Latest developments - with 22 updates. Thursday 14th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active

1. Farmer Iqbal Singh Dhillon (48) of village Gander, Mukatsar Sahib has passed away due to heart attack after returning from Tikri Border. He was sent home on Monday due to poor health. We are losing one man every 14hrs compared to earlier 16.5hrs. This is 78th death according to Amaanbali. 

2. One more farmer committed suicide against new farm laws.Sucha Singh of Khokhar village of Gurdaspur District was protesting at Kahnwan toll plaza where he consumed poison.

3. Farmers' protest enters 50th day of Delhi part of morcha, amid biting cold, fog at Delhi borders. 

4. Bhupinder singh Mann, one of the 4 members of the Supreme Court Committee resigns from the committee.He was removed by his farmer unions as its leader, which made him reflect on his position in the committee. 

5. Dushyant Dave resigns from the position of President of SCBA (Supreme Court Bar association). 

6. Punjab cabinet passed a resolution demanding MSP be made a statuary right. The resolution was passed unanimously. Cabinet also observed 2min silence for the fallen farmers. 

7. The first meeting of SC appointed committee will be on 19th Jan. They will look to replace the 4th member who resigned. 

8. Farmer leader Rakesh Takait has said that farmers unions will attend the talks with centre tomorrow. 

9. Akali leader was forced to leave protest site by volunteers as they have strict policy of no politician policy. Sukhbir keeps speaking on stages in Punjab that he is running the morcha, but his cronies are not allowed to speak at morcha site. 

10. Hindustan Times - More farmers, politicians and volunteers have arrived from states such as Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh to join the protests at the Singhu Border against the three farm laws passed by the Centre. All Indian languages are represented at the morcha. 

11. Women take lead roles in India’s farmers’ protest. The active participation of women in India's farmers' protests shows that the demonstrations are not only spaces of resistance and power but also of gender equity and empowerment. From article in The Conversation Canada by Dr Navjotpal Kaur PhD and Sumeet Sekhon from UBC. 

12. Lakha Sidhana continues to go from Pind to Pind rallying farmers in Punjab to support the farmers. He is dropping a lot of home truths against both badals and Captain Amrinder. 

13. English Farmers supporting Indian Farmers through UKs Landworkers' Alliance Alliance have created a webpage about the Farm laws. They are part of La Via Campesina with 182 organizations in 81 countries made of farmers, peasants and activists around the world in Korea, Indonesia, Canada, Brazil, Kenya, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, United States, Pakistan and Portugal have sent their messages of solidarity to protesting farmers in India.

14. US congressmen will visit the Delhi farmer protest sites in February, if the farm laws are not repealed by then, says NRI philantropist from USA , Darshan Singh Dhaliwal, who is at the Singhu border where he has set up a tent city for thousands of protesting farmers.

15. Farmers movement's second to Tamilnadu: Police arrested two bull runners who protested with black flag of agriculture laws during a jalikattu event in Madurai.

16. In an interview, Defence Minister and BJP stalwart Rajnath Singh said that he has confidence on Indian farmers that they would never spoil the Republic Day celebrations in Delhi. 

17. The farmers who have been protesting for over two months, planned to hold a tractor parade on January 26 into Delhi. The farmers and their families have been gearing up for the tractor rally. "We are ready for the tractor march as the fight is not yet over. I have spent ₹60,000 on the music system. We will soon leave for Delhi after getting directions from the union leaders," said Ramandeep Singh, one of the protestors. 

18. Elderly Mata ji, goes to court to register her statement against Kangana Ranaut. 

19. Usual troublemakers from Shiv Sena in Punjab make senseless video statement against farmers. 

20. Mumbai Kisan protest scheduled for 16th January

21. Veteran athlete Ravinder Singh Kaler started running from his village Sarhal Kajia to Singhu Border this afternoon. 

22. Below is a picture one of the farmer that passed away and some of the many faces of the farmers who have passed away over the last 50 days.



Latest developments - with 24 updates. Wednesday 13th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active 

1. Punjabi tribune reported 4 more deaths of protesting farmers. I have information on two of them. 

2. Jagtar Singh (62) of Muktsar Sahib has passed away earlier today. Jagtar Singh was at Tikri from last 28days. He suffered due to heart attack after returning home at village Barkandi.

3. Another farmer Sucha Singh (67) S/o-  Mahinder singh, committed suicide at toll plaza Ladhpavla on Pathankot Amritsar Highway. He had donated 10k today and consumed poison at around 5pm. He started vomitting after which he was taken to Kotli hospital where he was declared dead.

4. Akhand path sahib in memory of those who passed at Farmer protest was started today.

5. Another Amrit Sanchaar tomorrow at Singhu morcha.

6. Local activists state 100,000 tractors have now reached the morcha sites. Many more turning up everyday. 

7. Lohri being celebrated at the morcha by youth doing fires and Bhangra. Bibian singing songs against Modi. Copies of new farm laws are being burned in the Lohri fires. 

8. Separately many Sikhs singing keertan and doing Paat. 

9. Yogendra Yadav - On the occasion of Lohri, copies of the law were burnt at more than 20,000 places across the country today, intensifying the campaign against the government's obstinate attitude on the demand of farmers to repeal the three farming laws and the Electricity Bill 2020.

10. 2 bibian who were not feeling well have been sent home from tikri Border today.

11. Yesterday Supreme Court 4 member newly formed committee openly mocked online due to them all already made public statements in favour of these laws. Picture of fraudsters Nirav Modi and Ajay Malviya as part of banking committee, then Amitabh Bachan, Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler as part of Delhi 1984 investigation committee as they are the accused. 

12. Punjabi singer and lyricist Shree Brar gets bail. He was arrested and tortured by Patiala Police, last week. He wrote the Kisan anthem. 

13. Punjab Police special cell has kept an eye on many other singers and songs composed during the farmers movement. Many on radar of police.

14. Punjab BJP MP Harjeet Grewal’s car tyres were deflated when his car was seen outside a restaurant. Grewal had to escape the scene in police vehicle. He has been gheraoed for 3rd time in two days. 

15. Punjab BJP MP Tikshin Sood has approached High Court for demand of security and also challenged the withdrawal of FIR’s in cow dung dumping case outside his house. 

16. Whilst their men are protesting for their rights, the women are tending to the fields with babies placed at the side. The picture is so powerful yet so heart breaking. 

17. The borders Ghazipur (partial), Singhu and Tikri (complete), Palwal (partial) remain closed 

18. Artist Banksy style large murals of walls of building can be seen from trains. The murals are of farmers in a cosmic style. 

19. Babbu Mann is addressing farmers at Singhu border.

20. The Farmer’s Plight Conference being organised on 24th Jan in a collaboration between Imperial College London’s Sikh Society (ICSS) and the British Organisation of Sikh Students (BOSS). 

21. Jakara Movement in California begin a series of events designed to help elevate frontline FarmersProtest female voices to wider audiences.

22. The newly constructed semi permanent shelter home at Tikri Border by Khalsa Aid is fully functional with separate spaces for men and women.

23. Bollywood star Hema Malini puts out video in favour of the farm laws. Her explanation has been ripped apart online as it’s clear she is completely ignorant on the effects of the laws. 

24. The Tribune - Rural Punjab has gone into an overdrive ahead of the proposed farmers’ tractor march in Delhi on Republic Day with tractors being fitted with hydraulic tools to remove barricades, fire-resistant hardshell trailers being readied to fight tear gas shells and horsepower of the machines being doubled to ferry maximum protesters. While the unions assert the march will be peaceful, Ranbir Singh Randhawa, president, Punjab Students’ Union, which is part of the farmers’ movement, says: “We have learnt from our experience during the November 26 march to Delhi.”With a limited support from organisations, volunteers are spending money from their own pockets to make these modifications.



Latest developments - with 20 updates. Tuesday 12th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active 

1. 3 farmers passed away today. Young farmer Luvpreet Singh aged 25 from Ferozpur passed away today. 

2. Tikri Border this morning. Farmer Avtar Singh Of village Luhaha (Muktsar Sahib) passed away in his trolley due to heart attack.

3. Also at Tikri border, Village Lundewala's Sardar Jagdish Singh Passed away today. 

4. As expected the Supreme Court selected 4 member committee are 4 individuals who have already publicly stated they are in favour of the farm laws. (See pic below). This tactic is such a sham being done for propoganda purposes and shows how insincere the Modi govt approach is. As the Brahminised boa constrictor approach, they are trying to used everything to construct the farmers their rights. They already used lies, Godhi media, police, brute force and now Supreme Court. 

5. Farmer leaders addressed a press conference today to clear their stand about the Supreme Court’s decision. One of the farmer leaders, Dr Darshan Pal said, “Last night, we gave a press note in which we said that any SC-appointed committee is not going to be acceptable to us.”

6. Farmers Unions have said that they will attend the meeting on 15th and that the protests will continue after 26th Jan as well. Rajewal said that farm unions don’t consider any committee’s findings as valid. He said that this is govt tactic to divert attention. 

7. For anyone who still do not understand the Supreme court intervention is orchestrated by Modi, then please read the detailed explanation on this blog. Explained: Why farmers don’t trust Supreme Court. – Amaanbali's Blog

8. In reference to court matter submitted by Delhi Police. Court said police can check the security arrangements for 26th Jan. Court cannot stop anyone to attend the Republic Day parade.  

9. Union leader Rajewal has clarified that the intent is not to occupy Parliament or Red Fort. It will be a peaceful protest and world will witness it. 

10. Nihang Singhs caught drunk Delhi Police officers. The Singhs said these police officers get drunk in evenings and come into the morcha site misbehaving and telling them that farmers will get a beating on 26th Jan. Today the nihang Singhs had enough and grabbed them. They paraded one of them in front of cameras to highlight the appalling behaviour of Delhi police. 

11. There has been a clash outside factory between Police and laborers in Kundli area. Gunshot let off by police. Some singhs in background footage not clear, but we think it’s not linked to morcha. 

12. Indian government file an affidavit citing the presence of Khalistani elements and funding by Sikh fir Justice to the morcha. Affidavit given to Supreme Court. This is seen to sway them to definitely go the way that zmodi wants and condemn the farmers, so it can be used to justify further actions by Modi. 

13. Punjab Police vacates house of Sikh freedom fighter Baba Gurbachan Singh Manochahal after 28 years. The house was captured and illegally occupied as police post since 1990s. 

14. RM Lodha has declined to be a part of panel recommended by Supreme Court. to find resolution of farmers issues. SC had discussed the formation of Panel of former CJI’s to find solution & had recommended his name.

15. Uk Foreign Office responded in writing to a letter by Lord Ahmed and SWAT sikh org about farmers protests. The letter that it’s an internal matter for India. 

16. Abhay Chautala has submitted his resignation and has said that it should be considered resigned if demands of farmers are not met till 26th. 

