Game of love ๐Ÿ’™- PLEASE SAVE ME!


There was a Muslim man, who use to travel from very far on a horse, in order to listen to Guru Gobind Singh Ji do Vichaar (teachings). He used to travel on horseback and ride for hours and hours to have Darshan (vision) of Guru sahib and receive Bachan (a command). 

One time, as Sangat (congregation) were giving their offerings to Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji went to this Muslim man and said, 'You have given the most valuable offering.' The Muslim man was a little surprised and confused, because he had not given any offering. He said 'Maharaj Ji, I haven't given any offerings.' 

Guru sahib said, 'Do you remember? You was riding on horseback to get here and you were asked where you were going. You replied and also encouraged other Sangat to come to the divaan too. 

'Guru sahib said, 'That is the most valuable bheta (offering). You also sat and listened to the teachings without letting your mind waver. When you bring other Sangat with you to get lahaa (earn profit) and listen to Gurbani (Gurus teachings), with your focus on Naam, (name of God)  It is the greatest Seva (service). More valuable than money, food, ramalay etc.'

Let us try to encourage those around us to go to the Gurudwara and attend Naam, Baani and Kirtan programmes so their jeevans (lives) are blessed and Maybe Guru Sahib Ji will bless us in the same way they did the Muslim man. There is no greater blessing than doing so. In the same way, there is no greater paap (sin) than breaking someone from the Gurdwara (Guru's House). This can be done by finding ways to literally stop someone or upsetting/hurting someone, whilst they're actually present at the Gurdwara!!

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "If only someone would come, and lead me to meet my Darling Beloved; I would sell myself to them."

Pure Humility and Love from our fourth Master!! ๐Ÿ™ This is the kind of love we need to merge with Vaheguroo!! 





An amazing conversation with a truly loving and blessed soul๐Ÿ™

Vaheguroo Ji ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Ji ki fateh pyaree sadh Sangat Ji ๐Ÿ™. I first felt a connection with Guru sahib when i was 5 years old looking through a picture book in my school library in country Australia, growing up I continued to witness the amazing power of guru sahib. Every step closer I took to guru sahib on my discovery I felt so much Piyaar (love) and such a strong presence guiding me on this beautiful lifelong path. Guru sahib bought me to England on university exchange and continued to shower me with blessings and guidance- the amount of Piyaar guru sahib gives his children is beyond anything in this world ๐Ÿ™ On 20th December 2014 in Coventry, Guru Sahib blessed me into the Khalsa Family๐Ÿ™. I got to the stage where my life had felt so worthless because I had not given it to Guru Sahib. And now I feel so happy and fulfilled laying my head at Guru Sahibs feet, everything has a new meaning now. There is no way to describe this feeling; All I can say is my soul is at peace now๐Ÿ™ Vaheguroo ๐Ÿ™

"I went on to ask bhenji some more questions!"

Vaheguroo๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ with the power of naam and guru sahibs Piyaar, there is no way we can ever feel alone or empty๐Ÿ™. When I was really young I just felt fascinated by the people (Sikhs) in the book and mesmerised by harmandir sahib - when I looked at the pictures I felt like I had found my place in the world, like I had a connection that from past janams (life's) ๐Ÿ™. Where I am from in Australia there is not a lot of gursikhs - Vaheguroo Ji's kirpa though I applied for exchange programs all over the world and Guru sahib bought me to England and surrounded me with so many inspirational gursikhs ๐Ÿ™. You know what, leading up to me leaving Australia even two weeks before my plane was supposed to leave, I thought I wasn't going to be able to come to the UK- so many problems and hurdles to get here but Guru ji did not let me fail any - even in the last hurdle with my Visa I had no certainty that I would be even allowed into the country to stay, but I felt that confidence just to go and everything would work out - and it did ๐Ÿ™. Vaheguroo Ji's kirpa everything happened perfectly - I know Guru Sahib wanted me to come here and be amongst gursikhs and sadh Sangat ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™. it's an amazing feeling ๐Ÿ™ everything is done for a reason hunna... 

Yes I am still in England. I'm here until the 25th May.

 My name before was Ruby Palmer ๐Ÿ˜Š  my family are beautiful people, I love them so much but it is hard for them to understand as they don't believe in religion..There has been a lot of hurdles and the image of a dastar (turban) is confronting for them because it's so different to anything they know. but I just explain to them with Piyaar (love) why I am doing things and with time they're getting more and more use to it- it's just about changing what they perceive as normal hunna- But the bottom line is they just want me to be happy, and following guru sahibs path is what makes me feel the most happiest and fulfilled โค๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š Vaheguroo. 

Vaheguroo Ji your Instagram page is amazing๐Ÿ™ so inspirational- keep up the amazing seva ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

"I asked if we could share bhenji's experience!"

Of course you can share my story, it's all Vaheguroo Ji's kirpa (blessing), which should be shared with all who want it ๐Ÿ™. Yes I did, the 20th was the best day of my life and the start of my life, Vaheguroo ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™. still get shivers thinking about it โ˜บ. Nahi not at all, as you said we are Gurus family and I don't mind at all, what you are doing helps soo many people you should be soo proud๐Ÿ™. I'm based in Birmingham atm then I'm goin back to Australia for my final exams for uni in November. Then I am going to come back to the uk and settle ๐Ÿ™ I love it here ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™ Vaheguroo ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

We usually have a moral at the end of each post but the conversation with Kirpa Kaur and the amount of pyaar (love) generated, whilst speaking to bhenji, showed how Guru Sahib has glanced his loving, grace on bhenji and how much she loves Guru sahib and their sangat.  

Benti sangat ji, please continue to support bhenji positively and lovingly through Naam, baani/kirtan smaagams in her relatively new journey of beautiful Sikhi๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™. 

If bhenji from Australia can do it, don't think we can make any excuses not to earn the love and blessings of Guru Sahib ji. ๐Ÿ™ Guru Sahib and the Khalsa family will always support you.๐Ÿ™ 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Through the Naam, you shall obtain honor, and come home. Eagerly drink in the Ambrosial Amrit."


Game of love ๐Ÿ’š- MEDITATION & SCIENCE


The beauty is, Guru Sahib Ji revealed the below 550 years ago but we won't listen to Guru Ji. For some reason, it makes more sense when it comes from others! 

It turns out meditating is good for more than just quiet time: It can actually help us fight the cripplingly high stress levels we experience during our busy lives, in the office or elsewhere.

