Game of love 💙- GURU NANAK, GOD HIMSELF!


There is a beautiful sakhi, story about Baba Ishar Singh Ji, which I read on the Internet. Baba Ishar Singh Ji was a very spiritually enlightened Gursikh of the twentieth century. Baba Ishar Singh Ji would go traveling. In particular he would like traveling to graveyards, because they are very quiet places and reminds one of death, which in away puts a perspective on our life and makes us realise reality of life that maya, our worldly possessions will not accompany us when we die.

On one of his travels, Baba Ishar Singh Ji came across a village graveyard (belonging to Muslims). Usually graveyards are somber and a bit dull because it is overshadowed with death and sadness. However this particular graveyard was different. The graveyard was well kept and looked more like a garden of life, rather than a cradle of death. It had shady trees and beautiful flowers.

It was mid-morning, Baba Ishar Singh Ji started looking closely at the tombstones and the graves. Each stone stated the person's name, the year of birth and instead of when they died, it said how many years they had lived. He was astonished to find, that most of the people buried in the graveyard had only lived just under twenty or so years. No stone could be found, which displayed more than thirty years of life. There were some gravestones, which displayed zero years of life lived.

Baba Ishar Singh Ji was curious, he thought he would explore this village. He thought, the village must be full of all old people and that the children must have either died of disease, or mass killing. However, the village had young people, old people and people of different ages. The villagers looked like very respectable and friendly people and carried a heavenly glow on their faces.

Baba Ishar Singh Ji approached some men. He lovingly asked, "Respected gentlemen, I have seen many places and many people but even at the most holiest of these places, I could not find the life and love that pervades this place. Perhaps I am in a dream." They all smiled. Baba Ji then continued, "I would very much like it, if you would kindly explain this rather strange place. I was also very intrigued by the graveyard at the entrance of the village. Is it where you bury your young ones?"

After a short pause, the most elderly man spoke: "Traveler, you look like a man who would benefit much from the story I am going to tell you. Listen carefully and it will change your life." All the men present, sat attentively. All the villagers within earshot, came and sat to hear the old man speak. He began, "My grandfather was the Kazi (holy Muslim man) of this village. Each morning, well before sunrise, he would call out to the people and to the heavens with his namaaz (Muslim call to prayer). One such morning he was in the midst of his prayer, when he heard music from the outskirts of the village. He was a devout Muslim and was quite horrified to hear music at such a holy hour. He immediately sent some of his followers to put an end to this paganism. But to his surprise, none of them came back. The music meanwhile continued. After a long wait, he himself decided to put an end to this unholy activity. So quite angrily, he strode towards the music. The closer he got, the more he realized that it wasn't his anger that was responsible for his hurried strides, rather it was the exquisite beauty in the music.

Finally, when he got close enough to see the music makers, not only did his body lose the ability to move, his mind too stopped the madman's dance, it had been doing since his birth. He literally stood rooted to a spot for the duration of the recital. The music cast a spell over him. He travelled inwards to subtle places he had read about only in the scriptures. He would often look back at that moment and dreamily acclaimed, "I drank life to the fullest during those hours".

There was a long pause, during which the storyteller and the story listeners let the stillness of the story enter the depths of their beings. The elderly man continued: "The music makers were the Great Guru Nanak Ji and his companion Mardana Ji. I am sure you have heard of him." I meekly nodded and mumbled, "I have, but haven't had the grace of meeting any of his followers".

"That is perhaps why my friend, you are here," the man prophetically said. "At the end of the recital, my grandfather and all the others present, simply surrendered themselves to the Guru. This was largely just a symbolic act, because the moment each of them had seen the Guru, they had lost themselves to him. Guru Nanak Ji graced this village for three days and three nights. My grandfather named those days the "days of stillness," because he said, it was during those days that he and others learnt about the One, which can only be found within the stillness of the mind. We observe those days like others observe their birthdays.

Indeed those days were the birthday of the village's inner life." He chuckled, "If you are impressed with the village now, you should see the love of the villagers in those fine days."
"But, as is the nature of the human mind," the elder soberly continued. "It wasn't long after Guru Nanak Ji's departure, that the village started returning to its normal numb and dark existence. This greatly troubled my grandfather and others like him, who had become Guru Nanak's and Guru Nanak's only. They tried very hard, through teaching and preaching, to keep the message of the Guru alive. Finally, after all normal means failed, they came up with the following village tradition, "Each villager keeps a diary."

It is mandatory that each night before sleep, each person makes an entry in the diary. Even children and people who cannot read or write have to get this entry made. The entry is simply the amount of time during the day, that was spent in Simran (remembrance of the Lord) or in Seva (selfless service). At the end of the person's life, the entries are accumulated and that my dear traveler, is the 'years of life' entry you see on the tombstones."

The storyteller paused, to let the magnitude of what he had told Baba Ishar Singh Ji sink into him. He continued, "It is perhaps that, which allows us to be free with our love. We are reminded each and every day what real life is. The time spent in Simran or Seva, is the only life we consider, as being worthy of being called life."