17. Punjab BJP leader Harjeet Grewal was heckled at restaurant where he had gone for lunch yesterday. He escaped through the backdoor.

18. Children and parents still steadfast in the morcha. Many children studying for exams. 

19. Lakha Sidhana continues his tour of Punjab to get more support for the morcha and educate farmers on the issue. 

20. Arnab Goswami still acting up on Republic TV but still not accepted the Sikh Press Association invitation for debate on an independent platform.



Latest developments - with 19 updates. Monday 11th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active 

1. Four more farmers have passed away today taking the toll to 75. 

2. Harpinder Singh (60yr) of Abul Khurana village, Muktsar Sahib passed away due to cold. 

3. Another farmer Jagdish Singh of Muktsar Sahib passed away due to pneumonia after being shifted to Ludhiana. 

4. Nirmal Singh of Village dhola in Barnala committed suicide after reaching home. Nirmal singh was attending protests at Tikri Border.

5. Bhai Naseeb Singh Mann committed suicide due to government not taking back agriculture law. These acts of suicide if done for the morcha make no sense and should not be encouraged. They are against Sikhi and achieve nothing. 

6. The Supreme Court of India gone the way we expected. They gave minor decisions to the farmers to entice them into the process, then will side with BJP govt on the main decision. There is bias in the court and it’s never decided against the govt. 

7. Farmers do not want to get involved in Supreme Court process as they see it as a trap. The Supreme Court said farmers have a right to protest and implementation of laws should be delayed. It will be portrayed in media as a initial victory for farmers, but in reality is nothing new, neither any initial victory. 

8. Dushyant Dave, one of lawyers acting for farmers in Supreme Court said, “if the government is serious, then it can convene a joint session of Parliament to discuss the laws. Why are they not doing that? 

9. Supreme Court wants to drag farmers into a small committee. This is what BJP govt has been trying to do in the previous meetings with farmers. Farmers do not want this, as they know a smaller committee of people can be manipulated by BJP govt and it will not be answerable to Sangat at protests which is the farmers. At the moment, the larger group of leaders is keeping each other in check and in front of Sangat of protesting farmers every days. The last thing farmers want is lawyers or judges to make decisions on farming with no knowledge of farming. 

10. Delhi police have put a petition that it is not a 26 January tractor march, a protest march, but a defamation march to the entire India, so the High Court should ban it. Said ′′ a small group ′′ wanted to take it out. The right to protest is not included in the right to defame the whole country.

11. Haryana Police has registered around 800 cases against the farmers who disrupted the Karnal rally. Cases have been registered for damaging govt property, manhandling cops, and disruption of public activities along with damages. 

12. Lakha Sidhana going around various districts of Punjab gathering support for 26th Jan event. His speeches are on point as usual and educating huge sections of Punjab towards thinking about Punjabs own interests rather than allowing politicians to abuse it further. 

13. Flags of farmer unions on cars and buses is seen everywhere you go. Punjab is awoken to the threat to its existence. 

14. FarmersProtests enters day 112 in Punjab. A tractor rally was taken out in Nasrala under guidance of BKU Rajewal. The tractor rally with more than 500 tractors passed through Nasrala, Hoshiarpur and Banuwala. 

15. Campaigners are calling for the Shree Brar to be freed and drop all charges against him. The charges are baseless and hold no ground. This arrest is part of a policy to silence voices for Punjab. Jaggi Johal is a victim of the same policy. Both of them have been tortured in detention cells. 

16. HS Phoolka said that they have caught vested interests who want to derail the protests. People like girls and agents are planted by police.

17. Yesterday Haryana CM Kattar complained about farmers digging up his helipads snd not chasing off the BJP workers. He said they were damaging Indian govt property. He seems to have forgot it was him who dug up national highways 44 days ago when farmers were coming to Delhi. Was that not damaging Indian govt property? He may have forgot, but farmers who were attacked did not. 

18. Large kisaan rally being arranged across UK to London Indian High Commission for Tuesday 26th January

19. Washington Post covers the protests.




Latest developments - with 27 updates. Sunday 10th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active 

1. Clashes in Haryana where the BJP Chief Minister Kattar was due to have a rally. Farmers have broken the barricades set up by police to oppose the BJP’s protest. Heavy police deployment in the area. Police escorted BJP workers away from the scene. Thousands of farmers go to the rally. The farmers dug up the landing pad for CM Kattars helicopter. Police attacked the farmers with tear gas, lathis and bricks. Many farmers injured. So farmers then took down the rally stage. Police had to whisk away the BJP ministers. 

2. BJP Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar canceled his Maha Panchayat program due the farmers not letting his helicopter land anywhere. Numerous times farmers have dug up the landing pads where he was due to speak in Haryana. 

3. Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar blamed  farmer leader Gurnam Singh Chaduni for today’s incidents in Haryana. “I have seen Chaduni. He is a fighter. The way he walks and talks tells a lot about him. Once I clicked him running like a 20 year old young man.”

4. Mukesh Ambani said for the last 7 days that Reliance has no interest in contract farming. This is due to backlash from farmers. However today Times of India reports that Reliance has just done a large contract farming deal to buy rice from Karnataka farmers. The conditions are strict and the farmers are wary of the deal. They said Reliance will entice us first then after a few years we are completely beholden to them and their terms. 

5. BJP leaders continue with their erratic and crazy allegations. Madan Dilawar - BJP leader of Rajistan stated the Farmers are spreading Bird Flu by eating Chicken Biryani. When the facts are the significant majority of food in protest is vegetarian as its langar. 

6. Kausik Basu, former chief economist of world bank tweeted, “The attack on Indian farmers, including the charge that they are spreading bird flu, by small right-wing groups is sad. The protesting farmers have been honorable, standing up not just for their own interest but for the larger cause of democratic rights. They deserve to be heard.”

7. BJP workers are quitting the party in Punjab but this isn’t making Godhi media headlines. Paramjit Rai who was ex councillor from BJP in Banga Block has joined congress in Punjab. He said that BJP is not serious about farmers issue & is anti farmer party.

8. Farmers leaders called for a social boycott of Punjab BJP leader Harjeet Grewal & Surjit Jayani for their remarks on farmers

9. The stage and Sangat area at the morchas are now covered with temporary structures. Now the morcha can carry on regardless of the weather. Despite recent week of weather the morale at the morcha is very high. 

10. Many farmers see the intervention of Indian Supreme Court tomorrow as a danger as it’s never ruled against Modi Govt and seen very bias. 

11. Confrontational situation between farmers and BJP workers in Jalandhar where BJP has taken out procession for better law and order for them. Farmers groups are opposing them citing that BJP makes ill remarks against farmers and then cries foul with reaction. BJP state president Ashwani Sharma in Jalandhar was leading the procession but it backfired. 

12. BJP’s Ashwini Sharma was shown black flags by protesting farmers at Cholang toll plaza. Farmers have already freed the toll plazas in Punjab & are sitting in dharnas at toll plazas. Dharnas at various toll & railway lines has entered day 111 in Punjab. 

13. Deep Sidhu continues his criticism of the Farmer leadership stating that 90% of the protestors are sikhs from many states, most of the food are langar, most of the facilities are there due to sikh charities, that this morcha is on the back of the sikh nation. Then why no sikh ideologue in the Farmer leadership. Some see his points as valid, as they want success in morcha but not at the cost of sikh nation, others see him rocking the ship at a time when it’s not required. 

14. Navdeep Singh who turned off water cannon at the beginning of the move to Delhi, then was charged by the same police with attempted murder. He addressed farmers morcha. 

15. Another Haryanvi came on stage, thanked Punjabis and Sikhs for leading the protest and expressed desire to live in Punjab’s mitti. He said that he feels lucky as he shares this country with Sikhs.

16. Activist Himanshu Kumar is addressing farmers at Singhu border. He and his wife spent 18 years working with Adivasis. After 18 years, he was forced to leave Chattisgarh by Govt.  He said that he had warned people 15 years ago about corporate take over of lands. He claims that he visited most of Punjab’s towns on Cycle. Himanshu Kumar accused Paramilitary of helping corporations in taking over land of Adivasis.

17. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will start recruitment drive for volunteers from 13 to 20 January. They will recruit more than 4000 volunteers and  send them for Kisan parade on 24th of January.  Volunteers will help in organizing parade and maintaining peace.

18. More Trollies are being assembled in the villages of Majha to convert them into temporary homes and join ongoing dharna at Delhi border. 

19. Alliance of Sikh Organizations (group of 35 Sikh organizations) held a special press conference today at Punjab Press Club Jalandhar in which alliance speaker S. Sukhdev Singh Phagwara informed that the Modi government has given three black laws related to farmers which will destroy the farmers. 

20. Rallies today in San Francisco, New York and Toronto. 

21. National Sikh Police Association in UK helped contribute towards tents at the morcha. 

22. Mahinder Kaur Files FIR Against Kangana Ranaut For Misidentifying Her As 'Shaheen Bagh Dadi'.

23. A network of youth organizers from around the world are signing on to organize a Global Day of Action — a protest & campaign triggered by the farmers protests in India to take place on India's Republic Day, January 26, 2021. Poetic Justice Foundation is developing campaign & media kits that are simple, shareable & have a powerful messaging to arm our global sangat of organizers. 

24. BBC article - Indian farmers protests: The UK children supporting their heritage. 

25. Many marriages in Punjab have scenes of the Bharat carrying flags supporting the morcha. 

26. The Sikhs that run school at the morcha for the street children are now into 40 days. They love their teachers. 

27. Lastly, immense Gurbani being read in the morcha. Amrit Vela & Nitmen are on loudspeakers. Most farmers getting up at 3am for ishnaan and nitnem then start making langar. Then keertan during the day. Many farmers started keeping kesh and rediscovering their sikhi.




Latest developments - with 19 updates. Saturday 9th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active 

1. Another unfortunate incident happened today. Poison was swallowed by a young farmer Amrinder Singh on the Singhu border a while ago but now it is known that the farmer has died and his body has been sent to the village Machrai Kala of Fatehgarh Sahib.

2. Hundreds of artists come to the Singhu morcha and hold an event called Artists for farmers. 

3. A musical program featuring various artists like Kanwar Grewal, Jazzy B, Jas Bajwa etc will be held at Tikri Border today at 1pm. Hundreds enjoy the programme and join in with singing. 

4. Akhand keertan continues from beginning of morcha. Many farmers are regular on Gurbani abyass. Many farmers talk of begumpura. Despite atrocious weather their souls are enjoying Gurbani sustenance. Thousands of farmers doing ishnaan at 2-3am and are regular in Amrit Vela. 

5. Notable activist Arundhati Roy participated in protests against new farm laws. She spoke on stage and spent the day mixing with activists. 

6. Former Supreme Court Judge and Chairman of Press Council of India,  Markanday Katju  warns “As much as one may wish that does not happen, a repeat of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre or Bloody Sunday (as in St Petersburg in January 1905) or Vendemiarie (as in Paris in October 1795) seems inevitable,”. 

