Game of love 💙- TAKING CHANCES



Start giving your ideas and dreams a chance. In life, it’s rarely about getting a chance; it’s about taking a chance. You’ll never be 100% sure it will work, but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work. Most of the time you just have to go for it! And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. Either you succeed or you learn something. Win-Win.


To be successful and happy in life, it's important we give our ideas and dreams a chance. Our ideas and dreams only come to us so that we can better ourselves as human beings. We always try to be 100% sure before we try doing anything positive in life. Sometimes, it's about just taking that chance and leaving the rest to Guru Ji.


Guru Ji wants all his Sikhs to be pure, powerful, loving and successful human beings. It's only through having every quality and attribute as a human being Sikhi will flourish rapidly in the world. When others see how loving, content, compassionate, honest, forgiving, kind, tolerant, professional, political, sociable And powerful Sikhs are, they will naturally be pulled towards this beautiful way of life.


Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself was the most perfect human being, with every quality a man can have. So let's not let our Guru down and take steps towards them in their own roop (image) of the dastaar (turban) and unshorn hair.


We all want to take steps towards our Guru but are worried in what others will think. We will never be happy if we let the world make decisions for us. Think of the blessings we are missing out on. Don't worry about the change, just excel in it so Guru Ji can be proud of you and you can go on to bettering your life spiritually. In the long run it will benefit yourself, family and the rest of the world depending on how advanced our spiritual practice becomes and most of all how many blessings our Guru Showers upon us.


Peace, love, contentment and happiness Cannot be recognised through force; it is only achieved through understanding and taking chances. The chance taken towards Guru Ji is not a chance, it's a purification of this mind, breath, body and soul.


Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Being so stone-hearted, she has lost her chance to serve the Lord.

This life is your only chance to meet the Lord of the Universe."







Start creating your own happiness. If you are waiting for someone else to make you happy, you’re missing out. Smile because you can. Choose happiness. Be the change you want to see in the world. Be happy with who you are now, and let your positivity inspire your journey into tomorrow. Happiness is often found when and where you decide to seek it. If you look for happiness within the opportunities you have, you will eventually find it. But if you constantly look for something else, unfortunately, you’ll find that too.


Happiness has to be created by the individual. If we do not create our own happiness, no one will create it for us. Life is too busy for others to give us any happiness. They can for a short term but it will always be temporary. If we want happiness all the time, we will have to create it ourself.


Most tend to smile very little. It is very important we smile. There are many benefits from smiling. Firstly, it improves the way we look. Secondly, we become approachable. Thirdly, it creates a positive energy within us and most of all, it develops our confidence further.


We are our own worst enemy. We choose everything else but happiness. We can choose to be what we want in this world. We can choose to do whatever we want in this world. The key is in our hands yet we struggle immensely to open the door.


We need to become the change the world needs to see. If we want to see change, let's become that change. We are all much more valuable than what we all think we are worth. The mind is the universe. Choose whatever you want, believe you will become it and nothing can stop you. Faith is the key to all locks.


It's very important we are happy with who we are now. Who knows if tomorrow will ever come. Life's too short to be desiring all the time. This will stress us further. Make plans, but don't get too caught up in them. Everything will happen at the right time with minimal effort.


I personally thought i was happy before I realised and was shown the path of Sikhi. This is when I began to realise, I was never really happy at all. I was always up and down. My emotions were everywhere. Guru Ji took pity on me and blessed me in to their beloved sangat. This is when I began to realise and value the true worth of this human life. True, everlasting happiness can only be attained by practicing the spiritual teachings of Sikhi through spiritual and physical discipline.


Happiness is a journey to be lived and experienced with every breath of Naam meditation. It's not a destination to arrive at.


Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "My mind is pierced through by the Name of the Lord. What else should I contemplate?

Focusing your awareness on the Shabad (mantra/word of God), happiness wells up. Attuned to God, the most excellent peace is found."




Game of love 💚- VALUING THE BREATH


Start enjoying the things you already have. The problem with many of us is that we think we’ll be happy, when we reach a certain level in life. A level we see others operating at, your boss with her corner office, that friend of a friend, who owns a mansion on the beach, etc. Unfortunately, it takes a while, before you get there and when you get there, you’ll likely have a new destination in mind. You’ll end up spending your whole life working towards something new, without ever stopping to enjoy the things you have now. So take a quiet moment every morning, when you first awake to appreciate where you are and what you already have.

It's important we enjoy the things we already have. If we don't enjoy them now, it maybe too late before we can realise how valuable they really were in our lives. Death is around the corner but we do not realise through the blindfold of ignorance. We will never know when our last breath will be.

Like we said above, we always want to be as good as others or have what others have. These desires will come to finish us in the end, as even if we were to reach the destination of our colleagues or whoever it was meant to be, what makes us think that we wouldn't  desire for more, when we got there.