Let us ask the question how much Simran of Vaheguroo do we do? How much Seva do we do? Do we remember the One who created us, provided us with the Sun, we use to grow our food, the Air we use to breathe and a blessed life?

Guru Nanak Ji offered a simple formula for peace and happiness: Naam Japna (remembering the Dear Lord), Kirat Karni (living and earning an honest living) and Vand Shakna (sharing with others, whether that is your time, love, money or food).

ਜੀਵਨੋ ਮੈ ਜੀਵਨੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਭਾਏ ਰਾਮ ॥
Life - I have found real life, as Gurmukh, through His Love.

ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੋ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਦੇਵੈ ਮੇਰੈ ਪ੍ਰਾਨਿ ਵਸਾਏ ਰਾਮ ॥
The Lord's Name - He has given me
the Lord's Name, and enshrined it within my breath of life.

Be inspired and inspire others.



Game of love 💛- FOUR PARTS


Gurbani (Guru's word) talks about our mind having four parts, which can be split into Mann, chitt, budh and haumai. Sometimes they are discussed together and other times individually.

General thoughts occurring.

Where we place FOCUS on the thoughts (consciously).
Remember Vaheguroo with EMOTION,
Focus on who Vaheguroo is,
Where you have come from and
What Vaheguroo has done for you.

Knowledge and wisdom, Intuition and

We put 'our Ways' (thinking) ahead of Vaheguroo.
We exist and are successful, because of ourselves. This is also known as our ego. We place the minds desires before everything else.

Our thinking can only be changed through the remembrance (meditation) of Vaheguroo (God's name). 

To bring Naam meditation into our focus or surtee, we need to combine mann and chit!! This is when Vaheguroo becomes a part of our mind, body and soul. One becomes a happy, loving and compassionate being.

The things that are most beautiful about human beings are never physical. It's the positive energy of Naam meditation that creates a human to be attractive.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "The ointment of spiritual wisdom is the destroyer of fear; through love, the Pure One is seen.
The mysteries of the seen and the unseen are all known, if the mind is kept centred and balanced.
If one finds such a True Guru, the Lord is met with intuitive ease."



Game of love 💚- TRADER


What is the best business? Which business gives the greatest wealth? What trade gives the just rewards? Truth, trade in this and you will receive indescribable rewards.

Everyone likes an honest person. This individual is loved and trusted by all. Back in the days, if two people could not make a decision between them, they used to say, 'Call a sikh person, he will be very honest and speak the truth.'

Why do people like honest people? Others feel safe and protected around honest individuals. Honest individuals are very approachable.

There are many forms of truth. There is speaking the truth. There is acting the truth through being righteous. There is living the truth through Naam meditation, reading Gurus word (Gurbaani), keeping Rehit and living in and amongst like minded, honest people. And there is seeing the truth through purification of our drishtee (Godly eyes).

When one meditates on Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo's Name, one naturally becomes pure in all the truths mentioned above. Naam does not let the individual waver off the path of truth. It keeps them steadfast on it. However when the Naam departs, this leaves room for the chor (thieves) of the mind to come and rob us from our profit of love and truth. Then the weak mind acts according to their will.

However there is one eternal truth we have not mentioned and that is Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (God). For us to become the moorthee of sach (stature of truth), we have to recognise the truth. Vaheguroo is the truth. There is no other truth. They were there in the beginning, middle and will be there in the end. If we want to become infinite and merge into the truth (God), we have to become like them and be virtuous like them. They love all and so should we. There should be no differentiation of caste, colour, creed, background jathebandheaa (groups) etc. If our minds are caught up in any type of difference, know this as being maya (delusion). One will never reach the padhvee (state) of truth!!

If we want to reach Sachkhand (the realm of truth), then Amrit (Sikh baptism) is a must.  Athe pehar naam abhiyaas (meditating with every breath) is vital, in order that the mind doesn't wander in vice.

Why waste time! Open your heart and become the trader of truth!

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "let us be traders in the business of truth. This product will take us to the true court."





Once, Guru Nanak Dev Ji went to Baghdad. He sang the shabad with Bhai Mardana, "pathaalaa pathaal lakh aagaasaa aagaas" - (there are worlds upon worlds and many hundreds of thousands of them and hundreds of thousands of skies).

Some onlookers heard and went to Pir Dastigir and told him there is a holy man here, who has come with a white turban, he is transfixing the local people with his Music. He is singing that there are not only seven  worlds and seven skies, there are in fact, hundreds of thousands.

The Pir became incensed and said, 'this is the worst kind of kaafar (non believer). He comes to our Islamic land questions our Koran (Muslim holy book). Get the people to stone him to death'
They gathered people in the city, armed with stones to kill Guru Nanak Sahib Ji.

Bhai Mardana said to Guru Nanak Ji, 'they are bringing large stones to come and kill you.' Guru Nanak Dev smiled and lovingly uttered, 'Mardana, if truth never dies, then those that speak the truth never die also'.

