Game of love πŸ’›- LOWERED EYES!


Neechae loein kar reho lae saajan ghatt maahi.
Kabeer, I keep my eyes lowered, and enshrine my Friend within my heart.

sabh ras khaelo peea so kisee lakhaavo naahi
I enjoy all pleasures with my Beloved, but I do not let anyone else know.

This is a beautiful shalok from Bhagat Kabeer Ji and has a very deep meaning. Keeping eyes low refers to humility, being introvert and constantly focussing on Naam meditation to avoid a break of concentration. That person who recognises Vaheguroo inside them and has been blessed with the vision of God, will naturally become quieter, humble and more inside themselves.

Keeping eyes down, also refers to not looking at the illusion of the world. This has become uninteresting for the person who has enshrined Vaheguroo (God) within them.
This person now enjoys the sublime rass (taste) of Naam and feels and sees Vaheguroo everywhere. Their soul is very close to merging with the pure soul (Vaheguroo) at this stage.

These are the final stages. They don't shout this about. They just keep it to themselves, experience and enjoy it. Nothing else tastes as sweet. They sit quietly in Sangat and during Kirtan (singing Gods praises) they listen to the Naam within them, which recites automatically within through blessings and constant practise.

No one knows what they are experiencing and even if they tried to explain it in words, they wouldn't be able to. Only those that have experienced the same, will know this state. One just wants to look within themselves and enjoy all the inner experiences Vaheguroo is blessing them with.

Us as human beings, all have the potential to achieve this stage but choose to throw away this gift of loving God through peaceful meditation. Bhagat Ji, on the same ang (page) goes on to say, 'Neechae loein kio karo sabh ghatt dhaekho peeo'
Why should I keep my eyes lowered? I see my Beloved in every heart.

This is the perfect state of spiritual enlightenment!



Game of love πŸ’š- REFLECT!


If you don't know already; the only thing money brings you is worldly possessions. A big house, an expensive car and nice clothes etc.

It doesn't make you invincible. Everyone will die and those who have to leave behind their fortune will die the most painful death, because they are getting parted from their wealth, all they have ever worked for.

Live simply, eat simply, and be grateful for everything you have. Be grateful for the food in your fridge, for the comfort of your bed, for the love of your mother/father because millions of people don't have these things.

That gratitude and your good actions will be worth more to you than billions of pounds, when you leave this world to enter the next and be judged on your actions towards yourself and Vaheguroo's (Gods) creation.


Let's take a minute out! Where is our life taking us? what is it's purpose? Why are we here? What do we want to achieve? Who are we pleasing? What will be the final result of it's achievement? Where do we go from there? Is it a circle? Do we want more? Will we ever be happy and content?

If we get the inside right, it's guaranteed the outside will fall in to place.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Worldly possessions are obtained by pain and suffering; when they are gone, they leave pain and suffering.

O Nanak, without the True meditation on Gods Name, hunger is never satisfied."



Game of love πŸ’œ- DO WE NEED AMRIT?


I recently heard the story of a very devoted man, who used to do a lot of Vaheguroo simran (meditation) and seva (selfless service), however had not taken Amrit (sikh Baptism). He lived around the time of Baba Kartar Singh Damdami Taksaal vale (1950-60s) and loved to listen to baba ji's katha (religious discourses).

This man had now grown very old and eventually had passed away. He was very devoted to Sikhi but had died before taking Amrit. At his funeral there were many thousands of people in attendance, as his seva and dedication had touched many people. As his body was about to be cremated, he suddenly got up. Everyone was shocked, as he turned to Baba Kartar Singh and said 'Please Baba Ji, make me like you.'
Everyone was fascinated to know and see what had happened.

The man narrated that he had left his body and because he did so much seva and simran he was given royal treatment. All those in the next world gave him so much respect; they treated him like a king. He said to them, "I don't want all this, all I want is to see Guru Gobind Singh ji." The people there bowed to this man and he was very well revered, but he continually said "I don't want this, I want to see Guru Ji." He was taken before Dharam raaj, (King of righteousness) who also showed him immense respect; the man’s soul asked, "I want to be with Guru Gobind Singh Ji."
Dharamraaj said, "You haven't taken amrit so you can not meet them; you haven't made him your Guru. Guru sahib is in Sach Khand but you can't reach him without Amrit."

He was sent back to take Amrit and as he told his story, approximately 80,000 people took Amrit with him. Once receiving Amrit, he left his body permanently.

