Game of love- MEAT/FLESH


I was driving to work today and something I saw made me write this poem!!


Crammed into lorries they cry out in separation,
Cooped up in small spaces with little ventilation.
From their caring mother they have had to let go,
I wonder if they know...

Arriving at unfamiliar places,
Loaded off with panicked faces.
Huge psychological torture they undergo,
I wonder if they know....

Inside the slaughterhouse they are made to wait,
For showing distress the beating is great.
They are hit with sticks and their pain really shows,
I wonder if they know...

They watch their family being murdered for their meat,
With chains they are hung upside down from their feet.
As others watch on, hearing screams and moans,
I wonder if they know....

The time comes for them to meet their fate,
What crime have they done with a punishment so great.
The knife is inserted and the blood flows,
I wonder if they know....

An everyday story of an animals life,
To satisfy the human they must face the knife.
Just like the Jews were herded onto trains,
their fate unknown and no one to explain.
Animals face the same torture everyday,
for this pain and suffering we must surely pay.
Think before you eat! How would you feel,
If you had to experience such an ordeal.
Your body is not a graveyard,
It's the temple of God,
With care and compassion where love is stored.

Do we not feel the suffering and pain of these animals? We eat meat to satisfy our own taste buds yet forget about all the torture we are held accountable for. When we eat flesh, we are accountable for all the karma the animal has brought with it into this life. We eat all the rubbish the animal has also digested. How would we feel, if our loved ones were killed and eaten? Have we forgotten we are Sikhs (the army of God) and we are supposed to see God in all? Have we forgotten that a human being should be compassionate to all beings?

To eat flesh is a NO NO! No Sikh should tell you otherwise!

Bhagat Kabir Ji Says, "You say that the One Lord is in all, so why do you kill chickens?

O Mullah, tell me: is this God's Justice?

The doubts of your mind have not been dispelled. You have not understood spiritual wisdom and compassion."





Please click on the YouTube link above: Bhai Jagraj Singh's 17 minute speech, from the programme in Southall for his Chardeekallah. Could be his last, only Guru Ji knows. 

Veer Ji delivers the speech, whilst smiling and laughing! The shabad below enlightens us to why he feels in this state! 

Guru Arjan Dev Ji

har saevaa mehi param nidhhaan ||

In the Lord's service, are the greatest treasures.

har saevaa mukh a(n)mrith naam ||1||

Serving the Lord, the Ambrosial Naam comes into one's mouth. ||1|| har maeraa saathhee sa(n)g sakhaaee ||

The Lord is my Companion; He is with me, as my Help and Support.

dhukh sukh simaree theh moujoodh jam bapuraa mo ko kehaa ddaraaee ||1|| rehaao ||

In pain and pleasure, whenever I remember Him, He is present. How can the poor Messenger of Death frighten me now? ||1||Pause|| har maeree outt mai har kaa thaan ||

The Lord is my Support; the Lord is my Power.

har maeraa sakhaa man maahi dheebaan ||2||

The Lord is my Friend; He is my mind's advisor. ||2|| har maeree poo(n)jee maeraa har vaesaahu ||

The Lord is my capital; the Lord is my credit.

guramukh dhhan khattee har maeraa saahu ||3||

As Gurmukh, I earn the wealth, with the Lord as my Banker. ||3|| gur kirapaa thae eih math aavai ||

By Guru's Grace, this wisdom has come.

jan naanak har kai a(n)k samaavai ||4||16||

Servant Nanak has merged into the Being of the Lord. ||4||16||




As per the Gurvaak (Guru's word) attached, taking Amrit is simply not enough. We have to dedicate our mind, body and soul to Guru Sahibs Jees message. Who knows when we will draw our next breath? We have given our head to Guru Sahib Jee in the Amrit sanchar and promised to dedicate our everything to him. But we fail to recognise that azraaeel (the messenger of death) is hovering above our heads and will take us away in an instant without warning, therefore it is imperative that we follow the updesh (message) in Gurbani and meditate on Naam breath by breath. 

Over the past couple of months, some of our beloved Gursikhs in Bradford, have been snatched away from us by the clutches of death. Bhai Sohan Singh and Bhai Joginder Singh were both tireless sevadars in Bradford, who dedicated their lives to the Guru. They would quietly and graciously, serve the sangat and take great pleasure in doing so. Today, we have learnt that another sevadar in Bradford, Bhai Rajinder Singh Panesar, has also breathed his last this morning. Bhai Sahib Jee had committed decades of his life to serving others throughout the city of Bradford. He worked as an interfaith representative and also taught Sikh studies and Punjabi language to generations of Sikh children.  

Let us all come together, on New Year's Eve, at Singh Sabha Bradford at 7pm-midnight to remember those beloved ones, who have departed and to celebrate the coming of the new year by awakening our inner-being to the Shabad Guru and Naam.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says: "Sajan maerae ra(n)gulae jaae suthae jeeraan ||
My playful friends have gone to sleep in the graveyard.