As they attempted to throw their stones they grew stiff and couldn't move. The Pir heard what had happened and came to investigate. He angrily shouted at Guru Nanak Dev Ji, 'What are you talking about, hundreds of thousands of skies and worlds?' Guru sahib peacefully asked, 'How many do you say?' Pir shouted, 'There are seven skies and seven worlds.' Guru sahib tranquilly said, 'Have you seen these fourteen?'
Pir, 'Yes, I have seen fourteen.'
Guru Nanak, 'I've seen hundred of thousands.'
Pir, 'Can you show me?,
Guru sahib, 'sure.'

Pir was asked to look in Guru sahibs eyes and was shocked with what he saw. Before he went any further, he became scared and
said to Guru Ji, 'Here is my son, you can show him instead'
Guru sahib spoke to the son and asked him if he was ready. He anxiously said yes. Within an instant he left his body and a few seconds later returned.

Father spoke, shocked by what he was witnessing, 'What happened?, what did you see?' He was very shaken and wasn't speaking properly. All of a sudden he repeated, 'I saw millions of worlds and millions of skies. Everywhere we went they rejoiced and were overjoyed, because Guru Nanak had arrived.

They all bowed down to Guru Sahib, they came begging to him. 'I believe Guru Nanak is Khuda (God) himself,' said the son. Guru Nanak Dev ji returned with some karah parshaad (holy sweet food) for Pir Dastigir from the nether worlds.

Every human has the potential to see the many thousands of universes and worlds Pir Dastgirs son had witnessed. All these universes are in the human mind, we have not looked within to recognise them. Once we delve in to the soul and mind through meditation on Naam, many jewels will be revealed to us, including the many universes, future and the netherworld.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Vaheguroo is the Lord and Master of millions of universes; He is the Giver of all beings.
He ever cherishes and cares for all beings, but the fool does not appreciate any of His virtues."



Game of love 💜- UNDERSTANDING


Guru Amardas Ji Says, "To act without understanding is to lose the treasure of this human life." 

Reassurance comes with understanding. If you act without fully understanding, then the outcome of your actions may not be to your liking. Accept and learn about every new circumstance and experience you learn in your day to day life. 

We always act according to what we think is right. The situation and circumstance is not always that simple. We misjudge many situations and circumstances and do not act accordingly.

Why is acting without understanding like losing the treasure of this human life?

We were given this human life simply to merge back with Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo, through Naam meditation. Naam meditation guides us to become open minded and control every situation that's laid out in front of us. A calm and relaxed mind will control and conquer every circumstance and situation.

How does meditation help conquer each day to day situation?

When the mind becomes relaxed through meditating, it can not be phased by any circumstance. The mind listens carefully, assesses each situation, thinks by being aware and always acts accordingly in the correct way. This may mean one acts in a righteous way, compassionate way, political way, truthful way, loving way, kind way and all the other many different ways the mind needs to react to conquer and deal with the situation correctly.

The aware and conscious mind is always a very understanding and openly loving mind, once conquered through meditation. Everything becomes completely clear and transparent to the mind. Even if one is mislead by dishonesty, our Guru will not let you suffer in anyway. He will continue to bless you through the loving mantra of Vaheguroo.

Guru Sahib Ji says, don't act in such a way, which will bring a stain to your mind, body, soul and most of all bring disrespect and dishonour to our perfectly pure, True Guru.

If one Understands and controls the mind through naam meditation, they begin to understand the universe and every experience within it.



Game of love 💙- GURU JI LIBERATES!


Once in Moga, Guru Hargobind Sahib's darbar (discourse) was taking place. A large snake came in and very quickly headed towards Guru Sahib Ji. The Sangat became worried that it was going to bite Guruji. As it approached guru sahib's feet, Bidhi Chand said to Guruji, 'Shall I fire an arrow at it and kill it?'
Guru sahib said, 'No let it come'. The snake came up to Guru Sahib's feet and the Sangat watched amazed, as the snake bowed its head towards Guru's feet. As the snake's head touched Guru sahib, it split into two pieces and thousands of ants came out.

The Sangat asked Guru sahib, why that had occurred?
Guruji said, "There was a man who claimed he was able to give people mukti (liberation) and open their dasam dwaar (spiritual gate). He was very spiritually elevated and People used to come to him, as he had thousands of followers but then he died and came back as a snake and all his followers came back as ants. As the snake approached me, it had the following shabad in its mind 'Hao aaaya dooroh chal Kay Mai takee Tao sarnaaee jeeo, Mai asaa rakhee chit Mai, mera sabhoh dukh gaavee jeeo' (I have come so far, seeking the protection of your sanctuary. Within my mind, I place my hopes in you; please, take my pain and suffering away)!

Guru sahib Ji liberated his soul.

Only Guru Sahib can liberate our soul, no human can liberate our soul. Take the good from all, learn from all, respect all equally, seek inspiration from all but don't expect anyone, apart from your own efforts and the blessings of Guru Ji to liberate your soul!



Game of love 💛- EARNING PROFIT


If you would like to earn a Gursikh Jeevan in this age of kaljug (dark age), checkout the kamaaee of the Gursikhs below ji.

ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਗੁਣ ਸੰਤ ਬੋਲਤੇ, "The Saints chant the Ambrosial Praises of the Lord; I listen, and my mind drinks it in."

