Game of love 💙- EXCELLENT LIFE



EXCELLENT LIFE "Practice truth, contentment and kindness; this is the most excellent way of life". Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606


The simplest things make for the best life. Seeking simple qualities will transform you forever. Think about the truth and always remain honest. Feel content with what you have! Ask for no more and thank God for all you have! keep kindness for all in your heart. It is so simple, and yet, you will find that these few qualities will lift your spirits and forever fill you with happiness.




Game of love 💛- LAHA (profit)

LAHA (profit)

We have all come in to this world to earn a profit of some form. Some think they have come to earn the profit and riches of wealth, some collect the profit of houses, some collect the profit of greed, some of friends and some of their belongings. People collect profit in many ways and think their life will become successful and contented in doing so.

The answer is, all the above profits only bring suffering and sorrow.

Why do they bring suffering and sorrow? Simply, the more we have, the more we want. This mind is never content and happy. One is never satisfied with all they have. They always want more!

What's the true laha we should be collecting?

The true laha is the laha of Naam, baani (teachings), Sangat (spiritual congregation), gunn (qualities), love and a virtuous character. Without this laha, one will never be happy. This laha makes one peaceful. One feels content within. One feels they don't “need” anymore. One is loved and respected by all. The individual has all the mind desires and stops the mind from living in the past and present.

The real profit Guru Sahib Ji talks about is Naam meditation. This profit conquers all the above. Nothing comes near this profit. Once one amerces themselves in Naam, everything else becomes easier to overcome. The reason for this is, once the mind is controlled by Naam, no force in the world can destruct it. All emotions, senses, materialistic pleasures, desires, vices are easily overcome.

This treasurable laha is very close at hand yet we choose to ignore it and live our life without it. How is it even possible for a human to live without being in control over their own mind?

Ask yourselves the question!!

Doubt and desire control our minds. Let's take control over our own minds and watch to see how our lives change for the better.

A Gursikh was asked, "What have you gained from meditation?" He replied, "What I've gained is indescribable! However let me tell you what I've lost: Anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death."

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Gur sabadhai maelaa thaa pir raavee laahaa naam sa(n)saarae

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the soul-bride meets her Husband Lord, who ravishes and enjoys her. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the only profit in this world."



Game of love 💚- A WALL OF WATER


The body is a wall of water, supported by the pillars of air; the egg and sperm are the mortar (which hold the walls and pillars together).

The framework is made up of bones, flesh and veins; the poor bird (souls) dwells within it. ||1|| - the soul dwells in the house of the body.

O mortal, what is mine, and what is yours?

The soul is like a bird perched upon a tree. ||1||Pause|| - just like a bird may stay on a tree for a very short time, so is our time in this life.

You lay big foundations and build the walls for your huge mansions.

But in the end, three and a half cubits (5-6ft) will be your measured space. ||2||

You make your hair beautiful, and wear stylish turbans on your head.

But in the end, this body shall be reduced to a pile of ashes. ||3||

Your mansions are large and very attractive and your brides are beautiful.

But without the Lord's Name, you shall lose the game of life entirely. ||4||

My social status is low, my ancestry is low, and my life is wretched.

I have come to Your Sanctuary, please bless me O enlightening Vaheguru, my King; Says Ravi Daas, the shoemaker. ||5||6||



Game of love ❤️- HOW DO WE MEDITATE?



One of the most frequently asked questions is, "HOW DO WE MEDITATE?"


Before answering the question on meditation, we need to understand what meditation is and the need of meditation.


Meditation is the stillness of ones mind. Meditation controls, focuses and balances the mind. Meditation creates a purer mind and meditation results in finding ones inner self. Meditation creates positivity in humans, It purifies thoughts and It enhances the mind. The mind can become superpower-full through it. It becomes infinite.


