Game of love πŸ’™- HUMANITY



"Recognise the whole human race as one."

Guru Gobind Singh Ji 1666-1708

Living in a big world, we constantly meet people from different backgrounds. With these different paths continually crossing yours, it is important to remember that we are all human beings.

As humans, we have a tendency of judging others. We judge in many ways! We judge colour, cast, creed, gender, religion, appearance and in many others ways. It's important we look at all as equal and the creation of Vaheguroo (God), or we will suffer in this life and the next. When we judge others, we always tend to upset many people, as most our judgment is usually wrong and judged by our ego. Even if the judgement is right, it's important we let people be and experience. There will come a time, when they will realise there is no worth or value in what wrong they do.

Guru Sahib Ji, has given us a beautiful teaching of, "Dekh ke andith kardhayna" (to ignore what we have seen). In this horrific world and life time, we will see many things. We will not be able to physically deal with them all. Sometimes, we may just have to do a prayer and walk away. We have a bad habit of exposing people. This is not the quality of a Sikh. If he/she sees something wrong, they will lovingly go and tell them personally and support them to adjust. Why? Because God is in all and we have been given the spiritual wisdom to see the one God in all through his Name Vaheguroo!

Guru sahib ji tells us, if we would like to liberate this mind and soul, we have to see God in all their creation, including animals, nature and everything that is designed by their creation.

This love only comes through Naam meditation. They become one with their mind and soul to find inner peace.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Eihu sareer sabh dhharam hai jis a(n)dhar sachae kee vich joth."

This body is the home of Dharma; the Divine Light of the True Lord is within it.

Hidden within it are the jewels of mystery; how rare is that Gurmukh, that selfless servant, who digs them out.

"Sabh aatham raam pashhaaniaa thaa(n) eik raviaa eiko outh poth."

When someone realizes the All-pervading Soul (God), then he sees the One and Only Lord permeating in everyone, through and through.

He sees the One, he believes in the One, and with his ears, he listens only to the One.

O servant Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord; this is your service to the Lord, the Truest of the True.





"As you plant, so shall you harvest."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

The seeds of positive thought and action will be enjoyed when they flourish. Begin to do good and positive things for yourself and others now! It will bring you more happiness and foster good character for the future.

If we sew bad seeds, we create bad karma and we have to pay for it in this life or the here after. So, it's easier to do good and reap goodness.

It's important we sew seeds of virtue in this life. Virtuous deeds will help our soul become closer to God and accomplish our coming on this earth, Which is to liberate our soul by becoming one with it.

Doing good for others will always be rewarded. It's easy to do good for our families but very difficult to put others before our loved ones.

This is exactly what the Sikh Gurus did for us and all of mankind.

Our final thoughts also play a large part in our soul’s journey. This is the reason Guru ji wants us to remember Vaheguroo (God) with our each and every breath.

Bhagat Tralochan Ji Says, "A(n)th kaal jo lashhamee simarai aisee chi(n)thaa mehi jae marai."
At the very last moment, one who thinks of wealth, and dies in such thoughts, shall be reincarnated over and over again, in the form of serpents.
O sister, do not forget the Name of the Lord of the Universe (Vaheguroo).
At the very last moment, he who thinks of women, and dies in such thoughts, shall be reincarnated over and over again as a prostitute.
At the very last moment, one who thinks of his children, and dies in such thoughts, shall be reincarnated over and over again as a pig.
At the very last moment, one who thinks of mansions, and dies in such thoughts, shall be reincarnated over and over again as a goblin.
At the very last moment, one who thinks of the Lord and dies in such thoughts, says Trilochan, that man shall be liberated; the Lord shall abide in his heart.





"While laughing, playing, dressing and eating, he is liberated."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

Guru Sahib Ji says, we can be liberated whilst laughing, playing, dressing up and eating delicious foods.

How is this possible? As these can be massive distractions in our spiritual gain.

It's important our mind and breath are not seperated from the Naam. When the Naam is within and heard 24/7 with our inner ears, this is a blessing by Guru ji and everything we do is parvaan (accepted) and blessed according to Gurmat (Guru’s way).

