Game of love 323- COVERING THE HEAD


"Nagan hoe baahar firehi nagan sees jo khaae nagan prasaadh jo baa(n)ttee thanakhaaheebaddo kehaae."
Those who walk outside, eat or distribute food without their head covered will be punished severely.
Thankhaanama Bhai Nand Laal Jee.

What need is there for Sikhs to cover their head? Most faiths show respect to the supreme being God, by covering the heads. If you look at the Muslims and Jews, they also cover their heads. Many have said, even Jesus Christ was adorned with unshorn hair and a blue turban. 

Why has Bhai Sahib Ji made it so clear that the head should be covered at all times? There are many reasons, Guru Ji crowned all their sons and daughters with the dastaar (turban). This being their crown of royalty within a sovereign faith. Guru Ji said, 'My Khalsa (pure minded family) will stand out in a crowd of thousands.' The Sikh will never be able to hide. The Sikh will never commit any negative actions, which stain their Guru's turban, as their identity will be very unique and distinguished. 

Sikhs remember God, with every breath they breathe. If Vaheguroo's (Gods) name does not leave the heart and soul of a Sikh, then their head should be covered in respect of Guru's shabad at all times. The more humility and respect we show towards Guru Ji, the more blessings we receive. 

The spiritual opening in the head (tenth gate) and the protection of our energy, which radiates through our hair, is also protected by our dastaar (turban). The kesh (hair) generates immense energy through Naam meditation, which preserves our aura through positivity. The Kesh are also covered to show hygiene, discipline and cleanliness in a Sikhs life style.  

These Rehitnamay were set, as a form of discipline to preserve, develop and enhance us spiritually. It's important we follow them, in order to become closer to our Guru. The more discipline we keep, the closer our Guru comes towards us. 

Please Remember! Every physical discipline the Gurus ordered us, was given to make us stronger in our spiritual practise. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Saas saas har gaavai naanak sathigur dtaak leeaa maeraa parradhaa jeeo."
With each and every breath, Nanak sings the Lord's Praises. The True Guru has covered my sins.


Game of love 322- ALCOHOL


"Jooaa khaelai madh peevai so narak mae(n) jaavai."
Those who gamble or drink alcohol will suffer in hell.
Rehitnama Bhai Daya Singh Ji. 

We don't think it can be any clearer than the above. It is clear that alcohol is not good for any individual. Scientifically proven, there are many facts for why we should not drink alcohol. Here are a few given facts: causes brain damage, fits, hallucinations, loss of memory, dementia, risk of chest infection, swollen liver, hepatitis, tingling nerves, numbness, trembling hands, loss of muscle, enlarged heart, high blood pressure, irregular pulse, ulcers, vomiting blood, pancreatitis, impotence in men, infertility in women and the list goes on. 

Guru Sahib Ji had told us the affects of alcohol many hundreds of years ago. In this day and age, we tend to listen more to science, rather than a pure being who had/has knowledge of the whole universe. 

Most physical illnesses arise from a weakness in the mind. Alcohol creates a major weakness in the mind of those that drink it. Any substance in which causes us to not think or act correctly, is not good for the mind. 

Alcohol causes many problems between friends, families, relatives, colleagues etc. When we lose our mind through it, we begin to behave like animals. Many begin to argue, fight and swear after consuming it. The funny thing is, most regret all of their actions the morning after. Most people can't even remember what they had done whilst they were drunk. 

A lot of people drink alcohol to relax themselves. This goes to show, how much we rely on such a horrible substance to drown our sorrows and problems. The only issue is, these problems never go away. They just get pushed to the back of the mind, whilst we are engrossed in the substance. This actually makes it worse, because we are not willing to meet our problems head on and we are bottling everything up within us. When we hide from our problems and use a substitute in drink to drown them, we become not so genuine people. 

In life we create our own problems through work/life, pressure, stress and then we look for temporary cures in drink. A pure and spiritual human being, is the one who meets all their problems face on. They never strive for too much. They are always content and they constantly watch their mind through meditation to relax it and find peace.

We make life very difficult for ourselves. If we lived according to the Guru's command, we would never turn to such a nasty substance like alcohol to be our support and saviour in life. The Sikh of the Guru, purifies their mind through Naam meditation, becomes virtuous and lives in high spirits, as a content individual. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says,  "Jith peethai math dhoor hoe baral pavai vich aae ||
Aapanaa paraaeiaa n pashhaanee khasamahu dhhakae khaae."
One person brings a full bottle, and another fills his cup.
Drinking the wine, his intelligence departs, and madness enters his mind;
he cannot distinguish between his own and others, and he is struck down by his Lord and Master.
Drinking it, he forgets his Lord and Master, and he is punished in the Court of the Lord.
Do not drink the false wine at all, if it is in your power.
O Nanak, the True Guru comes and meets the mortal; by His Grace, one obtains the True Wine.
He shall dwell forever in the Love of the Lord Master, and obtain a seat in the Mansion of His Presence. 




"Gliee sukee kaashh paae leae || kaashh dhae pou(n)achae dhaa sikh visaah naa karae."
Whether the washed Kasheraa is wet or dry it should be put on. When removing the Kasheraa only one leg should be removed and put into the new Kasheraa.

Rehatnama Bhai Chaupaa Singh Jee!

The above Rehitnama by Bhai Chaupaa Singh Ji, is another beautiful Rehit (discipline), which keeps our mind intact and focused. It keeps our mind attuned to Naam meditation and prevents it from wandering, as it is much used to doing. 

Many will ask, 'How this Rehit keeps the mind focused and stop it from wandering?'

The Kacherra is a nishanee (symbol) of jath/sath (respect/truth). Guru sahib Ji witnessed the world and saw how people were meditating by renouncing the world and avoiding marriage. Guru Sahib Ji's path was of one for their Sikhs to be girasthee (house holders life). Guru sahib Ji said, 'Their Sikh will get married. He will not have to run away from the world, in order to fight and conquer the mind. Going in to monasteries, running away in to the mountains and avoiding society, makes meditating and controlling the mind much easier. The true warrior is the one that lives in this world full of maya (materialism) and controls their emotions, senses and thoughts, whilst living within it. 