7. Protests held by farmers against Sukhbir Badal in Sultanpur Lodhi today. Sukhbir Badal faced wrath of farmers earlier at Patiala where his cavalcade was gheraoed by farmers. However in Punjab, he continues to tell innocent people he is leading the Delhi morcha for them. 

8. Bhagwant Mann has hit out at Captain amrinder singh saying that Captain is pressurising farmer leaders using Police. 

9. 1 lakh bikers rally being arranged to support farmers on jan 26th. 

10. Kirti Kisan Union has started recruiting volunteers for 26th January’s Kisan parade. Volunteers will help in organizing parade, maintaining peace and ensuring discipline. More than 3500 volunteers registered on day one of recruitment.

11. Recruitment drive begun in 2 districts. Kirti Kisan union will extend the drive to 13 districts of Punjab.

12. MGNREGA employee from Punjab’s Jalalabad Amritpal Singh has been fired for protesting against new farm laws. Farmers are protesting outside Fazilka DC office against the administration’s decision.

13. Advocates from different parts of Punjab and Haryana arrived at Singhu in support of farmers.

14. More Sikh activists are moving over from What’s app to Signal in Punjab and abroad. Some in Punjab complaining that Jio network is stopping verification code for Signal app. 

15. As Twitter deleted the account of US President Donald Trump on January 9 citing 'risk of further incitement of violence', BJP MP Tejasvi Surya and BJP leader Amit Malviya called it a threat to democracy. Amit Malviya is head of BJP IT cell. 

16. Sikhs protests in Time Square, New York. 

17. Van with huge billboard supporting farmers drives around London. 

18. NSYF holding webinar with journalist Sandeep Singh tomorrow at 10am UK time. 

19. Arnab Goswami still hiding from challenge by Sikh Press Association for an open debate on a platform other than Republic TV.



Latest developments - with 23 updates. Friday 8th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active 

1. Lakhwinder singh Of village Bras (Patiala) who was participating in Farmers agitation at Singhu with his uncle passed away after returning home. Lakhwinder singh left his aged parents, wife with three daughters this evening. He had returned home due to illness after rains.

2. Bhai Darshan Singh of Bhinder Kalan has committed suicide due to his inability to pay debt of 5lacs. He was pressurised by the banks.

3. Agriculture minister Tomar and Piyush Goyal meet Amit Shah before the meeting with farmers. However Amit Shah has never met farmers leaders directly. 

4. Talks between Farmers unions and BJP ministers collapse. Some reports say the agriculture minister turned up 45 minutes late to the talks to show disrespect to the farmers. Last time the ministers were 30 mins late. 

5. Agriculture minister said there is no chance of withdrawing the 3 laws which shows how ingrained the BJP modi govt is with Ambani and Adani. 

6. Farmers said they will here and die here if required until matter is resolved with laws withdrawn. 

7. Farmers Unions will hold a meeting tomorrow to decide further course.

8. Next round of talks to be on the 15th January

9. BJP govt hoping the longer the morcha goes on, it may manage to divide and rule the farmers, or the farmers will give up. 

10. Farmer leader Rajewal criticized Sukhbir Badal as he is going round in Punjab stating Akali Dal is leading the morcha. Rajewal said the Sukhbir Badal is mentally    unbalanced. Badal family is so weak, they could never achieve a morcha like this. 

11. 2000 farm workers under the leadership of Punjab Farm Labor Union reach Tikri border. Many of them are females. 

12. Female farm labour leader Gurmel Kaur Singhwala and female farmer leader Paramjit Kaur Pitho both spoke today. They  encouraged female farmer laborers to strengthen the struggle and sit and the morcha. 

13. Tanmanjit Singh Dhesi with 100+ MPs and Lords sign cross-party letter to the Prime Minister, given huge concerns for the peaceful India FarmersProtest. The letter asks Boris Johnson to raise with Indian PM Modi the Farmer protests, when they liaise, expressing hopes of speedy resolution to current deadlock.

14. A group of sikh soldiers take leave from Indian border and join the protest in Delhi.

15. Tens of thousands of Tractors seen in large numbers in support of farmers' movement in Jalandhar villages. 

16. Khalsa Aid India is setting up a semi permanent shelter home at Tikri Border for  our farmer community. Around 800 people would be able to sleep peacefully at this shelter.

17. Sikh Press Association Press Officer Jasveer Singh took part in a so-called "debate" on India's @republic TV with notorious nationalist mouthpiece Arnab Goswami. On the show Jasveer Singh challenged Goswami to debate outside of his controlled environment. Will he accept the challenge?

18. In support of Stop Funding the Hate campaign, CIBC for confirm that they have no planned advertising with Zee Network. 

19. Sikh Motorcycle Club members across Canada stand in solidarity with our farmer sisters and brothers in their fight against the oppressive laws in India. Come join us every working day in front of Indian Consulates in Vancouver and Toronto from 11 AM to 2 PM

20. Sikhs of the New York area will lead a demonstration from Astoria Park to the India Consulate to barricade the building in support of the ongoing. 

21. Abhay Singh Chautala has said that he will resign  if demands of agitating farmers are not met till 26th Jan. 

22. Vinson Palathingal, Indian American who waved Indian flag along with pro Trump mob at Washington CapitolSiege, seen with BJP MP Poonam Mahajan at dinner organised by USINPAC. 

23. Below is a picture of Lakhwinder singh who just passed away.



Latest developments - with 21 updates. Thursday 7th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active

1. Periphery of India’s national capital New Delhi was flooded with tractors as the farmers today took out a tremendous march on their tractors in a rehearsal of their “tractor parade” scheduled on January 26 (Republic Day of India) in protest against three contentious farm laws introduced by BJP-led Central Government of India.

2. Today rehearsal Tractor rally was the biggest one in the history. Over 50,000 tractors participated today.

3. More than 1000 tractors driven by bibian.

4. Tractor rally was held ahead on 8th round of talks with BJP minister Tomar tomorrow.

5. Punjab on Tuesday became the first State in the country to formally reject theCentral government’s three agriculture sector legislations, with its Legislative Assembly on Tuesday unanimously passing three Bills to negate the Union laws. The Assembly passed a resolution rejecting the Central legislations and the proposed Electricity Amendment Bill and demanding their immediate annulment. It also sought an ordinance to protect the Minimum Support Price (MSP) and ensure the continuance of procurement by the Centre. The three State Bills provide for imprisonment of not less than three years and fines for sale-purchase of wheat or paddy under a farming agreement below the MSP, besides prevention of hoarding and black-marketing of agricultural produce, among other things. (Source : The Hindu newspaper)

6. A temporary hospital at the Singhu border is in the works. This temporary hospital will have a capacity of four beds and two doctors will be appointed for serving protesting farmers round the clock.

7. BJP Punjab leaders Surjit Kumar Jayani and Harjeet Grewal in a meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah. They want action against farmers from Punjab.

8. Punjabi front line Army personnel who posted video against Arnab Goswami fake reporting and lies. Within one day of posting a simple response video, he was arrested on the front line.

9. Farmers trying to march out of Burari grounds have been stopped by Delhi Police. Tussle between farmers and police happened. Around 1500-2000 farmers are at Burari grounds since 26Nov when Farmers leaders declined to sit in at that location.

10. English version of Kisan Veechar released - To the Heirs of Punjab! "We are living through a period of time in which history is being made. This is the history that future generations will narrate and read for inspiration in their future struggles"

11. Godhi media reporters were peacefully ejected from farmers protests as people have a lot of anger against their lies.

12. Deep Sidhu wrote a letter to leaders of United farmers front. He wrote that it’s a responsibility of Leading organizations to listen to everyone. (Picture of letter below)

13. Agriculture minister Tomar met Baba Lakha singh Nanaksar & has reportedly sent a proposal to Farmers Unions via him. The proposal telling unions that states can choose to opt out of implementing farm bills is reportedly sent. Farmers see it as an attempt to divide. Baba Lakha has no farming links and or understands the negotiation, so it’s seen as a mischievous move by BJP. Others calling out his link with Badals.

14. PTC News - However, the farmers’ organisations rejected the Centre’s unofficial proposal sent through Baba Lakha Singh Ji as they said that the proposal was not in written and such a proposal is an indirect attack on the federal structure.

15. Yogendra Yadav on Proposal- “Centre is trying to divert media attention from #TractorMarchDelhi by playing silly games. Our demands are repeal and we are against any efforts to divide states by projecting the problem as problem of one state.”

16. United sikhs has decided to distribute a sum of Rs One Crore to the families of the farmers who passed away at the Morcha or for the purpose of Morcha

17. Piyush Goyal has made an absurd statement saying that he considers talks as an opportunity to teach farmers unions about the benefits of the laws. Joginder Ugrahan called it laughable & face saving politics.

18. Piyush Goyal has be laughed at on Indian media when he said BJP never called Punjab farmers as Khalistanis. The female interviewer proceeded to list all the BJP ministers who said it. Piyush Goyal is leading the negotiations with agriculture minister Tomar.

19. Tribune confirmed that singer Shree Brar was tortured after his arrest for releasing the popular Kissan Anthem. Captain has backed his arrest.

20. In an investigation it has come to light that Brar is not the only one who is in the list of singers/ lyricists to be arrested. Some other renowned singers are under the radar of Amit shah and Captain Amrinder singh.

21. Separately Panth da Mahan Shaheed Bhai Sukhdev Singh Sukhas respected father Bhai Mengha Singh completed his worldly journey today.



Latest developments - with 30 updates. Wednesday 6th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active

1. Reports show 5 farmers passed away today.

2. Najar Singh, s/o Munshi Singh had returned from Singhu Border & has passed away. He was associated with BKU Sidhupur & had returned home due to illness amid rains. Cause of death was Pneumonia.

3. Manpreet singh 24 resident of Mandi Kala (Bathinda) passed away. He was the only son of his parents & was sitting in at Singhu border for 10-12 days. His trolley is still at Singhu border. He was returning home to take new stock of clothes. his picture is below.

4. Punjabi Tribube reports 3 more deaths.

5. Gurdarshan Singh fell ill, went back to his village and died. Ram Singh and Partap Singh lost their lives too.

6. "So far, 60 farmers have lost their lives during the protest. One farmer is dying every 16 hours. It is the responsibility of the government to answer": Rakesh Tikait, Spokesperson, Bharatiya Kisan Union.

7. The Youth Akali Dal (YAD) claimed on Wednesday that Punjabi song writer Shree Brar was arrested and tortured by the Punjab government on the directions of Union Home Minister Amit Shah as punishment for writing the ‘Kisan Anthem’.

8. NDTV - The bank accounts of Reliance Communication, Reliance Telecom and Reliance Infratel -- all owned by Anil Ambani -- have been classified as "fraud" the State Bank of India has told the Delhi High Court, opening up possibilities of a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation.

