Game of love 💜- PLEASE SAVE ME!


There was a Muslim man, who use to travel from very far on a horse, in order to listen to Guru Gobind Singh Ji do Vichaar (teachings). He used to travel on horseback and ride for hours and hours to have Darshan (vision) of Guru sahib and receive Bachan (a command).

One time, as Sangat (congregation) were giving their offerings to Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji went to this Muslim man and said, 'You have given the most valuable offering.' The Muslim man was a little surprised and confused, because he had not given any offering. He said 'Maharaj Ji, I haven't given any offerings.'

Guru sahib said, 'Do you remember? You was riding on horseback to get here and you were asked where you were going. You replied and also encouraged other Sangat to come to the divaan too.

'Guru sahib said, 'That is the most valuable bheta (offering). You also sat and listened to the teachings without letting your mind waver. When you bring other Sangat with you to get lahaa (earn profit) and listen to Gurbani (Gurus teachings), with your focus on Naam, (name of God)  It is the greatest Seva (service). More valuable than money, food, ramalay etc.'

Let us try to encourage those around us to go to the Gurudwara and attend Naam, Baani and Kirtan programmes so their jeevans (lives) are blessed and Maybe Guru Sahib Ji will bless us in the same way they did the Muslim man. There is no greater blessing than doing so. In the same way, there is no greater paap (sin) than breaking someone from the Gurdwara (Guru's House). This can be done by finding ways to literally stop someone or upsetting/hurting someone, whilst they're actually present at the Gurdwara!!

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "If only someone would come, and lead me to meet my Darling Beloved; I would sell myself to them."

Pure Humility and Love from our fourth Master!! 🙏 This is the kind of love we need to merge with Vaheguroo!!





The beauty is, Guru Sahib Ji revealed the below 550 years ago but we won't listen to Guru Ji. For some reason, it makes more sense when it comes from others!

It turns out meditating is good for more than just quiet time: It can actually help us fight the cripplingly high stress levels we experience during our busy lives, in the office or elsewhere.

November 7, 2014: Scientists from Harvard University and the University of Sienna, recently found that meditation is so powerful it can change the physiology of a person's brain, resulting in positive changes like a decrease in anxiety and depression.

The science: Scientists put 24 participants with no history of meditation through an eight-week course on best practices for, "mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR)," fancy science talk for meditation. The course consisted of 2.5 hour sessions each week, where participants learned "body scanning, sitting meditation, walking meditation and mindful stretching movements." The scientists also requested each participant perform at least 45 minutes of meditation each day. MRI's were performed before and after the meditation boot camp and each participant answered a series of psychological evaluations to determine their stress and anxiety levels, before and after the MBSR course as well.

The team compared these results to a control group, who went through no meditation training at all during the eight weeks.

The comparison demonstrated "an increase of cortical thickness in the right insular lobe and somatosensory cortex" of the meditation group. In layman's terms, meditation made parts of the brain corresponding to emotion and perception thicker. This ultimately resulted in "a significant after-training reduction of several psychological indices related to worry, state anxiety, depression and alexithymia."

So ultimately, meditation made people more emotionally attuned and less depressed — a pretty good argument to spend time solemnly reflecting each day.

The takeaway: We live in a society where depression, anxiety, and stress are increasingly part of our lives. Stress levels among Americans have risen by up to 30%, and it's not much better in Europe or Asia, where anxiety and depression is growing at alarming rates. Instead of solving the root causes of these problems, Westerners are resorting to antidepressants at a higher rate than ever before. One in 10 are now taking a prescription antidepressant.

Meditation, while not a panacea, can help us deal with such a society by decreasing our stress levels and increasing our abilities to emotionally relate to ourselves and others. And with further research, it could provide an alternative to being constantly doped to the gills in order to be happy (or just less sad).

Guru Ji gave us the answer to the above many years ago. If we want to live a depressed/stressed free life, we have to take to the True Guru. There's no other cure. 🙏

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "The True Guru has inspired me to hear the Treasure of meditation on Gods Naam (name); all my mental & physical illnesses have been dispelled."



Game of love 💛- DOES GOD EXIST?


A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.

As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation.

They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realise that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God existed, would there be so many sick people?
Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things."

The customer thought for a moment but didn't respond, because he didn't want to start an argument.

The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed, very messy, ungroomed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.

The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again. He said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here and I am a barber, I just worked on you!"

"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist, because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist!" answered
the barber." What happens is, people do not come to me."

"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God too, DOES exist! What happens is, PEOPLE DON'T GO TO HIM AND DO NOT LOOK FOR HIM OR LOVE & REMEMBER HIM...
That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

We spend most our life accumulating wealth and forgetting to love God through the remembrance of Naam meditation, yet we always want God to be there in the time of need!