Guru Sahib Ji wanted his Sikhs to be the purest of minds. They would conquer their minds and guide/support others to conquer theirs also by spreading Sikh Dharma in to the world (a spiritual way of living). His Sikhs will always be loving, compassionate and righteous. They would be the true and purest Saint/soldiers of Akaal Purakh (God). 

The Kachera reminds us of this. It reminds us, that we are supposed to live in the world as Girasthee. We are not to lust after another's woman. All other women are known to be our mothers, daughters and sisters. This should be the purity of a Sikh's mind. It's a constant reminder regarding lustful thoughts and actions and not to commit adultery before marriage or with another woman after marriage. Bhai Nand lal Ji has written a Rehitnama on this too. "Par Betee Ko Betee Jaanay Par Isthree Ko Maath Vakhaany."

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Ei(n)dhree jith pa(n)ch dhokh thae rehath || naanak kott madhhae ko aisaa aparas."
One who conquers his sexual instincts and is free of the five sinful passions - O Nanak, among millions, there is scarcely one such 'touch-nothing Saint'.




"Maero hukam maanehi nehee karehi n sikh kee saev so beeraj malaeshh ko paragatt pashhaanahu bhaev."
They who do not accept my Hukam (command) and do not perform devotional service of Sikhs, they are faithless melechas.
Thankhaanama Bhai Nand Laal Jee.

Bhai Sahib Ji has made it very clear in the Thankhaanama above, that those who do not follow the command of Guru Ji and do not serve those Sikhs, who serve the true and pure Guru, they are faithless and eventually will suffer through negative karma. 

Why has Bhai Sahib Ji said this? How will we become better, if we follow the command of the perfect Guru? Which Sikhs is Bhai Sahib Ji talking about? 

Firstly, we all know if we follow Guru Ji's command, by purifying our filthy mind through Naam meditation our mind becomes balanced and finds Sehj (peace and poise/tranquility). We meet our beloved Vaheguroo and our soul is forever liberated. So we have basically now conquered our quest of the soul and the main reason we were gifted this human life form. Bhai sahib Ji, is not being negative by repeating the Thankhaanama above. They are saying it exactly how it is supposed to be, because they want all beings to become pure, loving and liberated souls through the command of Guru Sahib Ji. Many people in the world understand direct criticism, as given above and find it more difficult to understand wishy washy teachings, which are said in a round about way. 

When Bhai Sahib Ji is talking about performing devotional worship to Sikhs, he is not talking about those Sikhs who do not do anything to purify their mind, body and soul through baani (teachings). Bhai sahib Ji is talking about those Sikhs, who are attuned single mindedly to the lotus feet of Vaheguroo's Naam meditation. He is talking about those, who rejoice in the true love of amazing spiritual heights, through following the Guru's teachings, with every breath they breathe.  

It's always best to take the teachings direct from Guru Sahib Ji and not attach ourselves to any individuals, as it's very difficult to find pure beings in this world of materialism. 

Let's conquer and practise by becoming the pure individual we have been talking about in the text above. In this way, we have a direct relationship with Guru Ji, which no one can interfere with. 

When our Guru embraces us, who can come close to hurting us. Guru Ji and Naam become our protective shield at all times! 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Gur charan saraevehi Gurasikh thor, Gur saev tharae thaj maer thor, nar ni(n)dhak lobhee man kat(h)or, Gur saev n bhaaee s chor chor."
Your GurSikhs serve at the Guru's Feet. Serving the Guru, they are carried across; they have abandoned 'mine' and 'yours'. The slanderous and greedy people are hard-hearted. Those who do not love to serve the Guru are the most thieving of thieves. 


Game of love 319- WITHOUT DISCIPLINE!


"Rehath binaa thanakhaahee jaano || rehath binaa jarrh bhooth bakhaano."
Without strict discipline they are punishable. Without strict discipline they are like ghosts.
Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh! 

Bhai Sahib Ji, has made it clear in the Rehitnama above, we will be punished without rehit and just as ghosts suffer, wanting to enter the human life form, so shall we! 

Rehit (discipline) in anyone's life is key. Without discipline individuals are like ghosts, they wander around lost. Discipline in life supports us to conquer every battle. Those with any form of positive discipline are always well respected. 

Many say, Sikhs do not need to keep any form of physical discipline. As long as their mind is pure, no discipline is needed. This is not true! Physical discipline (rehit) helps and supports to purify the mind and keeps the mind steadfast in its quest to search for Vaheguroo (God) within. This is the reason Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Amrit and begged to be initiated with it and also formed a physical and spiritual Rehit (discipline) to accompany it. 

How does physical discipline do this?

Sikhs have a code of conduct they must follow. Let's use the panj (5) kakaar as an example. Every kakaar has a separate meaning and supports a spiritual message, e.g the karra (iron bracelet) reminds us daily, that we are handcuffed to our Guru. We see the karra on our wrists, before we commit any negative action. It's also the circle of God, Vaheguroo was there in the beginning, there in the end and always will be there. Vaheguroo (God) is limitless, timeless and invaluable. In this way all the kakaars represent a deeper spiritual meaning. 

Sikhs have a discipline to awake early and take a bath, which prepares us for meditation. Sikhs have a discipline in diet. They try and eat healthy and look after their physical body and mind. Sikhs don't consume meat, as they believe in compassion for all living beings. Sikhs don't drink or take intoxicants, as this also has a huge impact on the mind just like every other discipline we keep. 

