE AND PAIN


Once, a man visited a holy person, seeking his blessings and advice to carry him through his life. Sliding two pieces of paper in to two envelopes, he wrote "dukh" (pain) on one and on the other he wrote "sukh" (pleasure). He then turned and gave the envelopes to the visiting man and said, "dear son, when you've reached a point in your life when you feel life can get no worse, I want you to open the envelope labelled "dukh" (pain). When you've reached a point in your life when you think it can't get any better, I want you to open the envelope labelled "sukh" (pleasure). With gratitude the man took these and stored them safely. 

Later in life the man lost his friends, his business had failed him and he suffered many personal tragedies. He was sad, depressed and felt he had reached a low point in life. Recalling the holy man, he Reached for the envelope labelled "dukh" and pulled out a paper that read, "this, too, shall pass." The message bought him hope and belief that things can change, that nothing was permanent. 

Over time, as his life improved, he found himself with new friends, his business thriving and he was surrounded with beauty and joy. He felt life couldn't get any better. He recalled the holy persons words and decided to open the envelope labelled "sukh." He opened the envelope, a gentle smile and peace fell over him as he read the paper that said, "This too shall pass."


Nothing in life is permanent, yet we attach ourselves to everything materialistic (maya). Pleasure and pain is the same to the spiritual beings, this is how they find tranquility and peace. We need to accept the will of god. This will come through developing a balanced mind through naam meditation. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says"I look upon pleasure and pain alike; I shall not forsake the Naam, the Name of God. God Himself forgives me, and blends me with Himself."

Game of love 99- SACRIFICE


The below was experienced by a Gursikh brother!

Last weekend I was doing a talk at Barking camp on heroes. I started by asking the kids, who their heroes are and why. A 9 year old gursikh girl put her hand up and said emotionally 'my massi (mothers sister) is my hero'. I said why, she replied 'when I was young both my parents died. My Massi withdrew herself from Uni and gave up her education so she could look after me'. I said that's amazing, your massi is a true hero. Even more amazing is that the massi inspired her to keep her faith in Guru and raise her as a gursikh. Very inspirational.

There are very few people who would give up their own future for their loved ones. The amazing thing is, her faith still remained steadfast after her sister and brother in-law had passed away. Many crumble in this situation. 

Power of having a strong Faith. Giving is a very powerful gift. 

Bhai Gurdaas Ji says, "The Guru has preached people to speak mildly, to conduct themselves humbly and to not get noticed even after giving something to others."

True Humility!!  


Game of love 98- DEVOTION


In the 1960s a 2nd World War veteran called Ranjit singh came to deliver a speech at Bangla Sahib Gurdwara, Delhi. He talked about an incident which occurred where the German army had surrounded a building containing a joint regiment containing both British and Sikh soldiers. (The Sikhs were fighting for Britain to liberate European countries). There was no safe way out of this building and the leader of the British regiment made the decision to surrender. The Sikhs approached the leader and said, "we will not surrender. A Sikh is taught to never give up, we either win or die fighting, but we never leave the battlefield" (Kabhu na Shaadai keth). The British leader said, "there is no way out." The Gursikhs requested whether they could do an Akhand Paath. The Sikhs were highly respected for their devotion, faith and patriotism and were granted permission. On completion of the Akhand paath, a gora British soldier came running into the building and said, "I've jus seen a man on a horse and he kept pointing in a direction." They were confused, "man on a horse??" They asked what he looked like. The gora (white) soldier said, "he wore long blue clothing and had a large blue turban. He had symbols on his turban and also a large sword." He then said, "oh yeah he also had a feather on his turban" (kalgi). The Sikhs smiled with bairaag (love) and said, "that is our Guru Gobind Singh Ji, you've seen our Guru. We must follow instructions and attack in the direction he said." The Sikhs followed the instruction of their Guru and attacked. Against all the odds they were all able to escape successfully. 
Ranjit singh who was narrating this story to the Bangla sahib Sangat was in fact the gora who had Darshan (vision) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. After this experience, he and his son both took Amrit (sikh Baptism). 

"So Satgur pyaara mere naal hai jithe kithe menu layee shadaae." That Beloved True Guru is always with me; wherever I may be, He will save me. Guru Amardas Ji. 


Game of love 97- STATUS


"None is high, none is low."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

How do you define high and low people? People are classed by their status, wealth, background and even gender. These are man made classifications. Someone who is high in one persons view, may be low in another's. Look upon all as equals to yourself and realise that we are all human beings. 

Why do we judge others? We only judge others through our ego. Our mind is not at peace so we fear the high status of others. All should be respected in the same way. Wealthy people are given more respect than the poor because we see them as better. People are judged by caste and background. Females are disrespected by many. 