We can have a laugh yet remember God with every breath. We can own the best cars, houses and clothes etc, yet be detached, as the Name in our every breath detaches us from all worldliness. Nothing is ours, It's all Guru Ji's. The remembrance of the Name teaches us to think in this way with every breath (divine wisdom). Everything we eat will be purified through every breath of Naam meditation (no meat, fish or eggs). There are different forms of personal rehit, bibek for Gursikhs. Every gursikh has their own personal asool (rule).

The above is a blessed and higher state of consciousness. It's best to live a simple life, away from any distractions, in order to progress further spiritually. Guru Sahib will bless us with their wisdom, when we are ready to progress. It is all achieved through single minded practice of Naam meditation.

Guru sahib ji caters for everyone's state of mind in Gurbaani, as they want all to excel further. They also answer the questions of all.

"Receiving the Name (Vaheguroo), the mind is satisfied; without the Naam, life is cursed." Guru RamDas Ji



Game of love ❀️- HARSH WORDS


"Harsh words bring only grief."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

In our anger, we can say many bitter words. In that moment of frustration this aggressive behaviour brings you relief, but in the long run the guilt and realisation of your harsh words will only bring you sorrow. It is best to think before you speak. It is best not to speak if it only brings negativity to the conversation.

When the love of the lord's name becomes one with our breath, it becomes difficult to speak harsh words. Only praises of the Lord Vaheguroo are uttered from such a mouth. If the name of Vaheguroo disappears for even a second, our mind opens up to the evils of this dark age, which then can cause us to make silly mistakes through harsh words.

Be aware of this drunken mind! It tends to always lead us astray, if not controlled by the positive energy of Naam meditation and Guru Ji's teachings. Only the Guru's teachings, can move the immovable mind and beautify it!

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Man mai math maigal mikadhaaraa. Gur a(n)kas maar jeevaalanehaaraa."
The mind is like an elephant, drunk with wine.
The Guru is the rod which controls it, and shows it the way.
The mind is uncontrollable; how rare are those who subdue it.
Those who move the immovable become pure.
The Gurmukhs embellish and beautify this mind.
They eradicate egotism and corruption from within.





"When there is greed, what love can there be? When there is greed, love is false. How long can one remain in a thatched hut which leaks when it rains?"

Sheikh Farid Ji 1173-1265

Replace greed with love. Do not allow your mind to be filled with greed. It can be difficult to feel content, but sincere effort will allow you to overcome greed. Take steps to overcome the feeling of greed by nurturing love and contentment in your heart. It becomes very difficult to love when we are controlled by greed.

In this life, we want more and more but all will stay here. Only Naam, baani, our good and bad actions will be accounted for and help in our soul's journey.

When we are greedy, it's all for our own selfish needs. We are totally controlled by our mind and ego. The mind is like a wild monkey, always on the loose and never content. We should not let the mind control us but instead we should be fully in control over our mind. This is only possible through meditation on Vaheguroo's name. If we control our wild mind, no vice in the world will be able to lead us a stray.

We desire more and more! Where will this get us? None of it goes with us in the end. Greed is only going to bring out the worst in us. Desiring less and giving to others will foster love. Genuine love brings everyone together. According to Guru Ji, once we feel the true power of loving all, there's no substance that will match it.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "So prabh preetham man vasai j sabhasai dhaee adhhaar.
That Beloved God abides in her mind; He gives his love and Support to all."



Game of love πŸ’™- VIRTUOUS CONDUCT


"If you seek the path of good conduct, forsake greed, and do not look upon another's property and women."

Bhagat Jaidev Ji 12th Century

Good conduct will never go out of fashion. Avoid materialism and envy and act in a way such that peace and contentment surround each and every act you perform.

We are blessed to be Sikhs of the Guru. If we perform wrongful acts, it is like a gaal (swear) to the Guru, as they are performed in Guru Ji's roop. All women/men are our mothers/fathers, sisters/brothers, daughters/sons.

When we act in righteousness and conduct ourselves in a kind, loving and positive manner, this energy is recognised by the world and Guru Ji is given the praise for it. The more we act in peace and love, the more Sikhi spreads in to the masses!

When Naam meditation is recited within us, we will always conduct ourself in a peace, loving way. Soon as the Naam leaves the lips, the mind runs wild, goes astray and negative thoughts begin to control our mind, which forces us to conduct ourselves in a negative way.