There are many disciplines Sikhs keep. The above are a few given examples summarised in a nutshell. Every physical discipline a Sikh keeps, is only kept to reinforce the spiritual discipline of Naam meditation with every breath, which purifies the mind and liberates the soul. If we are keeping any form of physical discipline, that doesn't support our spiritual path in anyway, this is known as pakahnd (hypocrisy), as there is no need for the discipline to be kept. It has no value! 

Every single physical discipline (Rehat) of a Sikh, is always kept to protect, support, enhance and encourage a spiritual practise. 

The Sikh Gurus were amazing beings. They purified this lovingly, beautiful path, so that no one could ever point the finger and try to pick out any flaws. 

So if you want to be a Sikh of the Guru, arm yourself with the shasthers (weapons) of Rehit (physical and spiritual discipline). In this way, Guru Ji will take pity on you and bless your mind, body and soul with peace, love, joy, happiness, contentment and most of all, their blessed vision (Darshan) and liberation! 

"Rehit binna na sikh kahaavai," No one can be called a Sikh without physical and spiritual discipline. 
"Rehit binna dar chota kahaavai," one will suffer at every door without discipline. 
"Rehit binna sukh kabhoo na lahai," One will never find peace and happiness without discipline. This is the reason, one has to be steadfast in their discipline. 
Amrit Kirtan! 

"Pritham Rehit ehai Jaan, khanday Ki pahul shakai." The first Rehit of a Sikh, is to be blessed with the nectar of Amrit by the double edged sword. 




"Through sincere efforts, the mind is made peaceful and calm". 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

Only sincere effort brings results. No clever tricks can bring calm and peace to the mind and strengthen the soul. Only through sincere worship can your spirituality flourish within. 

Most of the time, we wait for Guru Sahib Ji to bless us and don't really want to put anything major in to receive the blessing. Guru Sahib Ji will always bless us for our efforts but we have to put the udham (effort) in for Guru Sahib Ji to reward his blessings. Nothing in this world is for free! 

We can earn profit in this life through our past karma and deeds, by being rewarded by the actions of our previous life forms. This is also a beautiful gift and blessing from Guru Sahib Ji! 

Sikhi is very simple. We will receive back, everything we put in through our sincere effort. If we look at this effort as our own effort, it becomes our ego and the mind will never progress further spiritually. The effort we put in, is also a blessing by Guru Ji. We should always offer all our gratitude to Guru Ji and remain humble at all times. 

Let's not wait for miracles to happen! Let's become the miracle, by putting in the sincere effort and being rewarded with the jewel of spirituality, through the blessings of Guru Ji. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Sunee baena(n)thee t(h)aakur maerai pooran hoee ghaalee jeeo."
My Lord and Master has heard my prayer; my efforts have been rewarded. 

Effort will always release its rewards, only after you refuse to quit! 




"Binaa ana(n)dh bivaah thae bhugathae par kee joe, sun sikhaa gur kehi thhaakae maeraa sikh n soe."
Without having Anand Karaj those who have sexual relationships. Listen O' Sikh the Guru states, he is not my Sikh.
Rehatnama Mukhthnama!

Is there anything else we need to add to the above? It is perfectly clear! The Rehitnama can not be any clearer. 

We are only in this roop (human form) to remember God (Vaheguroo) at all times and with every single breath we breathe. We are in this roop to be liberated and see God in all. We are here only to meet our beloved Vaheguroo!

Many of us have gotten ourselves in the rut of forming worldly relationships, sexual desire and lusting over men/women. There is only one reason for this; We struggle to control our emotions, desires which link heavily to not being able to control this animal like mind. We struggle to handle the worldly pressures our friends and colleagues put on us. We struggle to say no and end up selling all our morals before them. We are somebody else at home and someone totally different outside the house. We cheat ourselves and become totally dishonest to our soul. Until we recognise our soul and are extremely truthful to it, we will never be happy. 

If we understood the Sikhi way of life and what we are here to do, we would never make these silly mistakes. Most of us are very selfish in our approach to life. We only do what pleases us and that what we enjoy. This is all we get ras (enjoyment) from. 

The beauty about Sikhi is; if we practise it right, by remembering God with our every breath, then there is no bigger fulfilment or joy to ones inner and outer being. We have struggled to realise what Sikhi actually is and what it does for our mind and if practised properly, how it serves the universe through our actions and presence. 

When we begin to realise, all are our mothers, sisters and daughters and vice versa, until Guru Sahib Ji blesses us with the marriage of Anand (bliss), then this is half the mental battle won. This is when Guru Sahib Ji has blessed us with the higher intuition/wisdom and this is the time our animal like mind is contented and controlled by the Guru's teachings. 

Sikhi is a beautiful path that the whole world will tread on very soon. Many are beginning to realise its uniqueness and how it has purified the minds of many. 

In life, if we want to achieve something huge, many sacrifices have to be made. We have to think and act according to our Guru and fight all the small battles the mind throws our way. Once we begin to realise this mind is trying to beat us and we begin to defeat it with the weapons of Guru's Shabad (mantra), this is when the mind becomes our best friend and fills our entire being with Vaheguroo's love. 

This love can not be matched by any individual, this love never diminishes, this love is limitless, it is an endless see of water. Whoever comes our way and in contact with a spiritual Sikh, experiences the love of God to become a beautiful, spiritual Sikh of the blessed pure Guru. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Eik kaaman hithakaaree maaeiaa mohi piaaree manamukh soe rehae abhaagae || naanak sehajae saevehi gur apanaa sae poorae vaddabhaagae."
Some are lovers of beautiful young women; emotional attachment to Maya is very dear to them. The unfortunate self-willed manmukhs remain asleep. O Nanak, those who intuitively serve their Guru, have perfect destiny.


Game of love 316- LOVING GURU'S SIKHS!


"Jo sikh so(n) hith n karehi so narakae par jaahu."
Those who do not show love to other Sikhs will be punished at death. 

Thankhaanama Bhai Nand Laal Jee. 