The acceptance of Amrit is a must for all Sikhs! The world is beginning to realise the purity and power of Guru Sahib Ji's Amrit!

Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "Spending this life fruitfully the Gurmukh goes to the other world. There in the True court of God, he gets his True place."





A bird was walking on the baking hot desert floor. An angel came down and greeted the bird. The bird recognised the angel was from Vaheguroo (God) and asked if it could help by blessing it with a tree to perch on and avoid the burning desert floor.

The angel said it couldn't grant this gift but it would go and ask Vaheguroo if they could give the bird this blessing.

The angel went to Vaheguroo and asked whether the bird could be given a tree to help it cope with the desert heat.

Vaheguroo replied 'No it can't, because it is not in it's destiny, however go back and tell the bird to walk on one leg and then switch to the other, it should find walking easier. Another message Vaheguroo had for the bird was, 'tell the bird it should be grateful for all the things it's ever been given and all the good things it has now.'

The angel agreed and went back to the bird. The bird was told Vaheguroo'sΒ  message and it thanked the angel. The bird began walking on one foot and then switched to the other, which helped it manage the heat better.

The angel then left.

A little while later, the angel returned to the desert to find the bird looking happy, as it now perched on a tree.

The angel was shocked and surprised. It immediately went to Vaheguroo to ask, 'you said that the tree wasn't in the birds destiny and now I have seen it perching on a tree, I don't understand'.

Vaheguroo replied, 'when the bird began to be grateful for what it had previously received and thankful for all the gifts it currently had, then its destiny changed. It changed because it appreciated all the gifts it had ever received, hence now being blessed with the tree.

This is a valuable lesson for us all. We may suffer ups and downs and focus on looking at what we don't have or need but this can lead us to be unappreciative of what we currently have. Let us appreciate all the great blessings we have been given! In this way, our destiny may change to include much more positivity.

When one accepts the will of Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (God), one becomes peaceful and content. The mind becomes relaxed, the Name of God settles within them and Guru Sahib Ji fulfils all their wishes.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O my Lord of the Universe; I am transfixed with ecstasy, gazing upon the Perfect Guru."



Game of love πŸ’›- TAKE TIME OUT FOR SANGAT!


We attended a wedding at Singh Sabha Bradford. The couple were both monay (shorn hair). The wedding went really well and the seva (service) was accomplished by an English speaking Gursikh, to explain the meaning of the Laavaa (spiritual wedding ceremony) to our non Punjabi speaking guests.

We had a young British born lady come to us at the end of the event, stating how she thought the Gurdwara Sahib was doing an amazing seva by trying to bring the youth in to Sikhi with English speaking events, like the one she had just experienced. The bibi looked quite westernised but when she spoke, she had so much love and thirst for the Sikh way of life. She had a good range of knowledge about Sikhi too. Her faith was very strong and seemed immovable. She was closely related to the boys side but she was very interested in talking about Gurmat to us, as this felt very dear to her at the time. We spoke for around fifteen minutes. She went on to say, how she wants to take steps physically towards Sikhi but struggles to take that initial step. She was certain the time would come very soon for her and Guru Sahib would bless her with their beautiful, loving Sikhi. She mentioned how some of her family were following the Radha Swami way of life but how Sikhi was the complete package and perfect way of life for her. We mentioned how we also used to be monay and also lived a western life style in the past. This shocked her and reassured her steps on the path towards Sikhi were very close by.

It was so nice to see how strong this girls faith was and how she took time out in the hustle and bustle of the wedding to speak for so long about Sikhi. We mentioned how important it was to do the sangat (congregate) of spiritual, like minded Sikhs. She mentioned that she was from Derby so we immediately suggested Singh Sabha Gurdwara, princess Street was a good place for the youth. She was so happy to say it was the Gurdwara she regularly attended.

We often judge others by their appearance but never really realise how much faith they actually really have. It's imperative, as Gursikhs, we do more Seva for the youth at Gurdwara Sahibs and try to give all as much love and time as we can. We never know who will adopt Sikhi and go on to change the lives of many others.

For those who are interested in Sikhi, don't be shy. If you have any questions, feel free to approach any practising young Sikhs, they will always go out of their way to support, help and guide you. This is what they live for!

Guru Arjan Dev Ji Says, "Mere Madho Ji, SatSangat milay so thariya."

O my Dear Lord of souls, one who joins the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, is saved.





"Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the body and mind are empty; like fish out of water, they die."

Guru Sahib is clearing us from all doubt in this Shabad! Just like a Fish will die out of Water, Guru Sahib says the Gurmukh will die without Naam. The body and mind are empty without Naam. The mind searches for materialistic pleasures to occupy itself. If this mind is not occupied by the love of Naam, it will be occupied by evil thought, which in turn will cause evil actions.

Why are we wasting time in worldly affairs and spending less time Japping Naam. All worldly affairs are only accomplished with great honor through every breath of Naam Abhiyaas (practice). To meditate is a command of our Guru and it should not be ignored. Just as we are punctual in all our worldly affairs, we should be equally punctual, if not more, when it comes to waking up and reciting Vaheguroo's (God's) name with every breath. Failure to do so is classed as turning our back on the True Guru. We physically try not to turn our back on Guru Sahib but have we ever thought, that Guru Sahib wants us not to turn our back on them with every breath we breathe. They want us to love them always. If we are only practicing the physical, without the every breath of spiritual, it is pakhand (hypocrisy).

When we do something wrong or make a mistake in our physical discipline (Rehit), we go to the Panj (beloved ones) for forgiveness. Guru Sahib's Hukum (command) is also of Athai Pehar Naam Abhiyaas (24/7meditation on Naam). Do we meditate with every breath? Lets all ask ourselves this question, if not shouldn’t we be presenting ourselves to the Panj for a solution. There is no solution, the solution is effort. We are not willing to put the effort in but we all want to look like Gurmukhs (true Sikhs) on the outside. The true Gurmukh will always be pure on the inside and outside. In this way the true Gurmukh will earn love and respect in this life and the here after.

This is the last of "Without Naam" posts. The whole of Gurbaanee is full of Shabads, which tell us what happens to us WITHOUT NAAM. The question is, do we read Gurbaani to follow or has it become another ritual within our lives.

The mind is a drunken elephant and can only be controlled through meditation on the love of Vaheguroo's name.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "The intellect of the mind is like a drunken elephant.
Whatever one utters is totally false, the most false of the false."





"Without the Name of the Lord, no one can be saved. Through the Guru's Teachings, we are united in His Union."

In the above Shabad, Guru Sahib Ji says, without Naam no one can be liberated or saved. Only Naam will liberate the soul and mind, nothing else. We can search all we want for many lifetimes, but in the end we will all have to accept Guru Sahib Ji's Amrit. In this way, we will all be saved through the blessings of Guru Sahib's devotional worship, Naam, Amrit and rehit (physical discipline). Only the Guru's teachings will unite us with Vaheguroo (God), no other teaching will get us anywhere close.

As mentioned above, Guru Sahib has created a direct link between servant and master through Shabad (Guru’s word). Guru Sahib Ji will make sure we meet God in this life time. They only ask for sincere effort, love and belief.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Through sincere efforts, the mind is made peaceful and calm.
Walking on the Lord's Way, all pains are taken away.
Chanting the Naam, the Name of God, the mind becomes blissful."





"Without the Name, wealth is useless; deceived by wealth, they have lost their way."

Guru Jee says in this Shabad, crying out "Mine mine!" for wealth, they have departed but their body, family and friends did not go with them. Guru Sahib goes on to say, deceived by wealth, they have lost their way. We always want more and more. We will never be satisfied or content with what we have, as desire and greed always makes us strive for more. This causes us to be unhappy and we lose our inner peace. We can be as rich as we want but ideally we should remain content. Never desire more and be detached from all our possessions. In this way we will find true peace and contentment.

Guru Sahib says, the true wealth is the wealth of Naam. Naam is only given to us by Guru Sahib Ji, after taking Amrit, alongside the practice of Rehit (physical discipline). This wealth is carried across with us, after death. This wealth will naturally spread itself in to the Universe through our physical being. This wealth will not decrease, burn, get wet or die. This beautiful wealth will find us peace, respect and honour. This wealth will introduce us to love, compassion, truth, and many more virtues. This wealth is an immaculate treasure, which we can never get bored of and one we can never stop talking about.

You are made of Gods light, shine brightly through Naam meditation dear one, it is your nature.

Guru Ramdaas Ji is talking about those that love to meditate: "Even if the entire earth were to be transformed into gold, and given to them, without the Naam, they love nothing else.

The Lord's Name is pleasing to their minds, and they obtain supreme peace; when they depart in the end, it shall go with them as their support.





