The Roop (form) of Maya -
Maya's role is to entice you away from a righteous path. It will try many different ways and manifest in many different forms to lure you away from Guru Sahib Ji.
One of the forms it takes is through woman/man who could befriend you or try to gain your attention and attachment. Maya knows, that when you attach to her then you are in her clutches. From here she will dictate where you go, what you do and how far you can walk on the spiritual path.
It's like having a shackle on you, you can only reach so far and can be dragged back at any point.
Maya can appear as aalas (laziness). The voice in our head, which tells us to stay asleep at amritvela (early hours). The voice which tells us not to go to Kirtan programmes (singing Vaheguroo's praises) or do seva (selfless service). However it doesn't mind us doing seva, if we are only doing it to boost our ego in the form of Kirtan, tabla, gatka displays etc.. The voice that doesn't want us to do anything Gursikhi orientated but instead feed it with TV, food and other stimuli.
Maya can appear in many other forms including ego. The voice that tells us we are something special. Which makes us put others down and glorify ourselves. When we understand our enemy, then we can begin to fight it. In truth, constant Naam Jap (meditation) is the only substance which will hold the waves of maya back.
99.99% will fail but those that constantly immerse themselves in Naam, and feel the naam vibrations inside, they will eradicate the power of maya and give themselves stability of mind to fight urges. It is a very tough battle but without solid Amritvela Naam abhiyas (practice) to kick start your day, we have no chance..
"Kaam Krodh nagar meh sabla nit uth uth joojh kareejai" Sexual desire and anger are very powerful in the body-village; I rise up constantly to fight the battle against them.
Deciding Whether To Take Amrit ???
Taking Amrit is the highest blessing one can receive from Guru Sahib. The soul has travelled through many life times of pain and suffering to get to this human birth. After receiving Amrit, the soul is accepted into the kingdom of the Khalsa. Guru Gobind Singh Ji welcomes this soul into his family.
For many thousands of years, people have been looking for this immortality (Amrit), however it can only be received from the True Guru.
"Sur Nar Mun Jan Amrit Khojde, so Amrit Gur te paya"
The angels and the silent sages have been searching for the Amrit; this Amrit is obtained only from the Guru.
Amrit involves giving yourself completely to Guru sahib, so you surrender yourself 100% and whatever Guru Sahib says, we do.
"Eith maarag chalae bhaaeearrae gur kehai sa kaar kamaae jeeo"
So walk on this Path, O soul-brides; do that work which the Guru tells you to do.
"Thiaagae(n) man kee matharree visaarae(n) dhoojaa bhaao jeeo"
Abandon the intellectual pursuits of the mind, and forget the love of other things.
Prior to the Amrit sanchaar, you need ensure that for a short period, you have been waking up at amrit vela (between 2-4am) and doing ishnaan (bath) and then some Vaheguroo simran (meditation) and nitnem. The panj will ask you what thyaaree (preparation) you have done.
They often find people make spur-of-the-moment and their lack of preparation means they fall very quickly. When We say fall, We mean their amritvela stops, they stop doing Nitnem (daily prayers) etc… So they basically go back on all the promises they made in the Amrit sanchaar.
So some level of prep is very important. From here, when you go into the Amrit sanchaar (ceremony), the panj will make you aware of the commitment you are about to make and whether you are 100% sure you want to do this. Remember Amrit is for us… Guru sahib doesn’t need us, we need Guru so this is a huge blessing. The panj will make you aware of the conduct you must keep as a khalsa (pure soul).
• No meat fish or egg
• No dishonouring of hair, meaning no cutting plucking, dying, lazering etc….
• No adultery or boyfriend/girlfriend business
• No intoxicants…
From here, if you accept this and the rest of the spiritual wisdom given, the Panj (5 beloved ones) will give you Amrit.
Amrit sanchaar is a world within a world. It will be something that you have never experienced before. We don’t want to tell you too much and to be honest, words wont be able to describe it either.
One thing We should mention is Naam. When we are given Khande baate da Amrit, we are also given Naam, which is planted inside of us by the panj pyaray.
They will place their hands on your head and do Vaheguroo Simran from inside their minds and bodies…. It is surreal. This implants the Naam inside of you.
"Bin naavai jeevan naa thheeai maerae sathigur naam dhrirraae"
Without Naam, my life does not even exist. My True Guru has implanted the Naam within me.
"Samarathh guroo sir hathh dhharyo"
The All-powerful Guru placed His hand upon my head.
"Gur keenee kirapaa har Naam dheeao jis dhaekh chara(n)n agha(n)n haryo"
The Guru was kind, and blessed me with the Lord's Name. Gazing upon His Feet, my sins were dispelled.
Reciting this Naam (once it has been implanted) is what will bring you closer to Vaheguroo and make your life the most blissful life ever.
Giving your head to the Guru is the most amazing thing ever and the gift you receive in return will leave you with one regret... Why didn’t I take Amrit earlier!!
Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The True Essence is Amrit (Ambrosial Nectar); through the Ambrosial Words of the Perfect Guru, this Amrit is obtained."
Taken from the life of Baba Harnam Singh Ji Rampur Kheray Vaalay!
One day, Baba Harnam Singh Ji was in deep meditation, when Jesus Christ,
Mohammed Sahib and Bhrigu Rishi Ji together appeared before him.
Their faces were radiant and had spiritually bright auras around their
heads. After blessing Baba Ji with this vision, Hazrat Mohammed Sahib
Ji spoke, ‘‘You are blessed and truly fortunate to whom Guru Nanak Dev Ji has shown the direct and easy method to attain enlightenment of the almighty God, especially in this age of kalyug (dark age). The followers of the Great Guru Nanak Dev Ji, are not deriving the full benefit of his teachings.”
After this, Bhrigu Rishi Ji spoke, ”In our times, we had to undergo hard penance and rigorous spiritual austerities, in order to achieve enlightenment. The whole life of a man was spent in meditation and
making offerings to God and even then union with God was hard to achieve. The true nectar of Naam, which great Guru Nanak Dev Ji has brought for his Sikhs is remarkable; even we could not obtain this boon of naam meditation. No doubt, we amassed great spiritual and miraculous powers through rigorous meditation and penance including powers to curse or bless anyone but we were still deprived of the nectar of Naam.”
Jesus Christ just said simply, ”It is my inner desire that my followers one day adopt the path shown by great Guru Nanak Dev Ji.”
Saying these words, all three prophets disappeared.
We have been blessed with such a beautiful path of Sikhi yet we have failed to spread it within the world!
Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "The benefactor Lord listened to the cries (of humanity) and sent Guru Nanak to this world.