We are all aware that Sikhs of the Guru are supposed to see Vaheguroo (God) in all. This is what makes us Sikhs. This is the purest form of a Sikh, when one's drishtee (inner eyes) begin to see God in which ever direction they look. This state of mind is only blessed through immense Naam meditation practise, Guru Kirpa (blessings) or previous Karma. 

Going back to the Thankhaanama. So we have cleared up what a sikh should be and what they should become. We are all clear on that. The problem is, we fail to see God in our own brothers and sisters. This is what Bhai Sahib Ji is talking about in the Thankhaanama. If we can't show love to our brothers and sisters, we will be punished to death. We have to remember, everyone who has been blessed with Amrit (Sikh baptism), are the sons and daughters of the most blessed and purest being to have stepped foot on earth (Guru Gobind Singh Ji). 

Do we differentiate between our biological siblings? So what gives us the right to differentiate against our Siblings in the roop (identity) of the Khalsa? Do we think we are better than them? Do we think our father is closer to us than them? Do we think we have an ownership on Sikhi? Do we think Guru Ji loves us more? Do we think we are his close family and the others are not? Do we think he created a certain faction of Gursikhs, gave them more teachings and then created the rest? Do we think he chose a certain group as his favourites and the others were his lesser favourites? 

Our Guru was too pure to have this mind set. Guru Ji was God on earth. They were one with Vaheguroo. They looked at all a like. They saw gold and dust as equals. They looked at all, no matter which religion as one. 

If Guru Ji had this lowly state of mind, there would never be a Khalsa Raj (pure rule). Guru Ji's picture and vision of Gurmat is/was always of one without any flaws and one of that no one could point the finger at. 

So before we think we have a hold on Sikhi and Guru Ji is closer to a certain group (jathebandhee) than the other, let's read the Thankhaanama above. Sikhi is earned and won through the eyes of love, humility, honesty, righteousness and compassion. Guru Ji loves and honours those, who love and live Gurbaanee (Guru's teachings). When we become 'that' Sikh, then the eyes of judgement are demolished and replaced by the eyes of truth and love. 

Many youngsters are treading this path with great passion. Let's guide the immense energy they have to offer, in a positive way. In a way that our panth will gain from and not in a way that our panth (family) will be split or suffer from. It's time to be Guru Ji's wise, loving children and not Guru Ji's naive, troublesome and problematic children. 

We are here to do one thing. Let's all live Gurbaanee and become it! 

Guru Amardas Ji Says,  "The Guru unites His Sikhs, the Gurmukhs, with the Lord. The Guru keeps some of them with Himself, and engages others in His Service. Those who cherish their Beloved in their conscious minds, the Guru blesses them with His Love. "Gur sikhaa eiko piaar gur mithaa puthaa bhaaeeaa." The Guru loves all of His Gursikhs equally well, like friends, children and siblings. So chant the Name of the Guru, the True Guru, everyone! Chanting the Name of the Guru, Guru, you shall be rejuvenated." 




"Jo maathaa pithaa dhee aagiaa naama(n)nae so bhee thanakhaaheeaa."
One who does not show respect to the wishes of their parents will be punished.

Rehatnama Bhai Chaupaa Singh Jee.

It's very important that we respect our parents! Some parents are great and they do earn alot of respect from their children. On the other hand, there will be parents that are not as good and sometimes will be misleading and misguiding. 

All the rehits (spiritual rules) are given to the faithful Sikh to obey. There is always a perfect motive behind the rehit being given to us. 

A Practicing Sikh, is supposed to be a kind, loving, patient, caring, compassionate and a truthful human being. It doesn't matter how nasty our parents are, as this doesn't give us an excuse to disrespect them. We may not do as they say, if they ask us to do something which goes against our beliefs but this gives us an opportunity to guide, help and teach them. There is no need for a practicing Sikh or any patient individual to be nasty and extremely disrespectful to their parents. This goes against all spiritual disciplines and definitely against the spiritual teachings of Guru Sahib Ji. 

We need to remember, most these parents raised us, nurtured us, educated us and most of all brought us in to this world with the blessings of Guru Ji. 

So before we are nasty and disrespectful to maybe a parent that is not as caring, let's think about everything they have previously done for us. Let's think about our mind set! How can we improve it? How can we help them? How can we support them? How can we guide them? And most of all, how can we be patient and accept the negative within them? if there is any. 

The above can only be achieved, if we are taking our spiritual guidance from Guru Ji and remembering Vaheguroo's name with every breath. This will purify our deluded mind and raise our spiritual awareness to become more loving, accepting, tolerating and patient human beings. 

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Kaahae pooth jhagarath ho sa(n)g baap || jin kae janae baddeerae thum ho thin sio jhagarath paap."

O son, why do you argue with your father? It is a sin to argue with the one who fathered you and raised you. 


Game of love 314- OCCUPATION


"Jih bidhh rehath n naas hoe soee ttehil kamaaei."
The Sikh should only hold that post which does not counteract on their Rehat.
Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh.

Which Rehit (code of conduct) is Bhai Sahib Ji talking about here? The answer is always, both! The physical, outwardly rehit is just as important as the internal, spiritual discipline. The simple answer is, any form of occupation in which stops the Sikh from keeping the panj kakaar (5Ks) or any of the other physical disciplines we keep, is a no no. Any job which takes us away from Vaheguroo's name is also not the best occupation to have. 

This is a very tricky subject. It also depends on the individual, as to what they want to take away from Sikhi. Bhai Sahib Ji and Gurbaani have made it very clear, that any occupation which affects the Sikhs spiritual and physical rehit, should not be taken. 

So what do we as individuals want out of life? Do we want to be liberated? Do we want to have Darshan (vision of Guru Ji)? Do we want to become one with Vaheguroo? If the answer is yes to all these questions, then we all most certainly know how to attain it. It's only through sincere devotion of Guru Ji's name.  

Are we willing to listen to our Guru or only listen to certain parts? 