"Without the Name, the body suffers in pain; it crumbles like a wall of sand."

In this Shabad, Guru Sahib says, the body crumbles like a wall of Sand and suffers in pain. Without Naam, our life is not worth living. We will struggle to be happy, content and at peace. One tends to suffer through greed and personal ego. We will most likely not be respected or loved by anyone, as most people look out for themselves and their own in this World. We will have no one to turn to in hard times. If we did find someone, there would usually come a point, where we would have to repay them in some form or another. And life goes on in a struggle for survival, until the body falls like a wall of Sand.

True love only comes through the Guru and their sangat (congregation), the rest is all false.

We will be more successful in all our endeavours, if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take short pauses to relax and re-centre ourselves through Naam Meditation. In this way, we would gain a lot more joy and peace in living.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, the Name of God wells up, when the True Guru unites us in His Sublime Love."





"Those chaylaas, those devotees, whose spiritual teacher is blind, shall not find their place of rest."

In this Shabad, Guru Sahib Ji talks about those students who search for a spiritual teacher. Guru Sahib says, their teacher is blind without divine-knowledge, so how will he enlighten you? Only Guru Sahib (Satguru) is pure. We can not be sure of any human being to be pure. Only God is pure! This is why Guru Sahib has united us with Shabad and a direct link to God, through the mantra of Naam (Vaheguroo).

All the Sikh Gurus, Bhagats (saints) and Patts (poets) were one to one with God. This is why their teachings were compiled in the Guru Granth Sahib Jee. The Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the word of God and has come straight from God through the blessings of the True Guru. Sikhi has no flaws and there will never be a more purer faith.

Don't wait for anyone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul with Guru Ji's extremely beautiful baani (teachings), and mantra of Gods name (Vaheguroo).

"Without the True Guru, the Name is not obtained. Without the Name, what is the use of it all (life)?"





"When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, we obtain the True Name. Without the Name, who are our relatives?"

In this Shabad Guru Sahib says, we will only be blessed with Naam, when Guru Sahib bestows his glance of grace. Guru Sahib then goes on to say, without Naam who are our relatives. Guru Sahib is saying here, if we have not made best friends with Vaheguroo (God), who created the Universe, how can we call people our relatives, friends and family, as all is God and everything is false without God. As soon as somebody says something wrong or disagrees with us or doesn’t help us in the time of need, these relationships fall like a weak pile of bricks.

Without Naam there is no love! One will only know how to love and maintain relationships without being attached, when one falls in love with our Beloved Guru. This is when one understands the true meaning of love without a desire or condition.

When we embody the love of Vaheguroo's Name, we are the most powerful being in the universe.

Guru Ramdaas Ji Says, "Renounce selfishness, conceit and arrogant pride, and your love for your children and spouse. Abandon your thirsty hopes and desires, and embrace love for God."





"Receiving the Naam, the mind is satisfied; without the Naam, life is cursed."

This is a beautiful Shabad by Guru Raamdaas Jee! Both these lines are from one Shabad. This Shabad goes on to say, this priceless jewel is only kept in the palms of Guru Sahib Ji. If we are fortunate, he will bless us with the loving devotion of Naam.

Guru Sahib Ji says in the top line, without Naam my life is cursed. There is no satisfaction for my mind, body or soul without Naam. Everything we do or touch will also be cursed, as the mind is very powerful and the energy of negativity has the power to spread in amongst anything and everything. On the other hand, if we do deeds through the power of Naam, everyone we come in to contact with, will be blessed and find peace through the power of Guru Sahib and the positive mind. The mind is the Universe but unfortunately we have not recognised our powerful innerself.

In the line below, Guru Jee goes on to say, without Naam my life does not exist. Life is not even worth living without Naam, as this mind is controlled by the evils of Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Ahankaar (Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment and Ego). Without Naam these powerful warriors will run our show. Our body and mind will become their Puppets. We have not realised our Divine Inner-Self, therefore we do not exist. We only exist when our mind is blessed with divine knowledge, to instruct the mind on the path of Guru Sahib's lotus charan (feet), through the powerful substance of Naam.

Once you let the meditation of Naam flow through you, you'll discover your infinite potential.

"Without Your Name, my life does not even exist. My True Guru has implanted the Naam within me."





Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without the Name, they find no place of rest. In the City of Death, they suffer in agony."