Basically, meditation is a substance every human being in the world should be working towards. If they want to excel in a career, business, studies or discover the infinite within, it's only meditation that can allow them to be successful by keeping a patient mind. It keeps an individual calm, stress free and at peace, whilst reaching the highest levels of any achievement.


Even if it's just five minutes of contemplation on a mantra, watching the breath, chanting, staring, thinking of something positive i.e Virtuous thoughts, it will help the mind become open, subtle, gentle, peaceful, calm and loving.


Sikhs use a mantra meditation. They use the Mantra of "Vahiguroo" (God). This is the most powerful mantra in this dark age of Kaljug. It was created by the first letters of the four avtaars names (spiritually enlightened ones), from the four ages of Satjug, Threthaa, Duapper and Kaljug.


Sikhs use many forms of meditation skills. They start with chanting. Then they move on to using the breath and then exceed in to listening to the mantra with their inner ears (conscious mind). With the blessings of Vaheguroo, the Jaap (meditation) becomes ajappa (recites itself in the subconscious mind). We focus/concentrate within when needs be. During this time, the tenth gate (spiritual opening) is usually discovered/opened and then the next stage is, every-single pore/hair of the human body is immersed in the name of Vaheguroo. Spiritual powers are very easily gained through meditation but can become a massive hinderance in ones spiritual, virtuous development.


A Sikhs purpose of meditating is to purify this mind, become virtuous, liberate the soul and become one with our inner self, which is God (Vaheguroo).


When we present ourselves before the five beloved ones (panj pyaare), in the sacred sanctuary of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, we will be given guidance on HOW TO MEDITATE and purify this monkey like mind.


The whole universe will surrender to a mind that is still.


Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Romae rom rom romae mai guramukh raam dhhiaaeae raam

With each and every hair, with each and every hair, as Gurmukh, I meditate on the Lord."




Game of love 💜- TIME!


Why is time so important?

We usually think we have enough time to do all we want in life. Sometimes, we do think time is running away from us yet we want to slow it down to get stuff done.

What do we spend most our time doing?

We spend half our life sleeping, much of our life studying and working. We spend a lot of our time eating. We also have our social lives. Let's not forget the TV! We spend a lot of our life in front of the TV.

Now, the vital question! How much time do we spend remembering the one who gave us an opportunity to live and cherish every breath of this beautiful, blessing of a life? How much of this time do we spend thanking him?

Sadly, the answer is not much at all!

Guru sahib tells us in Gurbaani, any thought and action carried out without the remembrance of God’s name, is a thought and action in evil. We have wasted many life times in the midst of worldly pleasure. Let's give some of what we think is our time back to Guru Sahib Ji.

What would we do, if Guru Sahib Ji decided to take our time away? There's nothing we can do. Guru Sahib is in control but unfortunately our ego believes we are and that we would live forever. We don't want to accept or understand the concept of death.

So, let's not waste anymore of our precious time and lets find the sanctuary of Guru Sahib Ji’s lotus feet. They will embrace us tight and bless us with their Naam, Baani and Sangat for us to purify this mind, body and soul.

The greatest gift you can give anyone is your time, because you are giving them a fraction of your life you will never receive back. Time is what we want most but end up using the worst. Either you control time or time will dominate you!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "vakhath veechaarae s ba(n)dhaa hoe ||

One who reflects upon his allotted time span of life, becomes the slave of God."






What is true purification?


As humans, we have been blessed with the opportunity to purify this mind. The mind has been with us for many life times and now this is our opportunity, as humans to purify it.


Why can the mind only be purified in the human life form and no other life form? The human life form is considered the highest life form, as this is the only life form the mind can consciously be purified through sincere effort. 


The mind suffers through many thoughts, emotions, feelings, both happy and sad. This is what causes the minds suffering and for it to be anxious, stressed, depressed and lonely. Our mind controls the whole universe. If we learn to balance and control it, we can conquer the entire universe. Every single human being has the potential to be the conquerer of this universe and the many other planets that are in existence.