God is power, force, energy, love, spirit, mind, body, nature, sound, air, fire, water and earth. Tell us where Vaheguroo (God) doesn't exist!

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Forgetting God, you suffer awful pain beyond measure. You are consumed by the Great Enticer, Maya (materialism/delusion)."



Game of love 💚- ONE DAY I DECIDED TO QUIT!


My relationship, my spirituality… I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with Vaheguroo (God)


“Vaheguroo” I asked, “Can you give me one good reason not to quit?” His answer surprised me… “Look around,” He said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

“Yes,” I replied. “When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant, green covered the floor yet nothing came from the bamboo seed but I did not quit on the bamboo.

In the second year, the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful and again, nothing came from the bamboo seed but I did not quit on the bamboo, he said,

“In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit,” he said.

“Then in the fifth year, a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern, it was seemingly small and insignificant…But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge they could not handle.”

He asked me, “Did you know my child that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don’t compare yourself to others,” he said.

”The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come,” Vaheguroo said to me. “You will rise high.”

“How high should I rise?” I asked.

“How high will the bamboo rise?” He asked in return.

“As high as it can?” I questioned.

”Yes,” he said, “Give Me glory by rising as high as you can," said Vaheguroo!

Don't Ever Give Up! Guru Sahib ji will always look after you. We think he's not there but he's always watching us grow. We grow according to our past karma, some grow faster than others. We are his loving children. Don't compare yourself to others, we are on our journey and they are on theirs. We all have a personal relationship with Guru Ji. Make it a strong one by following his teachings. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "At the very last moment, God becomes the mortal's Help and Support; here and hereafter, Vaheguroo is my Savior."



Game of love ❤️- TRULY FORGIVING


One day, a Gursikh brother gave a singhni an empty sack and a basket of potatoes.

"Think of all the people who have done or said something against you in the recent past, especially those you cannot forgive. For each of them, inscribe the name on a potato and put it in the sack."

The singhni came up with quite a few names and soon her sack was heavy with potatoes.

"Carry the sack with you wherever you go for a week," said the Gursikh. "We'll talk after that."

At first, the singhni thought nothing of it. Carrying the sack was not particularly difficult but after a while, it became more of a burden. It sometimes got in the way and it seemed to require more effort to carry as time went on, even though its weight remained the same.

After a few days, the sack began to smell. The carved potatoes gave off a ripe odour.

Not only were they increasingly inconvenient to carry around, they were also becoming rather unpleasant.

Finally, the week was over.

The Gursikh questioned the Singhni, "Any thoughts about all this?"

"Yes," the Singhni replied. "When we are unable to forgive others, we carry negative feelings with us everywhere, much like these potatoes. That negativity becomes a burden to us and after a while, it festers."

"Yes, that is exactly what happens when one holds a grudge. So, how can we lighten the load?"

"We must strive to forgive. Forgiving someone is the equivalent of removing the corresponding potato from the sack."

"How many of your transgressors are you able to forgive?"

"I've thought about it quite a bit ji," the Singhni said. "It required much effort, but I have decided to forgive all of them."

"Very well, we can remove all the potatoes. Were there any more people who transgressed against you this last week?"

The Singhni thought for a while and admitted there were. Then she felt panic, when she realised her empty sack was about to get filled up again.

"Veer ji (brother)," she asked, "if we continue like this, wouldn't there always be potatoes in the sack week after week?"

"Yes, as long as people speak or act against you in some way, you will always have potatoes."

"But Veer ji, we can never control what others do." So what good is divine wisdom (bibek budh) in this case?"

"We're not at the realm of Divine wisdom (Gyaan) yet.

"Everything we have talked about so far is the conventional approach to forgiveness. It is the same thing that many philosophies and most religions preach. We must constantly strive to forgive for it is an important virtue. This is not the divine wisdom Sikhi teaches us because there is no striving in Sikhi."

"Then what is divine wisdom (bibek budh/Gyaan) in Sikhi, Veer ji?"

"You can figure it out. If the potatoes are negative feelings, then what is the sack?"

"The sack is... that which allows me to hold on to the negativity. It is something within us that makes us dwell on feeling offended.... Ah, it is my inflated sense of self-importance (ego/mind)."

"And what will happen if you let go of it?"

"Then... the things that people do or say against me no longer seem like such a major issue."

"In that case, you won't have any names to inscribe on potatoes. That means no more weight to carry around, and no more bad smells. The Gyaan/bibek budh of forgiveness is the conscious decision to not just remove some potatoes... but to relinquish the entire sack."

The sack, which is the polluted egotistical mind, will only be purified through 24/7 meditation on Gods name.