November 7, 2014: Scientists from Harvard University and the University of Sienna, recently found that meditation is so powerful it can change the physiology of a person's brain, resulting in positive changes like a decrease in anxiety and depression.

The science: Scientists put 24 participants with no history of meditation through an eight-week course on best practices for, "mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR)," fancy science talk for meditation. The course consisted of 2.5 hour sessions each week, where participants learned "body scanning, sitting meditation, walking meditation and mindful stretching movements." The scientists also requested each participant perform at least 45 minutes of meditation each day. MRI's were performed before and after the meditation boot camp and each participant answered a series of psychological evaluations to determine their stress and anxiety levels, before and after the MBSR course as well.

The team compared these results to a control group, who went through no meditation training at all during the eight weeks.

The comparison demonstrated "an increase of cortical thickness in the right insular lobe and somatosensory cortex" of the meditation group. In layman's terms, meditation made parts of the brain corresponding to emotion and perception thicker. This ultimately resulted in "a significant after-training reduction of several psychological indices related to worry, state anxiety, depression and alexithymia."

So ultimately, meditation made people more emotionally attuned and less depressed โ€” a pretty good argument to spend time solemnly reflecting each day.

The takeaway: We live in a society where depression, anxiety, and stress are increasingly part of our lives. Stress levels among Americans have risen by up to 30%, and it's not much better in Europe or Asia, where anxiety and depression is growing at alarming rates. Instead of solving the root causes of these problems, Westerners are resorting to antidepressants at a higher rate than ever before. One in 10 are now taking a prescription antidepressant.

Meditation, while not a panacea, can help us deal with such a society by decreasing our stress levels and increasing our abilities to emotionally relate to ourselves and others. And with further research, it could provide an alternative to being constantly doped to the gills in order to be happy (or just less sad).

Guru Ji gave us the answer to the above many years ago. If we want to live a depressed/stressed free life, we have to take to the True Guru. There's no other cure. ๐Ÿ™

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "The True Guru has inspired me to hear the Treasure of meditation on Gods Naam (name); all my mental & physical illnesses have been dispelled."


Game of love โค๏ธ- PERFECT OR CRACKED


An elderly Sikh woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.

At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years, this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments.

But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."

The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on yourside of the path, but not on the other pot's side?"

"That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path and every day, while we walk back, you water them."

"For two years, I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table.

Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have, that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.

You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good within them. We spend too much time judging others wrongly and not seeing the purity within them. We all have flaws and all make mistakes. Only Vaheguroo (God) is the one that doesn't make any mistakes. We just have to be mindful, while learning from and repairing our flaws and mistakes. All wisdom comes from within, through the blessings of the True Guru and meditation on naam (Name of God). Guru Ji will always look after us, we just have to realise he's always there for us and watching  over us. 

We only see in others, that what we have within ourself!  

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Everyone makes mistakes; only the Guru and the Creator are infallible."




'Is being a practising Sikh female restricting or liberating?' When I first really became interested in Sikhi, I didn't realise that I'd find it so liberating on so many levels. Not just on spiritual levels, but also on worldly ones. We live in a society where it's so difficult for a woman to be genuinely comfortable in her own skin. So many businesses are based solely on exploiting a female's insecurities. We're told exactly what we're supposed to look like, what counts as beautiful, which of our characteristics are acceptable and which ones aren't. Feeling "feminine" isn't actually based on loving being a woman but is based on being slim, hairless and made up. Everything about you can and should be changed or "enhanced". If you choose not to "enhance" yourself, you're deemed to be not taking care of yourself, you're not making an effort, and you aren't presentable. The rules are different just because you're female...

Men aren't expected to "enhance" themselves anywhere near as much as we are. Even the "natural" look isn't actually natural. Honestly, how much of what we do is truly down to personal choice, rather than to societal pressure?

One thing that has always drawn me towards Sikhi is the element of being indifferent to societal pressures and just accepting yourself the way that you are. It's not the reluctant kind of self acceptance where you pretend that you're happy with yourself but it's the state of being genuinely comfortable with yourself. It's the absence of feeling the need to change yourself in order to fit in with the norm. It's about being effortlessly indifferent to everyone else's ideas about you. You're no longer attached to the typical standards of beauty, so you no longer feel inadequate in your own skin. A lifestyle which gently discourages focusing on superficial things like outward appearance, wealth, social status etc. Instead, encourages self acceptance, self love and personal growth has helped me so much. It's refreshing to be amongst women and girls whose main concern is their jeevan (lifestyle), rather than their image and appearance. We all have our moments... Self acceptance is easier said than done... For me personally, Sikhi has genuinely made it a lot easier. If you're standing on the outside, Sikhi might seem restrictive. You don't understand why this bunch of women don't "enhance" themselves. But when you're living that lifestyle, you see that what others perceive as "restrictions," essentially remove your obligation to bend to societal pressures. You're free to accept yourself. It's liberating. 

Written by Amrit 'Jamz' Kaur

There are no words that will give justice to the power, stature, importance and sacrifice of women in the Sikh faith. Our mothers, sisters and daughters look absolutely beautiful with our Gurus crown upon their heads. True beauty always shines forth, through one's body and spirit via the love of Naam and baani. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all."


Game of love ๐Ÿ’™- POWER OF AMRIT


True story narrated by a Gursikh!

A Hindu boy, living in a predominantly Indian village, came back from visiting the Gurdwara (Gurus house). He asked his parents, if he could accept Amrit (Sikh Baptism). His parents got very angry and said, "No, we are strict Hindus, it's not possible in this family." The boy begged but the parents never agreed. He got very upset and started crying. As he was crying, he got very ill and stopped breathing. His last word was Amrit. 

The family got all the neighbours together that night. They washed his body the next morning and were getting ready to cremate him, until his mother said, "Stop." She hugged him tightly, cried and said, "Please forgive me for not accepting your last wish. I hope you are born in a Sikh family in your next life and you are rewarded with the blessing of Amrit." She was distraught, when repeating this. She wouldn't let them take her son. She said, "Please take him to the Gurdwara for his final visit." They accepted. 

The Amrit Sanchaar ceremony was coming to it's end, when visiting the Gurdwara that morning. Mother did not let the body move from the Gurdwara, until the Panj Pyaare (5 Singhs who prepare the Amrit) came out of the Amrit Sanchaar room. Eventually, they came out and she begged them to put two drops of Amrit water in her sons mouth. The Panj were not sure, until a Singh said, "Please do, as this is the Amrit of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, which awakens the dying spirits." The Singhs did Ardaas (prayer) for forgiveness, as they were not sure if they were violating the Sikh Rehit Maryada (code of conduct). 