He washed His feet, praised God and got his Disciples to drink the ambrosia of his feet.
He preached in this dark age (Kalyug) that Saragun (Brahm) and Nirgun (Parbrahm) are the same and identical.
Dharma was now established on its four feet and all the four castes (through fraternal feeling) were converted into one caste (of humanity).
Equating the poor with the prince, he spread the etiquette of humbly touching the feet.
Inverse is the game of the beloved, he got the egotist high heads bowed to feet.
Baba Nanak rescued this dark age (Kalyug) and recited ‘Satnam’ mantra for one and all.
Guru Nanak came to redeem the Kalyug."
Game of love ❤️- LOWERED EYES
Neechae loein kar reho lae saajan ghatt maahi.
Kabeer, I keep my eyes lowered, and enshrine my Friend within my heart.
sabh ras khaelo peea so kisee lakhaavo naahi
I enjoy all pleasures with my Beloved, but I do not let anyone else know.
This is a beautiful shalok from Bhagat Kabeer Ji and has a very deep meaning. Keeping eyes low refers to humility, being introvert and constantly focussing on Naam meditation to avoid a break of concentration. That person who recognises Vaheguroo inside them and has been blessed with the vision of God, will naturally become quieter, humble and more inside themselves.
Keeping eyes down, also refers to not looking at the illusion of the world. This has become uninteresting for the person who has enshrined Vaheguroo (God) within them.
This person now enjoys the sublime rass (taste) of Naam and feels and sees Vaheguroo everywhere. Their soul is very close to merging with the pure soul (Vaheguroo) at this stage.
These are the final stages. They don't shout this about. They just keep it to themselves, experience and enjoy it. Nothing else tastes as sweet. They sit quietly in Sangat and during Kirtan (singing Gods praises) they listen to the Naam within them, which recites automatically within through blessings and constant practice.
No one knows what they are experiencing and even if they tried to explain it in words, they wouldn't be able to. Only those that have experienced the same, will know this state. One just wants to look within themselves and enjoy all the inner experiences Vaheguroo is blessing them with.
Us as human beings, all have the potential to achieve this stage but choose to throw away this gift of loving God through peaceful meditation. Bhagat Ji, on the same ang (page) goes on to say, 'Neechae loein kio karo sabh ghatt dhaekho peeo'
Why should I keep my eyes lowered? I see my Beloved in every heart.
This is the perfect state of spiritual enlightenment!
Game of love 💜- REMEMBRANCE
A very poor man was walking around the streets with dirty and ripped clothing. He walked passed people and they looked at him in disgust. He had no friends and no money in his pocket.
The brahmins threatened to beat him,
if he came near them, due to his low caste and low status.
Even children would make fun of him, he was given no respect by anyone. He was always in some kind of transfixed state, people called him mad.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji saw this man and was mesmerised; he told his Gursikhs (followers) to look at this amazing person. He advised his Gursikhs to do Sangat with him, as the dust of his feet will make them pleasing to God. The Gursikhs followed him to his tiny, broken hut and saw him in a deep meditative state. Naam (Name of God) was radiating from this individual and his presence seemed to be one with Vaheguroo (God).
Society gave him no place, but Guru sahib said 'this person is one who truly rules the world, as he has been able to conquer all that the world has thrown at him.'
Guru Sahib Ji Says, "Those that conquer the mind, conquer the universe." Our mind is the universe, we have never really realised it's worth. We are too busy in our worldly affairs. Once we realise the power of the mind through Naam meditation, we will come to recognise our true self.
Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "He dwells in a broken-down shack, in tattered clothes,
with no social status, no honour and no respect; he wanders in the wilderness,
with no friend or lover, without wealth, beauty, relatives or relations.
Even so, he is the king of the whole world, if his mind is imbued with the Lord's Name.
With the dust of his feet, men are redeemed, because God is very pleased with him."
Game of love 💙- DISHONESTY
This is one of the most powerful examples of effective parenting I have ever heard. By one simple act, his father taught him a critically important lesson, that unfortunately, many people never grasp.
When I was sixteen years old, we lived in South Africa, about eighteen miles outside the city. One Saturday, my father had to go to town to attend a conference and he didn’t feel like driving so he asked me if I would drive him into town and bring him back in the evening. My parents also gave me many small chores to do in town, like getting the car serviced and the oil changed.
When I left my father at the conference venue, he said, “At five o’clock in the evening, come here and pick me up and we’ll go home together.”
I said, “Fine.” I rushed off, did all my chores as quickly as possible, left the car in the garage and went straight to the nearest movie theatre. I got so engrossed in a double feature, that I didn’t realize the passage of time. The movie ended at 5:30, I came out and ran to the garage and rushed to where Dad was waiting for me. It was almost six o’clock when I reached there and he was wondering what had happened to me. The first question he asked me was, “Why are you late?”
Instead of telling him the truth, I lied to him and said, “The car wasn’t ready; I had to wait for the car,” not realising that he had already called the garage.
When he caught me out, he said, "There’s something wrong in the way I brought you up, that I didn’t give you the confidence to tell me the truth. That made you feel you had to lie to me. I’ve got to find out where I went wrong with you and to do that I’m going to walk home.” There was absolutely nothing I could do to make him change his mind and I couldn’t leave him and go away. For five and a half hours I crawled along in the car behind Father, watching him go through all this pain and agony for a stupid lie. I decided then and there, that I was never going to lie again.
It’s almost fifty years since the event and every time I think about it I still get goose bumps. That is the power of nonviolent action. It’s a lasting thing. It’s a change we bring through love, not fear. Anything that is brought by fear doesn’t last. But anything that is done by love lasts forever.
Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "I have one thing in my mind, and another thing on my lips; I am such a poor, unfortunate liar!"
Game of love 💛- FIVE THIEVES
Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego!
The panj chor (five thieves) are very very crafty. Every single worldly attachment you have, they will use it to attack you. They will do this especially if they're under threat. So if you've started to get into a good routine, they feel threatened and will come at you through family, friends, TV, food, belongings etc. they will find anyway possible of polluting our mind and pulling us away from meditating on Gods name and becoming peaceful.
This is why it's important to not have attachment to anything other than Naam (Gods name) and bani (Gurus teachings), because the further you go down the path, the more angry the panj become. The more we practise, the more they try to sneak in to the mind and disrupt our happiness. But with the blessing of Guru Sahib Ji, there becomes a time where they are not allowed in to the mind, as the mind becomes in tune with Gods loving mantra of Vaheguroo, which can not be replaced by anything. This is the most ecstatic ras (taste).