All praise is Guru Ji's, none is ours, as the roop and gift of spiritual Sikhi is Guru Ji's

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Aachaar thoo veechaar aapae har naam sa(n)jam jap thapo. Sakhaa sain piaar preetham naam har kaa jap japo."
Reflect on your own self, and so practice good conduct; chant the Name of the Lord as your self-discipline and meditation.
The Name of the Lord is your Companion, Friend and Dear Beloved; chant it, and meditate on it.



Game of love πŸ’›- GOSSIP


"One who's heart is filled with malicious gossip, everything they do is in vain."

Guru RamDas Ji 1534-1581

Everyone enjoys a good gossip, but no one wants others to gossip about them. Gossip only brings negativity. Avoid gossip and accept that everyone, just like yourself, has ups and downs in their lives and are different.

When we gossip about others, it shows we are weak humans. Life is a mirror, we are on the inside as we are on the outside. If we are loving, peaceful and calm on the outside, that's exactly what the state of our mind and soul will be on the inside.

By gossiping about others we are sewing bad karma for ourselves, which we will have to pay for in this life or the hereafter.

It's easier to accept all as one, meditate and live in high spirits.

Gossip means we are empty inside and separated from the true taste of spiritual fulfilment. To listen to Gossip is as bad as speaking it.Β 



Game of love πŸ’š- GOOD AND BAD


"From the one light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad?"

Bhagat Kabir Ji 1398-1448

How can we call anyone good or bad? One divine light pervades and creates us all. Realise this and you would have grasped one of the most spiritual truths realised by saints throughout the ages.

We are all souls from the supreme soul (God). We will only realise this when we become one with our mind & soul through meditation, and discover the spirit within. Guru sahib ji changes our dhrishthee (inner eyes) when the mind is absorbed in the lords love through Naam meditation.

In this way we effortlessly see the light of God in their creation.

We can not be separated from the Naam for even an instant as this would give an opportunity for negative thoughts to appear. Separation from god becomes unbearable, and we lose the wealthy love of seeing God in all.



Game of love ❀️- GIVE!


"One gets hereafter only what one gives here out of honest earnings."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

To give is divine. As you give and foster love for others now, so your soul shall receive the rewards on its journey after this life.

Giving is a great gift. The most important wealth to give is our time to others as we are normally quite selfish when it comes to helping others, specially people we don't know. If we saw god in all, just as we do with our friends & family, we would find it a lot easier to give.

Through meditation we develop the qualities of love, compassion, forgiveness, faith, truth, humility, contentment, patience, kindness and many other virtues. These virtues are the blessings of the divine and if we could encourage others to develop and live in this way, it would be the most blessed form of giving.

This would be the true service and honest living Guru sahib ji would bless and reward us for hereafter.



Game of love πŸ’œ- THE TRUE KING!


One day, a passerby saw a homeless man on the roadside. He stopped for a moment to hand him some loose change and casually said "God bless you, my friend".

"I thank God," said the homeless man, "I am never unhappy."

"What do you mean?" the passerby asked.

"Well," he said, "when the sun is out, I thank God. When it rains, I thank God. When I am full, I thank God and when I am hungry, I thank God. And, since God's will is my will, and whatever pleases Him pleases me, why should I say I am unhappy when I am not?"

The man looked at him in astonishment and asked, "Who are you?"
"I am a King," said he.

"Where, then, is your Kingdom?" asked the man.

"In my heart." The homeless man replied.

Through contentment we find peace and happiness. Money and materialistic pleasures do not always make us happy. Many are left sad through them. When one has faith in Vaheguroo and realises he is in control, this is when one feels the true love, peace and happiness within.

Faith strengthens our character and we become untouchable through it. Guru Ji resolves all our affairs, when we put all our faith in to him.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Raajaa ra(n)k karai khin bheethar neecheh joth dhharee."
He turns the king into a beggar in an instant, and He infuses splendor into the lowly.
Meditate forever on Vaheguroo (God).
Why should I feel worry or anxiety, when I am here for only a short time.
You are my support, O my Perfect True Guru; my mind has taken to the protection of Your Sanctuary.
Nanak, I am a foolish and ignorant child; reach out to me with Your hand, God, and save me.



Game of love πŸ’™- LOVE & DEVOTION!