How can a human conquer the universe? This doesn't make sense! I can hardly take control over my own family!


Basically, the spirit within us all is God. The mind is connected to each spirit. All spirits are a droplet of the supreme spirit, which is God. We have been created to liberate this mind/soul and merge back in to the supreme soul (God). Once we merge back into the supreme soul God, this results in us being just like God (master of the spirit worlds, universes and planets).


Not many human beings know their potential and worth! They don't know themselves at all! There is more to us than just this body and this life.


When the spiritual opening of a human being is accessible only through meditating on Gods name, one begins to realise the power of their human mind and body.


Go and meet the True Guru and ask them to give you the mantra of life, so we can all achieve our goal, which is to better ourselves and merge with the one Lord. Through this liberty and realisation one begins to realise ones true power as a human being.


Start searching! Many of us are lost and think this is the be it and end all of life. 


You are the universe but society will teach you to limit yourself!


Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Man thoo(n) joth saroop hai aapanaa mool pashhaan|| Man har jee thaerai naal hai guramathee ra(n)g maan||


O my mind, you are the embodiment of the Divine Light - recognize your own origin.

O my mind, the Dear Lord is with you; through the Guru's Teachings, enjoy His Love. Acknowledge your origin, and then you shall know your Husband Lord, and so understand death and birth."




Game of love 💛- FISH WITHOUT WATER


Guru Ji uses a beautiful analogy in Gurbani of how a fish would live without water? Guru Ji refers to this analogy of the fish being the Sikh and the water being God/Guru/Naam. In the same way no true Sikh can live without the teachings of their Guru. They would not be able to imagine how terrifying life would be without the teachings of their beloved Guru. The teachings that fill us with life, energy, knowledge, power, wisdom, inner strength, truth, happiness, peace, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, patience, spiritual gain, knowledge of the spirit world. The question should be, what doesn't Guru Sahib Ji give us?

Daas (this servant) was speaking to a Gursikh not so long ago. The Gursikh told his story on how he was blessed with this beautiful path of spiritual wisdom. He went on to tell daas of his daily routine and how he attempts to remember his beloved Guru/God with every breath, and how this fills his heart with everlasting love, peace and happiness.

Daas went on to ask him the following question, "How would you feel, if your Guru, mantra, God, spirituality was taken away from you?" He very emotionally uttered, "I would die of separation. Just as the fish can't live without water, I can't live without my Guru."

When daas heard this, it filled daas's heart with real love for the Guru. Daas began to think, if the beloveds of Guru Ji can have so much love for their Guru, why can't daas?

Why do we waste time in worldly pleasures, emotional attachment and suffering with all that we think is ours. In the end, it will all perish. Only the truth and Guru Ji will remain. If we are living without our Guru, imagine yourself like the fish living without water. What kind of life are you living. There needs to be a reality check. STOP, RELAX, THINK, what are here for? What have we achieved? Where are we going? And what do we want from this life?

There will only be one answer. Guru and spiritual wisdom is the key to peace and happiness. It's your choice. If you want it, take steps in the right direction. If you don't, just carry on as you are!!!!

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Ghar aavahu chiree vishhu(n)niaa mil sabadh guroo prabh naahaa || ho thujh baajhahu kharee ouddeeneeaa jio jal bin meen maraahaa ||"

"Come home - I have been separated from You for so long! Please, let me merge with You, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, O my Lord God.

Without You, I am so sad; like a fish out of water, I shall die."



Game of love 💚- THIS FIRE BURNS ALL


Who is happy in this life? Who is content? Who has everything they need? Who doesn't need any more? Who always remains happy? Who always remains peaceful? Who understands the purpose of life? Why are we here? What are we doing here? Where are we going? When are we going to slow down? Why is life running away so fast? How do we slow It down?

So many questions, yet no answer!