Even Gursikhs, If your link with them isn't Naam based and your link is worldly friendship and extremely social, then the panj will turn them against you, as nothing is sthir (permanent/trust worthy) without meditation on Gods name. Only the sangat (company) of meditative Sikhs, and virtuous people is accepted. Those people who we learn from, earn from, practice with and spread the love of Vaheguroo's name in to this world with is accepted at all costs.
Naam meditation purifies our mind, body and soul. We will not be remembered for having the most beautiful face, we will definitely be remembered by thousands for having the most loving heart and beautiful soul.
Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, They do not know how to guard their own home (mind).
The five thieves have plundered them;
The thugs descend upon the unguarded village (body).
Our mothers and fathers cannot save us from them;
Friends and brothers cannot protect us from them
They cannot be restrained by wealth or cleverness.
Only through the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, can those villains be brought under control.
Jaswant died, when he realized it, he saw Vaheguroo (God) coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.
- Vaheguroo said: "Alright son its time to go."
- surprised Jaswant responded: "Now? So soon? I had a lot of plans..."
- "I'm sorry but its time to go."
- "What do you have in that suitcase?" Jaswant asked.
- Vaheguroo answered: "Your belongings."
- "My belongings? you mean my things, my clothes, my money?"
-Vaheguroo answered: "Those things were not yours they belonged to the earth."
- "Is it my memories?" Jaswant asked.
-Vaheguroo answered: "those never belonged to you, they belonged to Time."
- "Is it my talents?"
-Vaheguroo answered: "those were never yours, they belonged to the circumstances."
- "Is it my friends and family?"
-Vaheguroo answered: "I'm sorry they were never yours, they belonged to the path."
- "Is it my wife and son?"
- Vaheguroo answered: "They were never yours they belonged to your heart."
- "Is it my body?"
- Vaheguroo answered: "that was never yours it belonged to the dust."
-"Is it my soul?"
Vaheguroo answered: "No that is mine."
Full of fear, Jaswant Singh took the suitcase from Vaheguroo and opened it, just to find out the suitcase was empty.
- With a tear coming down his cheek Jaswant said: "I never had anything???"
-Vaheguroo answered: "That is correct, every moment you lived were only yours. Life is just a moment a breath, a moment that belongs to you. For this reason enjoy this time while you have it. Don't let anything that you think you owned stop you from progressing in your spiritual journey of becoming one with Vaheguroo and purifying this life's journey.
- Material things and everything else that you fought for-- stay here.
Your primary duty is to serve & worship Vaheguroo through Naam meditation and following the teachings of the True Guru.
It's only a pure soul, cleansed mind through naam meditation and Baani that follows you to the here after.
Live by meditating on Vaheguroo's name and in the end, they will reward you with liberation of yourself and others and most of all a blessed place near his loving feet in Sachkhand (most spiritual gate of truth).
We are born alone, we live alone, we die Alone, only through our love and friendship with vaheguroo (God) can we create the reality for the moment that we're not alone!
Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "I am nothing; nothing belongs to me. I have no power or control.
O Creator, Cause of causes, Lord God of Nanak, I am saved and redeemed in the Society of the Saints."
Game of love ❤️- REFLECT
If you don't know already; the only thing money brings you is worldly possessions. A big house, an expensive car and nice clothes etc.
It doesn't make you invincible. Everyone will die and those who have to leave behind their fortune will die the most painful death, because
they are getting parted from their wealth, all they have ever worked for.
Live simply, eat simply, and be grateful for everything you have. Be grateful for the food in your fridge, for the comfort of your bed, for the love of your mother/father because millions of people don't have these things.
That gratitude and your good actions will be worth more to you than billions of pounds, when you leave this world to enter the next and be judged on your actions towards yourself and Vaheguroo's (Gods) creation.
Let's take a minute out! Where is our life taking us? what is it's purpose? Why are we here? What do we want to achieve? Who are we pleasing? What will be the final result of it's achievement? Where do we go from there? Is it a circle? Do we want more? Will we ever be happy and content?
If we get the inside right, it's guaranteed the outside will fall in to place.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Worldly possessions are obtained by pain and suffering; when they are gone, they leave pain and suffering.
O Nanak, without the True meditation on Gods Name, hunger is never satisfied."
A gursikh told me many years ago, that there are many ways to defeat your ego through the words you use.
One of which is never using the word mera (my), when you are referring to a possession. We should never say mera ghar or my house, or my car instead we should use apna ghar (our house), or apnee gaddi (our car).
The only things we should profess to have should be our weaknesses. My weaknesses belong to me, they are mine and my own doings, however any qualities I have belong to you - "tudh gun Mai sabh avgunaa" (you are the virtuous one and I am full of vice).
In the same way anything we achieve, should be accredited to vaheguru (vaheguru Ji ki fateh).
Many gursikh who achieve something, will often say it happened because of 'guru di Kirpa,' with the blessings of vaheguru. Gurbani talks about how nothing belongs to us anyway, including our achievements or our possessions.
Bhai Gurdas Ji says, "Kar Kay neech sadaavanaa taa Prabh lekhe andar paae" - (When we do a good action, we should not boast about it yet remain humble, then that action is registered in our destiny).
Naam kamaaee (meditating on Gods name) makes this all 2nd nature, as it will lead us on a path of humility to defeat our ego.
By adopting these few basic strategies, we can try to live the message of Gurbani a little more efficiently. As the soul purpose of this life is to kill our ego, conquer our mind, become one with God by liberating our soul and remaining humble at all times.
Guru Arjun Dev Ji, "Crying out, ""Mine! Mine!"", they have departed, but their bodies, their wealth, and their wives did not go with them. Only the naam will accompany you"
Harakchand Sawla - Really a great soul!
A young man in his thirties, used to stand on the footpath, opposite the famous Tata Cancer Hospital, at Mumbai and stare at the crowd in front. Fear plainly written upon the faces of the patients standing at death's door; Their relatives with equally grim faces running around... These sights disturbed him greatly...
Most of the patients were poor people from distant towns. They had no idea whom to meet, or what to do. They had no money for medicines, not even food. The young man, heavily depressed, would return home. 'Something should be done for these people,' he would think. He was haunted by the thought day and night. At last he found a way!
He rented out his own hotel that was doing good business and raised some money. From these funds he started a charitable activity right opposite Tata Cancer Hospital, on the pavement next to Kondaji Building. He himself had no idea that the activity would continue to flourish, even after the passage of 27 years.