1. Bhai Sulakhan Singh jee used to recite 50 Chandi Dee Vaars daily.

2. Baba Nidhan Singh (Chuga) did Naam Abhyaas (meditation practice) from 9pm to 8am, whilst in Jail everyday.

3. Bhai Sukhdev Singh jee had memorized and recited Bhagat Kabir jee & Baba Fareed jee's Saloks daily, along with other essential Baaniaa (prayers).

4. Baba Manochal was known to do 5 Sukhmani Sahibs daily.

5. Bhai Avtar Singh Brahma did 21 Chandi Dee Vaars Daily.

6. Naam Rassiyae Gursikhs (those who love the taste of meditation) in India say, in order to wear a Khanda/Chand (sikh symbols) on the Dastar (turban), a minimum of 6 Hours Naam & BaNee should be practiced. The Inner Naam Khanda should be shining like the Dastar One. (This was personally said to a Gursikh I know).

7. Bhujangees (children) from Pooran jee's Sangat, aged 10-14 know full Sundar Gutka off by heart. I have personally seen this. It is a wonderful sight. These young Gursikhs recite with full vigour and Chardikaala (high spirits).

8. Bhai Anokh Singh jee had the full Sundar Gutka memorized and did 4 hours Naam Abhyass too.
Bhai Sahibs Simran was continuous all the time in full swing!

9. Bhai Avtar Singh (78) had an incredible Amritvela from 12am - 6am.

10. Baba Deep Singh jee did 110 Sree Japjee Sahibs daily.

11. Baba Sunder Singh (Bhindra) was an accomplished Laaridhaar Paathi (original writings of Sree Guru Granth Sahib Ji) and Nitnemi (daily prayers) at the age of 10.

12. Bhai Rama Singh jee did thousands of Mool Mantras daily. At times in his Bhagati he did 14 Hour Jaaps (recitations) Daily.

13. Dr Basant Singh jee did hours and hours of Simran daily.

14. Bhai Bachittar Singh jee did 21 Sree Jaapji Sahibs & Jaap Sahibs along with hours of Naam Abhyass everyday.

There are countless more Gursikhs to add. The above is just what came to mind.

We are here to become one with Vaheguroo through Naam and Baani meditation. The above is just an insight on how far we actually are away from earning the love of Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo Jee.

ਕਰਉ ਨਮਸਕਾਰ ਭਗਤ ਜਨ ਧੂਰਿ ਮੁਖਿ ਲਾਵਉ
Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "I bow in reverence to the humble devotees, and apply the dust of their feet to my face."



Game of love 💚- RICHNESS


I walked into the Gurdwara with some resolutions in my mind.

Asked for a number of things.

Then felt I needed to give something in return.

Took out money to bow down..
Got caught in the dilemma of what to place between the small and large note.

Just then, raagi ji sang the lines "Kya dhevou ja sabh kich tera" (what can I offer, when everything is yours O lord God).

Realised, my Ego is probably the only thing I can place there!

Richness is Not Only Measured by Money!!!

We are Rich by OUR Habits, Values, Vision, Commitments & Discipline.
"Charan saran Gur ek painda jaaeh chal, Satgur kot paindaa aageh hoeh layt hai."

If you take one step towards the Guru,
The Guru will take millions of steps to welcome you.

If we place our mind (ego) before the Guru, the Guru will place the universe at our feet!

All that we are is a result of what we have thought. The mind is the universe, what we think, we become.



Game of love ❤️- THREE WORLDS


Gurbaani talks about the 3 worlds, tribhavan or trilok. This is taken from Hinduism. It is very interesting to read what these three worlds are:


This WORLD, or Bhulok, is the world of gross or material substance, which people experience through their five senses. It is the most limited of worlds, the least permanent and the most subject to change.

The material world is where we have our experiences, manufacture karma and fulfill the desires and duties of life in a physical body. In this world, consciousness is limited and awareness of the other two worlds is not always remembered due to distraction. This physical world, though necessary to our evolution, nothing is permanent and constantly changing. Thus, we take care not to become overly attached to it.


The inner world or Antarlok, is the mental-emotional sphere, that we function in through thought and feeling and reside in fully during sleep and after death. The astral (spiritual) world exists within the physical world.

It is for the most part exactly duplicated in the Physical World, though it is of a more intense rate of vibration. Beings in the higher Antarlok are trained in meditation, they are taught how to take up bodies in the Physical World to improve and enhance their  conditions. So people in Antarlok will learn how they can achieve bodies and take birth in the Physical World, in order to increase good Karma and achieve a higher status. It is in this more advanced realm, that new inventions are invented, new species created, ideas unfolded and futures envisioned here. During sleep and after death, we meet others who are sleeping or who have died. We attend inner-world schools there to advance our knowledge. This place also contains hells and heavens


The Godly World or Sivaloka, is at the core of being, deep within the Inner world. It is the superconscious world where the highly evolved souls live and can be accessed through yoga and temple worship.

This world is the world of light and blessedness, the highest of heavenly regions, described in the scriptures of all faiths. It is the foundation of existence, the source of visions, the point of conception.