In this Shabad Guru Ji is saying, those who do not Jap Naam Athai Pehar (meditate 24/7) will find no place of rest, even their soul will suffer after physical death. They will be beaten by the messenger of death and their soul will suffer in the cycle of reincarnation, until Guru Sahib blesses them with the key of this human life and Amrit Naam. This is when we are gifted the opportunity to purify this filthy mind and liberate this soul through Naam.

Let your light shine so brightly through Naam meditation, that others may see the way out of the dark!

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Without the Naam all affairs are useless."



Game of love πŸ’™- Without Naam Meditation 5

Without Naam Meditation 5

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without the Name, all are miserable. In the love of duality, they are ruined."

Guru Ji is saying here, all are miserable without the Name. Why are people miserable without the name? They look perfectly happy when we see them. Guru Sahib says in Gurbaanee, "Satgur Taakleeaa Hamaaraa Paapee Pardaa," this means, nobody can see the negative state of our mind, as the Guru has blessed us and covered it with skin. If people really knew what we were thinking, whilst being happy and jolly on the outside, many would avoid speaking to us, as most of the time we are full of negative emotions. We always seem to hide them in amongstΒ  socialising with others.

Most people in the world feel miserable and down at times, especially when alone. We need others around us to lift our spirits. Only the Gurmukhs (ones facing Guru Ji), who Jap Naam (meditate) with every breath do not realise what the words 'miserable' and 'down' actually mean, as they very rarely experience negative emotions. They are always on a high through the natural drug of Naam. Their spirits are always raised according to Gurbaanee (Guru’s word).

Guru Arjan Dev Ji Says, "Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the whole world is just ashes."



Game of love πŸ’›- Without Naam Meditation 4

Without Naam Meditation 4

Guru Amardaas Ji Says, "The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is abstinence, truthfulness, and self-restraint. Without the Name, no one becomes pure."

Guru Sahib is saying in this Shabad, no one will become pure without the Name of God, as Naam is the only substance which will purify this filthy mind from the suffering of many life times. This Naam can only be gifted to us by Guru Sahib Ji in the form of panj pyaare (five spiritually elevated Gursikhs), in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Only blessed ones receive it! Through receiving this Naam, they realise its great value and hold it close to their Heart. They never let go! Through Amrit Naam they become pooray (pure.)

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "But without the Lord's Name, liberation is not obtained. As Gurmukh, obtain the Naam and liberate the soul."





Guru Amardas Ji Says, "The self-willed manmukhs are totally without virtue. Without the Name, they die in frustration."

Guru Sahib is saying in this Shabad, that virtue will only come through Athai Pehar Naam Abhiyaas (24/7meditation). If one does not meditate, one will gain no virtue and will suffer through personal want and desire. Frustration will kill them in the end, as they still remain empty of Spiritual wisdom and bliss. They will have gained no honor in the World. Their mind will not let them settle, as they have not experienced the beauty of peace, love and contentment through Naam.

Guru Angad Dev Ji Says, "Without the Naam, the mortal wanders, coming and going in reincarnation."





Guru Sahib gives us many quotes from Guru Granth Sahib Jee, on how our lives would be without the Name of God (Vaheguroo).

"Without the Name, no one is approved."

Guru Nanak Dev Jee has made it clear in the quote above, without the name of the Lord Vaheguroo, no one will be approved. No matter how hard one tries, one can try anything under the Sun, if the breath is not occupied by the name of God, one will not be approved in the court of God (dargaah). Even the Rehit (physical discipline) we keep, will not be approved if it is not accompanied by each breath of Naam. Every physical Rehit is kept to protect aatmic (spiritual) Rehit. If there is no spiritual substance in one, then the physical Rehit becomes Pakhand (hypocrisy). If the Sevaa (selfless service) we do is not accompanied by the Name of God, then the Sevaa will also not be approved by Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo. The reason for this is, when our breath is accompanied by the Mantra Vaheguroo, then everything we do is blessed by God and we are Neemaane (humble) to God's will. If our breath is not occupied by the Name, then every karam (deed) we do is done through self-ego. It is done through a mind wondering through thought and desire and not a mind full of love for Vaheguroo. Which means, love for his creation through the meditation of Naam.

We always think we are in control and doing the right thing but the ego’s subtle form is very deceiving! The mind is very clever, it controls us throughout every second of the day. We have to watch and be aware of our every breath and action. Every breath and action should be filled with Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo's forever lasting love (Naam).