This is the Sikh's purpose in life.. Relinquish the sack/mind to conquer the universe.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "He forgives those with whom He is pleased; they silence their egotism and pride through Gods name"



Game of love 💜- AGE OF DARKNESS!


Bhai Mardhana saw a man, who was wrapped up in a shawl with holes in it. He asked him, who he was. He said, "I am Kaljug (the age of darkness), I make people lust with these eyes and eat/talk filth with this toungue. I control all their senses."

Bhai Mardhana said, "You can only do that to the weak, who have no control over their minds, as they have no Naam meditation to control their senses and thoughts."

Bhai Mardhana then noticed lots of holes in his shawl and asked, "Why have you got so many holes in your shawl?"

Kaljug replied, "Just like you said, I tried to control the minds of those that meditated on Naam but they pierced through me as though I never existed. This is the reason I have these holes in my shawl."


The mind is very weak, it is controlled by the mind's desires (maya/kaljug). Kaljug is the state of our mind, we need to revert it back to Satjug (the age of truth and true love for Vaheguroo). The only substance which can control and conquer this filthy mind is the Name of God. Repetition of the Name, replaces all thoughts and purifies our senses. One's mind becomes balanced and controlled by the True Guru's teachings of Naam Meditation. Then, the eyes only begin to see God in all. The ears only yearn to hear positive and listen to Vaheguroo's praises, and the tongue only loves to speak positive Praise of God and their Creation. All negativity disappears from within.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "The True Guru is imbued with the Naam, the Name of God; He is the boat in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga."





Bhai Mardhana went to a village, where he met Saarsarai the jeweller and his servant Adharka. Saarsarai showed him a beautiful jewel. Mardhana asked, "What is the price of this?"

Saarsarai said, "Beyond your reach, it's priceless."

Mardhana said, "let me take you to meet my Guru, Guru Nanak, he'll show you a priceless jewel."

All three of them went to meet Guru Ji. Guru Nanak caught Adharkas (the servants) eye, Adharka fell to Guru Nanak’s feet. Guru ji put his hand on his head and Adharka started japping Naam (meditating on Gods name) with every breath, great love and found true peace in an instance. Guru Ji blessed him.

Saarsarai said, "Please bless me with this Naam also Guru Ji."

Guru Ji replied, "This is the true priceless jewel, you need to be loving and humble to receive it. It won't settle in your heart, you need to put your ego aside. Put your head in your servant's feet."

Saarsarai responded, "How can I do that? He's served me all his life by washing my clothes and dishes. I've fed him throughout his life."

"That is why the name won't settle in your heart," uttered Guru ji. "You have too much ego!"

Naam is beautiful, many of us meditate on it but it only settles in the heart of a few. Those that consider themselves to be lowly and the dust of all, receive the true benefits of naam. The naam pierces through their hearts, never leaves them and purifies their mind and actions throughout this life. One is liberated whilst alive and finds true peace within (jeevan mukht).

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The humble servants of my Lord and Master are unattached and liberated. They are like ducks, whose feathers do not get wet."





Game of love 💛- CHARDEEKALLAH (rising spirits)

CHARDEEKALLAH (rising spirits)

Guru's Sikhs should always be in chardeekallah (high spirits)! Our spirits should always be rising. We should never be on a low. The Nitnem (daily prayers) we do and the daily routine of our Naam Abhiyaas, (practise) should keep our spirits rising. Through it our character should build as a pure, loving human being of every virtue God has.

We spend too much time judging and praising others jivans (spiritual lives) and forget about doing the ghaalnaa (hard graft) and kamaaee (earning the profit) we were supposed to do. Our jivan should be that of true Naam Ras (unbearable taste of naam meditation) at all times (24/7), Which should show on our chehraa (face). This is not always red and radiant. It differs for individuals. In some, it shows a Raunak (freshness). Some it shows a shine and on some it shows their glassy, glistening eyes. Some go quiet, some become more active and energetic. Our jivan becomes that of just to love, support and help others. One doesn't bother about getting hurt, as the only thing that gets hurt is our ego. This is when we know Guru sahib is blessing us with Naam Ras.

When every Gursikh in the Panth (Those on Gurus Path) realises the above, Guru Sahib will bless us with Khalsa Raj (the pure minded, spiritual beings to rule). When each of us conquer our mind, the universe will become ours also.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says, "When my Khalsa remain pure, then I will give them my all (the universe). When they follow their own mind, I will not be there to protect & support them."



Game of love 💚- MEAT/FLESH


I was driving to work today and something I saw made me write this poem!!


Crammed into lorries they cry out in separation,

Cooped up in small spaces with little ventilation.

From their caring mother they have had to let go,

I wonder if they know...

Arriving at unfamiliar places,

Loaded off with panicked faces.

Huge psychological torture they undergo,

I wonder if they know....