One of the Singhs put the first drop of Amrit in the boys mouth, who had been dead since last night and said, "Repeat (Bol) Vaheguroo Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguroo Ji ki Fateh." The boy got up all of a sudden and repeated with great power and love, "Vaheguroo Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguroo Ji Ki Fateh." (Asking to repeat 'The pure is Vaheguroo's and the victory is Vaheguroo's' above is standard practice in an Amrit Sanchaar ceremony). 

After hearing this event, most the Indians in that village and neighbouring villages, accepted Gurus blessed Amrit. 

When I heard this story, my (rom) hairs stood on end, I felt so blessed to be a Sikh of the Guru. If we call ourselves Sikhs of the Guru, please let's all take steps towards the Blessed Amrit of Guru Sahib ji. We don't want to leave this body without Amrit. Nobody knows when death will come knocking. Then back we go in the cycle of birth and death. Could take us thousands of years to be gifted this human body, purify this mind and a chance to take Amrit again. 

The word "Amrit" means, to honour life to the dead.. ๐Ÿ™ 

Very soon the whole universe will be blessed with Guru Ji's Naam, Baani and Amrit. We have that faith! Sikhi's universal love, compassion and way of spiritual living is too pure and powerful. ๐Ÿ™ Sikhs don't believe in conversion but who doesn't want to be part of a way of life, that makes so much sense and purifies the mind, body and soul, which can not be questioned, criticised and also has zero flaws. 

Remain within your faith, if it pleases you but use the teachings of the Guru to purify your mind and spirit through meditation! Become a truly spiritual being through the Guru's teachings! 

Bhai Gurdas Ji Says, "Drink the Amrit nectar of the double edged sword (khanda), accomplish the worth of your birth and death." 


Game of love ๐Ÿ’›- DOES GOD EXIST?


A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.

As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation.

They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realise that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people?
Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things."

The customer thought for a moment but didn't respond, because he didn't want to start an argument.

The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed, very messy, ungroomed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.

The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again. He said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here and I am a barber, I just worked on you!" 

"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist, because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist!" answered
the barber." What happens is, people do not come to me."

"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God too, DOES exist! What happens is, PEOPLE DON'T GO TO HIM AND DO NOT LOOK FOR HIM OR LOVE & REMEMBER HIM...
That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

We spend most our life accumulating wealth and forgetting to love God through the remembrance of Naam meditation, yet we always want God to be there in the time of need! 

God is power, force, energy, love, spirit, mind, body, nature, sound, air, fire, water and earth. Tell us where Vaheguroo (God) doesn't exist! 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Forgetting God, you suffer awful pain beyond measure. You are consumed by the Great Enticer, Maya (materialism/delusion)."


Game of love ๐Ÿ’š- NEVER FORGET!


One Glass of Milk Paid in full One day!! 

A poor boy, who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, he was very hungry. He decided, he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve, when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal, he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly and then asked, โ€œHow much do I owe you?โ€ 

โ€œYou donโ€™t owe me anything,โ€ she replied. โ€œMother has taught us never to accept payment for kindness.โ€ 

The boy said, โ€œThen I thank you from the bottom of my heart.โ€ As Gurmukh Singh left that house, he not only felt stronger physically but his faith in God and man increased also. He had been ready to give up and quit. 

Yearโ€™s later, that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Gurmukh Singh was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately, he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctorโ€™s gown, he went in to see her. He recognized her at once! He went back to the consultation room, determined to do his best to save her life. From that day onwards, he gave special attention to the case. 

After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Singh requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, wrote something on the end of it and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay it all. Finally, she looked and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She began to read the following words: โ€œPaid in full with one glass of milk,โ€ Signed Dr. Gurmukh Singh. 

Gurmukhs (Guru's followers) never forget the love given by others, they treasure it and always repay it with even more spiritual love. No materialistic gift is needed, when the gift of true, genuine love is offered. They always remain Kind and humble. Love is the most precious gift anyone can develop. When we truly learn how to unconditionally love by killing our ego through Naam, that's when we realise the purity of Vaheguroo (God) within. 

Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says, "I speak Truth, all should turn their ears towards it: One who is absorbed in True Love, would realise God within."




A conversation we had with William, a 15 year old Caucasian boy, from the USA. He talks about, how he has found his true love in Sikhi, after studying other faiths. 


Hello, I hope this message reaches you in good time. I am sending you this message, because I have a few questions and was hoping you might be able to answer. I was raised a catholic and left Christianity to explore other faiths and began practicing Islam, then left it and explored my heritage and found Judaism, but many aspects of all three are highly incompatible with myself. I started doing research and began to read the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji online in English and I fell in love with it. I have been looking into Sikhi for about 2 months now and I feel certain that it's the home I've been searching for and it holds the path to truly loving God. I have a few questions that just can't be answered by the Internet and I was wondering if you might be able to help me answer them, so I might learn more? Thank you and have a good day. 


Vaheguroo, that's so nice to hear ji.. Sikhi is beautiful.. I was born in a none practicing sikh family .. I studied other faiths and only Sikhi hit home to me too .. Spirituality is awesome.. Hanji feel free to ask your questions ji and we will try our best to answer ๐Ÿ™ ...


Thank you for offering to help! One of my biggest questions was that of age. Right now I'm 15 and have told my family that I'd like to learn more about Sikhi and thankfully they have been accepting of it, but would they be as open to teaching me at the Gurdwara, or would I need to wait until I'm a certain age? And another question I had was about learning Punjabi, I love to learn other languages, so this would be no issue for me, but where might I go about learning it, so I can read the daily prayers and the Sri Guru Granth Sahib in it's original beautiful language? 