Ha(n) bhee va(n)n(j)aa ddumanee rovaa jheenee baan ||2||
In my double-mindedness, I shall have to go as well. I cry in a feeble voice."


Game of love- TRANSFORMATIONS (Nick Robson TO Bhai Harkirpa Singh Ji)

TRANSFORMATIONS (Nick Robson TO Bhai Harkirpa Singh Ji) 

Recent events have left me rather lost for words. The true power and impact of these events are beyond comprehension but I feel it's important to try to understand and describe them so that we can build unity and oneness. 

As many of you know, I am a 'Sikh'; someone who is trying their best to follow the way of life given by the 10 Sikh Gurus who lived on this Earth between 1469 and 1708.

The Sikh Gurus came to Punjab (North West India) at a time of great darkness and corruption. The caste system at the time created huge inequalities and suffering meaning some people were treated as if their very presence would pollute others. Thus the “untouchables” were forced to live in terrible inhumane conditions and squalor.  There was also religious persecution, with people being forced to convert faith or face the death penalty. Many people were following blind rituals and had lost the true teachings of their religion. 

The Sikh Gurus were completely revolutionary in their teachings. They came to spread the light of spiritual wisdom to the people of the world and eliminate the darkness of ignorance. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not only confine their teachings to India but travelled over 3500 miles on foot to reach as far as Mecca, Baghdad.

The Sikh Gurus rejected the caste system, replacing the previous caste-revealing surnames of Sikh initiates with ‘Singh’ for men and ‘Kaur’ for women, meaning ‘lion’ and ‘Princess’. 

They empowered women, not only by giving them top positions of political and spiritual authority but arming them with weapons too and training them in martial arts. 

They showed how we can recognise the whole human race as one, regardless of our gender, religious, social and racial differences; with the ninth Guru even sacrificing their own life to save another faith.

They built a whole political system and army based on compassion and righteousness balanced with an unbreakable foundation of pure spiritual practice. 

They started a kitchen that now feeds over 6 million people worldwide free of charge every day.

They taught us to earn an honest living and volunteer our time and donate our money selflessly to those in need.

However, beyond the Guru’s ‘worldly’ achievements, they taught people the true meaning of life.

The Gurus taught that the only Eternal Truth is the ੧ Supreme Being/Energy that Creates, Sustains and Destroys. This ੧ Energy expanded into the world and its light permeates everything. It is Infinite Bliss, Pure Love, Without Hate or Fear, Compassionate, All Knowing, Eternal, and Ever-Forgiving. The Guru’s path is one of earning grace and achieving Oneness with the Divine ੧. 

The Supreme Being is our real Soulmate. Although we search for happiness in worldly things, deep within, our Soul seeks union with the ੧. The ੧ is inside us and accessible to all of us. When we connect to the one we cry tears of joy, our body tingles and divine bliss floods our minds 

Love is the fastest and surest way to get to the Supreme ੧. Once this fire is kindled within us, we feed it with spirituality. Chanting God’s name, singing divine songs written by the Gurus themselves and serving to the Immaculate ੧.

On 14th November 2016, the Gurpurab (birthday) of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji (first Sikh Guru), I was blessed with Amrit “Khande di Pahul” (Nectar of Immortality).

This ceremony first happened in 1699 when the 10th Sikh Guru tested their Sikhs to see who would follow their path even if it meant death. The collective of committed Sikhs who passed the test were given the status of Guru Khalsa, the Guru’s own body. All Khalsa (men and women) are ordered to stand out. The turban and uncut hair are part of this distinct appearance. The Khalsa is armed and ever ready to defend others from injustice and oppression. Khalsa members have a daily spiritual discipline of Naam and are forbidden any intoxicants or sex outside of marriage. The Khalsa collective is the Eternal physical embodiment of the Guru and Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the Eternal spiritual embodiment. 

For those born into a Sikh family, a Hukamnama (random reading) is taken shortly after birth from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (the Sikh 'holy scripture' that we regard as the Eternal spiritual embodiment of the Guru). The first letter of the Shabad (hymn) on that Ang (limb of the Guru) forms the first letter of the name of that child. By allowing our name to be chosen in this way, we can constantly be reminded of the Divine ੧ that we come from and that gives everything to us.

For those not born into a Sikh family (like myself) this ceremony can be performed later. This was done for me at the Amrit Sanchar and I was blessed with the letter H and the two words "Har Kirpa" meaning "the grace of the supreme eternal being" which now forms my Sikh name - Harkirpa. 