All these worlds are contained within the human body and can be experienced through our intense, focussed meditation practice. However these are not SachKhand (gate of truth). Some of the Khands, as described in Sri Japji Sahib may come into these, however SachKhand can not be attained through such practices. Only Amrit, Constant Naam and Gurbani practice will allow one to attain this supreme status. Others will achieve a lesser place.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Those who love the Naam (meditation) look beauteous at the Gate of Truth."



Game of love 💜- TREE


Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "At night, lots of birds settle on the tree. Some are happy, some are sad. Caught in the desires of the mind, they perish. And when the life-night comes to it's end, they look to the sky. They fly away in all ten directions."

We live in a planet of many souls. Like birds on a tree, we will fly in to the vast and limitless sky to continue our spiritual journey. Control the whims of the mind and allow your soul to feel this freedom now.

Why are some souls sad and some happy, when the life night comes to an end? Some souls have realised they have not dedicated their life to Guru Sahib's spiritual Sikhi. They have realised they will have to now go to the jamdhooth (Angel of death) and suffer the consequences. Only Guru sahib knows when they will get another opportunity to serve this mind and body through Naam meditation again. Many have left this body and still after many thousands of years, they have not received the gift of this human body to purify and liberate this filthy mind. This make them very sad, as they have not done their mind and body any justice. They came here to earn profit and they wasted this beautiful human body in worldly/materialistic affairs. Only Guru Sahib Ji knows when they will be gifted another opportunity.

On the other hand, many souls are extremely happy, when their life night comes to an end. They have done their Guru proud. They have liberated their souls and will go on to liberate their friends, families and generations to come too.They have brought honour to themselves and all their loved ones. Their Guru will give them anything they wish for. They will always be content. They are now settled at the pure gate of sachkhand (gate of truth), listening to the sublime kirtan (singing of Gods praises) and living in amongst the most beautiful souls to have ever existed.

According to our past karma, our soul continues it's journey. We can change our karma along the way by becoming positive, meditating on Vaheguroo's Name, becoming virtuous, taking Guru Sahibs Amrit and remaining in sangat. our life's journey becomes easier and much more special to live.

"The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself, the challenge is to settle the mind through Naam meditation."



Game of love 💙- SWEETNESS


"Sweetness and humility are the essence of all virtues." Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Sweetness is not a complicated trait. Practice being sweet and humble to others, and see how they react to you.

Why is sweetness so powerful? Whenever one speaks softly, sweetly and acts humbly, it naturally melts the heart of the aggressor. They won't know how to react, as soft words cause others to become humble too.

However, this only works if one has been practicing these virtues for a while and they have become a part of their life. As in this way, one genuinely kills there ego and wants to help or guide the negative energy ahead and further better themselves.

There are many stories of Sikhs, who have transformed the minds of many through sweet, soft speech. There was one man who wanted to hit someone but another Gursikh chased him round the room saying, "Please let me kiss your feet." This man's anger was vanquished within minutes. He picked up the Gursikh and embraced him to his chest.

What does sweetness consist of? It consists of sweet speech, sweetness is constantly seen in the eyes of a Gurmukh (the one who remembers Vaheguroo with every breath), it is seen in the way they walk and the way they portray themselves. It is seen in the way they write and also their body language. Basically sweetness will be seen in every act they commit. Most people think old people are sweet, because they walk by lowering themselves. The Gurmukh (facing the Guru) walks in the same way, no matter how old or how youthful. Their mannerisms and their actions or continuously sweet. 

People may act sweet but in reality it is a temporary sweet act, as without the Naam; anger, selfishness, deceit, lust, attachment, greed, ego and dishonesty take over the mind. Such is the world we are living in.

Again, sweet, soft speech and sweet, loving, humble acts are only truly earned through meditation on Naam. This is the only way they are developed and there to stay. In this way the mind's evil thoughts are replaced only by the love of Vaheguroo's name. After this, there are only virtues left within ones being. They don't even have to try, and still positive energy flows from their loving aura.

This is only through the Bakshish (blessings) of Vaheguroo Jee. The mantra of Naam meditation brings out the virtues of God within the individual.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The sermon of Vaheguroo, Har, Har, is so very sweet; like the mute, I taste its sweetness, but I cannot describe it at all."



Game of love 💛- TRUTH


Everyone trusts the truthful person. Do not get in to the rut of lying and fibbing all the time. Be truthful about who you are and live with the truth of everyday life. This self discipline will allow you to expand your mind in to new realms.

It's easy to get in to the rut of lying and fibbing. The only problem is it becomes a part of us, which then can not be separated from us. When people catch on to the dishonest person, they soon want to be separated from such an individual. One is left with very little friends, as nobody has any trust in a dishonest person. The sad thing is, being dishonest becomes so engrossed in the individual, they begin to think everything they say is the truth. How sad must this state of mind be.

Guru sahib ji in Gurbaani talks about the truthful beings. These humans will live and die for the truth. They will act according to the truth and they will never speak a word of lie.

Why do they live in this way? Guru Sahib ji is the truth, God is the truth and for one to merge back in to the truth, they have to become the truth.