Is this how we are going to continue on living? Is this really what makes us happy? Surely there needs to be something better out there? Surely we need to be content in some form or another?

Anyone who desires permanent happiness, will never reach it through desiring and materialistic pleasures. This is a temporary fix. The only substance in which will keep us in high spirits and everlasting ecstasy is Naam meditation and the spiritual teachings of Guru Ji. Everything else will be diminished in the end.

A harvest of peace is produced from a seed of contentment So avoid running after temporary materialistic pleasures.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Without Naam, the Name of the Lord, there is no love and affection; but with her True Lord, she abides in peace. Through mental truth and contentment, union with the True Friend is attained; through the Guru's Teachings, the Husband Lord is known."



Game of love ❤️- RESPECT YOURSELF!


Start being more polite to yourself. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend? The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. You must love who you are or no one else will.

It's important one speaks to and loves the spirit within with the utmost respect. Until we learn how to do this, we will never be able to give the same love and respect to any other being.

When you learn how to respect yourself and love who you are, then the whole universe will do the same. This love is not a love of personal ego, it's a love of divine pride. We love our Guru, we love our uniform, we love the sangat (spiritual ones), we love the physical discipline, we love the spiritual teachings. We love everything about Sikhi. So why do we walk around as though we are insecure and not proud of what our Guru created us to be.

Guru Ji made us beautiful, he gave us the most immaculate spiritual practice. He created us to spread Sikhi and true love in to this world. This can not be done if we are not proud of who we are, If we can not teach by example or if we do not love and respect ourself. All these points are vital in ones development on this spiritual path.

Most Gursikhs I have spoken to have always said, 'since they started wearing the Gurus crown (dastaar/turban) upon their head, their confidence has escalated massively.'

So if you are a Sikh who wears a turban, it's important you learn to love and be confident in who you are. If you are not confident in the Guru's roop it means you lack love and respect for our true, blessed and pure Guru. Our Guru created us to be pure in every form, character and quality. We should not let them down. They should feel very proud of us, as we are here to mirror their purity by seeing the love of God within all.

This love, respect and confidence only comes through conquering and balancing this deluded mind with every breath of Naam meditation.

Respect yourself to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy!

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The treasure is deep within, O camel-like mind, but you wander around outside in doubt, searching for it.
Meeting the Perfect Guru, the Primal Being, you shall discover that the Lord, your Best Friend, is within you."



Game of love 💜- MAKING MISTAKES!


Start valuing the lessons your mistakes teach you. Mistakes are okay; they’re the stepping stones of progress. If you’re not failing from time to time, you’re not trying hard enough and you’re not learning. Take risks, stumble, fall, and then get up and try again. Appreciate that you are pushing yourself, learning, growing and improving. Significant achievements are almost invariably realised at the end of a long road of failures. One of the ‘mistakes’ you fear might just be the link to your greatest achievement yet.

Guru Sahib Ji tells us in Gurbaanee, everyone makes mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. The only being that does not make mistakes is Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (God). 

This does not mean it's ok to make mistakes and continue making them. The sign of a Gursikh is the one who makes a mistake, recognises the mistake they've made and try's not to ever make it again. This is how we better ourselves. If we continue making the same mistakes, this means we are very far away from recognising the state of our own minds.

The True Gurmukh (Gurus Sikh) is the one that is always in control over his mind. They see the mistake before even making it. They could be tempted by their mind to fall and make mistakes but it's the power of their virtuous, meditative character that avoids them making major mistakes.

We need to recognise who we really are. If we have no faith and discipline yet just want to be good people, life will become a major struggle. Life is very difficult without being around the energy of spiritual beings (Gursikh Sangat). We always think we are in control but we are always defeated by our mind's desires and emotions.

The only cure to avoid us making mistakes is finding a True Guru, who will spiritually guide us through this terrifying world ocean. They will support us through thick and thin. They will never let us go! We just need to believe they are always close.

When we try to remember God and meditate with every breath, the mind is balanced and controlled every second of the day. Vaheguroo's name stops all negative thoughts flowing through this negative mind. All thoughts are turned to become positive with the blessing of Guru Jis Mantra.

Knowledge is being aware of what is ok to do, wisdom is knowing when not to do it!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, "Everyone makes mistakes; only the Guru and the Creator are infallible. One who instructs his mind with the Guru's Teachings comes to embrace love for the Lord."



Game of love 💙- GURU'S REWARDS


So many amazing blessings can be gained from this story!

Brahmdat was a spiritual Hindu pandit (scholar), at the time of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He had many followers and detested the Sikhi practices and morals. His followers had heard of Guru Arjan Dev Ji paatshah and wanted to go do Darshan, to see what was so special about Harmandir sahib (Golden Temple Amritsar). Brahmdat angrily uttered, "Why do you want to go see that ghristi (someone who lives in a family)? He will never find God being a Ghristi. One must renounce any family life like us." A few days later Guru sahib passed the town where Brahmdat had his Dera (place of worship).
Guru sahib was singing the shabad,
'Rasna gun gopaal nidh gaain, Shaant Sehaj rehas mann upjio, sagle dookh palaain.' (My tongue sings the Praises of the Lord of the world, the ocean of virtue).