I hope this post helps to educate readers about Sikhi, which is frequently misunderstood and misrepresented (and I'm only beginning to realise Sikhi's amazing power myself!). Often people don't realise that Sikhi is for more than just Punjabis and I hope my story illustrates otherwise. Sikhs don’t aim to convert others nor impose Sikh law on everyone. Although Guru is the straight path to ੧ realisation, people of other faiths (and none) can be inspired by Guru’s wisdom without converting. Sikhi is the result of the universal teachings of the Guru, applicable to anyone and everyone, regardless of their gender, race, caste, background. 

I feel incredibly blessed to have been through such positive transformation, which completely changed my life for the better. Throughout my journey, I've been blessed with the loving support and guidance of a Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji. 

When I was introduced to Sikhi by a friend at uni, Bhai Sahib Ji had just started Basics of Sikhi. I remember being completely amazed by Sikhi and also overwhelmed at how much I wanted to learn. Bhai Sahib Ji was doing Japji Sahib Katha at the time and this was such an inspiration to me. Basics of Sikhi has made Sikhi so much more accessible to a non-Panjabi like me. A couple of weeks before I was blessed with Amrit, Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji discussed some Gurbani with me and the way he described it changed everything for me. It gave me the understanding I was looking for, it was as if he knew what my doubts were and instantly dispelled them for me. Like so many, I was deeply saddened by Bhai Sahib Ji’s recent diagnosis but as a Panth we must remain Chardi Kala (in ever rising optimism). Amazingly, Bhai Sahib Ji showed us all how to do this at his Simran Jaap last night, talking with such love and Chardi Kala.

I've still got such a long long way to go and with Guru Ji's Kirpa, I'm striving to improve every day. My Benti to Sadh Sangat is for us to all to support Basics of Sikhi, and our whole Panth as one, more than ever before. May we take the time to reflect on our lives and see what we can do to inspire ourselves and others. Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji and their team have inspired countless people into Sikhi and we have a responsibility to do our best to keep the legacy going.

May we all be blessed to connect to the Eternal ੧ within us all 🙏🏻

ਭੁਲ ਚੁਕ ਮਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨੀ ਜੀ


Game of love- THE TRUE STATE OF LOVE 2


People in general, always talk about love but most people who talk about love, have no clue how powerful this word really is, it should not be used as loosely as it does. The love we know about in general, is more attachment in reality. To know about love, we have to experience it first. This only comes from contemplating and meditating on Naam, bringing our self closer to our soul and recognising our mind.

When we meditate on Gods name continuously, Naam becomes a natural contemplation. Most say it's very difficult, it's only difficult because in reality, we are not willing to put the time and effort in to practice it. Nothing is achieved without time and effort. It is nothing to worry about, just keep on meditating Athai Pehar (24/7).

The word love means, to love something more than ourselves i.e, sidelining our ego by the love of Gods name. Singh Sahib Yogee Harbhajan Singh says, “love is the experience of sacrifice in ones self”.

Bhai Sahib Bhai Kanaeiya Jee was an embodiment and shining example of love. This is one Saakhee (story) that probably all of us know. When the Mughals were in battle with Gursikhs, Bhai Sahib Jee went around with a sack of water and quenched the thirst of most, if not all injured soldiers on the battle field, regardless of whether they were Muslims or Sikhs. The Sikhs complained to Guru Jee, that Bhai Sahib was helping the Muslims in battle, Guru Jee in turn questioned Bhai Sahib. Bhai Sahib said, "I only gave water to where I saw your roop (face)." Guru Jee is Ghat Ghat Ke Antar Kee Jaanat (the knower of all hearts), he embraced Bhai Sahib with a hug and said "This is my true Sikh." The Muslims were humbled by this amazing human being and did not have it in them to attack the embodiment of love. Bhai Sahib must have reached the amazing state of oneness with God, only Vaheguroo knows.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "One whose mind loves the Lord, Har Har, obtains supreme peace. He reaps the profit of the Lord's Name, the state of Nirvaanaa."




As we hear the news of Bhai Jagraj Singh, being diagnosed with grade 4 cancer, we are all deeply saddened. But, we all have complete faith in Guru Sahib Ji that our blessed, loving brother will definitely be ok and come through this difficult period, as millions around the globe are praying for him and most of all, he has a pure father like Guru Granth Sahib Ji Mahraj that sits besides him, with their hand on his head. 

Bhai Sahib ji has touched the lives of many in his revolutionised parchaar of Gurmat and Sikhi. He has inspired many around the globe to walk on this path of love, contentment, compassion and truth. 

Even whilst falling ill with cancer, bhai Sahib ji held the parchaar of sikhi firmly to his heart by setting up the 'Parchaar Course' (spreading of faith), in order that the panth creates more parcharaks and doesn't rely on the few we have. Such was his love for sikhi and the spreading of this universal truth (Sikhi). 