Note! Sikhi new comers; keep rehit, proceed in sevaa, remain in Gursikh Sangat, plan your life towards Amrit, with your mind centred and focussed on the shabad Vaheguroo. In this way, Guru Sahib ji will bless you and all of us to reside at their lotus feet and the mind/soul will be liberated. The life's journey will become complete.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, ALL their actions are useless, like the magician who deceives through illuions."



Game of love πŸ’œ- WITHOUT NAAM (God's Mantra)

The next few posts will be based on Gurbaani quotes regarding, β€˜how our life would be without Naam meditation.’

The central focus for every Gursikh’s life should be Naam (Name of God). The whole of Gurbaani, (Gurus word) starts and ends with one substance and that is of Naam. Guru sahib goes on to say, the Naam should become our every breath of life (24/7). Those that don't jap (meditate) Naam, sorry to say but life will become an up hill struggle without it. To be very honest, if we have not japped Naam, we haven't seen or experienced this beautiful human life form. Naam is beyond this life! It's the most vast ras (taste) anyone can ever imagine or experience. There's no taste like it! it's pure ecstasy! Guru sahib has called it the most purest and most ecstatic ammal (drug) to have been brought to earth. Once tasted, not even rehabilitation can separate you from it. It's taste is indescribable, just as the mute struggles to describe the taste of sweet candy.

So if you want to taste this immense sweetness, you will have to go in the midst of the true saints to find it. Go to Naam, baani and kirtan programmes, sit with Gursikhs and Guru sahib will bless you with Amrit one day, where Amrit Naam will be your reward and gift.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without serving the True Guru, the Naam is not obtained. The Naam is the True profit in this world."





Baba Sham Singh jee, at a very early age of 5 years, started living with a Baba Raam Singh jee. His father had died and his mother could not feed him. For this reason she came to Baba Raam Singh jee and urged him to accept Baba Sham Singh jee. Baba Sham Singh had a remarkable inclination towards doing Bhagti (meditating), at such early age. He developed so much love for sangat (congregation) that he refused to go back with his mother.

Once, when Baba Sham Singh was only 6 or 7 years old, he became a little relaxed in getting up at Amritvela (rising early) and missed Amritvela for 2 days in a row. At this, Baba Raam Singh told one of his sewadaar to take Baba Sham Singh and drop him off to his mother. When Baba Sham Singh heard this, he was horrified. He could not imagine going away from sangat and this way lose his spiritual life. He started crying! The sewadar lovingly told him to seek forgiveness from Sant jee. Baba Sham Singh prostrated before Sant jee and earnestly sought forgiveness for not getting up early in the morning. At this, Sant jee forgave him and told him that if a person loses Amritvela, then there is nothing left in that person. He said, if he (Baba Sham Singh) was not going to keep Amritvela in his sangat, he (Baba Raam Singh) too will have some burden of the sin incurred with this, since he is responsible for him. After this, Baba Sham Singh jee never lost Amritvela. He lived for 115 more years, after this incident.

Another Singh, while describing the importance of Amritvela, used to say that Siri Guru Kalgidhar jee (Guru Gobind Singh) himself takes attendance of who get up at Amritvela. If a person misses Amritvela, he marks them absent but if a person regularly misses Amritvela, Guru Sahib just strikes off his name from the list. This is a very scary thought. If Guru Sahib was to strike off our name from his list of Gursikhs he monitors, what would happen of us? We would just die in regret and repent.

Bhagat Farid Ji Says, "Fareed, if you do not awaken in the early hours before dawn, you are dead while yet alive."





An elderly Sikh carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife, enjoying his extended family. He would miss the pay-check but he needed to retire and they could get by.
The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favour. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When Jasbir Singh (carpenter) finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front door key to Jasbir.Β  "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."Β 

What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.

So it is with us! We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At important points, we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock, we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realised, we would have done it differently.

Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think of your life as the house. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board or erect a wall, build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more. Each day deserves to be lived graciously, in tune with the love of Vaheguroo's name and Gurbaani (Guru’s Teachings). So we can create our true dignity in the house we reside in (our body). Let's liberate our soul from within this house, by living virtuously through selfless service and meditation on Naam (God’s name). Let's control the thieves (mind’s desires), who are plundering our Saintly home.

The plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project, do it to the best of your ability. So the Guru can liberate us by merging us with Vaheguroo."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Nanak builds his house upon that site, where there is no death, no birth, and no old age."