Where are you from ji? What is ur name? Gender? Not that it matters.. Just so we know who we are speaking to :).. Na 15 is a good age, it's the age we start making mature decisions.. They would have no problem at all teaching you at your local gurdwara. If they don't pls let us know, because a Gurdwara is open to all, for all ages.. Gurdwara is for students. Punjabi is a very simple language.. What you see is what you read.. Not like English.. No hidden sounds or silent letters.. I learnt punjabi in a week.. You just have to learn the alphabet, a few sounds and put the sounds and letters together. That's punjabi learnt :).. You could learn at your local gurdwara.. But will take time, as they will have other students. I advise you to type the following in to YouTube, "Basics of Sikhi learning Gurmukhi"... You will get many great videos that should teach you within a week.. Then you just need to put the letters together to say the words.. If you actually want to learn to speak it, it might be best going to the gurdwara, making friends and getting them to speak to you in Punjabi, or you could join the Punjabi school there. Once you know Punjabi, listen to your prayers on the tape and read along using your phone or gutka (prayer book).. you will pick the prayers up in two weeks ji.. hope this helps ji :), all the best on your journey feel free to keep in touch dear one ๐Ÿ™.. 


I'm from the United States, but likely moving to England next year. My name is William, I'm male. Thank you so much! I was very intimidated by Punjabi but you make it seem very easy, so I will start to learn some soon. I will hopefully begin going to the Gurdwara soon, as I need to get transportation in order first. I wanted to say your page and blog are amazing, reading about the white Sikh woman made me feel so much more welcome, and casted away all doubts I had about being accepted. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful and loving community than that of the Sikhs, and to me it proves that the path to love and god is here in Sikhi. I will definitely keep in touch!โ˜บ


Vaheguroo, your message was beautiful to read William..we are from the UK.. we will look after you if you move to the UK, as with Guru Kirpa we have many contacts in the UK.. we all get on really well. Hanji there are thousands of white Sikhs in America, Europe and all over the world... Sikhi is for everyone... it's for the soul not just Punjabis :).. take care my dear brother ๐Ÿ™ :) 


Can I share how you feel about Sikhi my dear brother..I'm sure it would inspire many? It's okay if you would not like to..


Thank you for offering to help me when I come! And of course you may share it :) I would love to be able to maybe just help that one person, who had a doubt about Sikhi to look into it more; because after just moments of reading the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, I knew I was in love with Sikhi and had found the path that leads to the love of God! โ˜บ


Vaheguroo, all the best on your journey dear brother ๐Ÿ™ remember to message us when you get to the UK :).. ๐Ÿ™ 


Thankyou I will message you once I get there :). 

people from around the globe are finding the true value of Sikhi, such as white, black, Chinese, European, Brazilians and many more from many other countries, yet us punjabis would rather walk away from the spiritual diamond of Sikhi and embrace a more western life style worthy of a mere shell. 

Wake up! It's the only substance that will get us through this pressure/stress filled life, finding love within (god) and everlasting peace. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, Wake up! Wake up! Those of you sleeping, see that the travelling merchant (soul) is leaving. The body shall fall, and the soul shall depart; if only you knew this. 


Game of love ๐Ÿ’™- FAITH!


Hi.... My name is Aman Sokhal (12 years of age)

I am a young kid like everyone else out there, and I was really fascinated by patkas (short head covering) because they looked so cool and I always thought that I will have a patka too, but didn't know when that will happen. So 5-6 years later, I decided to grow my hair for a patka. When I was 11, I visited to India and that influenced me a lot to grow my hair.

My hair is long now and I am wearing a patka. My first day of wearing a patka was yesterday (September 11th 2014). I was really nervous like crazy, I thought people would say is that "a tennis ball on your head" or "you look weird", but it wasn't like that.

I knew if I discipline myself to do what I know I should do I will be fine, so I did the mool mantra (short prayer) 5 times, and off I went to school confidently like a proud Khalsa Singh. I just did waheguru simran for the whole day in the back of my head, and I knew everything would be okay, because I had sense that Guru is right in my heart.

So kids please don't be scared or nervous because everything is going to be just fine. I didn't get bullied so you guys will not too. If you're having trouble going to school, do the moolmantar 5 times and think that the Guru is right in your heart and that will heal your fear!

I walked into the school wearing my patka nervous and proud the same time, but also knew as I am a very popular person with a amazing personality, (I mean the school says that believe me). So once we sat in the class I asked my teacher if I could go in all the grade 7 and 8 classes to explain why and how I look today that I am the same person but taking a different path following my religion Sikhism.

My teacher and best friend came along side of me and went to each class which made me more confident as I walked into the classrooms. My teacher and best friend was very supportive of me and they also explained to the class. All of the kids in the classroom clapped when I finished my presentation and everyone in the school said how they are very proud of me, it was amazing experience.  

I am telling you I was SO nervous, but I knew I had strength that the Guru is right with me. Think ahead for a moment and how you feel after accomplishing your mission in being yourself. Accept this responsibility for your life, know that it is you who will get you where you want to go. No one else.  Just go out there being strong in yourself, brave like a lion (sher).

I am very thankful to God as he has shown me this path to take. "So satgur pyaaraa mere naal hai"

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "That Beloved True Guru is always with me; wherever I may be, He will save me."

We should take steps now, as we are young and energetic. Is it right us really taking steps, when we can't see with our eyes or hear with our ears, we have become old, frail and can't serve others? What is the point then? What good are we to our Guru, when we can't even love or serve him? If we call ourselves Sikhs, let's start to at least look like one. The courage and passion of this Guru loving, young 12 year old boy puts us all to shame!


Game of love ๐Ÿ’›- ONE DAY I DECIDED TO QUIT!


My relationship, my spiritualityโ€ฆ I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with Vaheguroo (God)


โ€œVahegurooโ€ I asked, โ€œCan you give me one good reason not to quit?โ€ His answer surprised meโ€ฆ โ€œLook around,โ€ He said. โ€œDo you see the fern and the bamboo?"

โ€œYes,โ€ I replied. โ€œWhen I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant, green covered the floor yet nothing came from the bamboo seed but I did not quit on the bamboo.

In the second year, the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful and again, nothing came from the bamboo seed but I did not quit on the bamboo, he said,

โ€œIn year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit,โ€ he said.

โ€œThen in the fifth year, a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern, it was seemingly small and insignificantโ€ฆBut just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge they could not handle.โ€ 

He asked me, โ€œDid you know my child that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Donโ€™t compare yourself to others,โ€ he said.

โ€The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come,โ€ Vaheguroo said to me. โ€œYou will rise high.โ€

โ€œHow high should I rise?โ€ I asked.

โ€œHow high will the bamboo rise?โ€ He asked in return.

โ€œAs high as it can?โ€ I questioned.

โ€Yes,โ€ he said, โ€œGive Me glory by rising as high as you can," said Vaheguroo! 