We can speak forever about Bhai Sahib Ji's gunn (virtues) and seva (selfless service), as he dedicated all his time to seva but what are we going to do about it? We can all feel very sad that Bhai Sahib ji has been diagnosed but again, how are we going to better ourselves to support him? We all need to push ourselves a little further. If we haven't taken Amrit, we have to do so. If we have taken Amrit, we need to do more kamaaee (earn profit of Naam meditation) and serve the panth and universe unconditionally. These have always been Veer Jagraj Singh's wishes. This is what he wanted most. Let's fulfil his beautiful desires. This is the least we can do for our brother, who is suffering through severe illness. 

Bhai Sahib ji has been diagnosed with grade four cancer and a lot of us have lost hope but let us not forget we have the most powerful Guru sat besides us, who can change the face of this earth. We may have lost hope in doctors but the most spiritual doctor ( Vaidh Guru) still holds Bhai Jagraj Singh's hand today and forever. 

The least we can do for Bhai Sahib ji is, personal Ardassaan (prayers), sangtee (congregational) Ardaasan, read Baani for him, meditate for him. We have full faith our Guru will pull him through! We are not going to let him leave us so soon! We still need him serving by our side! Guru Ji still has plenty more Seva (selfless service) to bless him with. 

Let this be a teaching to us all. Life's too short. Please take them steps towards sikhi now and let's not wait until it's too late. Let's become that positive change! 

Guru Arjan Dev Ji Says, "Jaa thoo maerai val hai thaa kiaa muhashha(n)dhaa||
When You are on my side, Lord, what do I need to worry about?

thudhh sabh kishh maino soupiaa jaa thaeraa ba(n)dhaa||
You entrusted everything to me, when I became Your slave."




Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says, "Jin Prem Keeo Tinn Hee Prabh Paaeo,." The one who loves the Lord, i.e loves the Lords creation, will no doubt become one with Vaheguroo (God).

A physical and spiritual state of love is the most beautiful state of mind one can attain.

How do we reach this state of mind?
Only through Simran (meditation). When we contemplate the name of the Lord Athai Pehar (24/7 hours) Saas Saas (with every breath) in the mind, the mind body and soul are transformed in to this state of love.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Har Jupeeai Aaraadheeai Aath Pehur Govindh"
Chant the Lord's Name and contemplate the Lord of the World, twenty-four hours a day.

This state of mind is not easily attained, it could take many many life times and a lot of Abhiyaas (practise). To love God's name, we listen to the lord's name in our minds (inner ears) with contemplation, eg Vaa he Gu roo, (great is the Guru), this is what the Shabad Vaheguroo means. Once we can train our mind in to listening and contemplating at the same time, we will be blessed with Prem Ras (taste of true love), Naam Ras (taste of the True Name), Amrit Ras (travels from our navel-1st chakra to our 6 chakra- tenth gate, after accepting baptism and devoting our life to meditation). Once we have tasted these Ras's, then other worldly tastes seem very very bitter.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Gurumukh Mun Sumujhaaeeai Aathum Raam Beechaar.
The Gurmukhs train their minds to contemplate the Lord, the Supreme Soul. 

Har Rus Bin Sabh Suaadh Fikureeaa.
But without the sublime essence of the Lord, all tastes are tasteless."


Game of love- THE WILL


From a Gursikh Brother! 

It is extremely hard to accept the sweet will of God. BhaaNa (the will of god) is what makes a person a Gursikh, whether one can accept everything as his will is a great test of our faith. Everything that happens to us in this life is a result of our past actions. Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself says in Siri Japjee Sahib, (1st sermons of GGSJ) - 'Hukamai andhar sabh Ko Bahar Hukam Naa Koe' - No one is outside Vaheguroo's will, everthing happens, because he does it. The hard part is accepting it and moving on.

When my parents didn't let me ever go to Sat sang (true company), i used to cry and argue with them. I eventually realised, we should become Bhagats (devotees through meditation) and Jap Naam. Naam will then lead us to wherever we desire. It so happened that i wanted to go to Sat Sangat one day and my parents rejected again. Instead of arguing, i just accepted it and did an Ardaas (prayer) to Guru ji, to help me accept it. It really did ache my heart, not to be inthe midst of the holy but I felt very loving, content and tolerant within. This helped me love and respect my parents and made me stronger within to meditate on Naam. 

A few months later, my parents took me in to Sat Sang themselves, starting going to Gurdwara Sahib with me and accepted Amrit a couple of years later. My Guru is great and knows exactly when I ache within.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Accepting the Command of the Lord's Will, I have found total peace; the home of suffering has been destroyed. When God, our Lord and Master was totally pleased, He revealed everything in the form of ecstasy."




Ragi Harcharan Singh (Hazooree Ragi Darbar Sahib Vale- performs singing of Gods praises at the Golden Temple Amritsar), spoke beautifully the other day. 