The Guru’s Sikhs contemplate on Guru Ji and meditate on Guru’s Naam at all times. Whatever they touch, whatever they see, whatever they hear, whatever they taste, reminds them of their beloved, Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (timeless God).

This only occurs when they remember God Within their every breath. Then naturally, God appears within their mind. Everything they touch gives them a forever lasting love and peace for God. They see God in all and enjoy God at all times. They hear the elegance of God within the trees, within the glamorous, breezy winds, within the impressiveness of the rustling leaves. They hear the gracious God everywhere. Everything they taste is beautiful, as the Naam of God resides within their loving minds.

The Guru’s Sikhs, love the roop (image) of the khalsa with all their devoted hearts. They are smitten within the Guru’s sangat and the roop that much, that they take hours out of their busy schedules, creating magnificent and artistry, Gursikh snow sculptures, just like the one in the image attached.

May we all be blessed with the devoted love for the Guru’s Sikhs, the Guru and all of Guru Ji’s gorgeous creation, just as Guru Ji was himself.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Guramukh piram amol n molann moleeaai|
The love of Guru’s Sikhs is invaluable and it cannot be purchased at any cost."



Game of love πŸ’›- BEGGAR!


There was once a beggar, who lived in terrible poverty. He sat under a tree and begged all day. People would throw a few coins at him and this was his only means for survival and all he could live on.

Eventually, he died as a beggar and his body remained in the same place for days upon end. He had no friends or relatives to cremate or bury his body. It was left in the same spot for a few days. On noticing this, the villagers decided to bury him under the same tree he had been begging all his life.

As they began digging, they hit upon a huge treasure Just a few feet beneath him. The huge pot was full of gold and the fool was sitting right above it begging all his life. If only he had dug down a few feet, he would have been a very rich man. Little did he know, he sat there all his life being a beggar.

This is our state today! We have the Guru Granth Sahib Ji as our spiritual guide, teaching us how to find the treasure of life by conquering the mind to discover the soul within, but yet we wander around lost just like the beggar.

Guru Ji is very close but we choose to ignore them. The ruby and emerald like mind is sitting within us but we have no clue how to unlock this treasure!

We cannot comprehend the ability and power this human mind has. The sad thing is, we are not even aware of its capacity or potential yet it sits within us being ruled by maya (worldly delusion). This stops it from progressing spiritually!

It's time to "Discover the spirit within!"

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Gur poorai har naam dhirraaeiaa har nihachal har dhhan palai jeeo."

The Perfect Guru has implanted the Lord's Name within me. I have the Imperishable treasure of God’s name within my lap.





"Guroo kaa sikh ga(n)dhaavaakee naa hovai"

The Sikh of the Guru should never speak disgusting speech.

Rehatnama Bhai Chaupaa Singh Jee.

The Guru's Sikh only speaks softly, lovingly, sweetly, honestly, compassionately, truthfully and patiently.

The Guru's Sikh, should not speak negatively and ill about others. They should always speak positively at all times.

When one continues to be positive, this becomes their nature. They struggle to be negative, as if they become negative, it would bring unease and unbalance to their mind. The more positive we are, the more the world likes us and wants to be closer to us.

A positive aura and energy attracts everyone towards it. The world wants to be around positive people, as most of the world is suffering through some form of stress or depression.

This is not their fault. We are caught up in desire, always wanting more. We have lost our contentment. Wanting more makes us happy. We all want happiness so we continue desiring. We think this will make us happy. In reality, this is a short term fix and all materialistic happiness is temporary.

There is only one way one can continue to be happy at all times, and that is to conquer this wandering mind. Once we wrap up our thoughts through the mantra of Naam meditation, we become very tranquil, still, happy, content and high spirited. Nothing phases the mind, as we look at it as the will of God, and the will of God is always sweet.

The mind teaches us to become negative. The Guru and continuous Naam meditation teaches us always to remain loving and positive at all times.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Nanak fikai boliai than man fikaa hoe."

O Nanak, speaking insipid words, the body and mind become insipid. He is called the most insipid of the insipid; the most insipid of the insipid is his reputation. The insipid person is discarded in the Court of the Lord, and the insipid one's face is spat upon. The insipid one is called a fool; he is beaten with shoes in punishment.



Game of love ❀️- A GODLY STATE OF MIND!