Don't Ever Give Up! Guru Sahib ji will always look after you. We think he's not there but he's always watching us grow. We grow according to our past karma, some grow faster than others. We are his loving children. Don't compare yourself to others, we are on our journey and they are on theirs. We all have a personal relationship with Guru Ji. Make it a strong one by following his teachings.  

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "At the very last moment, God becomes the mortal's Help and Support; here and hereafter, Vaheguroo is my Savior."


Game of love ๐Ÿ’š- TRULY FORGIVING


One day, a Gursikh brother gave a singhni an empty sack and a basket of potatoes.

"Think of all the people who have done or said something against you in the recent past, especially those you cannot forgive. For each of them, inscribe the name on a potato and put it in the sack."

The singhni came up with quite a few names and soon her sack was heavy with potatoes.

"Carry the sack with you wherever you go for a week," said the Gursikh. "We'll talk after that."

At first, the singhni thought nothing of it. Carrying the sack was not particularly difficult but after a while, it became more of a burden. It sometimes got in the way and it seemed to require more effort to carry as time went on, even though its weight remained the same.

After a few days, the sack began to smell. The carved potatoes gave off a ripe odour.

Not only were they increasingly inconvenient to carry around, they were also becoming rather unpleasant.

Finally, the week was over.

The Gursikh questioned the Singhni, "Any thoughts about all this?"

"Yes," the Singhni replied. "When we are unable to forgive others, we carry negative feelings with us everywhere, much like these potatoes. That negativity becomes a burden to us and after a while, it festers."

"Yes, that is exactly what happens when one holds a grudge. So, how can we lighten the load?"

"We must strive to forgive. Forgiving someone is the equivalent of removing the corresponding potato from the sack."

"How many of your transgressors are you able to forgive?"

"I've thought about it quite a bit ji," the Singhni said. "It required much effort, but I have decided to forgive all of them."

"Very well, we can remove all the potatoes. Were there any more people who transgressed against you this last week?"

The Singhni thought for a while and admitted there were. Then she felt panic, when she realised her empty sack was about to get filled up again.

"Veer ji (brother)," she asked, "if we continue like this, wouldn't there always be potatoes in the sack week after week?"

"Yes, as long as people speak or act against you in some way, you will always have potatoes."

"But Veer ji, we can never control what others do." So what good is divine wisdom (bibek budh) in this case?"

"We're not at the realm of Divine wisdom (Gyaan) yet.

"Everything we have talked about so far is the conventional approach to forgiveness. It is the same thing that many philosophies and most religions preach. We must constantly strive to forgive for it is an important virtue. This is not the divine wisdom Sikhi teaches us because there is no striving in Sikhi."

"Then what is divine wisdom (bibek budh/Gyaan) in Sikhi, Veer ji?"

"You can figure it out. If the potatoes are negative feelings, then what is the sack?"

"The sack is... that which allows me to hold on to the negativity. It is something within us that makes us dwell on feeling offended.... Ah, it is my inflated sense of self-importance (ego/mind)."

"And what will happen if you let go of it?"

"Then... the things that people do or say against me no longer seem like such a major issue."

"In that case, you won't have any names to inscribe on potatoes. That means no more weight to carry around, and no more bad smells. The Gyaan/bibek budh of forgiveness is the conscious decision to not just remove some potatoes... but to relinquish the entire sack." 

The sack, which is the polluted egotistical mind, will only be purified through 24/7 meditation on Gods name. 

This is the Sikh's purpose in life.. Relinquish the sack/mind to conquer the universe. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "He forgives those with whom He is pleased; they silence their egotism and pride through Gods name"


Game of love โค๏ธ- WHY I CHOSE SIKHI?


Japjeet Kaur Khalsa, from Leicester speaks of her journey into Sikhi in the Huffington Post Newspaper:

"I was brought up in Weelde, near Antwerp in Belgium, my Western name is Nele Bemong. I was quite religious as a child, with quite religious Catholic grandparents, my parents much less so. I was baptised, and went to Catholic school and university. I was always a spiritual child, I prayed a lot and talked to God before I went to bed.

After the age of eight or nine, I began questioning God, when some people very close to me died and I couldnโ€™t understand why God would allow that. Other Catholic concepts, like for example, original sin also did not make sense to me and it was hard for me to agree with what institutionalised religion had turned the intrinsically very beautiful teachings of the Bible into.

By the time I went through high school, I had really stopped practicing anything. I am very much a Westerner who practices Sikhi, but I don't adopt Punjabi culture. It is very uncommon in Europe to be a white Sikh. There are more white Sikhs in America but they tend to live in communities of other white Sikhs, not so much in the Punjabi community.

I am one of very few white people in this country, who have converted and live amongst the Punjabi community. But I do get a lot of respect, and often Punjabi people will start looking anew at what Sikhi offers, if they see that I have adopted it and have given up my previous life in the process. They will often even say 'you're a proper Sikh' โ€“ a mirror is being held up and often that inspires them to re-evaluate Sikhi. It can be quite inspiring for young people, who sometimes think there is nothing in Sikhi for them as the spiritual side has often gotten mixed with deep-seated cultural practices. I help them see the immense value of the Guruโ€™s teachings and how much contentment and happiness there is to be gained by adopting the spiritual teachings into oneโ€™s life."

We have great karma and are blessed to be born in sikh families, yet we choose to ignore the Gurus teachings. To be punjabi is not being a sikh, sikhi is way beyond this. Sikhi is a beautiful way of life, combined with the True Gurus physical discipline and liberating spiritual wisdom. This has to be lived and not just talked about.

We should all take steps towards the True Guru and accomplish the purpose of this life, which is to liberate this impure mind through the love of Vaheguroo's name, by becoming one with him.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Come, and join together, O my companions; let's sing the Glorious Praises of Vaheguroo, and follow the comforting advice of the True Guru"


Game of love ๐Ÿ’œ- AGE OF DARKNESS


Bhai Mardhana saw a man, wrapped up in a shawl with holes in it. He asked him, who he was. He said, "I am Kaljug (the age of darkness), I make people lust with these eyes and eat/talk filth with this toungue. I control all their senses."

Bhai Mardhana said, "You can only do that to the weak, who have no control over their minds, as they have no Naam meditation to control their senses and thoughts."

Bhai Mardhana then noticed lots of holes in his shawl and asked, "Why have you got so many holes in your shawl?"

Kaljug replied, "Just like you said, I tried to control the minds of those that meditated on Naam but they pierced through me as though I never existed. This is the reason I have these holes in my shawl."