One could argue, we need professional Sikhs in every field to help the panth grow spiritually, morally, socially and politically. 

Is there a right or wrong answer?  

If we are living our jivan (life) according to Gurbaani, then their is only one right answer. And that is, when the Name of Vaheguroo leaves our heart, breath and mind, we suffer. At that point we are as good as dead. At that point we are thinking evil and negative thoughts. At that point we are separated from our beloved Vaheguroo. At that point Guru Sahib Ji says, "we were better off dying in our mothers womb."

If we take up the true occupation of Guru Ji's name, then no worldly affair will be able to affect our mind set. Guru Ji will always give us everything we need to get through life. Most of all, our mind, body and soul will be at peace and content. 

The reality is, we lack faith in Guru Ji and think we are in control. When our faith is pure and powerful in Guru Ji, then Guru Ji will turn the face of the earth for us to succeed, just as he did for Bhagat Naamdeyv Ji. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Rae man ttehal har sukh saar || avar ttehalaajhoot(h)eeaa nith karai jam sir maar."
O mind, true peace comes from serving the Lord. Other services are false, and as punishment for them, the Messenger of Death bashes in one's head. 


Game of love 313- HATS, CAPS OR TURBANS!


"Hoe sikh sir ttopee dhharai, saath janam kushattee hue marai."
He who as a Sikh places a hat on their head; will be reborn seven times as a leper. Thankhaanama Bhai Nand Laal Jee.

As Sikhs, we have gotten ourselves in the habit of wearing hats and caps. If a Sikh adorns him/herself with a turban, they should never wear a cap or hat in its place! 

The turban is our crown. We wear it with pride! Guru Sahib Ji sacrificed all his family, so that we could stand out in thousands with our uchay dumallay (tall turbans). Never in a million years, should we replace it with a hat or cap. 

Many Sikhs that trim their beards and a few that tie up there beards, tend to get themselves in the rut of wearing hats and caps through sheer laziness, of not being really bothered to tie their turban, when leaving the house. Ik hath jorr ke benti (we beg with our hands folded), the turban looks much better and smarter than a cap or hat. Many respect you for wearing the turban. Let's not forget our roots! Please accept this humble request and always wear your turban with pride. 

Many westerners will never replace their hats for turbans so why should we replace our turbans for hats. Who are we trying to impress? We actually look silly, when wearing hats over our unshorn kesh (hair). 

Many Gursikhs have been martyred and given their lives to protect the honour of this dastaar, par (but) we replace it for a silly looking baseball cap. 

If we truly understood the meaning of this beautiful peace of cloth, placed on our Guru's Royal Sikhs heads, we would never ever replace it for a hat or a cap!! 

If we served our Guru, through meditation on Vaheguroo's name, reading Baani, sitting in the congregation of the blessed and most of all, being blessed with the immortality of Amrit, we would never take off this beautiful dastaar (turban). 

Let's see what Guru Sahib ji thinks about those that don't listen, follow and avoid the teachings of Guru Sahib Ji. Especially those born in Sikh families!

"Jo bin sathigur saevae khaadhae painadhaesae mueae mar ja(n)mae korrhae || oue haajar mit(h)aa boladhae baahar vis kadtehimukh gholae."
Those who eat and dress without serving the True Guru die; after death, those wretched lepers are consigned to reincarnation. In His Sublime Presence, they talk sweetly, but behind His back, they exude poison from their mouths.




"Vaheguroo nith bachan ouchaarae Vaheguroo ko hiradhai dhhaarai."
He repeats the True Name of 'Vaheguroo' daily and talks about the love of Vaheguroo. He enshrines Vaheguroo in his heart. Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh Ji. 

This protocol by Bhai Desa Singh states clearly, that one has to constantly meditate on Gods name. A Sikh has to always speak about God and join people to God. Vaheguroo's name should not leave a Sikh's heart. 

We have linked all our posts on the importance of Naam meditation. Doesn't matter which subject we are talking about. The nichore (end result) always comes back to meditating on Vaheguroo's Name. We have tried our utmost to show the importance of Naam Meditation through these posts. Naam meditation is not only held in the highest regard in Gurbaani but it is also held in the highest regard in the Sikh Code of Conduct. 

If we read these posts we all know why meditation is so important in Sikhi. If we are not familiar, we will try giving a quick overview on it. 

The soul is separated from God. The only way it can become one with God and merge back with Vaheguroo is through the remembrance and love of Gods name. We have been reincarnated through many life forms through our good and bad deeds, until we are gifted the human life to purify this mind through Vaheguroo Ji's meditation. 

How it works: The mind is full of many life forms of dirt filled thoughts. These thoughts control our mind and become actions. Actions always have a consequence, whether good or bad. 

We meditate to reduce our negative thoughts to more positive thoughts, which become positive actions. When the mind is fully purified through the love of Vaheguroo's name, it reaches the stage of nirvana (Sehj). This is the fourth and final stage where the mind becomes totally balanced/tranquilled and one is in full control over it. One gains many occult powers (super natural powers) but chooses not to use them, as they become extremely humble. These are Gods gifts. Vaheguroo can take them back whenever they feel they are being misused by a humble God loving soul. This is what meditation does in a nutshell! 

Naam is the most important substance in any humans life. If we are vanjay (without) of Naam, then we have not realised it's importance and what part it should play in our lives and how it should improve our lives from every mental and physical illness. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Naam nidhhaan sathiguroo sunaaeiaa mitt geae sagalae rogaa jeeo."
The True Guru has inspired me to hear the Treasure of the Naam; all my illnesses have been dispelled. 


Game of love 311- LISTEN SIKH OF THE GURU!


"Gursikh rehith sunahu hae meeth parabhaathae out(h) kar hith cheeth."
Listen Sikh of the Guru, to the code of discipline. Awake at the Ambrosial hours and focus your attention on the Lord. Rehatnama Bhai Nand Laal Jee

What's the point of getting up early and focussing your attention on God? 