9. Arnab Goswami continues his embarrassing fake news from the @republic TV in regards to Raman Brar. He claims Canadian Sikh is an MP and interfering Indian internal matters. Raman is not a "Conservative MP". Raman is a private citizen. Raman is not a "Canadian Opposition Leader" - that is Erin O'Toole and Jagmeet Singh. But facts have never matter to Arnab, neither does good journalism.

10. Farmer leader Rajewal- Many attempts are made to derail the movement. RSS agents are trying their best and we have caught many here. Govt should know that there is no rift among union leaders and there never will be.

11. Farmer leader Gurnam Singh Chaduni visited Fatehabad, Haryana and called for boycott of Adani,Ambani and Baba Ramdev.

12. 3rd day of heavy rain. So farmers are making significantly more arrangements for large structures to cover areas in front of stage.

13. Many mattresses soaked and conditions very hard on elderly.

14. Farmers planting onions, herbs and other vegetables around the site.

15. Samagam has been organised to mark the Shaheedi day of Bhai Satwant Singh & Bhai Kehar Singh Ji. A temporary Gurdwara Sahib has been set up at Tikri Border where programs are going on in remembrance of Shaheeds

16. DSGPC helps put up more waterproof shelters and tents at Singhu border.

17. Farmers will begin a tractor march from Ghazipur border to Palwal. The rally will be taken out under the leadership of Rakesh Tikait. Takait reached the Ghazipur border sometime ago.

18. Tractor rallies will be taken from Shahjahanpur border as well. Rally from Tikri Bahadurgarh will be taken as well.

19. FarmersProtest has entered day 106 in Punjab. A huge tractor rally has been taken out in Malot area of Sri Mukatsar Sahib. March will move from Guru Nanak Dev Ji Chowk to NH & back. Rally has people from all neighbouring villages

20. Video of 75 year old sikh farmer who brought a 30 Sangat with them who had to walk the last 8 km to get to the border.

21. Tractor rally from Singhu, Kundli, Piyau Manri, Badh Khalsa will be taken. This will be the largest tractor rally in the history.

22. This protest is already the largest in history. The langar is the largest free kitchen in the world. Now it’s going to have the largest tractor rally in the world. However Modi ignores all of it for his super rich friends who funded his election campaign.

23. Franchise owners of Burger Singh who are Delhi based Sikhs and also have international outlets have set up vegetable burger langar at Tikri Border.

24. Franchise owner of Sardar Baksh coffee outlet has set up imported beans coffee stall for farmers at Tikri.

25. To spread awareness, pamphlets with realities of the three farm laws are distributed at Tikri Border.

26. Bangkok Post article - Women cultivate a new voice in Indian farm protests.

27. The UK labour movement and trade unions issued statement to say it stands in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of farmers in India and the wider trade union movement in India fighting for a just future.

28. Sikhs still face censorship on social media platforms, but Modi supporters like Kanguna do not. Sikhs have to change hashtags everyday. RSS do not have to do that. So today on Diljit Dosanjh birthday the No1 trending hashtag was #HappyBirthdayKhalistaniKutte. However if Farmer hashtags were not censored they would have been no 1 for last 41 days.

29. @PanYaab tweeted Diljit has encouraged a lot of Indians to learn punjabi to follow his responses to Kanguna.

30. Below is the picture of 22-year-old Jatinder of Mansa district was victim of an accident during the Delhi march, but the father has now reached the front to bring the presence of his son. His fathers holds his picture. 2nd picture is Manpreet Singh who passed away today.



Latest developments - with 27 updates. Tuesday 5th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active

1. Farmer Gurjant Singh (63) of village Bhorey, Nabha passed away due to heart attack. Singh had spent 31 days at Singhu & had gone back to his village. Sarpanch Harjinder singh confirmed that farmer was hospitalised earlier this morning & passed away at 8pm.

2. MP farmer died on Delhi-Agra Highway. Surinder Singh Sidhu died due to pneumonia. He was participating in protest.

3. Pellets were shot at farmers Sabi flyover on the Delhi Jaipur road. Yesterday many saw the videos of 110 tear gas canisters fired by police. Today doctors confirmed 100 plus farmers were injured by pellets fired at them by guns. Injured includes bibian.

4. Police fired stun generades not just tear gas cannisters.

5. Video has surfaced in which allegation that Modi has guaranteed payment for Adani Agriculture storage business for next 30 years with inflationary increases for payments. However Modi cannot guarantee MSP for farmers.

6. Shree Brar who penned & sung Kisaan Anthem- a song in support of our farmers, has been arrested by Patiala police. This is a pure vendetta, a gross attempt to dislodge & derail Farmers Protest said Manjinder Singh Sirsa.

7. The Income Tax (I-T) Department is conducting a search at 15 locations of Zee Entertainment. The searches are based on alleged tax evasion data submitted by the Directorate General of GST Intelligence to the Income Tax department.

8. More companies join the Stop the Hate campaign against Godhi media Zee Network. Today Telus confirmed it will stop running adverts on Zee network.

9. Shri Mahinder Kaur Ji Of Bathinda (who was the face of protests) has filed a defamation case against a part time Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut in Bathinda Court. The court will hear the case on 11 Jan.

10. Cash-rich Punjabis and NRIs of Majha have propped up a Gurdaspur based ex-Army man Goldy Manepuria, as their frontman to anonymously pump in massive doses of funds to sustain the farmers’ agitation. He has agreed deals with petrol stations for paying for fuel for any farmers going to morcha.

11. Goldy Manepuria said he was livid when the Godhi media TV anchor said he was not ex-army. “I uploaded a video informing him that I have served at the China border in freezing cold. I also invited him to leave the comfort of his TV studio and brave it out with my brothers in Delhi,” he added.

12. The Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) is imparting driving training to 500 women hailing from villages, who will then lead the procession of tractor-trolleys carrying farmers to participate in the ‘tractor parade’ in Delhi on the Republic D

13. More concerns about Manjit Rai, the controversial communist and Sukhbir Badal supporter at the morcha. He is speaking against Navjot Sidhu about Siri Kartarpur Sahib project, then Lakha Sidhana, Dr Sukhpreet Singh Udoke and Deep Sidhu. He seems a very unsavoury character and farmers need to be aware.

14. Students of Panjab university, Chandigarh wrote an open letter to Supreme Court to consider and reckon the protesting farmers plight. Supreme Court agreed to hear the plea of Students.

15. Modi spoke to cricketer Ganguly this morning. But not a single word for 60 farmers passing away.

16. DSGPC has converted its buses into shelter for farmers in the rain. Farmers can sleep in them.

17. Diljit Dosanjh hits back at more Kangana Ranaut tweets, offers her job as his PR person, says ‘don’t think Punjabis will forget what you’ve done’.

18. Fake elements have been induced to defame farmers Movement. Such incidents went unnoticed earlier at Tikri Border, but after farmers got to know it, they kept a watch and caught a gang that came with alcohol bottles, empty bottles & old currency notes

19. Another video making rounds about denying langar to an old man is from Burari grounds. The video is poor attempt by SAD (Mann) to sabotage the movement. The man seeks attention and has been doing things to harm Morcha including initial sloganeering at start of Morcha.

20. There has been alot of Rainfall at each border site. It stopped people from sending supplies to protestors especially firewood which is important in winter.

21. Haryanvi farmers too held separate meeting. They agreed at least 10 tractors from each village will come to participate in Delhi march on 26th of January.

22. Haryanvis have been bringing in milk in tonnes of litres here at Nayagaon since 27Nov 2020. By any rough estimate, a daily 2000 litres of milk is donated as sewa by Haryanvis to the protesting farmers.

23. UK Prime Minister Johnson will not go to India due to UK covid crisis.

24. Acting on a civil suit moved by Adani Agri Logistics (Panipat) Private Limited (AALL) against Mumbai resident Vinay Dubey, seeking damages to the tune of Rs 5 crore for allegedly circulating a defamatory video against the company, an Ahmedabad city civil court has restrained Dubey and the YouTube channel concerned from reporting and circulating “any defamatory story, article, video and tweets” concerning AALL-Panipat and Adani Group. Dubey's video was run on a YouTube channel named Loktantra TV.

25. Former chief economist to world bank, Kausik Basu tweeted today, “If we are interested in farmer welfare in India, the correct action is to repeal the 3 new farm laws, return to the drafting board, invite farmers, have open (not secret) debate & then design laws. Nirvikar Singh & I spelt out why the current laws hurt farmers, in Times of India.”

26. YouTuber Noor Chahal shares his experience with the BBC about his moments on the Delhi border during the Kisan Sangharsh

27. Below is a picture of Gurjant Singh who passed away and injured farmers.



Latest developments - with 33 updates. Monday 4th Jan : Be Informed, Be Active 

1. Bhai Gurcharan Singh, a farmer passed away today at Singhu border. This takes the toll to 60. Bhai Gurcharan Singh resident of village Bakhopeer of Bhawanigarh. During his stay  at Singhu border protest, he fell ill, went back to his village and died due to pneumonia.

2. Last night's 9 hour relentless rain drenched whole of Gazipur site. Water entered all tents. All mattress soggy, blankets wet, tents on slip roads broken. Volunteers worked hard today to change mattresses and blankets when new ones arrived. They hope no more rain today. 

3. Power was cut last night so conditions were even worse for protesting farmers. 

4. 110 canisters of tear gas were fired upon a convoy of farmers on Delhi - Jaipur road over a 3 hour period. Many tear gas canisters were out of date so exploded as they landed. Many farmers injured as the police directly shit them with canisters and many trolleys on fire during the night. One farmer got hit on his arm and leg with 2 different canisters. 

5. Scenes at the Delhi - Jaipur border road were like a war zone. 

6. 3000 more farmers arrive on tractors from Haryana to Sahajpur border. 

7. The latest round of meeting between farmers’ unions and Indian government minister ended inconclusively today as the BJP refused to withdraw the three controversial farm bills.The next meeting has been scheduled for Friday 8 Jan. 

8. 2 minute silence held for all the farmers who died so far, but no chance in govts stance on the laws. 

9. Farmers have taken up silence in the post lunch session and have asked ministers to respond to the repeal demand. Farmers have decided to not speak anything until govt answers clearly on what it thinks.

10. On asked why didn’t unions discuss MSP when Tomar was ready to give it in writing & as law as well, Dhaliwal said “What will we do with MSP when the laws still exist? How do you implement even an MSP law when there will be no Mandi and our lands gone”

11. BJP General Secretary is calling for Governor rule in Punjab. They are putting in place plans to sideline Capt Amrinder Singh. This will mean major crackdown on farmers. 