The mind is very weak, it is controlled by the mind's desires (maya/kaljug). Kaljug is the state of our mind, we need to revert it back to Satjug (the age of truth and true love for Vaheguroo). The only substance which can control and conquer this filthy mind is the Name of God. Repetition of the Name, replaces all thoughts and purifies our senses. One's mind becomes balanced and controlled by the True Guru's teachings of Naam Meditation. Then, the eyes only begin to see God in all, the ears only yearn to hear positive and listen to Vaheguroo's praises, and the tongue only loves to speak positive, Praise God and their Creation. All negativity disappears from within.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "The True Guru is imbued with the Naam, the Name of God; He is the boat in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga."


Game of love ๐Ÿ’™- GURU TEGHBAHADUR JI


The Moghul dynasty, which had ruled India for nearly 200 years had stepped up their mission to turn India into a solely Moghul state. Non Moghul citizens were being persecuted and denied many basic rights, like openly practising their religion, riding a horse or being in positions of authority. The order was given to the ruling Moghul army to rid India of Hindus, destroy their Mandirs and places of worship and replace them with Mosques. Wherever a Hindu is found, they should be killed, unless they are prepared to accept Islam. Delhi was targeted! Many thousands were being slaughtered in the streets of Delhi. Events which triggered 100 Kashmiri pandits, the highest pandits in India, who controlled the Hindu faith to beg at the feet of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji for help.

They arrived at Sri Anandpur Sahib to meet the king of kings and cried uncontrollably. Pandit Kirpa Raam, who was the leader of the pandits  said, "Our whole history is at stake. Thousands and thousands of years of existence are going up in flames."

The Moghuls were wiping them out without a trace, just like they had expertly done across North Africa and Eastern Asia during the crusades.

The only saviour was Guru sahib Ji. After consulting with his son Gobind Rai, Guru sahib set off to Delhi to discuss this issue with Aurangzeb.

Of course, Guru Sahib and the gursikhs knew he would not return to Anandpur Sahib. Bhai Mati Das Ji, Bhai Sati Das Ji and Bhai Dyaal Dass Ji all accompanied Guru Ji. On seeing the Guru arrive in Delhi, he was instantly arrested and imprisoned. He was given the same ultimatum as the others. "Accept Islam or accept death."

Guru sahib responded with a challenge. "If you can convert me, you may continue on your murderous rampage. if you can't, leave these people alone." Aurangzeb liked these kinds of challenges and accepted.

The Moghuls tried for many days to convert Guru sahib. He was made to witness the torture and murder of his Sikhs, he was given the most terrorizing torture known to man but he never displayed any pain or discomfort. He instead remained immersed in Naam and bani. Eventually, the Moghuls gave up and ordered his execution at Chandni Chownk, near the Red Fort in what is now known as old Delhi.

When Guru Ji's head was brought back to Gobind Rai (Guru Gobind Singh Ji), they asked, "How many Sikhs were there?"

Bhai Jetha  replied, "There were many but I couldn't recognise them, they all looked the same."

Gobind Rai said, "in time to come, I will create such an army (khalsa), with such an image, which won't be able to hide from anyone. Both male & female will wear uche dumale (high turbans) and stand out amongst thousands."  Guru sahib Ji laid down his life as a teaching for all so have we honoured their martyrdom and the words of our 10th Master today, by keeping their image and living the saint/soldier lifestyle ordained by them?

History states, that Guru Tegh Bahadur's Shaheedi ignited a new spirit amongst the Hindus and they began to come together and stand up against the enemy. They were no longer this dysfunctional army, which were conquered by only 12000 of Babars Pathan soldiers in the 1400's.

So as history states, Guru Tegh Bahadur gave his life for the religious freedom of the Hindus so they could be free to practice their faith without oppression.

Without Guru's Shaheedi, the Hindu faith and India would not exist today. Although many people choose to ignore this, it is nice to see that when you arrive in Delhi, the sign saying 'Welcome to Delhi,' is followed by a specially made memorial in memory of the Guru, whose sacrifice saved a nation and a whole religion.

Today Guru Sahib ji is known as Hindh di chaddher (the protective blanket of the Hindu faith)!

Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says, "He protected the forehead mark and sacred thread of the Hindus, which marked a great event in this dark age.  He laid down his head without even a sigh."

Dhan Guru Teghbahadur Sahib Ji




Bhai Mardhana went to a village, where he met Saarsarai the jeweller and his servant Adharka. Saarsarai showed him a beautiful jewel. Mardhana asked, "What is the price of this?" 

Saarsarai said, "Beyond your reach, it's priceless." 

Mardhana said, "let me take you to meet my Guru, Guru Nanak, he'll show you a priceless jewel."

All three of them went to meet Guru Ji. Guru Nanak caught Adharkas (the servants) eye, Adharka fell to Guru Nanaks feet. Guru ji put his hand on his head and Adharka started japping Naam (meditating on Gods name) with every breath, great love and found true peace in an instance. Guru Ji blessed him. 

Saarsarai said, "Please bless me with this Naam also Guru Ji." 

Guru Ji replied, "This is the true priceless jewel, you need to be loving and humble to receive it. It won't settle in your heart, you need to put your ego aside. Put your head in your servant's feet." 

Saarsarai responded, "How can I do that? He's served me all his life by washing my clothes and dishes. I've fed him throughout his life." 

"That is why the name won't settle in your heart," uttered Guru ji. "You have too much ego."

Naam is beautiful, many of us meditate on it but it only settles in the heart of a few. Those that consider themselves to be lowly and the dust of all, receive the true benefits of naam. The naam pierces through their hearts, never leaves them and purifies their mind and actions throughout this life. One is liberated whilst alive and finds true peace within (jeevan mukht). 

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The humble servants of my Lord and Master are unattached and liberated. They are like ducks, whose feathers do not get wet."


Game of love- Blessings!


When we are gifted to sing the supreme Mantra of the Divine One (Vaheguroo), we receive incredible bliss and joy, feeling deeply connected to the One we came from.

The Pure Guru, the perfect embodiment of the One who brings light into darkness, has showered their blessings by gifting them the opportunity to meditate upon God's purest Name.

In the video, the gospel choir are singing "Vaheguroo" Gur-mantra at the Strand In London where SWAT (Sikh Welfare and Awareness Team) had their annual homeless street party, feeding many many free hot vegetarian meals to the homeless of London.