Firstly, when one gets up early, they are sacrificing their sleep which counts as a great action and plays a very positive part towards our good and bad actions. 

Secondly, AmritVela (the time when Amrit is poured in to our beings) is the time, when most are sleeping. Only those rise, who want to experience the love of Vaheguroo, meet Vaheguroo and develop their minds spiritually. They want to experience the various spiritual jewels and diamonds this pure mind and soul has to offer. 

Thirdly, when one sits in choankrraa (cross legged) for a couple of hours and focuses all their attention on Vaheguroo, they find it very easy to remember Vaheguroo throughout the day. It's like charging a battery. The Name of God charges the battery of the mind. One begins to hear the Name throughout the day. The Jaap (meditation) becomes ajappa (repetitive). 

Fourthly, meditation is the best sleep anyone can have. They say 10 minutes of fully focused (without any thought) meditation is like resting ones mind and body for 8 hours. Ones mind is never at rest. Even when sleeping the mind doesn't rest. This is the reason, we can sleep 12 hours and still wake up feeling tired. 

Finally, when one experiences the above, after awaking up early, they will find it difficult to stop and let go. It's difficult at first but it soon becomes a habit one struggles to live without! 

Why get up so early? Why not get up later? 

Many Gursikhs say, the more sleep you sacrifice and the earlier you get up, the more Phal (fruit). Some use the analogy of Gold, silver and bronze. So, getting up at 2am is the golden time, 4am is the silver time and 6am is the bronze time. After that, one may as well stay asleep! 

It makes sense! The more sacrifices we make for Guru Ji and the more time we take out for Guru Ji's Naam and baani, the more Guru Ji blesses us. The more time we spend in Sangat (congregation) and Guru Ji's Charan (feet), the more Guru Ji holds us tighter towards his chest. 

So, spend as much time as you can in Kirtan (musical praises of God) programmes meditating and clocking up the hours of this amazingly, wonderful Guru's blessings! That's only if you want to make something special of this beautifully blessed spiritual life journey! 

Bhagat Sheikh Fareed Ji Says, "Fareedhaa pishhal raath n jaagiouhi jeevadharro mueiouhi, jae thai rab visaariaa th rab n visariouhi."
Fareed, if you do not awaken in the early hours before dawn, you are dead while yet alive. Although you have forgotten God, God has not forgotten you.


Game of love 310- JEWELLERY & MAKE-UP


"Suramaadhik shi(n)gaar nehi(n) nehi(n) par tharunee sa(n)gi."
Do not wear make-up or jewellery. Do not commit adultery. Rehatnama Bhai Daya Singh Jee. 

In the Sikh Code of Conduct, Sikhs are asked not to wear jewellery or makeup. What's the reason for this? Why would a beautiful soul want to wear make-up or jewellery? Does jewellery make us more beautiful? Does make-up make us look more attractive? The answer is no! 

Just because we wear something expensive around our neck or on our fingers, does not mean people will be attracted to us. Who are we trying to please? Nobody cares! 

People think they look prettier and better looking with make-up on. This is not true. A Guru's Sikh or any normal individual, always looks better in their natural form. 

We spend most our life pleasing others but the one we should have originally pleased we totally disregard. 

When one wears the make-up of compassion and the jewellery of love, who is going to define this person as not being attractive or beautiful. You could meet a person, adorned in priceless amounts of jewellery and the most expensive make-up, but then if you stood the most simplest Naam (meditation) imbued Sikh next to them, with their face lit in the lally (redness) of Guru Ji's name and their eyes and face shining with the virtues of love, compassion, contentment, peace, happiness forgiveness, truth, righteousness, kindness and patience; who will look the most captivating? 

We just have to imagine this situation. When our mind is pure with Gods name and our energy and aura is being spread throughout our ecstatic beings, our most attractive smiles, which light the lives of many and those that come in to contact with them, our sweet speech, which cresses the listeners ears and our humble nature, which only people will fall instantly and lay in front of; realistically, which person with the wealthiest makeup and jewellery will even come close? 

Let's wear these masks on the inside and let's come to see how the world loves you on the outside! 

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Parehar kaparr jae pir milai khusee raavai pir sa(n)g || sadhaa seegaaree naao man kadhae n mail patha(n)g ||
Discarding worldly adornments, she meets her Husband Lord, and she celebrates joyfully with Him. She is adorned forever with the Name in her mind, and she does not have even an iota of filth."

Vaheguroo Ji is in love with this type of soul and gives them his all! 


Game of love 309- LIMITED BREATH!


"Ham aadhamee haa(n) eik dhamee muhalath muhath n jaanaa.
We are human beings of the briefest moment; we do not know the appointed time of our departure."

We live life by each breath. We have no clue whatsoever on the time of our departure, yet we continue not to remember God our beloved. We waste most our time in worldly affairs and our limited breaths decrease in vain. We have not accomplished what we were all sent here to do. We came to purify this mind and liberate the soul. We all came to change the face of the earth and most of us lost our ways, after witnessing and indulging in the luxuries this dark age of Kaljug brought to us. We could not control our desires so we decided to opt out, take the easy option and just do what everyone else is doing in this world. We were blind and we did not consider how many days this life would last. "A(n)dhhae jeevanaa veechaar dhaekh kaethae kae dhinaa."

Guru Ji goes on to say, we are deceitful and we don't remember the one loving name of Vaheguroo. The name in which would find us everlasting love, peace and happiness. When we get marched to deaths door, that's when we will realise who we really are and why we have come to earth in this human life form. We are extremely lazy and just continue living in our comfort zones. This is the time we will begin to regret and repent but at this point it becomes too late. "Naam khasam kaa chith n keeaa kapattee kapatt. 
Jam dhuaar jaa pakarr chalaaeiaa thaa chaladhaa pashhuthaanaa."