A Gursikh was travelling by bus in Punjab. He was in his early fifties and had always been of a stocky build. The buses in India are always over filled and everyone is usually literally standing on top of one another. Just then, a thief put his hand in the Gursikhs (Guru's Sikhs) pocket. The Gursikh felt his hand and grabbed it immediately. The Gursikh just kept hold of his hand and didn't say a word. The thief was struggling but didn't say anything either, because if people find out you are thieving in Punjab, they beat you up without asking questions.

The Gursikh got off at the next stop and took the thief with him. The thief was getting very scared, thinking where is he going to take me. The Gursikh arrived at his friends house and the first thing he did was, ask for ten rupees from his friend. His friend gave him ten rupees and the Gursikh put the ten rupees in the same hand he had hold of. The thief was very confused and asked, what he was doing?

The Gursikh lovingly, humbly uttered, "I am a Sikh of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. When you put your hand in my pocket, I realised you were a thief and my wallet was empty. I didn't want you taking my wallet, seeing nothing inside it and mocking My Guru's Sikhs for being nangay, pukhay (naked beggars). Sikhs give to everyone. I thought you was lorrvandh (you needed money), hence I bought you here to give you some. You can go now my brother."

The thief fell at his feet and became a Sikh from that day on!

Giving is a beautiful virtue. It melts the hearts of many. If we give with a good, clean, loving heart, we will always be blessed by Guru Ji for it.

The most beautiful gift to give is your time to others. You are a Sikh, people need you and your positive energy. Give them your time. Most people appreciate it and will love you for it. It's all seva (selfless service)

Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "Mit(h)aa bolan niv chalan hathhahu dhaee n aap ganaaeiaa."

The Guru has preached people to speak mildly, to conduct themselves humbly and to not get noticed even after giving something to others.





"To practice forgiveness is the true fast, good conduct and contentment."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

It can be very hard to forgive, however if you do, then others will see the good in you and your own grief, over being hurt by someone else will not dig in to you. It is far better to forgive and move on rather than hold on to the past and make life difficult for yourself and others, as negative energy is always clearly felt. A sack of potatoes always rots and gets heavier over time. It always takes a bigger person to forgive and move on.

What is the point in fasting if we can't forgive? Guru sahib ji speaks to our Muslim brothers/sisters in the shabad above.

It is our ego that does not let us forgive. If we meditated, purified our filthy minds and attempted to see God in all, as all are a part and the soul of God, we would find it very easy to forgive, move on and always be surrounded by the positive energy of Guru's Naam and Baani.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Gurmukh bakhas jamaaeean manamukhee mool gavaaeiaa."

The Gurmukh grows the crop of forgiveness, while the self-willed manmukh loses the root of virtue, which is forgiveness.



Game of love πŸ’™- FLOWER


"If one obtains the subtle fragrance of that spiritual flower, he can not describe the indescribable; he could speak, but who would understand him."

Bhagat Kabir Ji 1398-1448

Spiritual experience is beyond description. Like the smell of a beautiful flower, spiritual experience cannot be fully described by the one who experiences it. Guru Sahib Ji has described it as a mute, who can not speak about the taste of sugar, such is the beautiful taste of meditation. One thing is for sure; spiritual and mystical experiences are life changers.Β 

Naam and baani can most definitely be tasted and one can be imbued in the colour of Vaheguroo's name. The world will see and feel the energy in a God loving person but the experiencer would fail to explain it's beauty. Most of this true love is a blessing by Guru ji and the taste of this ecstasy is so fruitful and powerful, that one would not know where to start once beginning to describe. Worldly words would not do any justice to the explanation of highly spirited beings through Naam meditation.



Game of love πŸ’›- COVERING THE HEAD



"Nagan hoe baahar firehi nagan sees jo khaae nagan prasaadh jo baa(n)ttee thanakhaaheebaddo kehaae."

Those who walk outside, eat or distribute food without their head covered will be punished severely.

Thankhaanama Bhai Nand Laal Jee.

What need is there for Sikhs to cover their head? Most faiths show respect to the supreme being God by covering their heads. If you look at the Muslims and Jews, they also cover their heads. Many have said, even Jesus Christ was adorned with unshorn hair and a blue turban.