The activity consisted of providing free meals for cancer patients and their relatives. Many people in the vicinity approved of this activity. Beginning with fifty, the number of beneficiaries soon rose to hundred, two hundred, three hundred. As the numbers of patients increased, so did the number of helping hands. As years rolled by, the activity continued; undeterred by the change of seasons, come winter, summer or even the dreaded monsoon of Mumbai. The number of beneficiaries soon reached 700.
Mr Harakhchand Sawla, for that was the name of the pioneer, did not stop here. He started supplying free medicines for the needy. In fact, he started a medicine bank, enlisting voluntary services of three doctors and three pharmacists. A toy banks was opened for kids suffering from cancer. The 'Jeevan Jyot' trust founded by Mr Sawla now runs more than 60 humanitarian projects.
Sawla, now 57 years old, works with the same vigour. A thousand salutes to his boundless energy and his monumental contribution!
There are people in this country who look upon Sachin Tendulkar as 'God'- for playing 200 test matches in 20 years, few hundred one day matches, and scoring 100 centuries and 30,000 runs. But hardly anyone knows Harakhchand Sawla, let alone call him 'God' for feeding free lunches to 10 to 12 lac cancer patients and their relatives. We owe this discrepancy to our mass media!
(A relentless hunt on Google failed to procure a photograph of Mr. Sawla).
God resides in our vicinity. But we, like mad men run after 'god-men', styled variously as Bapu, Maharaj or Baba. All Babas, Maharajs and Bapus become multi-millionnaires, but our difficulties, agonies and disasters persist unabated till death. For the last 27 years, millions of cancer patients and their relatives have found 'God', in the form of Harakhchand Sawla.
Someone sent me the above post! When reading this, Bhagat Pooran Singh Ji (pingalvaare), Bhai Kannaiyaa ji and Sikhi in general came to mind straight away, as Compassion is the foundation stone of Sikhi. Bhai Kannaiyaa went around giving water to the opposition forces whilst in battle, as he saw God in all. Bhagat Ji fell in love with disabled people. He started doing the Seva (selfless service) of one disabled man by carrying him on his back throughout the whole of his life. Eventually, he set up an institute for the disabled, which runs to this day and many hundreds have been treated and continue to get treated through it. The beauty about bhagat ji was, he looked after hundreds of disabled people, set up an institute, but dressed in rags himself. Such was his humility, kindness, love and compassion. Above is just a minor glimpse of his compassionate acts. He was also a complete environmentalist. He dedicated the whole of his life, until he breathed his last to the selfless service of the disabled.
Sikhs have set up many organisations around the world, where they go out on to the streets and feed the poor. The Sikh Gurus started this Seva many hundreds of years ago and named it Langar. Anyone can enter any sikh Gurdwara (temple) around the world and be provided with a hot meal for free, as long as they are not under the influence of intoxicants. Therefore, a Sikh or anybody else living near a Gurdwara should not starve, such was the vision of the Sikh Gurus.
There are endless examples of compassion in the Sikh faith.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "O Nanak, the Gurmukh finds the Diamond of the God, by His Kindness and Compassion."
Game of love 💛- TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY OF SEVA! (Selfless service)
One snowy morning, a Gursikh walked down to the doctors with his daughter. There was an elderly couple sat in the waiting room, who were just leaving, as the Gursikh was going in to see the doctor.
After seeing the doctor, the Gursikh and his daughter went next door to the chemist. As they went to the chemist, they noticed the elderly man from the doctors pouring sand under his wheels, whilst his vehicle seemed slightly stuck in the snow. They thought nothing of it and walked in to the chemist.
They were in the chemist for around 10/15 mins. When leaving the chemist, both of them saw the elderly couple in their vehicle with their wheels spinning in the snow. They were in exactly the same position the Gursikh saw them, as they went to the chemist.
Without any thought, the natural reaction for the Sikh was to go and help. He did a very quick ardaas (prayer), whilst walking to the car by saying, "Guru ji accept and make the Seva successful." He walked to the back of the white elderly couples vehicle and pushed from the back, right of the vehicle, as the man look through his mirror at him. The Sikh man was pushing slightly up hill. Amazingly, with one push, the large vehicle spun straight out and started driving slowly away.
The man was very thankful and quickly wound his window down and started saying thank you many times and acknowledged the Sikh man's daughter with a warming smile. The Gursikh said, "No prob, just keep driving," as didn't want him to lose momentum.
The Gursikh smiled to himself and was very proud that Guru Ji blessed him to serve and help a fellow human being in need. He was proud that Guru Ji's roop would be praised, if the white man ever tells his story. He was happy that Guru ji blessed him to do a good deed, which will be added to his account when he departs. Most of all, he was proud that Guru ji was so close and heard and acted out his Ardaas themselves, as it seemed more or less impossible to push the large vehicle up a slight hill on his own.
Always remember, when doing ardaas, believe it will come true, as Guru Sahib will never let their Gursikhs down. Every Karaj (event/action) we do, should be carried out by an ardaas to begin with. Such is the life of a Sikh, Guru Sahib keeps the laaj (respect) of his Gursikhs ardaas.
Never think twice about doing Seva, just do it, this should be 2nd nature for a Sikh. Many times we say no, when asked to do Seva. Seva is an opportunity given by Guru Ji himself. If we keep saying no or thinking leave it, there will be a time where Guru ji will stop blessing us with it and We'll never be asked again.
Serving others is serving God (Vaheguroo). It gains respect, love, confidence in ones self, divine pride, humility and replaces negative thoughts with positive energy. such is it's power!
Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Make good deeds the soil, and let the Word of the Shabad (Vaheguroo) be the seed; irrigate it continually with the water of Truth."
Bhai Daljinder Singh’s journey!
Born into a normal Punjabi family in 1978 in Birmingham, our life was based primarily around family and work. We all lived on one road and all got on really well with each other. It was an open door policy with at least 5 or 6 families on one road. They were good times from what I can remember, from the point of view that people got on with each other. My extended family were not religious at all and still are not to this day. Instead of going to the Gurdwara they are still focused on drink and punjabi music. In my early days I always had cut Kesh (hair).
After the 1984 attack on Sri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar, my father became a devout Sikh and we started to go to the Gurdwara regularly. We kept our Kesh when I was about 6 or 7 years old. My father got us involved in Kirtan (singing hymn, learning how to play the harmonium and tabla) and Santhea practice (Gurmukhi tuition) and he would always tell us Sakhia about the Guru Sahibs and great Sikh Leaders. If my sister, brother or I had questions they were promptly answered with answers that made you feel proud to be part of such a great group. I say group as then I had no understanding of what a Sikh is or what it meant. I visited India once and saw some Gurdware but because of the people I was with never really learnt anything, but I can say that I am one of those people that cannot use the excuse, that I was never taught anything about Sikhi when I was young; I had a good start!