"Jin saeviaa jin saeviaa maeraa har jee thae har har roop samaasee ||
Those who serve, those who serve my Dear God, are absorbed into the Being of the Eternal One, Har, Har.

Sae dhha(n)n sae dhha(n)n jin har dhhiaaeiaa jee jan naanak thin bal jaasee ||3||
Blessed are they, blessed are they, who meditate on their Dear Eternal God 'Har'. Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to them. ||3||"

Please view 3min link below!




Game of love- TAKING STEPS


Bhai Hapreet Singh, before and after.

Author: Harpreet Singh, 18th Nov 2013


My story begins with my parents, both from different parts of the World. My Motherโ€™s side of the family consists of mostly Hindus or Radhaa Swamis, who all have a lot of respect for Sikhi. My Grandmother gave birth to seven daughters, of which the first five were married in India. The remaining two, the youngest being my mother, were married abroad to English born husbands.

My Fatherโ€™s side of the family were Sikh. His parents were Amritdhari (baptised) and Iโ€™ve been told that my Grandmother was an incredible woman who inspired many around her, but I never got to meet her as she passed away before I was born. My Grandfather then remarried and from two wives he had six sons and three daughters, none of whom are religious now.

It wouldnโ€™t be an understatement to say my Father is a terrible human being. He was very aggressive and short tempered, and would pursue women of the night (even after marriage). If he wasnโ€™t drunk on the streets, he was sober in jail. He would beat my Mother on many occasions and in those days domestic violence was always kept secret. My Mother was forced to endure this, she was virtually alone with nowhere to run. She tells me today that her Faith in God was what kept her going, and by reading Gurbani or doing seva at the Gurdwara she kept her spirits high. She had the opportunity to take Amrit when she came to England, but the issue with my Father prevented her from doing so. His constant affairs forced us to move town, from Derby to Wolverhampton, but he still didnโ€™t stop. It was only when my Mother found out he got another woman pregnant, that she decided to divorce him. By this time she had given birth to four children, three girls and a boyโ€ฆ Me!

My Mother worked hard to raise four children and keep the home, often working 15 hours a day. Poverty, as you can imagine, was very much in our lives at the time. During the hardest times of the divorce my sisters decided to rebel. The oldest two left the house to live with my Father, thinking it would give them more freedom. They were incredibly naive to think a man like that could take care of them, and Mother never let them back in the house as her heart was broken. I never saw them again until my eldest sister got Cancer; her funeral, 1st November 1998, brought the family together for at least one day. Even after this, my mother kept the Faith.

Later my mother remarried a guy from India, as she was harassed by many for being a single Asian mother. He wears a turban but isnโ€™t a baptised Sikh, and struggled to play the โ€œfather roleโ€ if Iโ€™m honest. It was just me and my sister left in the house, and instead of understanding my Motherโ€™s struggles she did exactly the same as my older two sisters and left the house in 2008. It was just me, my Mother and my Stepdad left.

I felt the need to mention all this, because itโ€™s becoming increasingly common story for many children of my generation.

My StoryMy story really begins when I became a teenager. Many would say I was a rather weird child, who loved to laugh and joke a lot, never taking anything too serious. All my cousins kept their hair as kids, but cut it when they were older. As a result, my hair was cut from birth. I was a bright kid who spoke a lot in class, never violent but always disruptive. Mother forced me to go to Punjabi school as a child but I never really felt anything when I went to the Gurdwara. Looking back at it you could say that I lost faith at a young age, and at my school hardly anyone was Religious.

I was carefree and there wasnโ€™t really any depth to my personality. Sometimes my comments would be offensive, but if they made me laugh I would keep on saying them.  When I turned sixteen years old I was about six feet tall, which in my family meant I was the age to start drinking. I never smoked, but the moment I had my first taste of alcohol I knew this was a feeling Iโ€™d like to experience again. It was at my Nephewโ€™s first birthday party where my Mother found out I was drinking, where I simply drank until I lost consciousness (lousy open bar). Even now my cousins make fun of me, but at that moment in time I was โ€œenjoying lifeโ€ even with vomit all over me. Mother was disappointed and told me I should stop now, but what sixteen year old listens to their Mother?

I would continue to drink at family functions and when I became of the legal age, I would drink with my friends at the local park. I would drink a lot of Whiskey, not because of the taste, only because my body could take a lot of it - and apparently the more you drank the more of a โ€œmanโ€ you were. I would also drink a lot of Strongbow Super because it got me drunk faster. When I got a part-time job catering at Asian weddings, free alcohol became incredibly easy to get. The more I drank, the more I just wanted to get drunk and forget the World.

As time went on I found myself falling into a deep hole and kept on using alcohol to escape, sometimes even drinking alone, but as you can imagine this only made things worse. I would put on a face at school but my relations with people werenโ€™t always the best. At home, I would argue with my Mother a lot and at one point I felt so low that I reached for some pills and just decided to call it quits. Iโ€™m still here, so it was a failed attempt, but I was still slipping. I had a girlfriend at the time who I forced to suffer with me, I was pretty hard to tolerate and our rocky relationship made me want to drink more. My sister who hadnโ€™t moved out yet was a nightmare to live with and was confrontational almost every day, which made me bottle up a lot of my emotion. At school my grades would suffer because I just lacked the will to go on, life at this point seemed rather pointless.

But then, as if out of nowhere, I bumped into some Sikhs! My neighbour and his family were practising Sikhs and had good relations with my Mother. I started to play football with one of their sons who treated me like a little brother. Due to my social habits I wasnโ€™t very good (mostly fitness reasons) but I got introduced to a lot of other Sikhs in the community as well. I became good friends with a few who, through general conversation, got me to go to the Gurdwara again. I noticed something in their lives that I didnโ€™t have, and felt the need to explore.

When I turned nineteen in 2007 I finished Highschool and got into University of Wolverhampton to study Mathematics. Staying in my hometown meant I didnโ€™t go clubbing because my Mother hated me staying out late at night, so instead I would attend local Sikh events such as โ€œSaint Souldier Youth Forumsโ€, which in hindsight came at the perfect time. At University my mentality changed and I started to use my brain a lot more, viewing life and my actions in a more logical manner. At the Forums I met many inspirational people who asked questions that I had no response to. For example; โ€œWhat is your life purpose?โ€ The more I explored, the happier I felt, and as time went on I started questioning my own actions such as drinking alcohol, eating meat, and the lack of respect I had for my own Mother. It was like I woke up from a bad dream and felt like a brand new person. With Godโ€™s grace I left my catering job and gave up alcohol for good. My friends were surprised and kept asking whether I was tempted to drink again, I could honestly say I had no more desire to get drunk! I wanted to keep my hair, but that took more time due to vanity issues (my beard only grew on one side of my face).