Guru Sahib ji says, one will only find peace, love, contentment, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness through practicing the truth.

Truth has a very powerful energy, which it lets out through ones aura. A genuine, truthful person stands out beautifully, whereas you only feel the negative energy within a dishonest person.

So why waste time? Practice truth, truthful living and self respect. This is the most beautiful way of life.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Peace and happiness shall fill your mind deep within, if you act according to truth and self discipline."



Game of love 💚- FATHER (Bapoo Ji)

FATHER (Bapoo Ji)

Guru Gobind Singh Ji (bapoo ji/pitta ji/father) spoke today!

I looked around the globe and was very hurt. I created the Khalsa in 1699 but I don't see it here today. With the blessings of Akaal Purakh, I created a very spiritual and and warrior like Khalsa.

I remember when I repeated the words, "Chaar mooay tho Kyaa hooaa, jeevath kaee haazar." So what if four of my sons have passed away, many thousands of my sons will live on through their sacrifice.

Now I come to see, many of my sons and daughters are patit (not practicing). They have sold their Sikhi at the barbers shop. One of my Sikhs called Bhai Taru Singh had his scalp removed but didn't let anyone touch his kesh (hair). But today, we go out at our own free will and desecrate our hair.

Please tell me, where did the spiritual teachings fail? Or is the failure in us? I watch my children on a daily basis at every second of the day. I watch each and every one of you. I'm closer to you than your own hand is. Do you not think that your father loves you? Do you not think your father will do anything for you?

I only asked for one repayment and that was to continue spreading this beautiful path of Sikhi. So many thousands could be rid from coming and going in reincarnation.

There were forty Sikhs who wrote me a letter of separation. I accepted, I knew they would return and give their life for me and the khalsa. I now have millions of Sikh parents and children writing me letters of separation daily, as they continue to follow their deluded minds. Why have you lost faith in your Guru? Why have you not trusted your father? If I have done anything wrong, please question me through the pure writings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. You will receive your answers immediately.

You still have an opportunity to not stain your fathers dastaar (turban). Even if you take steps now, I will always love you and forgive you.

I promise, I will give you all your mind's desires, but I hope you understand, I would prefer them to be according to the True Guru's teachings (Gurmat).

Please accept your fathers wish, I will always love you without doubt! If I have a child who fulfils all his fathers wishes and then a child who is nalaaek (do their own thing by following their mind), where do you think I would give more of my love and blessings? Even though I love them both equally!

Please take steps towards the perfect Guru my child. This is a begging (benti) from your father. I will not let you fall or fail. 

This is a promise!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Those who are protected by the Guru are saved. They are lovingly attuned to the True Vaheguroo."



Game of love ❤️- SUPERSTITION


"Get rid of your doubts and superstitions.

Guru Ramdas Ji 1534-1581

Superstition is merely an extension of one's own insecurities. Do not look for answers in superstitious stories or rituals. These will only increase your own dependence in these false ideals. Realise the importance of yourself being and learn to take the good with the bad.

Superstition or ritualistic acts are not the cure. These make our mind weaker. Our mind tricks us in to finding the answer through these acts. 

There are many people from various different faiths, in which are very superstitious and place great faith in ritualism. These acts will never bring us peace, contentment or happiness. Ritualistic acts are a form of ego for those who think they have a faith. By committing these acts they believe they have the right to be better than others. This only brings sorrow to the soul and mind, as it's true nature is only to love. Superstition will only bring hurt. It's a negative state of mind and should be avoided altogether.

There is only one cure, and that is the cure of naam meditation. This beautiful cure rids us of all rituals and superstitions. Our mind becomes more open and accepting to the wider world. It becomes much more relaxed. It's not affected by nothing worldly, when controlled by the naam mantra.

So if you are leading a life full of rituals and superstitious practices. Stop and think, what is the true meaning of this practice and how will it help you progress further spiritually. 

The answer is it won't!!

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Practicing hypocrisy and superstition, people have grown weary of the effort, but still, deep within their hearts, they yearn for Maya (materialistic pleasure)."



Game of love 💜- MEAT/FLESH


I was driving to work today and something I saw made me write this poem!!


Crammed into lorries they cry out in separation,
Cooped up in small spaces with little ventilation.
From their caring mother they have had to let go,
I wonder if they know...

Arriving at unfamiliar places,
Loaded off with panicked faces.
Huge psychological torture they undergo,
I wonder if they know....

Inside the slaughterhouse they are made to wait,
For showing distress the beating is great.
They are hit with sticks and their pain really shows,
I wonder if they know...

They watch their family being murdered for their meat,
With chains they are hung upside down from their feet.
As others watch on, hearing screams and moans,
I wonder if they know....

The time comes for them to meet their fate,
What crime have they done with a punishment so great.
The knife is inserted and the blood flows,
I wonder if they know....

An everyday story of an animals life,
To satisfy the human, they must face the knife.

Just like the Jews were herded onto trains,
their fate unknown and no one to explain.
Animals face the same torture everyday,
For this pain and suffering we must surely pay.

Think before you eat; how would you feel,
If you had to experience such an ordeal.
Your body is not a graveyard, It's the temple of God, with care and compassion where love is stored.