We do not realise the soul of God sits within us all. How can anyone be higher or lower.

We should look within ourselves, judge our heart and minds. Are we lowly or egotistical. When the mind becomes lowly and humble through naam meditation, all negative judgement for others departs. One sees all in a positive light. In this way one begins to love and acknowledge all the same and find inner peace. One is honoured in the court of Vaheguroo. 

The cure again is meditation on Vaheguroo's name. It's the only substance in which will guide us to realise there is no higher or lower, all is Vaheguroo (God). Make space to listen to your wise heart. What you seek lies within. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, if you want a status in life, find the True Guru and he will guide you to the SUPREME STATUS of meeting Vaheguroo. You will discover Vaheguroo within yourself and everyone around you.  

"Meeting him the supreme status is obtained." Guru Nanak Dev Ji 


Game of love 96- SPEECH


"Tender speech fosters the bond Of love."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

No one wants to listen to a bad tempered person. Always speak gently with others. You will notice how receptive people become to your points of view if your words are tender and kind. 

Why is the above true? Nobody likes listening to angry people, the negative energy passed through them makes everyone around them negative. Its hard to let your soul fly when something is weighing it down. 

On the other hand people love listening to a tender speaking person. The reason for this is, most of us have no peace within us so when someone speaks to us in a tender voice the peace is felt from that person. We feel calm, relaxed and more at peace. When the mind is balanced and at peace ones speech naturally becomes soft, sweet and tender. When one speaks it feels loving and fresh to the listener. The listener feels a connection. The reason for this is, tender loving speech is only developed through constant meditation on Vaheguroo's (Gods) name creating a balanced mind. Then, when one speaks they speak pure, loving, soft, gentle and truthful words through their spirit. These words then touch the spirit of the listener which fosters the bond of love through speech.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, only their speech is true, tender and loving who act by loving and remembering Vaheguroo. 

"O Nanak, false is the speech of one who acts without loving Vaheguroo"


Game of love 95- COMPASSION


A poor old women was living in the neighbourhood of Gurus haveli. Being a widow, she was living alone. She would make ends meet by spinning thread. Whenever the child Guru saw the women had gone outside, he would enter the house and scatter the cotton balls spun by her. The poor women would complain to Mata Gujri against the mischief of the child Guru. Mata Gujri instead of telling off the Guru, she would console the women and give her loads of money compensating her loss. One day Mata Gujri said, "my dear child, why are you playing mischief on this poor lady? What do you get by scattering her cotton balls?" On hearing this, child Guru said, "though I'm not getting anything out of playing mischief however this old lady gets a lot of money. What you give her is much more than she can earn. I want to save the labour of this old mother." Hearing these words of the child Guru, Mata Gujri embraced Guru Ji in a tight hug for his love and compassion. 

No one is born hating another person through the colour of their skin, their background, age, gender or religion. People learn to hate and if they learn to hate, they can be taught to love and be compassionate, for love and compassion comes more natural to the human heart than it's opposites. 

"He makes compassion his shovel, his body the firewood and kindles the fire of divine vision." Bhagat Kabeer Ji. 


Game of love 94- WORD (shabad)

WORD (shabad)

When you begin to meditate through the shabad on a regular basis, you will start to notice that thoughts and feelings that may have been building up inside of you are gently released and you reach the quite place that was always there, waiting for you - the place of pure awareness. It is there that you will experience yourself, peace, healing, love, compassion, contentment, truth, high spirits and true rejuvenation. 

Repeat the name of God-again and again, as you; sit in a bus or take a train to the office, work in the kitchen or garden, during your walks, as you take your bath, as you dress up, before going to sleep, during sleep and on awakening. Repeat the name as often as you can. Repeat the name with love and longing in your heart and tears in your eyes. Take care the repetition does not become mechanical and boring. Fasten this one word, 'Gurmantar' (Gods word Vaheguroo) to your heart. Let the 'word' go with you in your daily work and your daily life. The 'word' will keep your consciousness awake. In the case of doubt, temptation and trouble, solve it with this ONE WORD! Repeat the WORD, until it; penetrates your heart, engulfs your soul, HEAR it with your 'heart'! 'See' it in your integral intuition, and your whole being becomes this ONE WORD! All else is evaporated or eliminated! 

"The precious gift of this human life becomes fruitful when one chants the True Word of the Shabad." Guru Arjun Dev Ji. 