Brahmdat was transfixed by the bani (Gods word). He listened, as it pierced his heart. That same day he gave permission to his followers to go and have Darshan (blessed vision) of Guru sahib Ji. They said, 'We will arrive in time of Asa ki vaar.' Bhramdat repeated, 'Under no circumstances should you listen to all of Asa ki vaar. Just stay for a short while. If you listen to all of it then you will never come back to this life again, as the baani is so pure.' The pandits sat in Darbaar sahib (congregation hall) listening. As they tried to get up and leave, Guru sahib gave a sign for them to sit back down and listen until smaapti (end).

They were stubborn and got up and left. As they were walking out, Khusro (son of jahangir) was passing with his entourage. They were looking for people to carry their palki. He spotted the pandits and thought, they look fresh and they've just listened to Gurbani so they must be full of energy. The pandits were forced to carry the weight of the palki, whilst Khusro and his begums (wive's) sat inside. One of the pandits ran inside and told Guru Arjan Dev Ji what had happened and asked for maafi and for Guru Sahib's help.

Guru sahib sent a sevadaar (selfless man) to Khusro and told him to let the pandits off this hard labour. Khusro joined his hands together and said Satbachan (true words) as Guru Sahib wishes.
The pandits then ran back to Brahmdat and told him everything that had happened. Brahmdat was amazed at how caring and considerate Guru Sahib was. He made plans to visit Guru Sahib himself. Brahmdat came to Sri Harmandir Sahib and Guru Arjan Dev Ji said, 'My condition for you to speak to me is that you must first let me do your Langar pani seva' (serve you a meal). Guru sahib themselves did seva (served) by making brahmdats langer and then washed the thaals (dishes). Brahmdat cried in amazement at Gurusahib's amazing pyaar (love) and humility.

He said he forever wanted to remain with Guruji. Guru sahib went further to bless him with a place in the Parkarma (complex) of Harmandir Sahib. The brahmboota is the place in the parkarma, which was blessed in the memory of Pandit Brahmdat who became a Sikh of Guru Arjan Dev Ji Paatshah.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Serving the True Guru, all of one's generations are saved."





Start noticing and living in the present. – Right now is a miracle. Right now is the only moment guaranteed to you. Right now is life. So stop thinking about how great things will be in the future. Stop dwelling on what did or didn’t happen in the past. Learn to be in the ‘here and now’ and experience life as it’s happening. Appreciate the world for the beauty that it holds, right now!

The above is one of the main reasons we are not happy in this life. The only way we can notice and live in the present is by controlling the mind. The problem is, we are always thinking about the past if not the future. When we think about the past, we can not cherish the moment we are living in and we can not give that moment our all. That moment will not come again so it's important we acknowledge it fully and experience it to its fullest.

We dwell in the past and future but can anyone guarantee the future to us. We will never know what's around the corner. We could plan many things but who knows when we are going to breathe our last breath. Cherish, love and respect the breath you breathe now.

The above is an impossible task without Naam meditation. No one can live in the present without controlling and conquering this mind. We have to learn to make the mind ours and not let the mind take us towards desires of any kind. How beautiful it would be to tell the mind what to do, instead of the mind leading us to duality.

When we meditate, one naturally begins to think about the present, as the present is God and the taste (ras) is unbearable, which supports us to live in the 'now.' One would not want to leave the state of constantly thinking and meditating on God, whilst experiencing the true ecstasy of love. At this point one is overwhelmed internally and doesn't need the desire of the past and future thoughts floating through ones mind to keep them satisfied and fulfilled.

It's the mark of an educated and meditative mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without the Guru and meditation, liberation is not attained, and the double-mindedness of Materialism and desire does not go away."



Game of love 💚- THE POWER OF JAPJI!


The least we can do is read Japji Sahib Ji every morning, after reading the beautiful explanation below!

The Mool Mantra is a fate killer. It removes the fate and changes the destiny to complete prosperity.

The 1st pauri is an antidote to depression. It
will lift you from the deepest depression,
insecurity, nightmares and loss.

The 2nd pauri imparts patience and stability.

The 3rd pauri transforms insufficiency, turns
depression into elevation and transforms low
self-esteem into self confidence.

The 4th pauri blesses those trapped in feelings of poverty and lack of means.

The 5th pauri must be recited when you feel a sense of failure within yourself.

The 6th pauri dispels limitation. Recite it when you feel limited, cornered, trapped or coerced.

The 7th pauri will heal you, when you suffer
from greed, madness for power, overbearing
expansion and the need to control, when you
become trapped in your territoriality,.

The 8th pauri gives the power to be a perfect

The 9th pauri gives expansion.