Do we not feel the suffering and pain of these animals? We eat meat to satisfy our own taste buds, yet forget about all the torture we are held accountable for. When we eat flesh, we are accountable for all the karma the animal has brought with it. We eat all the rubbish the animal has also digested. How would we feel, if our loved ones were killed and eaten? Have we forgotten we are Sikhs (the army of God) and we are supposed to see God in all? Have we forgotten that a human being should be compassionate to all beings? 

Bhagat Kabir Ji Says, "You say that the One Lord is in all, so why do you kill chickens?

O Mullah, tell me: is this God's Justice?

The doubts of your mind have not been dispelled. You have not understood spiritual wisdom and compassion."



Game of love 💙- PATIENCE!


A man was selling a strawberry seed, which grows full size strawberries within twenty four hours. He said, "If you plant the seed today, then tomorrow you will be able to pick strawberries from it, as long as you are patient and leave it to grow."

A guy buys it and plants the seed. He is really excited and every few hours he keeps going out to the garden to check if the plant is growing. After about twelve hours, he doesn't see anything and gets frustrated and digs the seed up to see if it has sprouted. He lacks patience and faith and keeps checking the seed, until the seed gets damaged, because he never let it grow naturally.

In the same way, our life and mind gets damaged, because we don't have the patience and faith in Vaheguroo to let things happen naturally and to live in the beautiful will of Guru Sahib Ji. We have to keep checking and questioning Guru Sahib and we are not prepared to leave it in the hands of Vaheguroo.

We always ask and want more from Vaheguroo, yet we are not willing to give our Guru anything in return. He only asks us to help ourselves by keeping a physical and spiritual discipline, which will prepare us for the here and hereafter. We don't have the patience to accept their will and we blame Guru Ji when things have not gone in our favour.

Let's question ourselves and our jivan (life), not question the forever loving and compassionate Guru Sahib Ji. 

Stop! Relax! Take things slowly and leave the rest in Guru Sahibs hands. Leave all the good and bad in their arms and see how your life changes for the better.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Through the Word of the Shabad, enter the Mansion of Vaheguroo's Presence; you shall be blessed with patience, forgiveness, truth and peace."



Game of love 💛- SEND THE FIFTH ONE!


Vaheguroo, Panjvaa Bhejo Naa
(Send the 5th one)

Once, a principal of a village school in Punjab, invited Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji and his fellow singhs to do an akhand keertan samagam in his village. This samagam was to be a 4-day samagam and began on a Wednesday. Lots of school children attended it and some of them expressed their desire to do amrit chhak (Sikh Baptism). The amrit sanchaar was to be conducted on Sunday, the last day of the samagam. On Thursday evening, the school principal sent a message to Bhai Sahib requesting him to prepone the Amrit Sanchaar. The principal was worried that 3 days of time might change the minds of amrit abhilakhi (potential candidates) children. Bhai Sahib agreed to prepone the samagam and decided to conduct it next day (Friday) morning.

In the morning, one of Bhai Sahib’s fellow singhs came to him and said, that they were one singh short for serving on Panj pyaare (5 beloved ones to ordain the ceremony). He also said that if we go to the city to bring a Singh, it would be almost evening by the time we return. Bhai Sahib said only Guru Sahib can find a way out now. He came to the main hall in the village gurdwara and asked all of the sangat to recite a paath of Siri Japji Sahib, before doing the ardaas (prayer) for the Fifth Singh. After the recitation of Siri Japji Sahib, Bhai Sahib started doing the ardaas and by the time conclusion came, Bhai Sahib said:

O Sachhe Patshaah 'Panjva Bhejo na” He kept on saying “Panjva Bhejo naa” (send the fifth singh to serve as Panj Pyaara), “Panjva Bhejo naa”

Since, such a great Gurmukh was doing ardaas, how could it go unfulfilled.

ਬਿਰਥੀ ਕਦੇ ਨ ਹੋਵਈ ਜਨ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ॥
The prayer of the Lord's humble servant is never offered in vain.

ਨਾਨਕ ਜੋਰੁ ਗੋਵਿੰਦ ਕਾ ਪੂਰਨ ਗੁਣਤਾਸਿ ॥2॥13॥77॥
Nanak takes the strength of the Perfect Lord of the Universe, the treasure of excellence.

Simulatneously Guru Sahib was doing kirpa and making arrangements for Bhai Sahib’s ardaas to be fulfilled.