12. Punjab BJP Representatives will meet Prime Minister Tomorrow. 

13. “Had the chief minister been discharging his duties towards Punjab, it wouldn’t have become the land of mafia gangs and the people wouldn’t have been living in terror where there is a jungle raj,” BJP’s national general secretary said to Tribune India. 

14. Punjab Vidhan Sabha Speaker Rana KP singh has said that Narendra Modi govt is trying to subvert and destroy constitutional framework of country.

15. 30 Buddhist monks arrive at morcha to support the farmers. 

16. Facing wrath of farmers, Harsimrat Badal had to cancel her four scheduled programmes in villages. Hundreds of people chanted slogans during her visit and tried to gehrao her convoy. However, the police team led by Budhlada DSP Baljinder Pannu manage to escort Harsimrat’s convoy out of the village. Protesters even showed black flags to her convoy. Harsimrat was to pay condolences to the families of slain farmers and deceased members of the party in the villages.  This was her first visit to the area in her constituency after her resignation from the Union Cabinet.

17. A young protestor came to UNITED SIKHS camp where this person lost his consciousness and fell down. A young protestor with critically high blood pressure was immediately taken to hospital by our team at the Medical camp at the border. Timely support helped him recover which otherwise could have resulted into a casualty as shared by the doctors who attended the patient.

18. A Punjab family are calling for more buses to be used instead of tractors for travel to Delhi amid the FarmersProtest. The call comes after their relative, 16-year-old Gurjinder Singh, died en route to the protest after a tractor accident. Others have died in similar incidents.

19. District Police chief Hoshiarpur Navjot Singh Mahal announced that cases against the Tikshin Sood cow dung unloading case will be taken back. This comes after lot of meetings with farmers delegations and lawyers. 

20. Three persons have been booked by Barnala Police under section 153A,153,149 of IPC for allegedly defacing property of BJP leader Harjit Singh Grewal located in Dhanaula. One person has been arrested.

21. A religious organization from Gurdaspur district of Punjab built Tin Shed to Cook Food at Singhu Border. It’s on national highway. Due to bad weather and rain , it was much needed.

22. Indian income tax department has initiated investigation into funding sources of Singer @diljitdosanjh. Diljit had donated 1 crore rupees to cause of farmers. Tax department started this inquiry after receiving complaint from Legal Rights observatory which is affiliated with RSS. 

23. Vijay Patel on Twitter who @vijaygajera is the one co-ordinating complaints against Khalsa Aid, Dharam Seva Records and Diljit Dosanjh. 

24. Reports that Ajay, son of senior BJP minister Amit Shah did not pay tax on time, but no case registered against him. Hypocrisy.... đŸ¤ˇâ€â™‚ď¸đŸ¤ˇâ€â™‚ď¸

25. While Indian media continues its vilification campaigns against @Khalsa_Aid and @RaviSinghKA , the transport association of UK has written a letter to Ravi Singh Sahib ji thanking his organisation for setting up langars for stranded people on the UK- France Border.

26. Punjab Haryana High court has directed CBI to submit report in 2015 Beadbi cases without any further delay.

27. Worlds 2nd largest rail network Bharti Rail now sold by Modi to Adani. It’s now called Adani Rail. So after ports, airports and now Rail. Indias infrastructure is being sold to Adani. 

28. Birth Anniversary of Gaddar Party’s Mohan Singh Bhakna was celebrated and dedicated to farmers at his native village. 

29. Sikh Relief has erected yet another tent village for the protesting farmers of India. With the support of Sikh Assembly and Jet Singh Trust we are now sheltering thousands of farmers from the freezing temperatures and incessant rain. 

30. The sites are Ghazipur at Mayur Vihar on the U.P border, Jaipur border Rajasthan, Singhu and Tikri borders of Delhi. We are providing shelter, food, water, hot drinks and warm bedding to all regardless of caste, creed or religion. 

31. Ambanis Reliance says it has nothing to do with farm laws, then files plea in Punjab and Haryana High Court. However Agriculture Minister specifically mentioned Ambani and Adani as benefitting from laws. 

32. Cameramen and reporters outside Vighian Sabha during the farmers meeting with Ministers. They were waiting outside all day starving until Gurus Sikhs came with Langar!! This same media has gone on defamation campaign against farmers.

33. Pictures of farmer Gurcharan Singh who passed and young 26 year old, Gurjinder singh who passed away while traveling to morcha. Then pictures of injuries to farmers.



Latest developments - with 27 updates. Sunday 3rd Jan : Be Informed, Be Active

1. Shamsher singh from Punjab who was volunteer at stall of British Sikh Council at Singhu Border passed away today.

2. Kulvir Singh from Haryana passed away today.

3. Amarjit Singh Dusura also passed away.

4. Bapu Iqbal singh who is very elderly had a heart attack in the freezing rain and cold winds. Quick actions by youth doing CPR saved him from death. He is recovering.

5. Rain showers have intensified cold-wave at Singhu FarmersProtest site but farmers say that these hardships are just a test of their determination. They say that they would certainly pass all these.

6. Police has fired tear gas shells at farmers in Rewari area. Huge contingent of farmers is headed to Delhi. Haryana Police has used tear gas shells injuring around 20-22 farmers. Farmers to stay out at Rewari tonight. Estimated strength-3000-4000.

7. Amrit Sanchaar happened today at the Singhu border with 70 Gursikhs being blessed with Amrit.

8. Anger at Modi for acting to save 1500 Jio towers in Punjab, but not recognising the 55 farmers who have died and hundreds of thousands on the streets.

9. Punjab Police have slapped attempt to murder charges against the protesters for piling up cattle-dung at the gate of BJP leader and former Punjab Minister Tikshan Sood on Friday.

10. Large convoy of farmers on tractors and trolleys going to Singhu from Sangrur. Police lathis charge them injuring them. Police even tried dragging elder bibian off trolleys. Tractors break through but elders injured by police. Protesting farmers in Sangrur protested against the rally of Punjab BJP President Ashwani Sharma, on the occasion the police also lathicharged the farmers.

11. Farmers unions condemned the lathi charge on farmers at Sangrur today. Unions said that peaceful protesting is constitutional right and use of brute force is wrong and unlawful.

12. The veteran Indian soldiers arrived today at Singhu border.

13. Punjab BJP chief Ashwini Sharma, Surjeet Jayani & Shwet Malik we’re meeting at Hotel Dhingra in Moga. Farmers got to know about it & approached hotel. Police tried to stop farmers but was unsuccessful. The three leaders escaped the scene under police escort.

14. Farmers protesting at houses and wherever BJP officials are in Punjab. Hundreds protesting. In Moga, BJP president Ashwani Sharma in press conference complained at people showing black flags to BJP.

15. Farmers today surrounded vehicle convoy of Harsimrat Badal, before they did it to Sukhbir Badal.

16. Navjot Sidhu has said that Central govt is preparing grounds for governor rule in Punjab with its tactics

17. Farmers from Punjab have sent legal notices to Union Minister Giriraj Singh, Gujarat Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel and member of Board of Governors Ram Madhav, for allegedly making defamatory/derogatory statements against the farmers' protests against the three farm laws. They have sought an unconditional apology from the three leaders and withdrawal of their statements.

18. Nihang Singh demonstrate horse riding skills on Delhi national highway.

19. 8 Kabbadi teams from Punjab, UP and Haryana have arrived at Singhu border. They will play Kabbadi at protest site.

20. Australia Sikhs tag each other on various social media platforms for ‘Mann ki Baat”. Each person tagged make a short video on why they support the farmers in India whilst supporting Australia against Adani (Indian funded) coal mines and spread the word. Tag each other and keep the chain going while creating huge awareness.

21. 90% Jio telecom towers have been restored in Punjab. The generator that was kept in Gurdwara to prevent its usage again at tower or it getting stolen has been handed over to police, FIR registered against 8 for damage to property

22. BSF and RAF have been deployed to stop farmers from marching towards Delhi. But every night and morning they come to farmers demanding firewood, which they use to make fire and keep themselves warm.

23. United Sikhs operating at 3 camps - Tikri, Gazipur and Singhu borders with 150 volunteers are physically doing sewa at these camps. They have arranged 45-50 Doctors have given their volunteers services at the Medical camp. More than 450 patients at the three medical camps each are getting medical treatment.

24. A large number of farmers from village Damulia near Nadala have come to participate in the farmers' agitation today, donating water bottles and hundreds of kilos of coffee, sugar and dry milk to the Sikh Relief hot drinks machine station.

25. Franchise outlet Sardar Ji Baksh has set up its stall at Tikri and is serving free imported coffee to protesting farmers along with sandwiches.

26. Harassment of those supporting the morcha continues. IT dept launches probe against Music label Speed Records, actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh for allegedly routing foreign money to finance farmer protests.

27. Lastly, we ask everyone around the world to do Chaupai Sahib ji and Ardas for Chardi kala of everyone protesting against the Modi regime. The weather and freezing cold rain have made conditions very hard for the elderly and children of the morcha.



Latest developments - with 30 updates. Saturday 2nd Jan : Be Informed, Be Active

1. Yesterday, Kisan Mazdoor Sangarh Samiti, Bhai Dayal Singh who was also block president of zone Shaheed Blaka Singh has passed away today. Dayal Singh had returned home yesterday from Singhu Border due to cold that had caused him pneumonia.

2. Today, 3 Farmers passed away. Baba Kashmir Singh s/o Diwan Singh from Village Kuariawali of Fazilka area has passed away today. He was situated at Tikri border.

3. Another Farmer in Madya Pradesh committed suicide yesterday because the electricity dept have been harassing. Due debt and stress he ended his life.

4. Jashanpreet Singh (18yr Old) s/o Gurmail Singh has passed away at Tikri Border. He was from Bathinda and had arrived today. Cause of death is unknown yet

5. Citing the newly enacted farm laws, Khoja Traders, a trader firm in Dewas, Madhya Pardes, owned by brothers Pavan Khoja and Suresh Khoja, duped 22 farmers in Harda district of their 2,581 quintals of lentil and gram produce worth nearly Rs 2 crore.

6. Farmers have set up barricade at Ghazipur border and called it Baba Boota Singh Garja Singh barricade.

7. 10 year old sikh boy drives Jeep to morcha with his Grandmother.

8. It rained, Hemkunt Foundation team rushed to the Noida (Chilla) Border and set up a tent city within 3hrs. The waterproof and insulated tent cities are now available at all major borders across Delhi

9. Farmers will march into Delhi on 26th of January, India’s Republic day if their demands not met by then.

10. Due to heavy rains, Real Punjabi Dhaba shopping mall owner near site allows elderly farmers and bibian to use showers, dining areas and toilets in his site.

11. When heavy rain came stage area and Sangat cleared, except for 2 elderly bibian shouting slogans, saying rain will not deter them. Sangat then gathered around them.

12. Khalsa Aid India volunteers are distributing raincoats to our farmer community because of the sudden rains since today morning.

13. 6 vehicles of decorated army veterans coming to Delhi to support the farmers.