The 10th pauri grants grace.

The 11th pauri gives virtuousness.

The 12th pauri When you feel small, gives you solidarity of self, self-impressiveness and self-respect.

The 13th pauri gives you the occult knowledge of infinity. It brings deep intuition.

The 14th pauri will show the way When you
can’t find your path to life, when you can't see direction to your destiny, when you can't
achieve fulfillment.

The 15th pauri brings liberation.

The 16th pauri gives knowledge of the universe.

The 17th pauri brings freedom and resurrection.

The 18th pauri fights madness, deep feelings of inferiority and self destructive behavior.

The 19th pauri brings universal knowledge,
inspiration and revelation.

The 20th pauri wipes away all your sins, When the monsters (vices) are nipping at your heels.

The 21st pauri maintains your status, grace and position.

The 22nd pauri brings victory in legal battles. It gives you strategy.

The 23rd pauri dispels darkness and elevates the self.

The 24th pauri breaks through all limitations
with the force of a thunderbolt. So powerful it is that it affects generations, it has the power to kill misfortune.

The 25th pauri prefullfils all your needs.

The 26th pauri transforms nothing into
everything. It banishes losses, misfortunes and miseries.

The 27th pauri shows you the way. It removes obstacles and hurdles.

The 28th pauri has the strongest permutation
and combination of words in the world. It
unites you with God.

The 29th pauri is a shield of protection.

The 30th pauri places you upon the throne of divinity.

The 31st pauri pulls all virtues from the

The 32nd pauri pays your debts and completes your karma.

The 33rd pauri destroys your ego. It removes negativity, neutralises your destructive nature and prevents harm to others by your hand.

The 34th pauri brings stability.

The 35th pauri gives you the breadth to do your duty and fulfill your responsibility.

The 36th pauri brings divine realization. It
grants complete understanding of the heavens and the earth.

The 37th pauri cuts the karma. It eradicates the impact of all bad karma.

The 38th pauri gives you the power to rewrite your own destiny.

The Salok brings self-satisfaction, elevation,
acknowledgment and respect.

After one takes Amrit, the power becomes much more powerful and stronger, as Guru Sahib blesses his Sikhs himself to recite the Baanee.

Bhai Gurdas Ji Says, "By becoming Gurmukh (Guru oriented), he makes his life meaningful, he reads Gurbani (sikh holy scriptures/teachings) and makes others understand the importance of Gurbani."



Game of love ❤️- HOW MUCH ARE WE WORTH?



The world may believe that a person's worth is based on their wealth and physical possessions. This is not true...

A person's worth is determined by the price at which they are willing to sell their human principles of truth, integrity, loyalty, kindness, humility and gratitude.

In this way most people nowadays are probably worth between 0-£5.


Unfortunately nowadays, we have all got ourselves in the rut of judging others by their materialistic wealth. Materialistic wealth may keep us happy for a few years. It is a very temporary pleasure. Many who are wealthy are not content and happy. They look for happiness elsewhere. Materialistic wealth is a good luxury to have, as long as we are detached from it. If we can find this balance alongside purifying the mind through meditating on Gods name we will be filled with peace and joy through the blessings of Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (God). 


The world is changed by us leading by example and not just our opinion!


Guru Sahib Ji Says, "Those that meditate on Vaheguroo's name, are priceless. Their value can never be judged."


Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Some trade in priceless jewels, while others deal in mere glass.

When the True Guru is pleased, we find the treasure of the jewel, deep within the self.

Without the Guru, no one has found this treasure. The blind and the false have died in their endless wanderings.

The self-willed manmukhs putrefy and die in duality. They do not understand contemplative meditation."




Game of love 💜- RITUALS!


'Those who refuse to eat food are just practicing hypocrisy - Chode ann Kare pakhand..'

Bhagat Kabeer Ji talks about how people forsake the proper food (Naam) and instead think that by fasting they will receive Gods happiness, but instead lose any honour.

Dhan is the Lord of the World. Dhan is the Divine Guru

Blessed is that food, by which the heart-lotus of the hungry blossoms forth.

Blessed are those Saints, who know this.

Meeting with them, one meets the Lord, the Sustainer of the World. ||1||

This food comes from the Primal Lord God.

One chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, only when he tastes this food. ||1||

Meditate on the food of Naam

Mixed with water, its taste becomes sublime

One who doesn't consume this food
loses his honor in the three worlds. ||2||

One who refuses to eat food, is practicing hypocrisy.

She is neither a happy soul-bride, nor a widow.

Those who claim in this world that they live on milk alone,

secretly eat whole loads of food - get all other rass (tastes) ||3||

Without this food, time does not pass in peace.

Forsaking this food, one does not meet the Lord of the World.

Says Kabeer, this I know:

blessed is that food, which brings faith in the Lord and Master to the mind. ||4||8||11||
ANG  (page) 873

Guru Sahib Ji makes it clear in this shabad, that there is only one real way in which God can be met and that is to meditate on Naam. All other ritualistic acts are condemned by Guru ji.