From a personal view my santhea was going well and I would get praised regularly by my teacher. I recall the teacher who was from India, as were his children. One day he criticised his own son in front of the whole Santhea sangat saying, how good my Santhea was being British born compared to his own son’s. I felt proud of the teacher; I saw his actions as being honest.
However, I remember when I was around 16 years old, I left school and started college. My regular sangat had changed from my parents to my Punjabi friends and I became more influenced by punjabi music and ensuring I ‘looked good’. From the time my beard started growing, I would cut what Kesh I had with scissors, just to look in the mirror and think it looked better to have cut hair, than to have curly hair sticking out; so I never really had a proper beard. So without even realising it, I was turning away from Sikhi. It was around this time that Sant Baba Thakur Singh Ji and other Singhs came to our house and I was blessed enough to have had their darshan (blessed vision). I remember going upstairs and hiding, as I was scared in case they found out about me cutting my Kesh; my younger brother was also with me. However Baba ji came upstairs and questioned my brother with a hand sign, as to why he was cutting his kesh. We could give no answer but this is something I remember all the time.
I then went to University in Coventry and started to do all the usual things; drinking, going out etc . It's quite ironic that most people turn from being Punjabi to becoming Gursikh. My father gave me the start, where I was doing things a Sikh would do i.e. Santhiya, Kirtan and I still became a Punjabi – just goes to show how important true sangat is and what influence others can have on you.
After University, I got married and settled down with Singhni/wife (Bulbinder Kaur). Her parents too were Amritdhari but she was like me, more Punjabi and enjoyed having a ‘good time’. In the second year of our marriage my wife fell pregnant. Even before we knew she was pregnant, I remember we went to McDonalds drive through for a chicken burger meal. She took one bite into the burger and said to me, “Oh my god! I can’t eat this! Look at all the strings of meat. It feels like I’ve got magnified vision where I can really see the bits of dead flesh!!! I’m not eating this! I feel sick!” From that day on she gave up meat. It’s funny, as a lot of parents help their kids into Sikhi and help them get inspired but for us it seemed like our kids were here for that purpose. Once Gurniv Singh arrived, we settled in Leicester and both had good jobs. Singhni was a strict vegetarian now and so was Gurniv. Even to this day he feels sick at the sight and smell of meat; the same feeling Singhni got at McDonalds when she was pregnant with him.
When Gurniv was about 2 years old and despite having ‘everything’ (good jobs, a nice family, a nice house) Singhni began to feel empty. She would ask questions such as, "Is this it? life has got to be more than just work, coming home, looking after kids, going to sleep and restarting it all again". She felt empty, like a piece of jigsaw was missing in her heart- there has got to be more to life. Why are we here?
There was no spirituality in our lives at all but I did not want to change. I enjoyed going out and having a drink with my extended family and eating meat. We lived like this for a few years and after we was blessed with our second child, Sukhraj Singh, Singhni started realising that she knew no one in Leicester and wanted to make some friends, so inadvertently I sent an email off to Leicester Kaurageous group on behalf of her, to find out when their next program would be so she could meet some people. I look back now and think that I sowed the seed at this point for my return home.
She came back having attended a Kaurageous programme at the Gurdwara. There was a particular speech about Dr Masaru Emoto’s research and his experiments on water and rice which inspired her. She was told about his findings and the effects of prayer and positive thoughts on water which she linked back to Sangat and Amrit. This for her was ‘proof’ behind the effects of sangat and how Amrit is formed - bearing in mind over two thirds of our bodies are water. She started to hint that we should change and that the sangat she had met was inspiring, so loving, welcoming and had a very positive aura about them. From then on she would always get addressed with “Singhni” by a bhenji that she met at the Kaurageous programme, even though she looked the complete opposite. The respect she got when she didn’t think she deserved it by the true sangat was so overwhelming for her.
She wanted to get onto the path of Sikhi but like a lot of couples would always wait for me to change with her before she took any steps, because she wanted us to do it together. She would regularly confide with a close relative as well who one day told her to stop using me as an excuse and if she was serious about it she would take the steps herself. In the end she realised she was using me as an excuse not to make any physical changes to herself and instead she went ahead without me and lead by example. She started taking paths into Sikhi, listening to paath and growing Kesh. I, on the other hand was still reluctant to change. Our lives were going on different paths. She would do Ardaas every day to Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, for Gursikhi jeevan for us and the children daily and the thought always brought her to tears.
There became a time where we started to attend the Leicester Friday night program's at Gurdwara and this particular Friday, I came home from work after 5pm and she opened the door to me, ready to go to the programme. She looked very different as today she was wearing a Dastaar (turban). I said to her, 'Are you going to Gurdwara like that?' and she responded saying 'Yes! I can't wait for you forever!’ There was growing tension in our relationship. She would sit in the front room with both boys and I would sit in the back whenever I wanted a drink, especially when football was on. She stopped making me meat which I completely supported. To be honest she shouldn't have to make me meat, especially if she had her reasons not to eat it anymore. But I have to say, she never forced me to make any changes; she would hint every so often but most of the time she would let me be and do Ardaas for us when I wasn’t there to watch.
After a little while I started to grow my beard but when we had a punjabi wedding to go to I would want to drink so would cut my Kesh again, so that I didn't feel guilty having a drink with a long beard. I know now how this must have messed with singhni's emotions. She would get very happy seeing me in Gursikhi roop (with unshorn hair) then heartbroken when I would change back. She would speak with sangat regularly and the whole subject would bring her to tears each time. She literally was craving this path for us!
One day Singhni got a phone call from a bhenji she knew, saying a very spiritual and pure soul were in Leicester at the time. Although she was told their name, she didn't know much about them but felt like she needed to go and have darshan. Maybe this was Guru Sahib listening to her ardaasa(n). Sangat was sat around and the bhenji which called her kept nudging saying, go speak with them. In the end she went closer to them but their aura was so positively overpowering that she broke down into tears. She eventually did benti to them in front of all the sangat – that she wanted the whole family to have a puran Gursikhi jeevan and told them about me. She was told to CONTINUE reciting Sri Japji Sahib jee da paath. It was amazing, because how did they know she began to recite it anyway? Baba jee asked my name and said, that they wanted to see me but I was still arrogant to say no and I remember going out that evening. They said to Singhni, not to worry and everything will be ok.