As time went on I felt guilty and upset when I shaved, so around April 2008 I stopped cutting my hair. Iโ€™m one of those people that find it difficult to
do things I know I shouldnโ€™t be doing, which helped in this transition. Sometimes the mind can be our greatest enemy. I use to have terrible nightmares that I shaved my beard off, but then when I woke up I would grab it and thank God for such a beautiful blessing. Finally, on 16th November 2008 (which was Guru Nanakโ€™s Gurpurab) I decided to give my head to my Guru and take Amrit. Itโ€™s important to understand that this is the first real step a Sikh can take in their Spiritual journey, and for me the timing couldnโ€™t be more perfect.

Just before I took Amrit I faced a huge test in my life where my lung collapsed. I had just started growing my hair (but hadnโ€™t taken Amrit) and was hospitalised for about a month. The pain I went through was unreal but, it was Gurbani that kept me going. My neighbours came to visit me and one of the conversations we had were about suffering. I was curious to know, why now? Why, when Iโ€™ve decided to walk a more righteous path must I suffer? To which the response I got was; โ€œJust think of what you could be going through had you not changed paths.โ€ And so be it, the glass in my life became half full and has been ever since.

As my journey continued I got the opportunity to help run the Forums that inspired me for a short while, and then the Sikh Society at my old University. I also made a very good Christian friend who would take me to his Church where I made some very blessed Christians friends that showed me Godโ€™s grace has no limitations. I enjoy Religion a lot more and explore other faiths, just to see life through the eyes of other people is what interests most. Sikhi really is the embodiment of Inter-Faith and its foundations allow for tolerance and peace towards others.

Final Remarks

It has now been five years since I took Amrit and Iโ€™ve learnt a lot on this journey. If I could share anything it would be to respect your parents and understand the sacrifices they have made to bring you into this World. For me, it took nearly twenty years to finally treat my Mother with a bit of respect but now she can honestly say she is proud of me (her words, not mine). I am a tribute to my Motherโ€™s love for me, and we are both a tribute to Guru Nanakโ€™s love for his Sikhs.

I do regret my actions like most people would, but I understand they hold their own purpose and that part of my life was a learning curve that has given me strong foundations for the rest of my life. Sometimes we all feel low, but itโ€™s important not to cover up the issue like I did, and truly understand your own worth. Iโ€™m happy now, and have been for many years. Having good people around you is important, having faith in yourself is essential. We are blessed beyond measure.

Gur kaa sabadh rakhavaarae||
The Word of the Guruโ€™s Shabad is my Saving Grace.
Choukee chougiradh hamaarae|| It is a guardian posted on all four sides around me.


Contact Information

If you have any Questions after reading my story or are at the stage in your Life where you would like to understand more about your Faith, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. Will accept Facebook friend requests but please message me first.

Game of love- CHARDEEKALLAH (rising spirits)

CHARDEEKALLAH (rising spirits)

Guru's Sikhs should always be in chardeekallah (high spirits), our spirits should always be rising. We should never be on a low. The Nitnem (daily prayers) we do and the daily routine of our Naam Abhiyaas (practise) should keep our spirits rising. Through it our character should build as a pure, loving human being of every virtue God has.

We spend too much time judging and praising others jivans (spiritual lives) and forget about doing the ghaalnaa (hard graft) and kamaaee (earning the profit) we were supposed to do. Our jivan should be that of true Naam Ras (unbearable taste of naam meditation) at all times (24/7), Which should show on our chehraa (face). This is not always red and radiant. It differs for individuals. In some, it shows a Raunak (freshness). Some it shows a shine and on some it shows their glassy eyes. Some go quiet, some become more active and energetic. Our jivan becomes that of just to love, support and help others. One doesn't bother about getting hurt, as the only thing that gets hurt is our ego. This is when we know Guru sahib is blessing us with Naam Ras.

When every Gursikh in the Panth (Those on Gurus Path) realises the above, Guru Sahib will bless us with Khalsa Raj (the pure minded, spiritual beings to rule). When each of us conquer our mind, the universe will become ours also.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says, "When my Khalsa remain pure, then I will give them my all (the universe). When they follow their own mind, I will not be there to protect & support them."


Game of love- THE TRUE STATE OF LOVE 3



What does the love of God do to our being?

Our body is filled with totally pure, loving, positive energy. This energy creates an aura, which other spirits naturally become attracted to. Our eyes start to shine and are imbued with love. This is also an attraction for other humans, seeing true love and genuinity in the eyes of others. One way of relating to this, is through a worldly situation. Man thinks he falls in love with a Women, his eyes show affection towards the opposite gender. A Gursikhs eyes are always imbued in Vaheguroo's love (naam ras) Athai Pehar (24/7). One perfect example that springs to mind is late Bhai Rama Singh Jee, from Southall, UK. Gursikhs are also blessed with lalee (radiant faces) or a glow, this is also an attraction for other humans. When the mind reaches a state of total Naam Ras, (pure love through Naam 24/7) then whatever one touches, sees or feels is also blessed through Naam. Anything this Gurmukh desires will come true.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Man Chindiarra  Phal Paaeaa Mere Govinda, Gur pooraa vekh vigas jeeo. I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O my Lord of the Universe; I am transfixed with ecstasy, gazing upon the Perfect Guru."

Naam Ras also creates a genuine smile on the Gurmukh, who is imbued in the sublime essence of Naam. The way he/she walks, talks and conducts themselves is totally different from normal human beings. "Bhagtaa Kee Chaal Niraalee (The way of the Saints is most distinct)," Anand Sahib sermon). In this stage, ones way of thinking and physically doing becomes very slow, aware and focussed. One is in total control of their mind, pure love pores out of their being, as God is love. This Gurmukh reaches a beautiful stage of Sehaj (intuitive peace, poise, Nirvaana). Everything he/she does in this worldly life is blessed. Life becomes very easy, relaxed and stress free. The spirit is free and the mind is purified. Most spiritual people call this the golden age, as this is where all our karma is paid back effortlessly and it becomes the last human life one experiences before their soul is liberated.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, Meditating on the Naam, the mind becomes pure, the Door of Liberation is found.