Why has Bhai Sahib Ji made it so clear that the head should be covered at all times? There are many reasons, Guru Ji crowned all their sons and daughters with the dastaar (turban). This being their crown of royalty within a sovereign faith. Guru Ji said, 'My Khalsa (pure minded family) will stand out in a crowd of thousands.' The Sikh will never be able to hide. The Sikh will never commit any negative actions, which stain their Guru's turban, as their identity will be very unique and distinguished.

Sikhs remember God, with every breath they breathe. If Vaheguroo's (Gods) name does not leave the heart and soul of a Sikh, then their head should be covered in respect of Guru's shabad at all times. The more humility and respect we show towards Guru Ji, the more blessings we receive.

The spiritual opening in the head (tenth gate) and the protection of our energy, which radiates through our hair is also protected by our dastaar (turban). The kesh (hair) generates immense energy through Naam meditation, which preserves our aura through positivity. The Kesh are also covered to show hygiene, discipline and cleanliness in a Sikh’s life style.Β 

These Rehitnamay were set, as a form of discipline to preserve, develop and enhance us spiritually. It's important we follow them, in order to become closer to our Guru. The more discipline we keep, the closer our Guru comes towards us.

Please Remember! Every physical discipline the Gurus ordered us, was given to make us stronger in our spiritual practise.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Saas saas har gaavai naanak sathigur dtaak leeaa maeraa parradhaa jeeo."

With each and every breath, Nanak sings the Lord's Praises. The True Guru has covered my sins.



Game of love πŸ’š- ALCOHOL


"Jooaa khaelai madh peevai so narak mae(n) jaavai."

Those who gamble or drink alcohol will suffer in hell.

Rehitnama Bhai Daya Singh Ji.

We don't think it can be any clearer than the above. It is clear that alcohol is not good for any individual. Scientifically proven, there are many facts for why we should not drink alcohol. Here are a few given facts: Causes brain damage, fits, hallucinations, loss of memory, dementia, risk of chest infection, swollen liver, hepatitis, tingling nerves, numbness, trembling hands, loss of muscle, enlarged heart, high blood pressure, irregular pulse, ulcers, vomiting blood, pancreatitis, impotence in men, infertility in women and the list goes on.

Guru Sahib Ji had told us the affects of alcohol many hundreds of years ago. In this day and age, we tend to listen more to science, rather than a pure being who had/has knowledge of the whole universe.

Most physical illnesses arise from a weakness in the mind. Alcohol creates a major weakness in the mind of those that drink it. Any substance in which causes us to not think or act correctly, is not good for the mind.

Alcohol causes many problems between friends, families, relatives, colleagues etc. When we lose our mind through it, we begin to behave like animals. Many begin to argue, fight and swear after consuming it. The funny thing is, most regret all of their actions the morning after. Most people can't even remember what they had done whilst they were drunk.

A lot of people drink alcohol to relax themselves. This goes to show, how much we rely on such a horrible substance to drown our sorrows and problems. The only issue is, these problems never go away. They just get pushed to the back of the mind, whilst we are engrossed in the substance. This actually makes it worse, because we are not willing to meet our problems head on and we are bottling everything up within us. When we hide from our problems and use a substitute in drink to drown them, we become not so genuine people.

In life, we create our own problems through work/life, pressure, stress and then we look for temporary cures in drink. A pure and spiritual human being is the one who meets all their problems face on. They never strive for too much. They are always content and they constantly watch their mind through meditation to relax it and find peace.

We make life very difficult for ourselves. If we lived according to the Guru's command, we would never turn to such a nasty substance like alcohol to be our support and saviour in life. The Sikh of the Guru, purifies their mind through Naam meditation, becomes virtuous and lives in high spirits, as a content individual.

Guru Amardas Ji Says,  "Jith peethai math dhoor hoe baral pavai vich aae ||

Aapanaa paraaeiaa n pashhaanee khasamahu dhhakae khaae."

One person brings a full bottle, and another fills his cup.

Drinking the wine, his intelligence departs, and madness enters his mind;

he cannot distinguish between his own and others, and he is struck down by his Lord and Master.

Drinking it, he forgets his Lord and Master, and he is punished in the Court of the Lord.

Do not drink the false wine at all, if it is in your power.

O Nanak, the True Guru comes and meets the mortal; by His Grace, one obtains the True Wine.

He shall dwell forever in the Love of the Lord Master, and obtain a seat in the Mansion of His Presence.