The next morning when I woke up I felt a gush of regret in my entire body. I quickly went downstairs and spilt all the alcohol I had in the house down the sink. Singhni saw me do this and I asked if she would get me a Kanga (wooden comb and one of the 5 articles of faith is Sikhi) for my Kesh. To be honest, she had heard it all before - me wanting to change but not changing so she said NO and said that I was making fun of her and her feelings again (but in different words). This time it felt different! I swapped the bottle for a Gutka sahib that day and I went and met with sangat right away. I have a brother in law who is a Gursikh, who was also very supportive.
In my heart I know Maharaj listens to those that do Ardaas with a pure heart and they will never turn a blind eye to their beloved devotees and Gursikhs. Whatever was done or happened that night changed my life at the flick of a switch and I am forever grateful.
A year or so had past and Bulbinder Kaur and I then went on a Yatra to India on our own. We met a lovely Gursikh who I still meet now and again as he lives in Canada and I realised then, that my life away from Sikhi had just been an awful dream. I had just lived in a bubble away from Sikhi for 14 years or so. I had wasted those essential years and knowledge. I did not realise the gift of life given by the True Guru. I had disrespected Sikhi, my true family. I could not help but have a go at myself and the only way to remedy this was to take Amrit. We read a story about a Singh that wanted to take Amrit and was told to come back the next morning at Amrit Vela (ambrosial hours in the morning), but sadly they passed away that night without having received the gift!! Knowing now that life and death was a cycle that could end my life at any point too, we decided to take Amrit straight away. We was told that we may have to wait until December but we was craving it so much that we couldn't even wait until the end of the week! A dear Gursikh arranged an Amrit sanchar for that weekend. It was the best day of my life. I cried on the day asking Guru Gobind Singh Ji our father for forgiveness for my sins and Singhni was in tears, and she still did not feel worthy enough to be blessed with the daath (gift), but still wanted it so bad and was scared of being turned away.
This was the beginning of my life! Singhni has found the piece of jigsaw that was missing and I have never felt as content with my life before. Sangat Ji, we are blessed to be born into Sikhi, we don't realise what a beautiful way of life we have. An honest way of life is the most inspirational. I could never see my life without Sikhi; it's the greatest learning path I will ever experience and still am experiencing. Sikhi brings out good qualities in people that I never thought were possible in this age of Kalyug. Our only Ardaas now is that Guru Sahib blesses all our children with this jeevan (Gursikhi life) as it’s truly priceless – a true treasure chest that can only be experienced, not explained. To those of us that are born into Sikh families, we have a winning lottery ticket in our back pocket. All we need to do is cash it in!
In the end all our Karam's will be judged and if I have to live my life in fear then I am happy with this, as this is the path that keeps me close to my Guru.
Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Save me, O Merciful Saints (Gursikh Sangat in the presence of Guru Sahib Ji)!
You are the All-powerful Cause of causes. You have ended my separation, and joined me with God.
You save us from the corruption and sins of countless incarnations; associating with You, we obtain sublime understanding.
Forgetting God, we wandered through countless incarnations; with each and every breath, we sing the Lord's Praises.
Whoever meets with the Holy Saints - those sinners are sanctified.
Says Nanak, those who have such high destiny, win this invaluable human life."
Game of Love ❤️- SIKHI BLOSSOMING!
Often, we underestimate the value of encouraging one person towards Sikhi. At camps or Sikhi events, we may say things like, 'Even if one person changes, that's a success,' do we really believe that? We aim at numbers, rather than quality.
If we realise a camp or an event has inspired one person to take amrit; that in reality, is one family of 4 or 5 coming into Sikhi. The kids will grow up into Sikhi and encourage their kids to follow Sikhi; from here a whole community can be affected.
In Wolverhampton, there was one Gursikh who took amrit and now is part of a family, who run classes and programmes for youth at the Gurdwara Sahib. The children inspired other children, who started to progress in Sikhi and the parents inspired other parents.
This is how Sikhi blossoms. Where does this blossom start? From one person!
It's the duty of us all to be proactive in Gurmat parchaar (spreading Guru's teachings). If we all did our bit individually, Sikhi would have blossomed way more than it has done.
Take steps towards the True Guru and do your bit ji. You might guide one, who might go on to guide, educate and inspire thousands.
Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Blessed is that mortal being, who shares the Teachings for the good of others."
Game of love 💜- DO WE NEED AMRIT?
I recently heard the story of a very devoted man, who used to do a lot of Vaheguroo simran (meditation) and seva (selfless service), however had not taken Amrit (sikh Baptism). He lived around the time of Baba Kartar Singh Damdami Taksaal vale (1950-60s) and loved to listen to baba ji's katha (religious discourses).
This man had now grown very old and eventually had passed away. He was very devoted to Sikhi but had died before taking Amrit. At his funeral there were many thousands of people in attendance, as his seva and dedication had touched many people. As his body was about to be cremated, he suddenly got up. Everyone was shocked, as he turned to Baba Kartar Singh and said 'Please Baba Ji, make me like you.'
Everyone was fascinated to know and see what had happened.
The man narrated that he had left his body and because he did so much seva and simran he was given royal treatment. All those in the next world gave him so much respect; they treated him like a king. He said to them, "I don't want all this, all I want is to see Guru Gobind Singh ji." The people there bowed to this man and he was very well revered, but he continually said "I don't want this, I want to see Guru Ji." He was taken before Dharam raaj, (King of righteousness) who also showed him immense respect; the mans soul asked, "I want to be with Guru Gobind Singh Ji."
Dharamraaj said, "You haven't taken amrit so you can not meet them; you haven't made him your Guru. Guru sahib is in Sach Khand but you can't reach him without Amrit."
He was sent back to take Amrit and as he told his story, approximately 80,000 people took Amrit with him. Once receiving Amrit, he left his body permanently.
The acceptance of Amrit is a must for all Sikhs! The world is beginning to realise the purity and power of Guru Sahib Ji's Amrit!
Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "Spending this life fruitfully the Gurmukh goes to the other world. There in the True court of God, he gets his True place."
Bhai Mehtaab Singh's Journey in to Sikhi!
Vaheguroo Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Ji Ki Fateh
As a child I had a somewhat mixed upbringing in that my father was very westernised (having come to the UK at a very young age) but my mother was more traditional. My dad would spend a lot of time socialising with his friends leaving my mother at home with us. My mom would do some paath and would also tell us sakhia from time to time. However looking back she was also a little confused herself when it came to religion as she would partake in ritualistic things with her friends and also attend mandhirs from time to time.