14. A group of sikh farmers walked 12 days from Siri Anandpur Sahib to Delhi border to join the farmers.

15. Badal Dal assaults a sikh youth near Fatehgarh sahib and videos him pleading sorry to Sukhbir Badal for him being chased away from Fatehgarh Sahib.

16. Lakha Sidhana posts a strong video against badals calling them bullies who have ruined and sold Punjab to BJP. He directly challenges them and Jagir Kaur as a child killer. He calls on Punjab to rid itself of Badal and Captain, both of whom have never done anything to save Punjab.

17. More protests against Bibi Jagir kaur at sikh youth in Punjab.

18. Bhai Harpreet Singh Manku and other Singh arrested in Ludhiana while peacefully protesting against BJP. He was released due to Sangat pressure later on in the day.

19. Street vendors from across country join farmers’ protest at Singhu border. Shaktiman Ghosh, all-India general secretary, National Hawker Federation from Kolkata, said that they have come here from various parts of the country to extend support to the protesters.

20. (Reuters) -India's markets watchdog fined Reliance Industries 250 million rupees ($3.42 million) and its chairman Mukesh Ambani 150 million rupees on Friday for what it said were fraudulent trades while selling a stake in a subsidiary in 2007.”

21. 101 Days Of Protest | Dharna at Gehri Mandi near Jandiala Guru Railway Station in Punjab enters day 101. Singhu like arrangements at Jandiala Guru. Farmers continue to brave rain and cold.

22. Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Saturday took strong exception to the Governor summoning the state’s top brass instead of seeking a report directly from him, as home minister, on the law and order situation in response to the malicious and politically motivated of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

23. Sikh Delegates to @CA_Dem are leading a coalition of diverse delegates and candidates calling on the Party to pass a resolution supporting farmers in India.

24. Former India cricket captain M S Dhoni has a farm house in Ranchi. It will be used to send the MS Dhoni brand vegetables to Dubai for which the Agriculture Department of Jharkhand has taken the responsibility. Punjab farmers just want the same opportunities.

25. Godhi media Zee News anchor Sudhir Chaudhry put out a story that farmers are helping China, but stopping vital supplies to army in the front line. As usual this makes no sense as logistics for army do not go through Delhi. More fake news against farmers.

26. Farmer seminars and book distribution happening every day at Singhu border.

27. Farmers having fun at Singhu border having a tug of war. Rope snaps as both sides laughed.

28. NRI of Majha have provided free diesel to farmers

29. After 38 days in the Capital, Modi has done. Zero Press Conferences, Zero Talks with farmers, Zero Condolences for martyrs, Zero Message for farmers, Zero Visit to farmers, Zero Invites for farmers to PMO, Zero Invites to farmers to residence, Zero dialogue to Delegation to Singhu/Tikri.

30. Below are pictures of the 3 farmers who passed away today and a picture of an injured Bihar farmer from rally yesterday who were brutally put by the BJP and Janata Dal CM and police in Bihar.



Latest developments - with 21 updates. Friday 1st Jan : Be Informed, Be Active

1. Farmer Galtan Baghpat passes away today at gaizpur site. Another farmer also passed away taking the total count to 53.

2. Farmers start 2021 by cleaning all the morcha sites. Temperatures are now freezing cold until later in the day.

3. Nagar Kirtan took place today at Singhu Camp in memory of Shaheedi Saka of Sahibzade

4. Union leaders addressed press in evening & said that agitations will be intensified if demands are not met on 4th.

5. Tractor Rally to be taken out on 6th.

6. Farm Unions warned that govt shouldn’t take the protests lightly & shouldn’t think of it as another Shaheen Bagh.

7. 6jan-20jan will be Desh Jagao Andolan. People will be educated about farm bills.

8. Tomorrow 7 members committee of farmer unions will address press conference at Press Club of India.

9. BJP leader Tikshan Sood's house had a trolley of cow waste placed in the gateway by Sikh youth. BJP leaders got angry with Sikh youth, but the Sikh youth held their ground. Sikh youth told the BJP to stop the hate rhetoric he put on airwaves against Punjab farmers.

10. Police arrested Dal Khalsa leader Ranveer Singh for cow dung being dumped at BJP leaders house. Still unclear if he is connected or it’s just harassment.

11. Amid ongoing anti-Modi protests across India by the farmers, an interesting incident came to fore in Tarn Taran town when ex-BJP Minister Anil Joshi’s younger brother Raja Joshi raised anti-Modi slogans after being surrounded by the farmers. He also joined the day-long sit-in-strike by farmers in front of their fashion mall.

12. Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpur during keertan divan at Gurdwara Shees Ganj Sahib ji, encourages Sangat to go to the morcha and be part of history.

13. USA Punjabi magazine Amritsar Times has released a special issue dedicated to the farmer's struggle titled ' Morcha '.... It was dedicated to the sangat today from the morcha.

14. A family arrives from a Holland to join farmers in Delhi.

15. Punjab BSP join farmers protest at Singhu border. State BSP president Jasbir Singh Garhi says idea of participation is more social than political & they want to strengthen social fabric in Punjab.

16. Yogendra Yadav criticized Gujarat and UP govt’s acts of trying to stop farmer leaders from participating in the protests.

17. Bike rallies were held in five villages of Rohtak in support of the farmers' movement and showed their solidarity with the demands of the farmers.

18. In a dubious move, Akali dal has requested the deployment of Para military in Punjab for the upcoming Nigam Parishad elections. Two days ago BJP had demanded the same after meeting Governor. Why in a democracy do they want para military in civilian areas and elections? Why is Badal team doing BJP bidding unless they are back together.

19. Protests outside Indian Consultate General of San Francisco, in favor of Kirsan Morcha and in opposition to Modi govt. With kirtan and Sangat seeing out the New Year while protesting.

20. ASSOCHAM, The Associated Chambers of Commerce of India; Oldest, Leading, largest and Apex Chamber has written to Punjab govt about Industry losses due to protests

21. Union minister publicly threatening farmer leaders after 30 Dec talks #PiyushGoyal : “We have LIST of 40 people of your organization. Do not open your mouth too much. "



Latest developments - with 26 updates. Thursday 31st Dec : Be Informed, Be Active 

1. Gurlabh Singh, a 22-year-old farmer from village Dayalpura in Bathinda district, has passed away. 

2. Yesterday, the Indian government has agreed to withdraw ordinances on the rise in electricity power tariff and penalties for stubble burning. These ordinances have nothing to do with the original three bills regarding private market, contract farming and essential commodities. The deadlock over the main contentious issues of the repeal of three farm laws and a legal guarantee for Minimum Support Price (MSP) still continues.

3. BJP and Godhi media do propoganda by saying the farmers won 50% of the battle, but none of the 3 bills have been cancelled. So the BJP are twisting yesterday’s meeting outcome and farmers should be careful. 

4. BJP suffers heavily losses in Haryana municipal elections. They were expected to win most of Haryana, but ended up losing a lot if it. Farmer protest seemed to have caused the swing in voting. It’s a huge problem for CM Kattar who dug up roads and had police attack the protestors weeks ago. 

5. Haryana police try to stop more farmers join morcha. Heavy handed tactics by police, but farmers used tractors to break through barricades today. 

6. Rajasthan farmers have removed barricades at Rewari border and started proceeding towards Delhi.

7. Kerala Vidan Sabha unanimously pass motion against BJP Modi agriculture laws. 

8. BJP leaders complain the Police not doing enough in Punjab to protect them. They blame Capt Amrinder. 

9. Nearly 50,000 farmers attend kisan protest in Tamil Nadu today. 

10. Punjab Governor VP Singh Badnore has summoned the Chief Secretary as well as DGP Punjab in the wake of disconnection of power supply to Reliance Jio’s mobile towers in Punjab. It is clear that the pressure on Punjab Governor to control targeting of Reliance Jio towers is coming from Centre.

11. Modi shows he is more concerned about Jio Towers rather than elderly farmers sleeping on the streets. 

12. Ajmer Singh Lakhowal (BKU) in Oct was blamed for his unanimous actions to play in the hands of SAD-BJP to torpedo the farmer's movement. Today he tried to be on stage to gain lost ground but the huge gathering didn't allow him to speak a single sentence. He used to be a stalwart farmer leader. He had to beg pardon on stage and leave. This shows the real power of this agitation lies in the hands of awakened masses. The movement has a divine hand. 

13. China's Largest Bottled Water Owner Dethrones Ambani As Asia's Richest Person

14. Adani raises $300 million via selling bonds at 3% on his Container Port. 

15. Farmer rally held in Bhopal today. 

16. Khalsa Foundation NZ in collaboration with NZ Sikh Youth, Nanaksar Youth and United Sikhs Australia announces the installation of billboard screens supporting indian farmers covering at metropolitan cities all over New Zealand. 

17. Motorcycle rally from Amritsar stopping at many Punjab cities will reach morcha site tonight. 

18. In a major blow to caste propaganda played by some top thinkers who claim to be (I know it all about Dalits), Punjab BSP sent its jatha of over 1000 people to Singhu Border. This movement has support of everybody irrespective of caste, job, religion and land holding.

19. Zee News being reported on Facebook for hate speech by many people. 

20. Stop Funding the Hate campaign starts against Zee TV. Uk Sikhs want advertisers to stop placing adverts with it. Southall Travel, East End Foods and Rajah been contacted. Southall travel confirm they have asked Zee Tv to not run their adverts  until farmers dispute not over. 

21. Rep. Andy Levin of Michigan. "I have also been heartened watching democracy in action in India and the popular support this movement is garnering throughout the nation and the global Indian diaspora."

22. Protest to be held on 15th Jan outside UN Food and Agriculture offices in Rome. 

23. Sikh PA - A police officer that punched a Sikh man in the face at a London rally is being investigated for his conduct. 

24. Following the incident in Ujjain of a Mosque demolition by RSS. Local Hindutva leader Acharya Shekhar put out a video giving violent threats to Muslims. Warning Muslim to refrain from “disturbing environment”, “We will create so many graveyards in MP  that you will struggle for space to bury your dead.”

25. Godhi media highlights that #Modishinesin2020 is trending in India. Considering how much manipulation of social media by BJP we have seen in 2020 with hundreds of sikh pages blocked on fB, Instagram and Twitter. It shows that this trending is more BJP spin. 

26. We leave this last update of 2020 dedicated to the bibian of the morcha. May they always stay in Chardi Kala.



Latest developments - with 33 updates. Wednesday 30th Dec : Be Informed, Be Active.

1. Young farmer Jangsir Singh passed away today in Tikri border.

2. Talks with Farmer unions and Indian Govt failed today. Govt agreed on 2 minor demands, but not on the important demands.