Guru ji says, it is very difficult to love and remember God when hungry. By committing these acts, we are in no way pleasing God.

God is pleased by loving, compassionate souls, those that help and guide others. God is looking for the one who stills his/her mind, controls their thoughts and sees God in all beings. This being will not judge anyone for their caste, colour, creed, gender etc.

The Name God is never separated from their lips, which in turn purifies their mind for them to become one with their souls and merge with the all loving Vaheguroo.

If our eyes only saw souls instead of bodies, our ideal and conception of beauty would be extremely different! This is only purchased through Naam meditation. There is no other way one receives the gift of these soul searching, beautiful eyes. 



Game of love 💙- TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY OF SEVA! (Selfless service)


One snowy morning, a Gursikh walked down to the doctors with his daughter. There was an elderly couple sat in the waiting room, who were just leaving, as the Gursikh was going in to see the doctor.

After seeing the doctor, the Gursikh and his daughter went next door to the chemist. As they went to the chemist, they noticed the elderly man from the doctors pouring sand under his wheels, whilst his vehicle seemed slightly stuck in the snow. They thought nothing of it and walked in to the chemist.

They were in the chemist for around 10/15 mins. When leaving the chemist, both of them saw the elderly couple in their vehicle, with their wheels spinning in the snow. They were in exactly the same position the Gursikh saw them, as they went to the chemist.

Without any thought, the natural reaction for the Sikh was to go and help. He did a very quick ardaas (prayer), whilst walking to the car by saying, "Guru ji accept and make the Seva successful." He walked to the back of the white elderly couples vehicle and pushed from the back right of the vehicle, as the man look through his mirror at him. The Sikh man was pushing slightly up hill. Amazingly, with one push, the large vehicle spun straight out and started driving slowly away.

The man was very thankful and quickly wound his window down and started saying thank you many times and acknowledged the Sikh man's daughter with a warming smile. The Gursikh said, "No prob! Just keep driving," as he didn't want him to lose momentum. 

The Gursikh smiled to himself and was very proud, that Guru Ji blessed him to serve and help a fellow human being in need. He was proud that Guru Ji's roop will be praised, if the white man ever tells his story. He was happy that Guru ji blessed him to do a good deed, which will be added to his account when he departs. Most of all, he was proud that Guru ji was so close and heard and acted out his Ardaas themselves, as it seemed more or less impossible to push the large vehicle up a slight hill on his own.


Always remember, when doing ardaas, believe it will come true, as Guru Sahib will never let their Gursikhs down. Every Karaj (event/action) we do should be carried out by an ardaas to begin with. Such is the life of a Sikh, Guru Sahib keeps the laaj (respect) of his Gursikhs ardaas.

Never think twice about doing Seva. just do it! This should be second nature for a Sikh. Many times we say no, when asked to do Seva. Seva is an opportunity given by Guru Ji himself. If we keep saying no or thinking leave it, there will be a time when Guru ji will stop blessing us with it and We'll never be asked again.

Serving others is serving God (vaheguroo). It gains respect, love, confidence in ones self, divine pride, humility and replaces negative thoughts with positive energy. such is it's power!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Make good deeds the soil, and let the Word of the Shabad (vaheguroo) be the seed; irrigate it continually with the water of Truth."



Game of love 💛- THE TRUE STATE OF LOVE


What does the love of God do to our being?

Our body is filled with totally pure, loving, positive energy. This energy creates an aura, which other spirits naturally become attracted to. Our eyes begin to shine and are imbued with the deepness of love. This is also an attraction for other humans, who begin to see true love and genuinity in the eyes of others.

One way of relating to this is through a worldly situation. Man thinks he falls in love with a Woman. His eyes show deep affection towards the opposite gender. A Gursikh's eyes are always imbued in Vaheguroo's love (naam ras) Athai Pehar (24/7). One perfect example that springs to mind is late Bhai Rama Singh Jee, from Southall, UK. Gursikhs are also blessed with lalee (radiant faces) or a glow. This is also an attraction for other humans. When the mind reaches a state of total Naam Ras (pure love through Naam 24/7), then whatever one touches, sees or feels is also blessed through Naam. Anything this Gurmukh desires will come true.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Man Chindiarra  Phal Paaeaa Mere Govinda Gur pooraa vekh vigas jeeo. I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O my Lord of the Universe; I am transfixed with ecstasy, gazing upon the Perfect Guru."