As a teenager I was a typical Punjabi lad, designer haircut with designer beard with Indian gold jewellery and real ‘proud’ to be jatt/sikh! The type of ‘sikh’ who would celebrate Vaisakhi by getting drunk, blasting bhangra tunes from my car on soho road, but it was ok because I wore an orange armband with a Khanda on it!!!!
The first turning point in my life came when I was about 17 and I heard about Operatinon Bluestar and thus was introduced to Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale. To my family’s dismay in the next year every spare second I had, I would listen to Sant Ji’s speeches. Listening to these speeches would leave me feeling belittled and ashamed of who I was and had many sleepless nights because of how I had failed my ancestors by not living Sikhi.
I then made the decision I would keep my Kesh. BUT still there was something holding me back. I was now the kind of Sikh who wore a bandana (instead of a Dastaar/Turban) still kept my designer beard and drank alcohol and ate meat!
Then came university. Again I drifted from Sikhi, considering myself to be a lads lads I did many things that now disgust me which I am too ashamed to repeat, but you name it I’ve done it. Whilst studying I was also a Bouncer (security at pubs and clubs) so this was also a huge hindrance to me advancing my sikhi in any way. Funnily enough though it was at this stage in my life where I gave up alcohol (nothing to do with Sikhi though), probably because of working in such places I came to realise how idiotically people behave when drunk!
Completing my studies came that dreaded day, it totally came out of the blue when my mother said someone’s told me about a girl you may be interested in!!! I was mortified (I had an older brother and sister who were yet to be married!). So not wanting to hurt my mothers feelings I said I would meet this girl (telling myself I would just tell my parents it didn’t work out). Little did I know this girl would be my now Singhni!
She was light years ahead of me in terms of Sikhi with her parents both being amritdharis! (she was not). At this stage in my life I didn’t know what nitnem was! But we did initially talk about sikhi and I think the reason she agreed to marry me then was because I said to her I could see myself taking amrit one day.
So we got married! For the wedding I grew my beard longer and fuller than normal. I joked to her after the wedding that I wouldn’t cut it again and she became happy telling me that was really good!! I thought to myself don’t worry she’ll tell me to cut it again later, but that day never came and so it was never cut again.
Then came our honeymoon where she would wake each morning and recite japji sahib and I would sit and listen, this was the first time in my life I took an interest in Gurbani!!
Then came the day when I knew Sikhi would be my everything. It was my first experience of a rehansbhai and seeing Gursikhs. I walked into the darbar sahib which was full with all the sangat singing and the atmosphere was amazing. I could see Guru Gobind Singh Jee’s Khalsa dressed in bana with beautiful dumalleh with Khandeh and chakkars, amazing shastar and I knew this is where I belonged! I sat down quite close to the front and the shabad being sang was ‘man meh ram nama jaap’ (meditate on Gods name within your mind) and the darbar sahib was vibrating with naam, something I had never experienced! I sat that day for about 4/5 hours (having previously never stay for more than 20 mins in a gurdwara). I can remember thinking why have I never seen the gurdwara like this on a Sunday or at a wedding or at any other time infact!
From that day something changed within me and I couldn’t learn about Sikhi quick enough. From that day I never listened to another song again all I wanted was kirtan! I would do more research on the internet and came to learn about mahaan gursikhs like Shaheed Bhai Fauja Singh and Shaheed Bhai Anokh Singh, who's sacrifices were out of this world and had a massive impact on me.
However now the only thing holding me back was the fact I ate meat. This was very difficult for me as I was very much into my training and a massive meat eater. My wife was desperate for me to give it up, as this was the first time in her life she was around meat, as she had been a vegetarian all her life. But with maharaj’s kirpa (and maybe a little nagging from my wife) a few months into marriage I gave it up.
So by now I was desperate for more sikhi and sangat and I would ensure I would attend all the kirtan darbars and rehansbhais as i possibly could.
I had now made up my mind I wanted to take Amrit... but... my wife wasn’t ready!! It was definitely something she wanted to do but she was still being held back. We then made the decision to attend sikhi camp, as I wanted her to be away from everyday life and family who were feeding us with negativity around sikhi. I remember packing a dastar for her, as I was desperate for us to start preparing for amrit. With Guru Sahib's kirpa she tied a dastar at camp and soon after returning home she began tying it daily.
Now the time came where we were both ready and we decided we would take amrit. It was at 2010 smagam in Bradford and we decided we would attend the whole smagam to get us in the right frame of mind. It was beautiful. But then came the day of the rehansbhai. When we woke up it had snowed very heavily and I was informed by elder gursikhs that the amrit sanchar would not be taking place as the sevadars would not make it because of the distance they had to travel in the snow. I was DEVASTATED! There I was this fully grown man blubbering like a baby, I couldn’t control myself. I begged and pleaded and said I would pick up each sevadar myself but it was of no use. This gursikh sat with me and my wife for a while and just said leave it in Maharaj’s hands, if he thinks you are ready and worthy then you will be blessed. We then immediately went to maharaj and did an ardas begging to be made worthy of receiving amrit that night.... and so it was, maharaj did beant kirpa on this moorakh and I was blessed with amrit.
Along the way I suffered alot of negative comments from my nearest and dearest, warning me not to grow my kesh, take amrit etc but eventually maharaj held my hand and took me into his embrace and gave me the understanding of ‘sir deejeh kaan na keejeh’ – (Give me your head and do not pay attention to public opinion). And that is how I try to live my life today, if my actions upset anyone then so be it, as long as they do not upset or go against the teachings of my guru.
Looking back I have countless regrets and wish I had found Sikhi earlier but I believe due to my past actions It wasn’t meant to happen any earlier. I am eternally grateful to maharaj who has blessed me with so much, everything I need and more. I have been blessed with two amazing daughters, who's birth together with beant kirpa from guru sahib have inspired my mother to also take amrit. I am grateful to the sangat and gursikhs around me who inspire me and encourage me to improve my jeevan (life) and be a better Sikh.
A great transformation! When we see veer ji at programmes, he always adorns his dummalla (turban) with a beautiful khanda and karra chakar. May Guru Sahib Ji bless us all with the love of adopting Guru Sahib's amazing roop (image).
Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Ham Jaisae apraadee avar koi rakhai, jaisae ham satgur rakh leeae shadae."
Can anyone else save a sinner like me? The True Guru has protected and saved me.
A bird was walking on the baking hot desert floor. An angel came down and greeted the bird. The bird recognized the angel was from Vaheguroo (God) and asked if it could help by blessing it with a tree to perch on and avoid the burning desert floor.
The angel said it couldn't grant this gift but it would go and ask Vaheguroo if he could give the bird this blessing.