3. Agriculture Minister Tomar Media Address after today’s meeting - “Today’s Meeting was in good faith & both sides expressed urge to resolve the issue. We talked on 4 point agenda of Unions and arrived at resolving 50% of the issues. The two ordinances (stubble & electricity) have been assured to be discarded byGoi. Unions are adamant on their demand of repeal of the laws, we tried to explain our part & how laws benefit most farmers. We are willing to resolve any issues in the laws wide amendments. Our position on MSP is clear & we reiterated same that it will stay like it is on. We urge them to send the old, women and children home because of cold weather”.

4. @Amaanbali - Farmers Unions have postponed the tractor march till 4th Jan.This is done because of good nature of meeting and half the demands have been met.

5. Hundreds injured from yesterday’s brutal tactics of BJP CM of Bihar lathis charging 10,000 farmers peacefully walking to the Governors House.

6. Modi bhagats call NDTV fake news, as it does not repeat Godhi media talking points demonising farmers and minorities.

7. Indian express interview with economist Devinder Sharma. He states,”If free markets in agriculture were so good I see no reason why the rich countries go on pumping in massive subsidies year after year”.

8. Hinditvawatch - BJP IT cell troll Himanshu Jain followed by Narendra Modi, Piyush Goyal compares medical camp at #FarmersProtests in Delhi to 'Lashkar or Naxal camp', (terrorist trading camp) asks 'did they forget how 1984 happened'.

9. BJP senior Leader Rajnath Singh in an interview distances himself from criticism of the farmers. Carefully praises farmers profession and Sikhs, but not farmers demands. However very different tone to Modi, Amit shah and Tomar. Observers says it just a BJP game.

10. Hinditvawatch - Pro BJP 'defense analyst' Abhijit Iyer Mitra wants pellet guns used against farmers protesting in Punjab

11. Former Chief economist to World bank, Indian Kausik Basu, who spoke in favour of farmers. He commented on hate trolls from BJP IT cell, to himself and Amartya sen. “It is a shame that Amartya Sen, celebrated the world over, is under personal attack today in his own country, India. It is by a small right-wing group, but still, this is so sad for India.”

12. Billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries is India’s most valuable company with a market value of ₹12.64 lakh crore, followed by Tata Consultancy at ₹10.91 lakh crore, HDFC Bank at ₹7.69 lakh crore, Hindustan Unilever at ₹5.63 lakh crore and Infosys at ₹5.26 lakh crore.

13. Business Insider India magazine has article - From uprooting mobile towers to cries of #BoycottJio— the farmers’ protests in India are heating up and spreading far and wide.

14. Ambani owned Jio Mobile Stops Responding To PORT Requests as thousands leave its service.

15. Around 2000 Jio towers targeted. In most cases power supply was cut off. Police restored functioning of 80 percent towers. Jio officials met Punjab’s Senior officials seeking security for telecom infrastructure.

16. Mukesh Ambani brother Anil has massive on going issues. "The accounts of 3 Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group entities have reportedly been flagged as fraudulent by three banks, including India’s largest lender, SBI. RCom, Reliance Infratel & Reliance Telecom owe lenders 86,188 Cr.

17. Australians support the farmer movement by protesting against Andani and Ambani. Sikhs on social media ask if Godhi media will call white Australians as terrorists like it does to Sikhs and Muslims.

18. Females on social media tweet that posts they put in favour of farmers are responded to with rape threats by Modi bhagats.

19. Protests in Mumbai today in favour of farmers.

20. Roads closed at Vighay Bhawan.

21. Vox media puts on short video on farmers protests.

22. A group of 30-40 NRI Punjabis from US, Canada, Germany and other countries have arrived at Singhu to protest against new farm laws.

23. Farmers unions avoiding Godhi media Zee News. Zee female reporter wrapped her arm around Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait , but he moved away aware that afterwards these Godhi media reporters make allegations to trap them.

24. Zee News Editor in Chief Sudhir Chaudhry who has become infamous for his hate reporting on farmers, Sikhs and Khalsa Aid. Sudhir owns the channel with a BJP MP Subash Chandra. In November 2012, Chaudhary was arrested, with Sameer Ahluwalia on charges of extortion. This followed a complaint that had been filed by Congress MP and businessman, Naveen Jindal. Jindal had alleged that the two journalists had tried to extort Rs. 100 Crore worth of advertisements from his company in exchange for dropping stories that linked the Jindal Group with the Coalgate scam. The two were sent to 14-day judicial custody in Tihar jail and were ultimately released on bail. However innocent minorities like Sikhs spent decades in jail.

25. Jazzy B tells ZEE5 ZEE TV Canada to take down his promo for Canada Bhangra superstar ZEE5BalleBalle show in protest for their smear campaign against Ravi Singh-Khalsa Aid & Khalsa Aid International

26. 43,000 people join #boycott_zeenews_challenge in one day.

27. Jazzy B still at morcha doing langar seva and mixing with farmers.

28. Shaheen Bagh shooter Kapil Gujjar, who was arrested, was today inducted into the BJP party. This is the party that calls others terrorists when many of its MPs have criminal cases against them. Then hours later after Twitter and media storm, BJP denies that they knew he was the shooter and removed him from BJP. Another day of Modi BJP govt incompetence in so many ways.

29. Nihang dals announce Amrit Sanchaar at morcha on Sunday.

30. Gurpreet Singh Bathinda artist, who’s political cartoons we have featured slot on these updates. Today, he does a live painting on stage, showing the face of Modi with Adolf Hilter.

31. Uk MP Preet Gill speaks on PTC in favour of farmers.

32. A 2014 letter is being shared in which Home Secretary Priti Patel has openly expressed her admiration and support for terrorist organisations such as the RSS. Priti has also attempted to legitimse the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) which is the UK branch of the RSS, attached is a signed letter affirming her support for the HSS.

33. 81-year-old Sukhdev Singh & his 80-year-old wife Jagir Kaur from Kattu village in Barnala have been inspiring many at Tikri border. Landless and childless, the couple claims the fight is for the betterment of Punjab and to safeguard the interests of the future generations.



Latest developments - with 29 updates. Tuesday 29th Dec : Be Informed, Be Active.

1. A bibi protestor Malkit Kaur has died due to accident while crossing road in Punjab. She had returned from Singhu and was sitting in protest in Punjab as well.

2. One side effect on the morcha. While thousands of bibian support their husbands in morcha in Delhi. However thousands more bibian are doing the farming in their lands. A gruesome video emerged today of an elderly Bibi who’s hand was crushed while working in the fields in machinery. They are having to do the manual hard Labour work while the morcha is happening. 

3. NDTV reports massive farmer protest in Bihar capital of Patna. 10,000 + farmers March on Patna is very embarrassing for Modi as it’s a BJP state. 

4. Bihar police attack Bihar farmers aggressively as news spreads of the protest on TV channels. 

5. Lakha Sidhana asked farmers NRIs not to sell their lands in Punjab to corporations. He said these corporations want the land because when China has completed its new Silk Road, these fertile lands will be sending food from Middle East to Russia. Corporations want to buy these lands of you now cheaply as they will substantially increase in value in the future. 

6. Despite being the most sensible voice of the morcha, Lakha Sidhana still getting restricted to speak on stage. Lakha said out of 40 kisan uniins, 39 have no issues with him, only one does. But we need unity now, we can sort these issues out in punjab when we return. 

7. Deep Sidhu still not getting any time at all on stage, but gets a lot of support on his social media updates. 

8. Farmer union leaders have accepted center’s proposal  on 30th of December at 2 PM. Tractor march has been postponed from 30 to 31 December. Tribune reports that farmers will bring  tractors from Punjab, Haryana and UP for march.

9. In a big jolt to the Bharatiya Janata Party, Punjab division, its major Sikh face and former Member of Parliament (MP) Harinder Singh Khalsa has quitted the saffron party in protest against three farm laws recently legislated by its government in Centre. Huge blow to their next election hopes. 

10. BJP infighting continues as they struggle to control events. Their Punjab head admit they can no longer go into villages of Punjab safely. 

11. The gherao of BJP leaders continued with gherao of Kamaljeet Singh who had gone to see his relative in Bathinda. He had to escape through back door. 

12. Bloomberg :- Mukesh Ambani sold Silicon Valley and Wall Street a $27 billion plan to transform his tech empire. Now the billionaire is under pressure to deliver.

13. Basketball Toronto Raptors Super Fan Nav Singh Bhatia Refuses Indian of the Year Award, Writes Emotional Letter of Refusal. “My heart cannot accept this {global Indian award 2020 from CIF Canada India Foundation}award at this time.Not while my brothers and sisters across India are in pain.I stand with all of the farmers of India. I pray for a safe and peaceful resolve.” I am Sikh.Actually.I am a proud Sikh.” It’s an embarrassing set back to Indian govt attempt to divide Sikhs in Canada. 

14. Due to fake news about Khalsa Aid presented by Zee News, Gurpreet Grewal refuses to present her show Canada Bhangra on the Zee Network. 

15. Ravi Singh from Khalsa Aid calls on more Punjabi artists to quit the Zee Network. 

16. Veterinary Association of Punjab has sent its group in solidarity with farmers. The group of 32 reached Tikri an hour ago. 

17. Sarvan singh Pander has said that the farmers groups from other states that have not been able to become part of this movement will be added as well

18. Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh committee decided not to participate in tomorrow’s talks between Central govt and farmer unions. In a statement committee said PM Narendra Modi and central ministers’ statement show that govt is defending the new farm laws and it does not have solid agenda. 

19. On the ground, Journalist @PunYaab- More Panchayats complain the Jio have illegally built towers on their lands in villages. They said no payments by Jio have ever been made to Panchayats. Machhiwara BDPO Rajwinder Kaur said  she is not aware of this as work was done few years ago. Samrala SDM Gitika Singh complained that ADC(D) Sandeep Kumar can answer questions related to this issue. Sandeep Kumar said issue of installation of towers in panchayat land doesn’t comes under his department. Director of  Panchayat and Rural Development ministry Manpreet Singh said this issue is related to e-governance department. They all pass the buck. 

20. 17 FIR’s registered against mobile tower vandalism activities in Punjab.  No arrests made yet. Police directed to recover property. 1602 towers are without electricity. 

21. Buddha Dal donate 5lakh rupees to farmer unions. 

22. Khalsa Aid have now set up washing machines at Tikri border. 

23. 30,000 protestors enjoyed coffee with Gurh thanks to Sikh Relief. 

24. Life Care Foundation has set up Free laboratory for protesting farmers at Singhu Border. They help the elderly age group that’s vulnerable to diabetes, hypertension & other ailments. The laboratory offers free blood test & other tests as well.

25. An unprecedented coalition of Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh elected officials from California sent a letter to the Indian Ambassador supporting farmers in India. 

26. UK MP Tanmanjit Singh Dhesi writes on Twitter, “To clarify Boris Johnson’s understanding of #FarmersProtest and to ensure he raises it with Indian PM, a cross-party letter is being sent to him in early Jan. Rather than contact me, please email your local MP, if they’d like to add their signature to lend support to this cause.”