Guru Sahib ji tells us in Gurbaani (Guru’s teachings), there is suffering and the fire of materialistic, temporary pleasure and desire in every home. Guru Sahib ji says, "I looked above in every household and all I could see was negativity, anger, ego, selfishness, greed, lust attachment and many other vice.

Why is every house in the world suffering internally? Why all this inner suffering? How do we get away from it?

There's no way away from it! We will suffer, struggle and accept it as being a part of us. We will let our doubts, egos and negative minds run and rule our lives.

Surely we want some happiness and peace? Surely we want it all the time and never want to lose it?

There is only one way to be released from all this inner misconception and confusion of life!

To stop suffering internally, we need to recognise our inner self. Who are we? Where have we come from? What are we doing here? What is our goal?

All the answers to all the questions above, are answered very specifically and simply by our True Guru (Guru Granth Sahib Ji).

We are here to become one with our soul and conquer this polluted mind. We are here to see God in all and support the creation of God. This is how free we should be. The only way this can be possible is through meditating on the most powerful mantra in the world, which is Gods name Vaheguroo.

This mantra is given to us by our Guru in the Amrit Sanchaar ceremony. They teach us how to successfully meditate on the name and become one with our inner self.

So let's stop this fire of desire and doubt burning within by conquering this mind and spreading love, compassion, peace, tolerance, forgiveness and truth in to the world.

Bhagat Farid Ji Says, "Fareedhaa mai jaaniaa dhukh mujh koo dhukh sabaaeiai jag

oochae charr kai dhaekhiaa thaa(n) ghar ghar eaehaa agg."

"Fareed, I thought that I was in trouble; the whole world is in trouble!

When I climbed the hill and looked around, I saw this fire in each and every home."



Game of love ❤️- PARENTING!


What skills do parents need to become excellent parents?

It's important parents bring their children up in the correct manner, in this day and age. It's very scary out there! We don't want our kids growing up around the wrong crowd and going off the rails.

How do we tackle this kind of pressure?

Firstly, it's important we are very open and honest with our children. There should be nothing hidden from your children regarding your relationship with your partner. Both parents should get on very well. We should not argue in front of our children. Any issues not suitable for the child's ears, should not be spoken about in front of the child. The children should always see their parents as a model of love and aspire to be like them, when they get older. The parents should lead by example.

Just as the parents don't hide anything from their children, in the same way, the children should not be hiding anything from their parents. Their phones and all their personal devices should be that of an open book.

The children should be taught to love and respect all adults, as they would their own parents. They should be taught manners from the beginning. They should always be very polite. They should be striving for a very good education and a professional career. They should make friends with those that will help them academically along the way. 

Above are a few worldly attributes on how a parent should work towards bettering their child.

Guru Ji has given us a very simple instruction on how to become a tremendous parent. Guru Ji has mentioned all the above and added, a child will become all the above when they realise everything in life is a gift from Guru Ji.

Guru Ji gives us beautiful and loving parents! Guru Ji blesses us with a professional career! Guru Ji blesses us with friends and family and most of all Guru Ji blesses us with the sangat (company) of those who are spiritual!

It's important we lead our children in the right direction. We can have everything but if we don't have Sikhi everything is of vain. When we guide our children in to the lap of their true father (Guru Ji) and their beloved mother (sangat), they gain the life of a spiritual being. Through the Guru’s teachings, they are taught how to live life spiritually, socially, politically, righteously, professionally and diplomatically.

They gain the qualities of a pure human being by conquering their mind through Naam meditation. They learn how to still this monkey like mind and focus it in the right direction, when required, with great confidence. Nothing phases them, as their Guru has blessed his hand upon their head.

It's a great skill being a parent. Once the household is filled with peace, love, tranquility, compassion, truth and happiness through the teachings of Guru Ji, parenting becomes a natural skill. The child becomes the perfect individual through the positive energy in which runs through their beautiful, loving household.