Naam Ras also creates a genuine smile on the Gurmukh who is imbued in the sublime essence of Naam. The way he/she walks, talks and conduct themselves is totally different from normal human beings. "Bhagtaa Kee Chaal Niraalee (The way of the Saints is most distinct)," Anand Sahib sermon). In this stage, ones way of thinking and physically doing becomes very slow, aware and focussed. One is in total control of their mind. Pure love pores out of their being, as God is love. This Gurmukh reaches a beautiful stage of Sehaj (intuitive peace, poise, Nirvana). Everything he/she does in this worldly life is blessed. Life becomes very easy, relaxed and stress free, the spirit is free and the mind is purified. Most spiritual people call this the golden age, as this is where all our karma is paid back effortlessly and it becomes the last human life one experiences before their soul is liberated.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, Meditating on the Naam the mind becomes pure, the Door of Liberation is found.



Game of love ❤️- ARDAAS - prayer

ARDAAS - prayer

A prayer that is recited by Gursikhs at-least 3 times a day. There is a formal way of doing Ardaas, which is standing up with folded hands. This is usually done after Nitnem (prayers). However, we are not just set to one way of doing Ardaas. As long as the mind is set in the right place and the prayer is said from the heart, it will be heard in Sach Khand (the realm of truth). Our prayers are usually not heard, (in most cases) because our concentration wavers and it is not said whole-heartedly or we are still found desiring whilst making the prayer. When doing Ardaas, straight after Abhiyaas (meditation) or Nitnem, our surtee (conscious state) should be very high and focussed, thus we come to do a whole hearted prayer.

Ardaas is something we humbly do before our master so that he may grant us what we wish for. Therefore, it should be done everyday to keep us spiritually humble. If we don't do Ardaas, ego very easily creeps in, because ardaas is also a way of thanking God for the little or many spiritual and physical gains he blesses us with. Ardaas will help us progress spiritually. It keeps us neech (lowly) but also gives us confidence in everything that we do. Knowing we will do it successfully with the hand of Vaheguroo (God) protecting and forever blessing us.

Everytime you achieve something, whether it be at school, university, work or whilst doing Naam Abhiyaas, always do an Ardaas thanking God. You will realise that the blessings increase ten-fold and you obtain more Phal (fruit) from your Simran (meditation) and Sevaa (service).

"Whatever I ask for from my Lord and Master, he gives that to me."Guru ArjunDev Ji



Game of love 💚 - POWERFUL FAITH


This story took place a few years ago. A sikh soldier was celebrating the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev ji. He was meditating on Vaheguroo's name whilst preparing and serving langar (food). Just then, a Hindu officer approached the soldier and very rudely asked, "what are you doing here?" The soldier explained the story of Guru ArjunDev Jis martyrdom with great love.


The Hindu officer very rudely spoke for the second time and said, "how is this possible, no human can sit on a burning hot plate." The officer continued being very rude and kept questioning the soldier. "He kept saying this is a joke, it can not be true."


The soldier got very upset in listening to this and went sat on a burning hot plate where the langar (food) was being prepared. When witnessing this the officer burst out in to tears and quickly rushed to get the soldier off the plate, he fell at his feet and repeated, "you Sikhs are amazing people, your faith is unmovable, you are very pure at heart and you can not accept the disrespect of your Guru."The soldier lifted the officer and embraced him with a hug.


If we have faith in Guru ji, nothing will come near us. Guru ji will always be our saviour and protect us.

"The hot winds do not even touch those who are protected by their Guru."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606




Game of love 💜 - Facing The Problem Head On


Start facing your problems head on. It isn’t your problems that define you, but how you react to them and recover from them. Problems will not disappear unless you take action. Do what you can, when you can, and acknowledge what you’ve done. It’s all about taking baby steps in the right direction, inch by inch. These inches count, they add up to yards and miles in the long run.

Problems, issues never go away when ignored. The spiritual beings rise and face up to every challenge that comes their way.


The spiritual being is the perfect individual. They will be relaxed, open minded, confident, transparent, articulate. They should develop all the skills required to get through life efficiently.


The spiritual being never shies away from problems, they face them head on. They are always righteous, tactful and diplomatic in their approach.


It's important we build the confidence to deal with problems head on, as it's very difficult to get through life when we need the shoulder of others to guide us through. We need to have the strength to plough through life on our own, as there will always be a time, when nobody is there to support or guide us. 


If one was to solve a problem/issue and we knew by doing so it would make the situation worse, at this point it's best to leave it and face the problem when the time is right. A pure human being will always know when it's the best time for everyone, as when resolving issues, our motive should not be victory, to upset someone or to mock someone. It should be only to make the situation clear and better all around for everyone, even if the result is not seen until a while later. The spiritual being always visions ahead to see how others will be better off from our actions. One remains ever loving and compassionate for all beings.


When one meditates on the Naam, all the qualities of life are gifted to the individual by Guru Sahib Ji. One becomes a pure human being and remains in control, always over ones mind.


The answers to our problems don't come when the mind is busy, they only come when the mind is completely still.


Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "Then in gold in the form of Gurmukh, (Gurus pure ones) the colour (of name) and elixir (of Love) enter and he becomes carefree of the world around. Now all the qualities of rubies, pearls, diamonds emerge in that gold-Gurmukh."