Inside the slaughterhouse they are made to wait,

For showing distress the beating is great.

They are hit with sticks and their pain really shows,

I wonder if they know...

They watch their family being murdered for their meat,

With chains they are hung upside down from their feet.

As others watch on, hearing screams and moans,

I wonder if they know....

The time comes for them to meet their fate,

What crime have they done with a punishment so great.

The knife is inserted and the blood flows,

I wonder if they know....

An everyday story of an animals life,

To satisfy the human they must face the knife.

Just like the Jews were herded onto trains,

their fate unknown and no one to explain.

Animals face the same torture everyday,

for this pain and suffering we must surely pay.

Think before you eat! How would you feel,

If you had to experience such an ordeal.

Your body is not a graveyard,

It's the temple of God,

With care and compassion where love is stored.

Do we not feel the suffering and pain of these animals? We eat meat to satisfy our own taste buds yet forget about all the torture we are held accountable for. When we eat flesh, we are accountable for all the karma the animal has brought with it into this life. We eat all the rubbish the animal has also digested. How would we feel if our loved ones were killed and eaten? Have we forgotten we are Sikhs (the army of God) and we are supposed to see God in all? Have we forgotten that a human being should be compassionate to all beings?

To eat flesh is a NO NO! No Sikh should tell you otherwise!

Bhagat Kabir Ji Says, "You say that the One Lord is in all, so why do you kill chickens?

O Mullah, tell me: is this God's Justice?

The doubts of your mind have not been dispelled. You have not understood spiritual wisdom and compassion."



Game of love ❤️- THE TRUE STATE OF LOVE 3


What does the love of God do to our being?

Our body is filled with totally pure, loving, positive energy. This energy creates an aura, which other spirits naturally become attracted to. Our eyes start to shine and are imbued with love. This is also an attraction for other humans, seeing true love and genuinity in the eyes of others. One way of relating to this, is through a worldly situation. Man thinks he falls in love with a Women, his eyes show affection towards the opposite gender. A Gursikh’s eyes are always imbued in Vaheguroo's love (naam ras) Athai Pehar (24/7). One perfect example that springs to mind is late Bhai Rama Singh Jee, from Southall, UK. Gursikhs are also blessed with lalee (radiant faces) or a glow, this is also an attraction for other humans. When the mind reaches a state of total Naam Ras, (pure love through Naam 24/7) then whatever one touches, sees or feels is also blessed through Naam. Anything this Gurmukh desires will come true.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Man Chindiarra  Phal Paaeaa Mere Govinda, Gur pooraa vekh vigas jeeo. I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O my Lord of the Universe; I am transfixed with ecstasy, gazing upon the Perfect Guru."

Naam Ras also creates a genuine smile on the Gurmukh, who is imbued in the sublime essence of Naam. The way he/she walks, talks and conducts themselves is totally different from normal human beings. "Bhagtaa Kee Chaal Niraalee (The way of the Saints is most distinct)," Anand Sahib sermon). In this stage, one’s way of thinking and physically doing becomes very slow, aware and focussed. One is in total control of their mind, pure love pores out of their being, as God is love. This Gurmukh reaches a beautiful stage of Sehaj (intuitive peace, poise, Nirvaana). Everything he/she does in this worldly life is blessed. Life becomes very easy, relaxed and stress free. The spirit is free and the mind is purified. Most spiritual people call this the golden age, as this is where all our karma is paid back effortlessly and it becomes the last human life one experiences before their soul is liberated.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, Meditating on the Naam, the mind becomes pure, the Door of Liberation is found.



Game of love 💜- THE TRUE STATE OF LOVE 2


People in general, always talk about love but most people who talk about love, have no clue how powerful this word really is. It should not be used as loosely as it does. The love we know about in general, is more attachment in reality. To know about love, we have to experience it first. This only comes from contemplating and meditating on Naam, bringing our self closer to our soul and recognising our mind.

When we meditate on Gods name continuously, Naam becomes a natural contemplation. Most say it's very difficult; It's only difficult because in reality, we are not willing to put the time and effort in to practicing it. Nothing is achieved without time and effort. It is nothing to worry about, just keep on meditating Athai Pehar (24/7).

The word love means, to love something more than ourselves i.e, sidelining our ego by the love of God’s name. Singh Sahib Yogee Harbhajan Singh says, “love is the experience of sacrifice in one’s self”.