As long as we are in this world, we should remember and speak always about Vaheguroo's name. By remembering we are loving and thanking Vaheguroo for all we have and everything he has given us. Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, "I have searched and searched but I have found no way to live here forever." Death keeps following us. We can not escape it. There's no way out! There is only one way left and that is to remain dead, while yet alive. To live in this world by conquering our ego and finding true bliss within. Finding ones inner self is the place we should all be heading towards. It's the only place we will all remain in total peace, poise, bliss and happiness. "Jab lag dhuneeaa reheeai naanak kishh suneeai kishh keheeai. 
Bhaal rehae ham rehan n paaeiaa jeevathiaa mar reheeai."




"Chith simaran karo nain avilokano sravan baanee sujas poor raakho."
In my consciousness, I remember You in meditation; with my eyes, I behold You; I fill my ears with the Word of Your Bani, and Your Sublime Praise.

Bhagat Ravidas Ji was a God loving person. In this shabad Bhagat ji explains his technique of beholding Vaheguroo's love within his heart. The above is what worked best for Bhagat Ji and he went on to become one with Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo Ji (God). 

Bhagat Ji goes on to say, his mind is like a bumble bee, it never settles. There is only one substance, which can make it settle and that is the repetition of God's name. All our minds are similar to the buzzing bumble bee. We need to control the mind through Vaheguroo's name. "Man su madhhukar karo charan hiradhae dhharo rasan a(n)mrith raam naam bhaakho."

Bhagat Ji goes on to say, his love for God will never decrease. He has gone on to pay for it dearly with his soul. Bhagat Ji knew, the only way the soul was going to be saved was through the loving and priceless mantra of Naam. "Maeree preeth gobi(n)dh sio jin ghattai. mai tho mol mehagee lee jeea sattai."

Bhagat Ji goes on to explain, how ones love for Vaheguroo can only be attained through finding like minded people (Sangat). We become our Sangat. If we meet spiritual people and rejoice in their company, that's who we'll become. If we meet others, we will become just like them. Vaheguroo can only be attained through love. Love comes from the Sangat. Without love, there is no God. "Saadsa(n)gath binaa bhaao nehee oopajai bhaav bin bhagath nehee hoe thaeree."

The Sikh/Saint of the Guru leaves his all to Vaheguroo (God). They have nothing apart from God. God is the only one they rely on. They continuously ask God to see them through their quest of liberating the soul and loving Vaheguroo Ji. They know nothing can be achieved without Vaheguroo's blessing, so they ask their beloved to preserve their honour.  "Kehai ravidhaas eik baenathee har sio paij raakhahu raajaa raam maeree."

If we would like the love of God to be our protective string, we have to take small steps towards the Guru and let the Guru bless us and rejoice in our love. 


Game of love 307- EVERYONE IS MY FRIEND!


"bisar gee sabh thaath paraaee.
I have totally forgotten my jealousy of others"

This is a beautiful shabad by Guru Arjun Dev Ji. We call ourselves Sikhs of the Guru but we struggle to live the basic teachings of spirituality. Most good humans try not to act according to jealousy. Do we as practicing Sikhs do the same? Guru Sahib Ji has made it clear in the line above, that we have to live in this way. Simple spiritual rules. Our Sikhi today has become more of an outwardly show, rather than a spiritual breath of fresh air transforming the world. 

Guru Sahib Ji explains, he only became like this, when he found like minded people. When he found the saadhsangat. We become our company so please find the company, who will stick with you and support you throughout your life. "Jab thae saadhhasa(n)gath mohi paaee."

This line is my favourite line. Guru Sahib Ji says, "No one is my enemy and no one is a stranger. Everyone is my friend. I get along with everyone." This is Sikhi through and through. As practicing people, this is what we should be. If we look at others as different or through the eyes of hate, we can not be the Sikhs of Guru Ji. Let's question ourselves!! Do we know people who we don't get on with and do we look at them as different? Because if we do, Guru Ji won't be happy. Sikhi is a path for the pure and beautiful minded. We have to become that Jewel Guru Sahib Ji is talking about. "Naa ko bairee nehee bigaanaa sagal sa(n)g ham ko ban aaee."

Whatever God does, we have to accept as sweet. If we don't, we will suffer, as the mind is very negative and it loves to hold on to negativity. We can not change, that what God has done so it's important, even if we are not be happy to smile, be positive, accept and carry on. This is the sign of a developed mind. "Jo prabh keeno so bhal maaniou eaeh sumath saadhhoo thae paaee."

A Sikh of the Guru sees Vaheguroo in all, they have no favourites. A Sikh of the Guru looks at all as equals, friends, enemy's, colleagues, acquaintances, relatives, family members, jathebendeaa (religious groups)  and he only sees God's light pervade in all. "Sabh mehi rav rehiaa prabh eaekai paekh paekh naanak bigasaaee."

If we want the khushyaa (happiness) of Vaheguroo, we have to learn to live by these simple teachings. Otherwise there's no point attempting and trying to live a spiritual life, as one would struggle to find any peace and contentment. 

We see Vaheguroo everyday and in everything. We just fail to recognise him! 


Game of love 306- LOOKING DOWN ON OTHERS!


We have heard many people say, Amritdhaaree Gursikhs (baptised Sikhs) look down on non baptised Sikhs. 

If any Gursikh behaves in this way and looks down on even an animal, let alone humans, Guru Sahib ji will not be happy with them. Their mind will not find any peace and they will have to reap what they have sewn. 

Guru's Sikhs, after baptism, should become very special, spiritual and virtuous people. We should all be a shining example to those who struggle to practise spirituality and we should become loving, compassionate and content human beings. 

A few very vital teachings for Sikhs are very simply: Love, tolerance, patience, honesty, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and righteousness. 