Anyone can have a child and call themselves a parent. A real parent is someone who puts that child above their own selfish needs and desires. Being a parent means loving your child more than you ever loved yourself and leading them to realise their true self.

Bhagat Ravidas Ji says, "He becomes pure by meditating on the Lord God. He saves himself and the families of both his parents."





in Sikhi, most of us are usually used to meditating with our tongues/lips by repeating the mantra out loud.

For there to be any real blessings, progression and development in conquering this mind, it's very important we train our minds to meditate and listen to the mantra within.

It's ok to meditate out loud but if you look at this practically, it's very difficult to do every second of the day with each and every breath, as our pure Guru asks us to do. No one can meditate out loud in their day to day life styles. We have to revert back to the "Meditate and concentrate within" technique.

Many people say this is very difficult to do. It's not difficult at all. It only seems difficult, because we lack in concentration and really don't want to put the time, effort and love in to listening to the mantra within.

There are many benefits of listening to the mantra with the inner ears (conscious mind). Firstly, the mantra controls and balances the mind through configuring the thoughts and not letting them sway. This makes the mind much sharper, alert and more focused to take in all the important stuff it needs to take in and store it there in a clear fashion. It helps with studies, to memorise what we need to. It helps us focus better at work. The mantra keeps us in high spirits and very positive in our day to day life, whilst mediating within. Meditating within helps us reach our higher inner self (subconscious mind). It will help us progress spiritually a lot quicker and one will experience the third world (spirit world) a lot sooner.

The mantra becomes one with the mind, body and breath through internal meditation and continues automatically over time and practice (ajappa Jaap). The more we focus within and concentrate, the quicker the meditation will become an automatic recitation and we can tap in and focus whenever we feel the need. The tenth gate (spiritual opening) is realised and opened quite easily through meditating within. This gives us access to the spirit world.

People ask, "How do we mediate within?"

Firstly, there are more blessings and maximum achievement for the ones who have been blessed with the mantra by their Guru. Secondly, AmritVela (waking early and reciting the mantra) is a must, as this is the key to the days meditation. Thirdly, one should put as much practice in as possible during the day. Fourthly, one should go to as many kirtan, paath smaagams as possible and try sitting in them with their eyes closed and listening to the mantra for as long as possible.

It's as simple as, closing your eyes and listening to the mantra Vaheguroo clearly with your inner ears and continuing to do so all day and all night.

After a couple of years practice, it naturally becomes a part of the mind through the blessings of Guru Ji, depending on how bad we want it and how much we want to meet and love God.

So it's important that we meditate within to reach our goal of oneness and liberation. Go and meet the Guru to receive the name of God and become the radiant, spiritual being who goes on to change the face of the earth. Every single human being on the planet has the potential to do so. Let it be you!

Hear the silent voice of the spiritual universe within your heart!

Guru Ramdas Ji Says,
"Sathigur har prabh dhas naam dhhiaaee man haree."

"O True Guru, tell me of my Lord God, that I may meditate on the Naam within my mind."



Game of love 💙- PLEASING OTHERS


Life can be very tricky! We always need someone in our lives to rely on and for them always to be there for us, or even just to talk to. We do everything for those people. We please them as much as we can. We go to any extent and any level of an extreme to  make them happy.

This is very dangerous for any individual. We should never try and attach ourself to any human being. Doesn't matter who they are. Even if we think the person is very spiritual, we should still not attach ourselves to them. It's ok to take as much inspiration from anyone as possible but attachment to one causes emotional suffering. 

Why do we please others? What do we want from them? What can they give us?

All of the above is what we desire. Desire is our ego. This is what our mind wants. Our mind wants this, in order to be kept entertained. It thinks, if these people don't give me what I want, I will be miserably upset  or others will look down on me.

We spend our entire life pleasing others, forming groups etc and go on upsetting others as we wish. Through all of this, we feel we have gained eternal happiness. We struggle to realise, we have not gained eternal happiness, we have actually loaded our self with more suffering.