Bhai Sahib Bhai Kanaeiya Jee was an embodiment and shining example of love. This is one Saakhee (story) that probably all of us know. When the Mughals were in battle with Gursikhs, Bhai Sahib Jee went around with a sack of water and quenched the thirst of most, if not all injured soldiers on the battle field, regardless of whether they were Muslims or Sikhs. The Sikhs complained to Guru Jee, that Bhai Sahib was helping the Muslims in battle. Guru Jee in turn questioned Bhai Sahib. Bhai Sahib said, "I only gave water to where I saw your roop (face)." Guru Jee is Ghat Ghat Ke Antar Kee Jaanat (the knower of all hearts), he embraced Bhai Sahib with a hug and said "This is my true Sikh." The Muslims were humbled by this amazing human being and did not have it in them to attack the embodiment of love. Bhai Sahib must have reached the amazing state of oneness with God. Only Vaheguroo knows.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "One whose mind loves the Lord, Har Har, obtains supreme peace. He reaps the profit of the Lord's Name, the state of Nirvaanaa."



Game of love 💙- THE TRUE STATE OF LOVE!


Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says, "Jin Prem Keeo Tinn Hee Prabh Paaeo,." The one who loves the Lord, i.e loves the Lords creation, will no doubt become one with Vaheguroo (God).

A physical and spiritual state of love is the most beautiful state of mind one can attain.

How do we reach this state of mind?
Only through Simran (meditation). When we contemplate the name of God Athai Pehar (24/7 hours) Saas Saas (with every breath) in the mind, the mind body and soul are transformed in to this state of love.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Har Jupeeai Aaraadheeai Aath Pehur Govindh"
Chant the Lord's Name and contemplate the Lord of the World, twenty-four hours a day.

This state of mind is not easily attained, it could take many many life times and a lot of Abhiyaas (practise). To love God's name, we listen to the lord's name in our minds (inner ears) with contemplation, eg Vaa he Gu roo, (great is the Guru), this is what the Shabad Vaheguroo means. Once we can train our mind in to listening and contemplating at the same time, we will be blessed with Prem Ras (taste of true love), Naam Ras (taste of the True Name), Amrit Ras (travels from our navel-1st chakra to our 6 chakra- tenth gate, after accepting baptism and devoting our life to meditation). Once we have tasted these Ras's, then other worldly tastes seem very very bitter.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Gurumukh Mun Sumujhaaeeai Aathum Raam Beechaar.
The Gurmukhs train their minds to contemplate the Lord, the Supreme Soul.

Har Rus Bin Sabh Suaadh Fikureeaa.
But without the sublime essence of the Lord, all tastes are tasteless."





A Sikh philosophy professor stood before his class, with some items on the table, in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up the remaining open areas of the jar.

He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognise that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – Your Guru (spiritual guide), Sangat (spiritual company),  Rehit (Discipline), Amrit (baptism), Naam (Meditation on Gods name) – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your family, your partner, your children, your health. The sand is everything else, the small stuff.”

“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical for your spiritual progression, love, peace, joy and happiness. The rocks will assist you through this life and the hereafter.

Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

Don't waste your life!

Guru Teghbahadur  says, "You have obtained the priceless jewel of this human life; why are you uselessly wasting it?"



Game of love 💜- THE STREAM!


"The stream of immaculate purity flows through the home of the self within; one who drinks from it, finds peace."

Guru Ramdas Ji 1534-1581

There is a light of positive power which surges through us all. If you can find the pure you, then bathe in that purity to feel rejuvenated.

In the above shabad, Guru Ji is talking about the power of Amrit Naam (ambrosial name). Guru Ji has called the name immaculate and pure. He says, it flows in the vessels of those who love him and remember him. The ones who taste and drink this spiritual nectar, find an everlasting peace and contentment.

Guru ji also says, this body is the field of karma. The wise Spiritual Sikhs plow and work it, then harvest the essence. They purify all their actions and senses through the stream of Amrit Naam Simran (meditation). This is when it pours in to all the vessels of love within the being.

Guru Ji then goes on to say, those who follow their mind and not a spiritual guide, their minds are engrossed in the attachment of materialistic pleasure (maya). Their minds become very thirsty for more and burn with desire. When we have desire, we have no love. It's just a yearning of WANT! One can never fall in love with God, if they have the burning desire of materialistic pleasure within them. Peace, love and contentment are far away from such individuals. The only desire we should have is, the desire of meeting God and liberating our soul. 

Guru Ramdas Ji then says, "The stubborn-minded, egotistical, proud-minded person performs rituals, but these are like sand castles built by children.
When the waves of the ocean come in, they crumble and dissolve in an instant."

let's not build temporary sand castles of ego and attachment, let's pump our vessels with the love of Gods name. This will be the only substance which remains within us, when we leave our clay filled body. 



Game of love 💙- KARMA


This Story Will Change Your Outlook On Life!!!