Game of love 93- ARDAAS

ARDAAS - prayer

A prayer that is recited by Gursikhs at-least 3 times a day. There is a formal way of doing Ardaas which is standing up with folded hands. This is usually done after Nitnem (prayers). However, we are not just set to one way of doing Ardaas. As long as the mind is set in the right place and the prayer is said from the heart, it will be heard in Sach Khand (the realm of truth). Our prayers are usually not heard (in most cases) because our concentration wavers and it is not said whole-heartedly or we are still found desiring whilst making the prayer. When doing Ardaas straight after Abhiyaas (meditation) or Nitnem, our surtee (conscious state) should be very high and focussed, thus we come to do a whole hearted prayer.

Ardaas is something we humbly do before our master so that he may grant us what we wish for. Therefore, it should be done everyday to keep us humble spiritually. If we don't do Ardaas, ego very easily creeps in because ardaas is also a way of thanking God for the little or many spiritual and physical gains he blesses us with. Ardaas will help us progress spiritually, it keeps us neech (lowly) but also gives us confidence in everything that we do. Knowing we will do it successfully with the hand of Vaheguroo (God) protecting and forever blessing us.
Everytime you achieve something, whether it be at school, university, work or whilst doing Naam Abhiyaas, always do an Ardaas thanking God. You will realise that the blessings increase ten-fold and you obtain more Phal (fruit) from your Simran (meditation) and Sevaa (service). 

"Whatever I ask for from my Lord and Master, he gives that to me."Guru ArjunDev Ji


Game of love 92- VISION


In life we can do so much but yet we choose to do so little. We can do small things to create huge changes, yet we choose not to. So many thousands of generations can reap from all the small things we do but we choose not to. We can make such a massive difference but yet we choose not to. Why are we so cooped up inside our own little worlds, thinking about our own small families when we can love them as well as help thousands more. The blessings are vast but we don't realise. Our life night is running away but yet we carry on as though we are never going to die. 

Here is a little advice, just 7 pointers, we can reap the profits from after we die. There are also so many more things we can do. 

1). Give a Gutka (Spiritual Book) to someone. Each time one reads from it, you gain.

2). Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it, you gain.

3). Participate in building a Gurudwara, hospital, school or college. Anybody uses it, you gain.

4). Place a water cooler in a public place. Anybody drinks water, you gain.

5). Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it.

6). To join someone to the love of Vaheguroo's (Gods) meditation. They will gain, you will gain, there generations to come will gain and if they are very blessed, the whole universe will gain. 

7). And the easiest of all is to Share these posts with people. Even if one applies the Gurus Teachings, you will gain.

The internet will always provide for the globe. So find/share something you are good at doing and others will benefit from, you will reap the rewards, even after you've gone. 

"O Nanak, the Gurmukh finds the diamond of Vaheguroo, by his spiritual wisdom, kindness and compassion. He sees Vaheguroo in all hearts."Guru Nanak Dev Ji 


Game of love 91- AMRIT VELA

AMRITVELA Part 3/3 (ambrosial hours)

After we have completed our Amritvelaa and Nitnem (prayers) and we decide to go to sleep for 1 or 2 hours, this is the most peaceful sleep we will have, we have to experience it to know it. We should try to develop our seated meditation further if we have time, for example 4 to 5 hours or even more. This helps purify this filthy mind a lot faster and the name settles within every breath a lot quicker. 

"The night is wet with dew, and the stars twinkle in the heavens.

The Saints remain wakeful; they are the Beloveds of my Lord (Vaheguroo) .

The Beloveds of the Lord remain ever wakeful, remembering the Naam, the Name of the Lord, day and night."

'Meditation Explorers' say, if you meditate single mindedly for 1 hour it is like sleeping for 8 hours, so, therefore those of you who love your sleep have no excuse. The reason for this is when we meditate we replace our thoughts through Naam (the name of God), having no thoughts for 1 hour is like sleeping for 8 hours, it is our thoughts that make us ill, tired and unhealthy. This is why we are tired after a deep sleep, our body might be resting but this filthy mind will not rest for a second. An average human being has over 30 thousand thoughts a day, Guru Jee says, I want you to decrease them to 1 which is Vaheguroo.

Benti (humble request) Sangat Jee, lets all try to get up at Amritvelaa and Jap Naam Athai Pehar (meditate 24/7 with every breath), then with Guru Jee's unparalleled grace, we might see some true unconditional love throughout the Gursikhs in the Panth (sikh family). Khalsa Raaj (the pure to conquer) will not be far off, it will only come through Naam. If we won't Jap Naam for ourselves, lets Jap Naam for the Guru Khalsa Panth. The more Naam that is being meditated upon in the Panth, the stronger and more powerful it becomes.

"The devotees of the Lord plant the seed of the Lord's wealth in the ambrosial hours of the Amrit Vaylaa; they eat it, and spend it, but it is never exhausted."