What is the reason for this?

In the end no one is going to be there for you. It's just going to be your mind, body and soul. No one will be there to support us in the end. Not many stick and support us in major times of suffering, never mind when we leave this earth. Not many will except our pain and suffering. Most are only there for the happy times. All these wants, desires, pleasing others etc are a massive temporary measure. We create them to pull us through life happily. Even then they don't do the job correctly for us, as we always want more and want to please others further.

Many talk a big talk saying, "We are best friends and we'l be there til the very last breath." These are mere words for most to fill each other's void. When people move on they take their promises with them. This is the nature of the mind. People grow apart and out grow one another.

There are not many people in this world who keep their word or value true friendship in the way it should be valued. People can very easily replace you as a friend and many don't feel bad in doing so either. The reason for this is they have not recognised their own soul to even come anywhere close to recognising and truly loving anyone else's.

Only Naam meditation will truly support us in connecting with our soul and truly recognising all as one. Then we will begin to realise, we don't need to please others, we only need to please God, who will in return keep us loving, happy, content, truthful and ecstatic in this life and the spirit life.

Once the mind is balanced and conquered, to control emotions is child's play. The mind can live in whichever state it wants, when controlled by Naam meditation. 

So guys, don't please others, only please your Guru and see how your life changes for the better. Guru Ji will not let his children down.

"If you live for people acceptance, you will die from their rejection." Lecrae.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Meeting the True Guru, all my sufferings have ended, and the Peace of the Lord has come to dwell within my mind.
The Divine Light illuminates my inner being, and I am lovingly absorbed in the One."





It is a core part of Sikhi to keep ourselves healthy and physically fit! Exercise and healthy eating in Sikhi is a must!

Guru Ji has called this body vessel our temple and accordingly, we need to be very respectful in our choices around what we feed it. This accompanied with appropriate exercise helps to create body and mind balance, which is key to our spiritual development. The foods we eat also affect our consciousness directly. The way food is prepared, the energy of the food we eat, the manner in which we eat it and of course the core constituents of the food we eat all affect its impact on our being. Eating heavy, toxin rich, highly processed foods creates lethargy not only in the body but also the mind. It also sets the stage for disease in the body.

There is immense wisdom in the path that our Guru's set us upon. The lifestyle that we were directed to follow all those centuries ago is now being embraced by millions of people following the findings of modern science. A lifestyle where we eat in moderation, eat simply adhering to a healthy vegetarian diet (rich in vegetables and fruits), eat consciously after meditating so our body is most receptive to receive the gift of food, avoid toxins (alcohol,tobacco/smoke). Clinical studies show that a healthy vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and many other diseases.

Foods to avoid include: processed foods (cakes, biscuits, chocolates) high in saturated fats and refined sugar, fizzy drinks (sugar rich and diet versions contain toxic artificial sweeteners and other chemicals), deep fried foods (high in trans fat content). Essentially, foods that we enjoy but which should be reserved as an occasional indulgence at the most!

Foods to consume in higher quantities include: fruits and vegetables (raw and organic where possible), legumes / pulses / beans, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, herbs and spices, dark chocolate in moderation, pure water. Dairy in moderation is generally handled reasonably well by the majority of people though it is a mucous forming food with inflammation causing properties and care needs to be taken to consume the purest forms of dairy (organic ideally).

Our main meal should be in the morning as our digestion fire is at it's strongest when we first awake and it is also ensures we have sufficient energy until we take lunch. Our lunch should be more modest in size and the evening meal should be the lightest, eating it no less than two hours before going to sleep, as eating just before bed interferes with our sleep.

Many Sikhs keep their bodies healthy by practicing yoga. This is great, as yoga postures and exercise help us sit for periods of meditation for a lot longer. As Sikhs, our main focus should always be the Shabad (the Guru's Word), all other things are a tool to help us connect more deeply with the Sacred Word of the Guru.