He was doing Seva (service at Gurdwara), a Sikh came to him and said, "Please perform the shabad 'Gobind Preet Lagee Ath Pyaaree,' I would really appreciate it." 
Ragi ji said, "Satbachan (definitely will), I will do it in a few days for you." The man was very thankful and went home. 

The man came back in a few days and very politely asked Ragi ji, if he had forgotten to perform his shabad. Ragi ji very humbly apologised and promised he would sing it beautifully in a couple of days. 

The day had come, Ragi ji could not find the shabad anywhere. He looked in Amrit Kirtan Pothee (book with kirtan shabads) many times. It was 1994 so no smart phones. 1hr remained, he looked in the tatkra (contents) of Guru Granth Sahib Ji three times. He could not find the shabad anywhere. He became very worried, as he gave his word to the sikh (a Sikhs word is his life). 

Just 30 minutes remained, he could only turn to his Guru. He begged his Guru for an answer through the Hukumnama (random search of shabad in GGSJ). He opened the GGSJ randomly with love and respect, to great surprise, there was the shabad on page 607. Bhai Sahib Ji cried for 10 minutes and could not believe how his Guru kept the laaj (honour & word) of his Sikh. (GGSJ has 1430 pages-angs) 

When I heard this story, I took many teachings away from it. The love and faith Bhai Sahib ji had for his Guru was immense, how Bhai Sahib Ji wanted to keep his word and most of all, how our Guru will always be there for us until the end of the road, only if our faith in Guru Ji is unmovable. 

"Gobind Preet Lagee Ath Pyaaree" - The Love of God is very dear to me.


Game of love- GOD IS ALWAYS RIGHT!


A King had a male servant, who in all circumstances always said to him; 

'My king, do not be discouraged, because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes.'

One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king. The servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't prevent his majesty from losing a finger.

Furious and without showing gratitude,
the King said; 'If God was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger.'

The servant replied 'Despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good and everything He does is perfect. He is never wrong.'

Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant.

While being taken to prison, he told the king again, 'God is Good & Perfect.'
Another day, the king left alone for another hunt and was captured by savages, who use human beings for sacrifice.

On the altar, the savages found out that the king didn't have one finger in place. He was released, because he was considered not "complete" to be offered to the Gods.

On his return to the palace, he ordered the release of his servant and said;
'My friend, God was really good to me. I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger. I was let go.' 

'But I have a question; If Vaheguroo (God) is so good, why did He allow me to put you in prison?'

His servant replied; 'My king, if I had not been put in prison, I would have gone with you, and would have been sacrificed, because I have no missing finger.'

Everything God does is perfect, He is never wrong.

Often, we complain about life and the negative thinking in us kills the positivity within. So, think positive and trust God at every moment. Vaheguroo loves us. We have to pay for our past wrong doings (karma). This is the way of God and this is how Vaheguroo stages his play. We have to learn to accept his will! overall this would make us more happy and content. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, I will accept the Will of the True Guru, and eradicate selfishness from within.


Game of love- BEGGING BOWL


Guru Angad Dev Ji (2nd Guru) was sitting on his thakt (holy throne) and saw an old man approach him. It was his daughters uncle in-law. 
Guru sahib recognized him and respectfully greeted him as a member of his son-in-laws house. The old man instead bowed his head and said 'I've not come as a relative, I've come as a beggar, please bless me with Sikhi.' 
Guru Angad Dev ji said if you're a beggar, where is your begging bowl to receive Sikhi?'  
The old man said, 'Shall I bring one made of Gold or Silver?' 
Guru ji said 'No, those begging bowls can not receive Sikhi. If you want Sikhi, then your begging bowl must be made of Seva (selfless service). The old baba (old man) said 'I've never done seva before.' 
Guru sahib said, 'You will learn how to do seva in the Gurus house. Every morning while it is still dark, you will take this metal pot and travel three miles to a flowing river and collect water for my Amritvela Ishnaan (2ambathing). The journey is six miles in total. The baba ji said, 'Sath bachan (will do) Guru ji.' The baba Ji did this seva for 12 years and was now 73 years old. 

One day, the baba ji was walking back from the river with the water, when he collapsed and the water spilt. The Baba ji was very determined to do seva and very upset that he would get late. He went back to Guru ji all muddy and dirty with an empty pot and his head down. Guru ji saw him and said, 'Where have you been? I've already done my ishnaan now.' 
Baba ji said, 'Please forgive me, I collapsed doing your seva. 
Guru ji said, 'Really, you collapsed doing seva?' Baba ji asked for maafi (forgiveness) and said my pot is empty. Guru sahib smiled and said.. 'Those that collapse before the Guru (submit) with an empty pot, (no cleverness - manmat) will receive everything. So Guru Angad Dev ji, aged 47 came off his thakt and said to the Baba ji,  'Baba Amar Das ji you will now lead the panth (Guru's family) of Guru Nanak Dev ji' (1st Guru).