Game of love 90- AMRIT VELA

AMRIT VELA Part 2/3 (ambrosial hours)

Amritvelaa usually starts at 12am, which is the 3rd watch of the night (Theejaa Pehar). Most Gursikhs usually awaken at 2am, this is a beautiful time because it is the middle of the night and it makes it very difficult to get up. First of all we have a bath (Ishnaan) and then we sit in meditation, this is the only time we will get in the day to have single minded concentration, once we start meditating we naturally through the Shabad, Mind, Body and Soul are connected to every single being praising Vaheguroo at this time. The minimum amount of time that a Gursikh should try to meditate at Amritvelaa is 2 hours, Amritvelaa is the key to the days meditation. 

The body is a battery charged by Shabad at Amritvelaa, if charged through full focus and concentration the battery will last at least 12 hours, meaning the Shabad will stay with us, as long as we put some Udham (effort) into hearing it with our inner ears throughout the day. This is why in the evening, we should try to do a little more seated meditation to keep the mind and body in focus and balance.

Battle with your mind!
At Amritvelaa the first battle we have is with the Douvet (Rajaaee), we want to get up but the Bed is too warm and our mind says go to sleep, no-one wishes to get out of the warm blanket of Kal Jug (this dark age). First we will find it difficult to get up but we have to battle against the mind and force ourselves out of bed, then it becomes a habit, then with Guru Jee's kirpaa (grace) it becomes a Ras (substance, taste), those Gursikhs that get up at Amritvelaa will understand totally. Once it becomes a Ras it will become very difficult to miss an Amritvelaa, if we do due to some fine cause, it feels as if we have lost a part of our body. What can we do without legs, similarly how will we survive without Amritvelaa? A big worry for some people is sleep. When we first start doing Amritvelaa we do feel tired during the day, however the mind and body soon get used to this. If we want to do Amritvelaa we should try to be in bed for 10pm at the latest, 4 hours sleep is more than enough, look at it this way: When the mind reaches a higher state Guru Jee says our eyes find it difficult to sleep, 'Phun Nethro Neend Naa Aavai'. 

Above will be explained in the next post! 


Game of love 89- AMRIT VELA

AMRIT VELA Part 1/3 (ambrosial hours)

The rainbird chirps in the ambrosial hours of the morning before the dawn; its prayers are heard in the Court of vaheguroo (god). Guru Amardas Ji. 

Amritvelaa (ambrosial hours), for a Gursikh is a very special time; this is the time a Gursikh should sit in single minded concentration in remembrance of the Shabad (word) Vaheguroo. Guru Jee says in the Pangtee above, when we sit in Amritvelaa and praise the Lord Vaheguroo, our prayers are heard in the court of the Lord.

Why is this such a special time?
This is the time most Gursikhs all over the world rise in the early hours of the morning, before dawn and praise the Lord. Some praise the Lord in Sangat (congregation) and some by themselves. Praising vaheguroo in Sangat is a lot more powerful and a lot easier to concentrate, unfortunately for some people it is very difficult to get Sangat at this time. If we do not get Sangat at this time it is not a problem; meditating by ourselves will make our minds a lot stronger also, as long as we are focussed fully on the Shabad. Amritvelaa is most likely the only time we will be blessed with spiritual experiences, as life becomes very busy in a Gristhee Jeevan (householders life).

This specific time is called Amritvelaa because this is the time we drink Amrit naam (ambrosial nectar of the name). This Naam travels up through our body and through our Chakras until it reaches our dasam duar (tenth gate). The word 'Vela' means time. Once we start to wake up for Amritvelaa, it is very important to keep it (Samaal). It has to be done everyday as a form of Spiritual and Physical discipline. This is the most peaceful time of day because everyone is sleeping. The only beings that are awake at this time are those who are thirsting to meet God; just like the Rainbird.


Game of love 88- WISDOM FOR LIFE 3



Today, in the cutest voice, my 8-year-old daughter asked me to start recycling. I chuckled and asked, β€œWhy?” She replied, β€œSo you can help me save the planet.”  I chuckled again and asked, β€œAnd why do you want to save the planet?” β€œBecause that’s where I keep all my stuff,” she said.

12. JOY

Today, when I witnessed a 27-year-old breast cancer patient laughing hysterically at her 2-year-old daughter’s antics, I suddenly realized that I need to stop complaining about my life and start celebrating it again.


Today, a boy in a wheelchair saw me desperately struggling on crutches with my broken leg and offered to carry my backpack and books for me.  He helped me all the way across campus to my class and as he was leaving he said, β€œI hope you feel better soon.”.


Today, I was traveling in Kenya and I met a refugee from Zimbabwe.  He said he hadn’t eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy.  Then my friend offered him the rest of the sandwich he was eating.  The first thing the man said was, β€œWe can share it.”

Guru Ramdas Ji says, "those without virtue are stained by the filth of their own ego."