Once a man said to Vaheguroo (God), "Your spirit lies in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Sikhs holy scriptures). You watch so many people come and go to your Darbaar (court), and you don't say anything to anyone. It's a hard job you've got, just sitting there all day. Let's swap jobs for one day, you relax as ME and place me on the side of your Darbaar so no one can see me."
Vaheguroo said, "My job is very difficult, it is beyond your understanding. You won't be able to do it." The man insisted! Vaheguroo accepted and said, "You can't say anything to anyone, when they come to the Darbaar."

Now the man is sat there, a business man walks in asking for his business to flourish. As he did Matha Tek (prostrate), his wallet fell out. The man saw this and was just about to tell him but remembered, Vaheguroo said, you can't say anything, just let people pray and go, so he left it.

Next, a very poor man walks in, does Matha Tek and says, "Vaheguroo ji, my family is starving, they have no food. We are suffering so much, please help us." He turns to his right and sees a wallet there with lots of money in, he picks it up and thanks Vaheguroo Ji. The man experiencing this wants to grab the poor man and say, "No it's not yours" but remembers the words of  Vaheguroo and stays quiet.

Next, a sailor walks in, does Matha Tek, asks Guru Ji for his blessings, he's going on a 15 day ship tour. Just then the business man walks in with the police and says, "This is the man who's stolen my wallet." Now the man watching has had enough and thinks even God would intervene here so he does. He says, "Your wallet was taken by a poor man" and explains the complete story. The police let the sailor go and thanked the man for speaking up and arrested the poor man later that day. The man went and stood back in the corner waiting for Vaheguroo ji to come back. 

Vaheguroo ji comes back after one day and says, "How was your day?"
The man says, "My day was so good, I did something you will be proud of." He tells his daily affair to Vaheguroo ji. Vaheguroo ji says "You've not done anything good, you have messed everything up. I told you to stay quiet." The man looks in shock and says, "Why?"
Vaheguroo says, "All the business mans money was dirty money and not earnt by an honest living. The poor person’s earnings all went to help others hence his family suffering. If a little of that money went to the poor man, his family would have had food and the business mans bad karma would have reduced. The sailor was going to be involved in a very bad ship accident hence if he got arrested, he would have survived it." The man on hearing all this got very upset.


God does everything for the best and loves everyone equally. We will never understand how God works. We can never comprehend the play of Guru Sahib Ji! We have many problems in our lives which God will resolve for us but we don't have the faith and belief in him. If you ever have any problems in life, which you can't face, please remember the story above, it will strengthen your faith.

Guru Nanak says, karmee aapo apnee, ke narray, ke dhoor. "According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven further away."



Game of love 💛- PLEASURE & PAIN


Once, a man visited a holy person, seeking his blessings and advice to carry him through his life. Sliding two pieces of paper in to two envelopes, he wrote "Dukh" (pain) on one and on the other he wrote "Sukh" (pleasure). He then turned and gave the envelopes to the visiting man and said, "Dear son, when you've reached a point in your life and you feel life can get any worse, I want you to open the envelope labelled "Dukh" (pain). When you've reached a point in your life and you think it can't get any better, I want you to open the envelope labelled "Sukh" (pleasure). With gratitude, the man took these and stored them safely.

Later on in life, the man lost his friends, his business had failed him and he suffered many personal tragedies. He was sad, depressed and felt he had reached a low point in life. Recalling the holy man, he Reached for the envelope labelled "Dukh" and pulled out a paper that read, "This, too, shall pass." The message brought him hope and belief that things can change and that nothing was permanent.

Over time, as his life improved, he found himself with new friends, his business thriving and he was surrounded with beauty and joy. He felt life couldn't get any better. He recalled the holy persons words and decided to open the envelope labelled "Sukh." He opened the envelope. A gentle smile and peace fell over him, as he read the paper that said, "This too shall pass."


Nothing in life is permanent yet we attach ourselves to everything materialistic (maya). Pleasure and pain is the same to the spiritual beings. This is how they find tranquility and peace. We need to accept the will of God. This will come through developing a balanced mind through Naam simran  (meditation).

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "I look upon pleasure and pain alike; I shall not forsake the Naam, the Name of God. God Himself forgives me, and blends me with Himself."



Game of love 💚- OPENING THE HEART


As we take a journey towards meditation and opening of the heart, let us experience the heart blossom like a lotus flower. let us connect with the Infinite fountain of love within. We can only truly love others when we are attuned to that Self love, all from the Source within.

'The fact is, if a person has not experienced the love of his/her own soul, there is no chance that person can go out and love, even though it is a faculty of love that you most powerfully need.'
Yogi Bhajan

When one realises the wealth of love within, it becomes natural for them to love others in the same way. They see the soul of others, just as they see their own soul. Everything around them becomes spiritual and they tend not to look at anything through their worldly eyes. These eyes have now been transformed to the eyes of God and they only see the love of Vaheguroo within all.