Game of love 💙 - RECOGNISE YOURSELF!


Start being honest with yourself about everything. Be honest about what’s right, as well as what needs to be changed. Be honest about what you want to achieve and who you want to become. Be honest with every aspect of your life, always. Because you are the one person you can forever count on. Search your soul, for the truth, so that you truly know who you are. Once you do, you’ll have a better understanding of where you are now and how you got here, and you’ll be better equipped to identify where you want to go and how to get there.


As humans we fail to recognise who we really are. We think what we see is who we are and we accept this world as being the truth. We fail to see that we are all temporary beings In this false world. Our life is a game, which we need to play adequately to conquer our coming and going in this temporary world. Because we think this world is here to stay and we are permanent, we stop being honest with ourselves. We lie to others and eventually we believe the lie is us. We lie once to lie many more times, as the dishonesty needs to be hidden by many more lies.


When we start becoming honest with ourselves, we will realise how blissful and beautiful life can be. One becomes a free soul, as they have nothing to hide from the world. They become so content with there inner, the outer blossoms forth beautifully.


If things in our life need to be changed for the better, it's best taking that step now, as we will never know what's around the corner. It's best to purify ourselves now, rather than live with a guilty conscience. Everyone makes mistakes but when the mistake is realised and rectified, it no longer remains a guilt, as long as the mistake is not committed again.


If you want to become something in life, do ardaas to Guru Sahib, have belief in that ardaas, have belief in yourself and Guru Sahib will never let you (his children) down.


To have a faith is the most powerful and loving feeling anyone can imagine. To know Guru Sahib is always close and guiding us in spirit is a world that can not be described.


We question ourselves, why don't we feel that love, radiance, energy and aura of Guru Sahib Ji? It is not anyone else's fault, the fault is within us. Our ego won't let us feel it. When we meditate on Vaheguroo's name, Vaheguroo will always feel very close. It will feel as Vaheguroo is inside us, making all our important decisions and guiding us appropriately.


One who has a faith and follows it correctly, by always remembering Guru Ji with every breath, will always remain happy, content and in high spirits. The shortfalls of life will never get them down.

Remember! Beautiful faces will age and beautiful bodies will change but Guru Jis beautiful souls will always remain beautiful souls.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "One whose body is imbued with the Fear of the True Guru and whose tongue savors Truthfulness, is brought to ecstasy by the True Lord's Glance of Grace. That person does not have to go through the fire of the womb again."



Game of love 💛 - KESH (hair)

KESH (hair)

People often ask why do Sikhs keep their hair. What's the point? Why did Guru sahib Ji place so much significance on the Kesh.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji even went as far as to say, "Those without Kesh will not get my Darshan (blessed sighting)."


Firstly, we are all born with Kesh. This is the way Vaheguroo has created us. We believe that Vaheguroo is perfect and everything they do is perfect. So why do we question the way we have been created? Some religions will use their own intellect to infer, God made people imperfect and we need to perfect by cutting a child's hair at birth, or circumcise them.

A Sikh, however, keeps faith in the natural form, which Vaheguroo has given them and they proudly live in the glory of God. They see hair as a blessing and not a burden.


The hair also represents a very important part of our biological balance. If you notice that different people will have varying amounts of hair. it will grow to a specific length and then stop growing. Is this a random length or does it have a more deeper significance?

If we look more in depth, science has proved that our hair is a major conductor of energy and allows our body to absorb essential vitamins from nature. These vitamins are vital for our biological make up and our bodies ability to function and fight illness and disease.


The hair will grow to a length (some long, some short), where the body is in a complete equilibrium and from there it will stop. This means that the hair can now be used as a tool for the conducting of sufficient vitamins to keep the body healthy. In addition to this, our hair is a major part of our natural defense system in the way it prevents particles entering our nose, eyes and ears.


One final thing on health is, how hair helps to regulate body temperature. An example of this would be, when someone is feeling very hot, suddenly they will feel a chill, why? Because the hairs have opened up from the pores and released the bodily heat. Similarly when it is cold, one will experience the hairs standing on end. Why? Because the pores have closed up to keep in heat. The same way our hair is also sensitive to our emotions


On a spiritual note, Gurbani says that a Sikh with Kesh is able to be a lot more fruitful in their meditation and spirituality, as the hairs act as antennas to conduct energy. Within this energy, Vaheguroo is prevalent and essentially, when one meditates the hairs act like tongues to magnify the force and impact of the meditation.

In this regard, all great saints of the past kept their hair, be they Christan or Muslim but as modern day society is putting pressure on us to look a certain way, many sikhs have renounced their religious/spiritual obligations and principles and adopted an appearance which is aesthetically pleasing to them and their surroundings but not Guru Ji.


These are just a few basic examples of how our hair plays a critical role in our make up as a human and spiritual being.