Guru Amar Das Ji, aged 73, who had no desire in his heart, other than to please Guru Ji was then given Gurgaddi (Guru-ship 3rd Guru)
DHAN GURU AMAR DAS JI, DHAN THAYREE SEVA (blessed is your Seva Guru Amardas Ji). 

Guru Ji Says, "I carry water for the Guru's household; from the Guru, I have learned the Way of the One Lord."




Once a group of 50 people were attending a seminar.

Suddenly, the speaker stopped and started giving each one a balloon.

Each one was asked to write his/her name on it using a marker pen.

Then, all the balloons were collected and put in another room.

Now, these delegates were let in that room and asked to find the balloon, which had their name written, within 5 minutes.

Everyone was frantically searching for their name, colliding with each other, pushing around others and there was utter chaos.

At the end of 5 minutes, no one could find their own balloon.

Now, each one was asked to randomaly select a balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it.

Within minutes, everyone had their own balloon.

The speaker began, "This is exactly what's happening in our lives.

Everyone is frantically looking for happiness all around, not knowing where it is.

Our happiness lies in the happiness of other people...

Give them their happiness and you will find your own happiness."

In this day and age, just to see others happy, shows the signs of a beautiful, loving soul. Making people happy is a lot more difficult. It can only happen through sincere love of oneness with ones self. 

Seeing others happy definitely makes us happier but remember, we have to be happy and joyful within in order to spread and make others feel happy. 

One only becomes happy and remains happy, when they recognise themselves. Once they have realised who they are and found their inner self, through meditation on naam, they will effortlessly make others happy. 

Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "Bholu, Bhatu and Tivari gave happiness to others and were known as the Sikhs of the court of the True Guru."


Game of love- OPENING THE DASAM DUAAR (tenth gate)


Rare are the ones that reach the abode of the Tenth Gate, located in the Human Body. Many, including Jains, Jogees and Siddhs have a yearning to open their Dasam Duaar. They have the potential to open their tenth gate and meet God however, all their attempts are futile, as they do not meditate on the pure mantra Vaheguroo. When they open their Dasam Duaar, they do not get Darshan, (vision of god) because the Swaas (breath) of Vaheguroo Simran (meditation) does not reside there and therefore all their efforts go in vain. 

One must note, that opening the Dasam Duaar, (tenth gate, spiritual opening on the top of ones head) is just another step to progression on the path of Naam Japnaa (meditation) - it is by no means the goal of simran. 

A true Gursikh, should never do simran, in order to achieve a certain spiritual state. They should only meditate to create Prem (love) for Vaheguroo within. When the Dasam Duaar does open, with the Swaas (breath) of Vaheguroo Simran residing there, then there is a flood of light which is unbearable, this is the vision of God. The Dib Drishtee (3rd eye, some call it the tenth gate) opens and one starts to experience life in the Spirit world.

Many Gursikhs say, they feel a pressure at the top of the head, whilst doing Simran (like a headache). This is our Dhiaan (concentration) at a higher avasthaa (state). If the concentration is kept to the top of the head, through simran, for a while, (could be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, depending on our karma) the Dasam Duaar (tenth gate) will eventually open through the blessing of Vaheguroo. 

Guru Amardas a Ji Says, "He dwells in the Tenth Gate, and obtains the understanding of the three worlds."


Game of love- SWEARING


A Chardikalla (high spirited) Gursikh from America, was found crying uncontrollably. His friends asked him, "Why he was crying." He said, "I had a dream and I was waiting outside a tent to see Guru Gobind singh Ji (Sikhs 10th Guru) and the guard didn't let me in. I kept asking the guard why, why am I not allowed in?
The guard just said, Guru sahib doesn't want to see you." The friends who were listening to his story asked, 'But you are a Chardi kalla, banaa vala (robe wearing) abhiyaasi (Naam practising) singh, why wouldn't you be allowed in?' 
He said, "I carried on pleading to be let in and then was asked to leave. That evening I returned and asked the Guard to ask Guru Ji personally, why I am not allowed in." The guard went inside to ask Guru Sahib Ji. When he returned he narrated what guru sahib had said, 'Guru says, you can do as much paath (prayers) and simran (meditation) as you want but I will never see you, because on some occasions you swore at your wife.'

This is a true story and has a very important message for those people who think it's ok to swear. What we have in our heart shall come through our tongue and actions. 

If we washed the mind and tongue with the love of Gods name correctly, the tongue would only speak loving, compassionate, kind, wise, respectful and meaningful words. 

Let's look inside, who are we. Let's not kid ourselves and others. Guru sahib is always watching! 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Telling lies and speaking ill of others, they will only settle to eat dead bodies."




