NAAM RAS (beautiful taste of Vaheguroo's Name)
When Naam Ras is at its extreme in the body fortress of a Gurmukh, (the one who follows Gurus teachings), the body goes into a state of Bismaadh. This is when the body 'shuts down' and one experiences just pure Naam Ras. We can see Gursikhs experiencing this state in long smaagams (programmes), such as Kirtan (singing of shabad) Smagams, and Amrit vela (early hours meditation) - Many Gurmukhs go into this state. In Programmes, it usually looks as though they are asleep because their heads are pointed down and their body saavdhaan (straight). They will usually sit with their eyes closed for a number of hours. When we see other Gurmukhs in the state of Bismaadhee (ecstasy beyond description) it looks like they are sleeping, in fact physically the body is sleeping as it's in rest mode, but inside the Naam Ras is drenching them with love and ecstasy.
How do we go into the state of Bismaadhee? Bismaadhee is when the Anand (peace/joy) from Naam Ras is too much and the body cannot handle it, the body automatically slips into this state. It's when the naam ras travels through all the body chakras and settles in the 6th one (tenth gate).
A Gurmukh (spiritual devotee) can go into Bismaadhee any time s/he wishes to do so. But, because we live a Gristhee Jeevan (householders life) we experience it usually when we do long sittings in meditation (Kirtan smaagams). Sometimes, in this state, our soul can actually leave our body through the Dasam Duaar (tenth gate), this is the soft spot on the top of ones head.
Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Beyond the nine gates, the Tenth Gate is found, and liberation is obtained. The Unstruck Melody of the Shabad vibrates."