We have to remember, without a Guru and the following of their teachings, one can not be a labelled a Sikh of the Guru. When one begins to live by the teachings of the perfect/pure Guru, one will also own the beauteous name of Guru Sahibs Sikhi.


When we living according to our minds desires, we are named Manmukh (those who act according to the mind and not the True Guru).


Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "They act out their minds' desires, but they do not understand the Lord, and so they are ruined."





When The True Gurmukhs (pure ones) speak to you, you are left feeling so high, yet you realise you have so far to go.

You are able to expose hidden jewels, which are uncovered through their actions and reactions rather than their words.


The sign of a Gurmukh is someone who radiates humility, love, devotion and a yearning for Guru and Sangat, all of which are attributes of extensive Naam kamaaee (naam meditation).


We have a tendency of being inspired for a day or two by them and then fall in to the rut of laziness again. When we are inspired it's important we keep the teachings within and adapt them to our daily life's.


We spend many years being inspired and forget to practice and develop ourselves further. We always think others are better than us. Everyone has weaknesses on the inside but remain steadfast in their practice.


We need to believe in ourselves and Guru Sahib ji, we are as good as everyone else. We need to recognise that truth within ourselves. When we believe we are as loving and virtuous as the rest and remain humble, that's when we develop further in our spirituality.


It's important to be inspired and learn from others and that is where it should end. We should not put these people on a pedestal, as this increases their ego and we fail to develop ourselves further also.


Live by the Gurus hukum (command) and Guru Sahib will take us to the highest realms of spirituality. Our true inspiration will come and remain with us forever, when we realise and take all our teachings from Guru Sahib directly. This is when our faith becomes extremely stronger in Guru Sahib ji, as we realise, it's only the support of the True Guru, which will bring us total contentment. We all have the potential to become spiritual, pure beings.


As humans, we are shaped by our thoughts. We become what we think!


Guru Amardas Ji Says, "O mind, why are you so lazy? Become Gurmukh, and meditate on the Naam."



Game of Love 💚 - ZEALOUSNESS!

The only rule for obtaining spirituality and self realisation is personal effort and zeal. This zeal will lead you to the answers, as long as your quest is real and sincere.


When one is passionate, enthusiastic and eager in reaching a certain place or destination, the quest will always be found and recognised. In spirituality, when one reaches the true realms of love through Naam meditation, then all their efforts and zealousness is rewarded and blessed by Guru Ji.


Guru Ji only looks for sincere hearts and souls. Guru ji looks for love within them. Guru Ji recognises their faith and beauty. At this point Guru ji rewards them with their minds desires, as Guru Ji sees their quest is a pure and loving one.


We are so blessed to have a Guru who, not only spiritually guides us but holds our hand and leads us through the hardships we are constantly facing. All Guru ji asks for, is a little love, faith and belief in them and ones self.


If we quiet the mind through Naam meditation, the soul will speak through radiating love and virtue in to this dark world.


Bhai Nand Lal Ji Says, "There were no signposts on the pilgrims way, through heaven or earth. It was the zeal of my quest which brought me to the threshold of worship."



Game of love 💜 - WHAT IS REAL?

"The real is where the sayable and unsayable meet. What true reality is, is also beyond comprehension." Bhagat Kabir Ji.


The world around us is describable through words. On the other hand, there are things for which no description gives justice. Between these two realms lies reality, which is beyond comprehension but experienced by the true seeker.


True love, spirituality, ecstasy and high spirits is beyond description. The name of Vaheguroo guides us to experience the inner world, yet fail to describe it's value in words.

Anything that can be described in words, has a worldly value. It's value ends here (in the world). When one fails to describe the gains of spiritual wealth, one realises it's a wealth beyond measure. Nothing comes close.


Many are moving closer to their spirits, as are realising everything is temporary in this world. Nothing lasts forever. People, friends, families, relatives move on. Materialistic pleasures are temporary. Nothing is here to stay.


Only the name of God and remembrance of their love and creation will cleanse your inner being. This is the only substance in which will bring us total peace and remain with our soul forever. Our minds will be contented, our souls will be lifted and our being will be purified.


Look inside yourself and find the true reality. It's time to stop searching for peace and happiness outside ourselves. This will only bring us hurt, as desire and attachment causes us to be emotionally and mentally distressed. The more we want, the more despondent and unhappy we become in life.


Life will always be lived at the fast pace. We will never be able to keep up. It's up to the spiritual, to look within, read and open the heart, slow life down, teach by example and show the world, that there is more to life than accumulating wealth through mentally torturing our physical and spiritual being. 


Change will only take place through action and not only meditation and prayer alone. We meditate, pray become religious but forget to act in the way we should as spiritually loving and compassionate beings.


Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "They alone are spiritually wise, who remain firmly committed to the Lord's Command.

Heat and cold are all the same to them.

The true people of spiritual wisdom are the Gurmukhs, who contemplate the essence of reality;

O Nanak, the Lord showers His Mercy upon them."