Many people say, 'We shouldn't chant the Name of God mechanically over and over again'. They say, 'It's not Sikhi'. Those who say this, have unfortunately not really understood the true, beautiful message of Naam, Gurbani and Sikhi. 

Firstly, Guru Sahib ji asks us to repeat the name day and night, with every breath and then Guru Sahib ji blesses us with all the treasures of this materialistic and spiritual life. One becomes fulfilled, content and overjoyed by the taste of this beautiful Naam. Guru sahib ji calls that soul bride forever fortunate who focusses her consciousness on her beloved Vaheguroo. This soul bride reaches the perfect stage of Sehj (perfect peace and poise). 

"sadhaa ra(n)g raathee sehajae maathee anadhin naam vakhaanai ||
Ever imbued with His Love, in perfect poise and grace, she repeats His Name, night and day.

Very fortunate is that bride, who focuses her consciousness on Him; her Lord's Love is so sweet to her.

O Nanak, that soul-bride who is adorned with Truth, is imbued with her Lord's Love, in the state of perfect poise. ||3||"

Guru sahib ji says, the Gurmukh begins to realise their true self by repeating the name of Vaheguroo night and day. They earn all their merits through it and eliminate all their demerits but only a few realise this and physically practise it. 

"Anadhin naam vakhaaneeai laahaa har ras peejai raam ||
Night and day, he repeats the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and he earns his profits, drinking in the subtle essence of the Lord.

He gathers in merits, and eliminates demerits, and realizes his own self.

Under Guru's Instruction, he is blessed with glorious greatness; he drinks in the essence of the True Word of the Shabad.

O Nanak, devotional worship of the Lord is wonderful, but only a few Gurmukhs perform it." 

Finally, Guru Sahib Ji says, 'If I chant his Name night and day, Vaheguroo will eventually hear my cry. This is when Guru Sahib ji blesses us with oneness to see God in all and purify this mind's journey of life through Naam (meditation of the word) and Baani (Guru's word).'

To start with, everything In life takes time and is hard to master but once we spend many years of practise (ghaalnaa) doing the same thing over and over again, we begin to enjoy it by becoming one with it. This is the same with Naam abhiyas (Name meditation practise). It's like licking a tasteless stone but the tasteless stone very soon becomes an unbearable, priceless, loving, sweet taste and substance, we find difficult to explain and describe to others, once experienced. 

kabeer kaeso kaeso kookeeai na soeeai asaar. 
Kabeer, chant the Name of the Beautifully-haired Lord; do not sleep unaware.

raath dhivas kae kookanae kabehoo kae sunai pukaar. 
Chanting His Name night and day, the Lord will eventually hear your call. 




Thought to should share with you a summary of an article that I recently read. It is written by an eminent scholar about the Daily Routine of any Gursikh. He explains some important aspects of a Gursikh’s routine but then adds that all these aspects, whilst important, must be prioritised in the following order:

1. Naam (Meditation on Gods name)  & Baani (Sikh holy scriptures) abhiyaas (practice) – food for the soul - to attain and maintain spiritual health.
2. Physical exercise, to maintain a healthy body, which would help to perform the most important aspect at No.1 and the others as mentioned below. 
3. Kirat – work hard and sincerely – to make an honest living.
4. Seva (to Serve others), Sangat (to have spiritual company) and Sharing - maintaining a good relationship with family, relatives, sadh sangat (holy company) others and the community.
5. Indulging in innocent pleasures,  hasna (laughing), khedna (playing) – i.e. sports activities and remaining cheerful.

So, unless No.1 is done regularly/ceaselessly, the remaining aspects, whilst important, would be futile.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Without the Naam, all occupations are useless, like decorations on a dead body.One who forgets the Naam and indulges in pleasures, shall find no peace, even in dreams; his body shall become diseased."


Game of love- NAAM RAS (beautiful taste of Vaheguroo's Name)

NAAM RAS (beautiful taste of Vaheguroo's Name) 

When Naam Ras is at its extreme in the body fortress of a Gurmukh, (the one who follows Gurus teachings) the body goes into a state of Bismaadh. This is when the body 'shuts down' and one experiences just pure Naam Ras. We can see Gursikhs experiencing this state in long smaagams (programmes), such as Kirtan (singing of shabad) Smagams and Amrit vela (early hours meditation) - Many Gurmukhs go into this state. In Programmes, it usually looks as though they are asleep because their heads are pointed down and their body saavdhaan (straight). They will usually sit with their eyes closed for a number of hours. When we see other Gurmukhs in the state of Bismaadhee (ecstasy beyond description) it looks like they are sleeping, in fact physically the body is sleeping as it's in rest mode, but inside the Naam Ras is drenching them with love and ecstasy.

How do we go into the state of Bismaadhee? Bismaadhee is when the Anand (peace/joy) from Naam Ras is too much and the body cannot handle it, the body automatically slips into this state. It's when the naam ras travels through all the body chakras and settles in the 6th one (tenth gate).