The angel went to Vaheguroo and asked whether the bird could be given a tree to help it cope with the desert heat.
Vaheguroo replied 'No it can't, because it is not in it's destiny, however go back and tell the bird to walk on one leg and then switch to the other, it should find walking easier. Another message Vaheguroo had for the bird was, 'tell the bird it should be grateful for all the things it's ever been given and all the good things it has now.'
The angel agreed and went back to the bird. The bird was told Vaheguroo's message and it thanked the angel. The bird began walking on one foot and then switched to the other, which helped it manage the heat better.
The angel then left.
A little while later, the angel returned to the desert to find the bird looking happy, as it now perched on a tree.
The angel was shocked and surprised. It immediately went to Vaheguroo to ask, 'you said that the tree wasn't in the birds destiny and now I have seen it perching on a tree, I don't understand'.
Vaheguroo replied, 'when the bird began to be grateful for what it had previously received and thankful for all the gifts it currently had, then its destiny changed. It changed because it appreciated all the gifts it had ever received, hence now being blessed with the tree.
This is a valuable lesson for us all. We may suffer ups and downs and focus on looking at what we don't have or need but this can lead us to be unappreciative of what we currently have. Let us appreciate all the great blessings we have been given! In this way, our destiny may change to include much more positivity.
When one accepts the will of Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (God), one becomes peaceful and content. The mind becomes relaxed, the Name of God settles within them and Guru Sahib Ji fulfils all their wishes.
Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O my Lord of the Universe; I am transfixed with ecstasy, gazing upon the Perfect Guru."
We attended a wedding the other day at Singh Sabha Bradford. The couple were both monay (shorn hair). The wedding went really well and the seva (service) was accomplished by an English speaking Gursikh, to explain the meaning of the Laavaa (spiritual wedding ceremony) to our non Punjabi speaking guests.
We had a young British born lady come to us at the end of the event, stating how she thought the Gurdwara Sahib was doing an amazing seva by trying to bring the youth in to Sikhi with English speaking events, like the one she had just experienced. The bibi looked quite westernised but when she spoke, she had so much love and thirst for the Sikh way of life. She had a good range of knowledge about Sikhi too. Her faith was very strong and seemed immovable. She was closely related to the boys side but she was very interested in talking about Gurmat to us, as this felt very dear to her at the time. We spoke for around fifteen minutes. She went on to say, how she wants to take steps physically towards Sikhi but struggles to take that initial step. She was certain the time would come very soon for her and Guru Sahib would bless her with their beautiful, loving Sikhi. She mentioned how some of her family were following the Radha Swami way of life but how Sikhi was the complete package and perfect way of life for her. We mentioned how we also used to be monay and also lived a western life style in the past. This shocked her and reassured her steps on the path towards Sikhi were very close by.
It was so nice to see how strong this girls faith was and how she took time out in the hustle and bustle of the wedding to speak for so long about Sikhi. We mentioned how important it was to do the sangat (congregate) of spiritual, like minded Sikhs. She mentioned that she was from Derby so we immediately suggested Singh Sabha Gurdwara, princess Street was a good place for the youth. She was so happy to say it was the Gurdwara she regularly attended.
We often judge others by their appearance but never really realise how much faith they actually really have. It's imperative, as Gursikhs, we do more Seva for the youth at Gurdwara Sahibs and try to give all as much love and time as we can. We never know who will adopt Sikhi and go on to change the lives of many others.
For those who are interested in Sikhi, don't be shy, if you have any questions, feel free to approach any practising young Sikhs, they will always go out of their way to support, help and guide you. This is what they live for!
Guru Arjan Dev Ji Says, "Mere Madho Ji, SatSangat milay so thariya."
O my Dear Lord of souls, one who joins the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, is saved.
Game of love ❤️- POSITIVE FEEDBACK
Below is one of a few messages we have received, after sending out the TRANSFORMATIONS posts. May Guru Sahib Ji bless us all with this powerful realisation and understanding!🙏 💛🙏
I am very inspired by your story bhaji, I am 45 years old and now realizing how important sikhi is, I feel like I wasted a lot of my time in not knowing and not educating myself. I wish to follow the gurus path and also I wasted my two sons time without having them grow up with the Sikhi knowledge, our guru ji's blessed us so much, but we murkas (face keepers) do not know how to ask. My wish is that May my sons follow Sikhi, I am trying very hard, they are 21 and everyday I tell them something about Sikhi/ our guru's.
I was invited to a weekend of rainsbaie, was thinking should I go or no, but now I am going to make a conscious effort in going after reading your post.
"Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the body and mind are empty; like fish out of water, they die."
Guru Sahib is clearing us from all doubt in this Shabad! Just like a Fish will die out of Water, Guru Sahib says the Gurmukh will die without Naam. The body and mind are empty without Naam. The mind searches for materialistic pleasures to occupy itself. If this mind is not occupied by the love of Naam, it will be occupied by evil thought, which in turn will cause evil actions.
Why are we wasting time in worldly affairs and spending less time Japping Naam. All worldly affairs are only accomplished with great honor through every breath of Naam Abhiyaas (practice). To meditate is a command of our Guru and it should not be ignored. Just as we are punctual in all our worldly affairs, we should be equally punctual, if not more, when it comes to waking up and reciting Vaheguroo's (God's) name with every breath. Failure to do so is classed as turning our back on the True Guru. We physically try not to turn our back on Guru Sahib but have we ever thought, that Guru Sahib wants us not to turn our back on them with every breath we breathe. They want us to love them always. If we are only practicing the physical, without the every breath of spiritual, it is pakhand (hypocrisy).
When we do something wrong or make a mistake in our physical discipline (Rehit), we go to the Panj (beloved ones) for forgiveness. Guru Sahib's Hukum (command) is also of Athai Pehar Naam Abhiyaas (24/7meditation on Naam). Do we meditate with every breath? Lets all ask ourselves this question, if not shouldn’t we be presenting ourselves to the Panj for a solution. There is no solution, the solution is effort. We are not willing to put the effort in but we all want to look like Gurmukhs (true Sikhs) on the outside. The true Gurmukh will always be pure on the inside and outside. In this way the true Gurmukh will earn love and respect in this life and the here after.
This is the last of "Without Naam" posts. The whole of Gurbaanee is full of Shabads, which tell us what happens to us WITHOUT NAAM. The question is, do we read Gurbaani to follow or has it become another ritual within our lives.
The mind is a drunken elephant and can only be controlled through meditation on the love of Vaheguroo's name.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "The intellect of the mind is like a drunken elephant.
Whatever one utters is totally false, the most false of the false."