The opening of the heart and mind only comes through the balance of Naam meditation. Otherwise, ones mind remains closed and is never ready to develop further and absorb the divine wisdom from within. The ocean of divine knowledge is within, yet we have cut all links to it through our ego and ignorance.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The Guru, the Perfect True Guru, is my Mother and Father. Obtaining the Water of the Guru, the lotus of my heart blossoms forth."






Sikh man feeds Muslim man

This beautiful image was captured on Saturday 8th October 2016, as the Sikhs of Bradford took to the streets of the city centre to serve langar (free vegetarian food). Langar week takes place in many cities around the Uk, if not the world. Free food is shared with everyone and anyone.

The Muslim brother in the image has no arms and wanted some langar. The man in the background, sitting down, is his carer. The Sikh man relished the seva (selfless service) and began to feed him, without a second thought.

There is a lot of negativity and conflict in the world but not so much love. This picture shows there are blessed souls out there, that just get on with it, pleasing their Guru, spreading love and making themselves better human beings. Very inspiring. Give love and you'll get it back!

The message of langar week is very simple. Langar was started by Guru Nanak Dev Ji around 550 years ago. Guru ji started langar so the rich, poor, various castes, colours and creeds could sit together on one platform and share (eat) their food together. Guru Ji started langar to show and recognise universal love and compassion. Guru ji also stated, no one in the world should ever starve, as one can always be guaranteed a hot vegetarian meal, when they visit a Gurdwara anywhere in the world. (Sikh Gurdwaras are based all over the world)

Foster love, kindness and compassion through sharing. This is the true key of opening the heart. Please share this message of universal love, compassion and kindness to all your social media groups. Thank you!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Vich dhuneeaa saev kamaaeeai||

In the midst of this world, do seva (selfless service),

Thaa dharageh baisan paaeeai ll"

and you shall be given a place of honor in the Court of the Lord.





Bhai Veer SIngh’s Ji delved deeper and deeper into the spiritual teachings of our Guru. Below, listed are a compilation of points espoused by Bhai Sahib on the very heartbeat of Sikhi – Naam Simran.

1. Vaheguroo is the Gurmantar, by doing it’s Simran (rememberance), EVERYTHING is possible and can be achieved.

2. Simran is not an empty practice. It is the Game of Love. Naam must be recited by ones self as if they, who until eating food, cannot be satisfied. Simran is to be recited by ones tongue, which gradually reaches one’s heart. A Naam ‘Abhiyasi’ (practitioner) must have great patience and humility.

3. With Simran, the mind first eliminates its dirt and the one who practices Simran shows self-control from bad deeds.

4. By churning on “Vaheguroo, Vaheguroo” one’s mind is affected from every angle. The mind becomes more soft and gentle. It can distinguish between right and wrong and can avoid vices and evil.

5. In the initial stages, Simran eliminates the mind’s dirt. So, at first it is difficult to concentrate. Once the dirt and filth are removed it becomes much easier to concentrate. Once the mind becomes pure one begins to enjoy the sweetness of Simran and does not want to stop doing it.

6. Do not worry if your mind doesn’t focus. You must continue focusing on repeating Naam through the day. Whilst enjoying Naam if the mind focuses even a little bit, that is not a small thing. The mind achieves complete control only through Vaheguroo’s blessing.

7. Whether your mind is able to concentrate or not, continue to meditate on Naam. Those who remained firm will one day achieve complete concentration. Those who continue in this journey, however slowly, will reach their destination.

8. Getting to taste the sweetness of Naam is in Guru Ji’s hands. A Sikh’s duty is to devote and worship. He does not hold the right for it to bear fruit. Guru Ji occasionally will deliver a glimpse of the wondrous lord so that their Sikh does not falter.

9. Naam eliminates sin and pain. Simran even cures the body and takes us closer to God. It allows us to see within ourselves.

10. Those who take Naam should remain humble. Naam is a blessing and gift from Vaheguroo. If we repeat Naam with this in mind it will keep us humble. The Naami One has power in his Ardas. When Vaheguroo’s blessings begin to shower on this Sikh, they should beware. People may try to use and exploit them. This can also affect their connection with Naam.

11. As one continues in meditation on Naam one attains great physical powers. One must avoid exhibiting these powers as they create great ego. As ego enters the mind, connection with Naam breaks.

12. One who has physical powers is not great. Greater is the one who lives continually in the joy of Naam and for whom Naam has become the foundation of life.

13. After saying “Vaheguroo” once, if one feels like saying “Vaheguroo” again, then consider that Simran is working on the mind and the filth is being removed.

14. After saying “Vaheguroo” once, if one feels like saying “Vaheguroo” again, then thank Vaheguroo four times, that he has blessed you with Naam and that you have so much love for Naam.