A Gurmukh (spiritual devotee) can go into Bismaadhee any time s/he wishes to do so. But, because we live a Gristhee Jeevan (householders life) we experience it usually, when we do long sittings in meditation (Kirtan smaagams). Sometimes, in this state, our soul can actually leave our body through the Dasam Duaar (tenth gate). This is the soft spot on the top of ones head. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Beyond the nine gates, the Tenth Gate is found, and liberation is obtained. The Unstruck Melody of the Shabad vibrates."


Game of love- ONLY NAAM (name mantra)

ONLY NAAM  (name mantra) 

Each day is passing by and now our body is becoming more older and frail. Death has transformed itself into a hunter and is coming for us. One day it will find us. That day is coming closer. 
No mother, father, sibling, child, friend or spouse will support us, when the butcher of death knocks on our door. 
We have one saviour. Keval Naam japo re praanee, paroh ek kee saranaa - repeating Vaheguroo and come to reside in the Saran (sanctury), (hukam/command - rehat/discipline) of Vaheguroo. 

We may not be able to control what happens in our lives but we can influence our thoughts and cultivate a peace, loving, happy inner world. 

Bhagat Kabeer Ji Says, "Day by day, hour by hour, life runs its course, and the body withers away. Death, like a hunter, a butcher, is on the prowl; tell me, what can we do? Says Kabeer, listen, O mortal: Renounce the doubts of your mind. Chant only the One Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mortal, and seek the Sanctuary of the One Lord."


Game of love- LIFE or WORK


Father was a hardworking man, who delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings after work, attending classes, hoping to improve himself so that he could one day, find a better paying job. Except for Sundays, Father hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard, because he wanted to provide his family with the best money could buy.

Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

The day came when the examination results were announced. To his joy, Father passed, and with distinctions too! Soon after, he was offered a good job, as a senior supervisor which paid handsomely.

Like a dream come true, Father could now afford to provide his family with life’s little luxuries, like nice clothing, fine food and holidays abroad.

However, the family still did not get to see father for most of the week. He continued to work very hard, hoping to be promoted to the position of manager. In fact, to make himself a worthy candidate for the promotion, he enrolled for another course in the open university.

Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

Father’s hard work paid off and he was promoted. Jubilantly, he decided to hire a maid to relieve his wife from her domestic tasks. He also felt that their three-room flat was no longer big enough, it would be nice for his family to be able to enjoy the facilities and comfort of a beautiful home. Having experienced the rewards of his hard work many times before, Father resolved to further his studies and work at being promoted again. The family still did not get to see much of him. In fact, sometimes, Father had to work on Sundays entertaining clients. Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

As expected, Father’s hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful property overlooking the coast of Singapore. On the first Sunday evening, at their new home, Father declared to his family that he decided not to take anymore courses or pursue any more promotions. From then on he was going to devote more time to his family.

Father did not wake up the next day.

We waste most our life studying & working and forget all the important things in life. Many people say, we will remember God and accept Amrit (Sikh baptism) later. Will later ever come? Can we guarantee our breaths? Let's do what we have to do now!! The soul needs to be liberated, let's make the efforts now!! 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "In duality, you are ruining and wasting this priceless human life. You trade it away in exchange for a mere shell."


Game of love- THE TRUE VISION


We can sit in the sangat and feel bliss for a few minutes or even hours. We can meet spiritual Sikhs, who when we meet, we might feel a good feeling or a positive energy for a few hours. There are not many people in this world, who you see for the first time and you feel delighted with joy and the joy remains for a lifetime or the mind feels an everlasting peace. These people are very rarely seen. 

Bhatt Kirat (poet) writes about the virtues of Guru Ramdas Ji in Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Sikh holy scriptures). Bhatt Ji Says, when meeting Guru Ramdas ji, he felt an amazing delight within his mind, he felt ecstatic, his mind was overwhelmed with love. He says Guru Ramdas Ji is like sandalwood, his fragrance spreads effortlessly around the world. He purifies many and liberates their souls, he is God himself. He said, this is the reason everyone fears, loves and respects Guru Ramdas Ji (4th Guru of the Sikhs). 

This is what Bhatt Ji experienced when meeting Guru Ji. May Guru Ji bless us all with their delightful Darshan (vision) and liberate our souls. How fortunate was Bhatt ji. 

Bhatt Kirat Says, "Whoever serves the True Guru obtains the treasure; night and day, he dwells at the Lord's Feet. And so, the entire Sangat loves, fears and respects You. You are the sandalwood tree; Your fragrance spreads gloriously far and wide. Dhroo, Prahlaad, Kabeer and Trilochan chanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and His Illumination radiantly shines forth. Seeing Him, the mind is totally delighted; Guru Raam Daas Ji is the Helper and Support of the Saints."