A Gurmukh Pyaara (Bhai Sahib’s very good friend) was passing through the village and seeking directions to go to the city, unaware that Bhai Sahib was in the village. Suddenly, this Gurmukh Pyaara saw a beautiful Baana-clad Singh, riding a bicycle and coming towards him. Before this Grumukh could ask him for directions for going to the city, this Singh said, "Are you looking for the place where Bhai Randhir Singh ji is doing the samagam?"
The Gurmukh said. "Oh Bhai Randhir Singh ji is in town." He said yes and gave him directions to the school. When this Gurmukh reached the village gurdwara, he saw Bhai Sahib in complete Bairaag avastha (a state of longing), with tears rolling down from his eyes, saying “Panjva Bhejo naa”. This Gurmukh asked a person in the gurdwara as to what was Bhai Sahib doing ardaas for. He explained the situation to him and then this Gurmukh said “Panjva aa gaya” (the fifth singh to serve as Panj Pyaara has arrived). After this, Bhai Sahib completed the ardaas and then met his old friend. Both of them hugged and were completely in tears. Bhai Sahib asked his friend: "How come you are here?"
He replied, "I was passing by and a beautiful Baana clad singh directed me towards you." One wanders who that beautiful Baana clad singh was? The fifth Singh was Sant Bhai Hira Singh Daudpuri, whose jeevan has been written in Ranglay Sajjan by Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee.

The Ardaas of a Gursikh is never failed by Guru Sahib ji. It's our belief in Guru Sahib in which hinders the Ardaas to not come true.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without You, nothing can be done. You Yourself have engaged all in their tasks. You have fulfilled my Prayer."





QUESTION: I know that Gurbani talks over and over about how, as humans, we are full of mistakes. Only Guru and Vaheguroo are perfect but why do I become attached to a man and begin following him?

GURU SAHIB: Remember bhulan andar sabh ko abhul guru kartaar and Guru Ji also adds, If you follow a person remember;
Guru Jinaa kaa andhulaa, Sikh bhi anday Karam kareeyn - those whose Guru (teacher) is blind, his Sikhs (student) will also commit blind actions.

QUESTION: Guru sahib, but why do I know more about this persons life than I know about you?
Why do I listen to this person more than I listen to Gurbani?
Why can't I realise that you tell me to have no reliance on a man but yet I still do?

Where I used to wake up and think of you, I now awake and think of them, Is this wrong? What if this man can help support on my Sikhi path?

GURU SAHIB: Maanukh Kee tekh birthee sabh jaan
Devan ko Ekai bhagvaan
The support which humans can provide is pointless. The one lord Vaheguroo is the only giver

Birthaaa bharvasa lok thakur Prabh teree tekh.
Faith in people is pointless and worthless. Vaheguroo you are the only one who provides support.

QUESTION: So what should I do Guru sahib?
Apna meet swami gaaeeyai - tisai tiaag maanukh jo sevai tao laaj loon hoe jaaeeai.
Sing the praises of the one Vaheguroo, those that forget him and start serving (singing praises or - follow) a person, will lose any honour they have, just like salt dissolving into water.

The most a human can provide is some inspiration, when we see the way they live - Nothing else.

Finally I ask how can I break this attachment to man?

Immerse yourself in Gurbani, and connect with Naam meditation.
The majority of the Sikhi journey is an individuals journey, where no one can help you apart from Guru Sahib Ji. It is all about your connection and growing love for Guru. Those who still idolize Gursikhs, Kirtanees, Parchaariks (speakers) etc are at a very very early stage in their Sikhi. Those who recognise the journey of Vaheguroo within them will never look at another.

Akeee prem kasaaeeaa har har Naam pikhann
Je kar dooja dekhde Tao Nanak kadh dichaan
My eyes are filled with love having the Darshan of you (Naam roop)
If I now start to look at another, please take my eyes out, for they serve no purpose.





98% of the people will read this and think that's me and do nothing about it. Make sure you're in the 2% which will act upon it.

Some people love football and will spend hours and hours watching and playing it. They don't think twice about spending a whole evening or night watching football.

Some people love playing computer games and will play continuously without eating or sleeping.

Some love watching TV and will watch serials on different channels. Some spend the entire weekends watching TV or films.

When Guru sahib Ji says we should repeat Vaheguroo, suddenly we have no time.
When Guru sahib Ji asks us to read and memorise Gurbani, suddenly we have no time
When Guru sahib Ji asks us to do seva (serve others), suddenly we have no time.

Ask yourself what do you do to feed your Sikhi AND WHAT DO YOU DO FOR THE PANTH??

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Be victorious in the game of life, and earn the profit of the Naam meditation."



Game of love 💜- OPENING OF THE HEART


As we take a journey of meditation and opening of the heart, let us experience the heart blossom like a lotus flower. let us connect with the Infinite fountain of love within. We can only truly love others when we are attuned to that Self love. All from the Source within.

'The fact is, if a person has not experienced the love of his or her own soul, there is no chance that, that person can go out and love, even though it is a faculty of love that you most powerfully need.'
Yogi Bhajan

When one realises the wealth of love within through meditation, it becomes natural for them to love others in the same way. They see the soul of others, just as they see their own soul. Everything around them becomes spiritual, they tend not to look at anything through their worldly eyes. These eyes have now been transformed to the eyes of God, they only see the love of Vaheguroo in all.

The opening of the heart and mind only comes through the balance of Naam meditation. Otherwise ones mind remains closed and is never ready to develop further and absorb the divine wisdom from within. The ocean of divine knowledge is within, yet we have cut all links to it through our ego and ignorance.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The Guru, the Perfect True Guru, is my Mother and Father. Obtaining the Water of the Guru, the lotus of my heart blossoms forth."