15. Meditation on Naam is a great gift and is attained with the blessings of Vaheguroo. When you say “Vaheguroo” then also thank Vaheguroo again, who blessed you with this gift.

16. When your consciousness reaches its complete blissful state one should not feel proud but understand it as Vaheguroo’s compassion. Some people become arrogant in this state and this disrupts their spiritual journey. Arrogance and pride must always be avoided.

17. With the practice of Simran you are gaining on your spiritual journey. These are some signs of progress:
After saying “Vaheguroo” once, you feel like saying “Vaheguroo” again
Your faith in Naam increases day by day.
Influence of your vices will decrease.
You feel peace and quiet in seclusion.

18. Always remember Naam is the only thing you will take with you in the end. So, do meditate on Naam until your last breath.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "bin naam preet piaar naahee vaseh saach suheleeaa || sach man sajan sa(n)tokh melaa guramatee sahu jaaniaa"
Without Naam, the Name of the Lord, there is no love and affection; but with her True Lord, she abides in peace. Through mental truth and contentment, union with the True Friend is attained; through the Guru's Teachings, the Husband Lord is known.





Would like to share a very interesting post I read earlier!

Please know that these powers can only be earned with constant meditation and Simran on the one and only Vaheguroo’s (God’s) Name!

These are supernatural powers, and include Ridhi, Sidhi, Nau-Nidhi, Budhi, and Mukti -
It is attainment, success, progress, and affluence. Literally, Ridhi also means cooked-food. The practitioner of the Naam becomes widely known (influential), and the people start bringing him or her all sorts of foods, eatables, gifts, and other commodities - one of his attainments.

Occult, i.e. supernatural powers. One can be present at more than one places at one and the same time, can make prophesies, become invisible, get power to fly, can make things happen, bless (and curse) others, produce things from nowhere, bring back life to the dead, and solve problems of the others. His or her Hamzad (astral-self) can separate from the gross body and visit places etc. Such powers come naturally as well. Power to change his body with another on verge of the other’s death, can develop. Some may get the power to die at will, and even of automatic self-immolation of his or her dead body. The practitioner does not usually long or work for them. He is not supposed to display his or her prowess. Moreover, these are considered to be of no great merit, are interference in the Lord’s plans, and are a hindrance in the God realisation. These do not lead to emancipation - Ridh-e sidh-e sabhu mohu haae Naamu naa vassaae Manne aa-ae Supernatural powers are attachments, These do not permit the Naam to get set in the mind. 5-593-18
Sidhis are 18. (Shabdarath, S,G,P.C., 1986, Page 10).

Minor Sidhis
These are ten:
Door-Darshan - to see all, clairvoyance.
Door-Sarvan - to hear all, clairaudience.
Par-Kaya Parvesh - ability to enter other’s body. To rejuvenate, he may discard his own old body and enter that of a (dying) young person.
Annuram - freedom from hunger and thirst.
Kaamroop - adopt desired form, ability to change the form to that of another person.
Savichhatt-Mirtu - to die at will, to die the way one wants to.
Sankalap Sidhi - to get desires fulfilled, to have all that one wants.
Apprittehatt-Gatee - ability to go anywhere without any hindrance or obstruction.
Mano-Veg - to go anywhere at the speed of thought.
Sur-Kareer.a - to have enjoyment along with gods, to join them in enjoyments (merry making).

Major Sidhis
These are eight:
Anima - ability to become very small, minute.
Mahema - to become big, gain colossal size.
Garima - to become heavy, gain an excessive weight.
Laghima - to become light, subtle.
Praptee - to get success, achieve goals, and get fulfilled.
Prakamya - to read the minds of other people.
Eeshihta (Isatva) - lordliness, and power to persuade others.
Vashihta (Vasitva) - to control other’s mind. Self control - control over all senses.
Nidhis are nine types of treasures - (Page 506, Gur Shabad Ratnakar, Kahn Singh, Bhasha Vibhag, 1960. Shabdarath, S,G,P.C., 1986, Page 10).
Padam-Nidhi - attainment of sons, grand sons, gold, silver, i.e. the precious metals.
Mahan-Padam - one gets diamonds, rubies and other gems and jewels (precious stones).
Kharab - riches of all kinds.
Kund - trading in gold.
Nil - trading in precious stones, jewels, and gems.
Sankh - delicious eatables (Procuring from nowhere).
Kachhap - clothes and food-grains in abundance, no shortage.
Mukund - mastery in arts, music, and poetry.
Makar - gives the art of using weapons and sovereignty on others.
Nidhis give property, products of land and sea, servants, health, wisdom, animals and conveyance etc. An adept gets accepted, respected, and honored by everyone. The people start giving him each and every thing Imaginable.

To Be Continued....