27. According to the Mumbai Police allegedly the Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami paid lakhs to senior officials of TV rating agency BARC, including CEO Partho Dasgupta to manipulate the Television Points Ratings (TRP). The Police submitted a remand note to the magistrate court on Monday, December 28. 

28. Lots of love between farmers. Many help each other. Keep the site clean. Akhand keertani jatha and nihangs dals doing keertan together and making sarbloh langar. Lots of farmers from many states having discussions to increase knowledge on farming and how to build more unity. 

29. Below is a picture of Mata Malkit Kaur who passed away today, as mentioned point 1.



Latest developments - with 30 updates. Monday 28th Dec : Be Informed, Be Active.

1. Today, 3 protestors passed away. Manpreet Singh kaka who has been at the morcha since day 1 has passed away. Siri Akhand path started for him. 

2. Bhupinder singh from village Rara passed away. 

3. A 55-year-old Barnala-based farmer, Sukhdev Singh Gurm, died of heart attack while sitting on a dharna outside BJP district president Yadwinder Singh’s house. Gurm was protesting outside Yadwinder’s house since October 1.

4. The morcha was the worlds largest peaceful protest. Now as it’s feeds hundreds of thousands everyday, this morcha has also become Worlds largest Free Kitchen. (Langar). 

5. The revised approx numbers of protestors at all borders as of today. Note numbers just keep increasing in hundreds and thousands. Singhu- around 200,000, : Tikri- around 125,000 : Ghazipur- 20,000 : Shahjahanpur- around 8000. 

6. Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, the 87-year-old Harvard University professor, backed the farmers' protests against three agricultural laws, insisting there was a "strongcase” for review of the laws.

7. Ongoing games by BJP govt. Center had told farmer leaders to decide date and time of talks. Farmers had proposed talks at 11 AM on 29th of December. Today on 28th of December, ANI made Center’s letter public saying it wants to talk on 30th of December at 2PM. This timing is deliberate as it’s in the middle of a massive tractor rally on 30th dec planned by farmers. 

8. 1340 Jio Towers have been taken down approx 7k left. Panthic Spirit is is growing fast in Punjab. This is causing massive issues for Jio mobile company owned by Ambani. 

9. Revelations that many of the Jio Towers were built on Panchayat land, without Panchayats approving them. So construction of them is illegal. 

10. Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpur, Bhai Bir Singh and Bhai Sukhpreet Singh Udoke, do a keertan divan at morcha. 

11. Fatehgarh Sahib : Sukhbir Singh Badal, President SAD(B) had to face the wrath of the Punjab youths. Sangat at historical Gurudwara Fatehgarh Sahib this evening, noticed when he had come to pay obeisance to younger Sahibjadas after the conclusion of Jor Mela. He was quickly taken by security as Sikh youth surrounded akali dal workers. Sangat cheered as his convoy of cars speed off. 

12. Agitating farmers announce to boycott Punjab BJP leader Harjit Grewal. 

13. Agriculture minister tweets letters of support from Haryana farmers. Journalist Ritesh Lakhi responds - “Wonder why Union Agriculture minister is seeking ratification for his farm laws from a nondescript kisan club of Haryana ! Still such tactics being adopted by union ministers are not in great spirit, nor intent.

14. Significant protest outside Indian consulate in Toronto today. Despite snow and icy winds, hundreds of vehicle and protestors supports the farmers. 

15. Sikhs In Vancouver hoist the Khalsa flag outside the Indian consulate. 

16. On the YouTube link to Modi’s Mann ki baat programme, it’s got 32,000 dislikes & 16,000 likes for . That’s actual public reaction & not Godhi media fake news. 

17. USA sikh trucker covers his trolley in posters supporting farmers morcha. Huge letters say No Farmers No Food, Shame on Indian Government. At rear is a huge picture of Modi with a necklace of shoes. Sikhs / Punjabis have thousands of trucks in North America. If all could have banners like this, it’s free advertising, educational for North America population, and will send a hugely embarrassing message to Modi and BJP. It may even be more effective than rallies but in combination is excellent. North America truckers, karo Kirpa......

18. Sikh Relief put up a huge coffee machine not far from stage of morcha. It’s gives thousands hot coffee in the morning in the freezing cold. 30,000 cups of coffee per day. 

19. Godhi media Zee News ran a fake news against Khalsa Aid. KA responded in a formal statement. Ravi Singh responded in a video while feeding 1500 meals to truckers stranded in Dover. Worldwide response supporting Khalsa aid including Canadian MPs tweeting with #iamWithKhalsaAid. 

20. #iamWithKhalsaAid trends No1 in Canada on Twitter. Shame on Zee news as your fake news backfired. 

21. UK residents can report the Zee News piece to Ofcom. Ofcom can issues fines, but repeated offenses can lead to removal of broadcasting rights in UK. 

22. Yourseva, another Uk based sikh charity put air bikes and other items in morcha gym. Nice video of two elder sikhs enjoying riding on the bikes. 

23. Free auto bike service for elderly and bibian at Singhu border. 

24. Panth Punjab do more educational seminars on Delhi protests. All can be seen on Panth Punjab YouTube channel.

25. Saving Punjab - 'Dr Varinder Sharma, Scientist, Development Studies, IDC said that the yield gap per kg and per hectare has come down drastically in Punjab. According to Dr Sharma, more than 10 per cent small and marginal farmers have given up agriculture during the past decade following a decline in profitability, stagnated yields, reduced public investment in agriculture.

26. BJP MP Hans Raj Hans does an interview where he struggles to openly support the farmers instead makes himself out as the victim. 

27. A sikh farmer was beaten after he refused to pay Rs200 per quintal as bribe to centre in-charge. Later @uppolice registered FIR against farmer before taking his complaint into consideration. He had sold 287 quintals paddy at a centre in UP's Shahjahanpur on Nov 26.

28. 23 Sikh boys who didn’t keep kes (Monas) have vowed to keep Kes by taking an oath over fire at Sarai Aurangabad. (Bahadurgarh). The boys from Amritsar will undergo Amrit Sanchar after Morcha gets done with.

29. Aljeezera - India arrests 75 in Kashmir after local elections. The arrests came after an anti-Modi alliance won majority of seats in local elections last week. The Indian government has arrested at least 75 Kashmiri political leaders and activists to forestall political unrest after an alliance of Kashmir’s regional political parties won local elections, leaders and a police official said on Saturday. This is Modi’s democracy. 

30. Separately Mata Upkar Kaur Ji, mother of Prof. Devenderpal Singh Bhullar passed away today.



Latest developments - with 28 updates. Sunday 27th Dec : Be Informed, Be Active.

1. 4 farmers and one lawyer passed away today. Farmers were Gurpyaar Singh, Amrik Singh, Sukhbir Singh, Umarpal Singh. 

2. Gurpyaar Singh (61) was protesting at Tikri and had been sent home due to illness has passed away in his village. He was member of BKU (Dakoda) and was sitting at Tikri for 24days. 

3. Amarjit Rai was a Lawyer of Jalalabad Bar association he committed suicide & left a suicide note blaming midi treatment of farmers. He is the fifty person to pass away today. 

4. Cold rain tonight has made conditions very hard for protestors.  However keertan carried on in the rain. 

5. Ardas and Sardhanjali given to Mata Gujjar Kaur ji and  younger sahibzade. 

6. Over 50,000 farmers block Kolkatas major road to support farmers in Delhi. 

7. Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader Rakesh Tikait, who has been at the forefront of the ongoing farmers' protest, allegedly received a death threat on his phone on Saturday evening.

8. Modi speaks to the Indian nation via Maan ki Baat show. 

9. Farmers protesting at Delhi border points banged utensils while marching and chanting slogans against the Central government, while Modi was on TV. Similar to the one Modi called for during lockdown. 

10. A group of Soldiers arrived at the Delhi Border farmer protests and pledged support for the farmer’s cause. The soldiers put their medals in a box and gave it to the government in protest of the government not taking back the farm bills.

11. Delhi CM Kejriwal amongst the speakers at Singhu border. His delhi govt has been providing tankers of water for farmers to do ishnaan. 

12. Khalsa Aid has opened its second mall at Singhu border for our farmer community with the blessings of the almighty.

13. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath bowed down in a Gurudwara in one of Lucknow on the occasion of the martyrdom day of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's younger Sahibzada, but still attacks farmers on the streets. It’s their dual policy of say one thing, do another. 

14. Blankets and other supplies comes in trucks from sikhs as far away as Kashmir. 

15. Kerala farmers have sent 20 tonnes of Pineapples to farmers  in Delhi. “They are protesting to protect the interests of each one of us. And that is why we are standing strong in solidarity with them,” said James George, President of the Kerala Pineapple Farmers Association: The News Minute 

16. Indian Express - For the first time in seven years, PM Modi is beginning to look weak. Article by Tavleen Singh 

17. Godhi media had a BJP spokesman on TV who said they need evidence of any farmers passing away. Farmers say 40 + have now passed now.

18. At Tikri Border, a elder farmer was attacked at night by policemen as he went to the washroom. They broke his wrist. 

19. State secretary of BJP, AP, Rameshnaidu Nagothu posts Indira Gandhi's video from 1984 to falsely accuse farmers of being violent, anti national, falsely claims Congress stands now with those who 'chant Bharat tere tukde honge, Khalistan zindabad slogans'

20. More protests in Toronto this weekend. 

21. Protests outside India vs Australia cricket match in Melbourne. 

22. Shiv Sena  - ‘India will break like Russia,’ Sanjay Raut issues a subtle threat in his rants against PM Modi

23. Youth Akali Dal (YAD) President Parambans Singh Romana today said chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh had turned the Punjab Police into a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Protection Force on the directions of union home minister Amit Shah. YAD President said it was shocking that Punjab Police personnel had been removed from active duty and assigned to protect the houses and business establishments of BJP leaders by the Congress government in Punjab on the directions of the union home minister.

24. Lakha Sidhana, Raj Kakra, Deep Sidhu and others arrive at Fatehgarh sahib ji and ask Sangat to support delhi morcha. 

25. Sikh runner Jagdeep Singh ran from Delhi to Amritsar in 48hrs. He did Ardaas at Harmandir Sahib for victory of Farmers. 

26. Farmers Protest has entered day 95 at Jandiala Guru where people are sitting at Railway station. Nearly all major railway tracks of Punjab are witnessing 95th day of protests. Don’t let them whitewash this with ‘one month of protests’. 

27. Farmers at Nirankari grounds are turning the infertile ground to a field. Onions, garlic and peas are sown at location. Nirankari grounds host 1200-1500 farmers atm. A farmer said. “We will leave the site greener, better and food can be used by the needy if they want.”

28. Farmers have urged everyone to celebrate new year with them at Singhu and Tikri borders.