If we are making others feel this way, we are doing something seriously wrong. A Sikh should be going out of their way to help, guide, support, love and make others feel better about themselves. They should be a ray of light in this dark age of Kaljug. Others should look up to them for support, love and guidance but this is only because they have earned this love and respect through their honest, compassionate character and their loving, positive, ecstatic aura and energy.

A Sikh is full of humility. They see the good in all and disregard others demerits. They become the dust of all beings feet. This is the purity of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Sikhs. We need to work towards having a character and the attributes of the purest soul to have blessed this earth (Guru Gobind Singh Ji). 

Some Sikhs look down on other Sikhs by thinking they are closer to Guru Ji, as they belong to a certain organisation (jathebandhee). Anyone who thinks in this way, has definitely not understood the pure and spiritual teachings of Guru Ji. This is a form of ego not humility. Guru Ji looks at all his sons and daughters as one. To earn the respect and love from Guru Ji, one has to live by Guru Ji's spiritual teachings and purify their mind through Naam and Baani. It's a personal journey and it's definitely not about which organisation we belong too. 

The beauty about a Sikh is, they are very humble but if someone pushes them too far, they are righteous enough to deal with anyone under any circumstance! 

The world also needs to understand, we are normal, average human beings, just like everyone else, hoping to become beautiful, spiritual, loving beings, through the perfect and pure teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We are not perfect, we will make mistakes just like everyone else but as-long as we learn from them and rectify them, in order that we don't make the same mistakes over and over again.  

If you feel Guru's Sikhs put you off taking steps towards Sikhi, for whatever reason, then take the teachings directly from Guru Ji and you will come to realise how pure, perfect and powerful this path really is! Don't let this be an excuse for your mind to fail you in life's most perfect journey. 

Never speak from a place of hate, jealousy, anger or insecurity. Evaluate your words before you let them leave your lips. Sometimes it's better to be quiet! 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Hohu sabhanaa kee raenukaa tho aao hamaarai paas.
Become humble and the dust of the feet of all, and then, you may come to me to be accepted."




"Sa(n)th sehaaee jeea kae bhavajal thaaranehaar ||
The Saints are the helpers, the support of the soul; they carry us across the terrifying world-ocean."

This is a beautiful shabad by Guru Arjun Dev Ji. Guru Ji tells us in the pangtee (line) above, that the saints will carry us across this terrible world ocean. The question is, where do we find these rare saintly jewels from? Many will say, they are saints but in reality, who is truly a saint. The only true saint, that we can speak about is Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We know they are pure and without vice. They are the purest we will ever find so its best taking all our advice from them. They will only adjoin us to Naam and Gurbaani meditation to purify this deluded mind. If we do meet a spiritual being, they will most likely do the same and join us to Naam and Baani too. 

Guru Ji then goes on to say, "Sabh thae oochae jaaneeahi naanak naam piaar." Know them as the highest of all, who are in love with Naam meditation. 

Why are they known to be the highest of all? Simply because, in this dark age of Kaljug, only the Naam can clear this thought filled mind, still it, balance it, find peace, love and happiness and go on to liberate the soul. 

Guru Sahib Ji goes on to say, Only those cross over, who get to know God. They are the true, brave, heroic warriors. The others suffer in reincarnation and the cycle of birth and death. How do you get to know God? By loving and remembering his name, one falls in love with God and crosses over this world ocean. "Jin jaaniaa saeee tharae sae soorae sae beer."

In the last line Guru Arjun Dev Ji shows his humility love, and compassion by saying, "Nanak is a sacrifice to those who meditate on the Lord, and cross over to the other shore." This is all Guru Ji yearns for. To see his creation become one with their own souls and liberate them through the everlasting love of Vaheguroo's name. "Naanak thin balihaaranai har jap outharae theer."




"Thiss bin gharree n jeeveeai bhaaee sarab kalaa bharapoor ||
Without Him, I cannot live, even for an instant, O Siblings of Destiny; He is totally filled with all powers."

Those who are in love with the true Guru, cannot live without Vaheguroo for even a second. They know perfectly well and exactly how much he means too them. They know, if his name disappears for even a second, they suffer at that moment. Their mind will be plundered with evil thoughts. They will become negative and the positivity of the Naam is not shone through their being. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji tells us his state. He says, "With every breath and morsel of food, I will not forget Him, O Siblings of Destiny; I behold Him ever-present." This is the state of those who are forever at peace, who are forever happy, who are forever content and loving. They will not even miss a breath of remembering Vaheguroo Ji. They will not do a deed in which Vaheguroo's name is departed from within. They will meditate whilst living in society and keep the Name embraced within. "Saas giraas n visarai bhaaee paekho sadhaa hajoor."

Guru Sahib Ji then goes on to say, "In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I meet Him, O Siblings of Destiny; He is totally pervading and permeating everywhere." Those that truly yearn for Vaheguroo, are always fully assured that he will always be found in the holy congregation. This is where the true ecstasy, peace and bliss is. The holy ones make time to leave their worldly affairs and look for Vaheguroo in the Saadhsangat. This is where their minds adjoin easily to the Name of Vaheguroo. This is where blessed and spiritual souls gain everlasting love for Vaheguroo and meet the holy saints, who sit together and remember him. "Saadhhoo sa(n)g milaaeiaa bhaaee sarab rehiaa bharapoor."

Finally, Guru Arjun Dev Ji goes on to say, "Those who do not embrace love for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny, always die crying out in pain." Why do they die crying out in pain? They think they have lived a happy successful life but in reality they have not done the deeds in which will purify this mind and soul. They have been led a stray by materialism and in the end their soul will go on to suffer the consequences. They will have to be blessed with this human life form again, after only God knows how many life forms, to purify the mind and liberate the soul. "Jinaa preeth n lageeaa bhaaee sae nith nith maradhae jhoor."

We can enjoy life and do what all others do but always remember we have to come back in to this human life form to liberate our soul. So please take advantage of this life form, whilst you have been blessed with the realisation to do so. 