"Through sincere efforts, the mind is made peaceful and calm".

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

Only sincere effort brings results. No clever tricks can bring calm and peace to the mind and strengthen the soul. Only through sincere worship can your spirituality flourish within.

Most of the time, we wait for Guru Sahib Ji to bless us and don't really want to put anything major in to receive the blessing. Guru Sahib Ji will always bless us for our efforts but we have to put the udham (effort) in for Guru Sahib Ji to reward his blessings. Nothing in this world is for free!

We can earn profit in this life through our past karma and deeds by being rewarded by the actions of our previous life forms. This is also a beautiful gift and blessing from Guru Sahib Ji!

Sikhi is very simple! We will receive back, everything we put in through our sincere effort. If we look at this effort as our own effort, it becomes our ego and the mind will never progress further spiritually. The effort we put in, is also a blessing by Guru Ji. We should always offer all our gratitude to Guru Ji and remain humble at all times.

Let's not wait for miracles to happen! Let's become the miracle by putting in the sincere effort and being rewarded with the jewel of spirituality through the blessings of Guru Ji.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Sunee baena(n)thee t(h)aakur maerai pooran hoee ghaalee jeeo."

My Lord and Master has heard my prayer; my efforts have been rewarded.

Effort will always release its rewards, only after you refuse to quit!





"Binaa ana(n)dh bivaah thae bhugathae par kee joe, sun sikhaa gur kehi thhaakae maeraa sikh n soe."

Without having Anand Karaj those who have sexual relationships. Listen O' Sikh, the Guru states, he is not my Sikh.

Rehatnama Mukhthnama!

Is there anything else we need to add to the above? It is perfectly clear! The Rehitnama can not be any clearer.

We are only in this roop (human form) to remember God (Vaheguroo) at all times with every single breath we breathe. We are in this roop to be liberated and see God in all. We are here only to meet our beloved Vaheguroo!

Many of us have gotten ourselves in the rut of forming worldly relationships, sexual desire and lusting over men/women. There is only one reason for this; We struggle to control our emotions, desires which link heavily to not being able to control this animal like mind. We struggle to handle the worldly pressures our friends and colleagues put on us. We struggle to say no and end up selling all our morals before them. We are somebody else at home and someone totally different outside the house. We cheat ourselves and become totally dishonest to our soul. Until we recognise our soul and are extremely truthful to it, we will never be happy.

If we understood the Sikhi way of life and what we are here to do, we would never make these silly mistakes. Most of us are very selfish in our approach to life. We only do what pleases us and that what we enjoy. This is all we get ras (enjoyment) from.

The beauty about Sikhi is; if we practise it right, by remembering God with our every breath, then there is no bigger fulfilment or joy to one’s inner and outer being. We have struggled to realise what Sikhi actually is and what it does for our mind and if practised properly, how it serves the universe through our actions and presence.

When we begin to realise all are our mothers, sisters and daughters and vice versa, until Guru Sahib Ji blesses us with the marriage of Anand (bliss), then this is half the mental battle won. This is when Guru Sahib Ji has blessed us with the higher intuition/wisdom and this is the time our animal like mind is contented and controlled by the Guru's teachings.

Sikhi is a beautiful path that the whole world will tread on very soon. Many are beginning to realise its uniqueness and how it has purified the minds of many.

In life, if we want to achieve something huge, many sacrifices have to be made. We have to think and act according to our Guru and fight all the small battles the mind throws our way. Once we begin to realise this mind is trying to beat us and we begin to defeat it with the weapons of Guru's Shabad (mantra), this is when the mind becomes our best friend and fills our entire being with Vaheguroo's love.

This love can not be matched by any individual! This love never diminishes! This love is limitless! It is an endless see of water. Whoever comes a Gurmukh’s way and in contact with a spiritual Sikh, experiences the love of God to become a beautiful, spiritual Sikh of the blessed pure Guru.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Eik kaaman hithakaaree maaeiaa mohi piaaree manamukh soe rehae abhaagae || naanak sehajae saevehi gur apanaa sae poorae vaddabhaagae."

Some are lovers of beautiful young women; emotional attachment to Maya is very dear to them. The unfortunate self-willed manmukhs remain asleep. O Nanak, those who intuitively serve their Guru, have perfect destiny.