Guru Ji created gatka (sikh martial art) and urged his Sikhs to horse ride and wrestle. Guru Ji made sure his Sikhs were physically fit, active and very mobile through archery and physical service of the congregation too. Back in the days, Sikhs fought many battles and did a lot of travelling, this also kept them very healthy and fit.

Exercise reduces stress and increases concentration levels by producing a chemical called norepinephrine. Exercise releases endorphins to create happiness in ones life. It creates inner confidence, improves self esteem, because of a more positive image. Working out is important to help prevent Alzheimer's later on in life. It produces chemicals in the brain which support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus (part of the brain for memory & learning). It alleviates anxiety, boosts brain power and sharpens the memory. Exercise helps prevent any form of drug addiction, increases relaxation, it helps us to be more active and get more done. Exercise helps us to become more creative and inspires others to better themselves.

So overall exercise for everyone is very important. A Sikh should regularly exercise to better their mind, body and soul. We should not let ourselves go, as this is also a weakness in the mind.

Unless it is the result of a health disorder, there is no excuse for a Sikh to be overweight or unhealthy. We choose to be overweight and unhealthy. We can definitely do something about it, if we put our mind to it.

So if we want to become spiritual, stronger and more powerful Sikhs of the Guru, it's time to hit the gym, start exercising and eating healthier. There are many ways of keeping fit at home also. There are many videos on YouTube which guide us through many forms of various exercises.

Keeping Fit and healthy is not about being better than someone else, it's about being the best that you can be. We owe that to Vaheguroo who blessed us with this body, this life, this breath.

Bhai Gurdaas Ji
"koee har ma(n)dhar karai ko karai aroorree."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "The mind is the temple and the body is the fence built around it to protect it.
The Dear Lord has fashioned the body as the temple of the Lord, O my dear beloveds; the Lord continues to dwell there."




Game of love 💚- SCARY FACES


Guru Sahib ji says, "Those faces are scary who don't sit besides Guru Ji."

What does Guru Ji mean by this? Why are those faces scary? How is that possible?

Basically, Guru Sahib Ji is telling us that spiritual wisdom is very important in ones life. If one does not know how to balance the mind, control the mind, control ones emotions, control their vices including ego, they will struggle and suffer through this life.

It is very important we know how to meditate, in order to get through this life or one will suffer. Guru Ji has given us the spiritual ointment through their loving teachings of Gurbani. These teachings walk us through each aspect of life and how we should get through this life perfectly, without being affected by the pressures of the world.

The pressures of this world are very difficult to get through in this life but when one has been practicing for many years and is well in touch with their spirit and mind, then one has no problem controlling their feelings.

This is the main reason Guru Ji says, "Scary are the faces of those who don't sit beside the true Guru and meditate on his name." The pressures of life catch up with these people and their mind is affected rapidly by triggering off their ego and emotions. This continues throughout the life of the individual, as one fails to be content within and wants more to satisfy their luxurious life style. This goes on to cause, stress, depression and anxiety. All the negative emotions are shown on ones outer appearance. The energy/aura they hold will always be of a cold one.

Guru Sahib Ji also goes on to say, "Beautiful are those in this world and the next, who meditate on the Guru's mantra." They continue to live in ecstasy and their faces are radiant in both worlds. They gain respect wherever they go.

It's scientifically proven that those who meditate, their faces and eyes begin to shine, their bodies are filled with unmeasurable energy. Their aura and presence becomes very positive, loving and powerful. This is all the power of the mind, soul and God.

Many people would be scared if they saw in the mirror, not their faces but their character!!

"Fareedaa tina mukh daraavane Jinaa visaarian naao"

Bhagat Fareed Ji Says, "Fareed, the faces of those who forget the Lord's Name are dreadful.
They suffer terrible pain here, and hereafter they find no place of rest or refuge."



Game of love ❤️- FORGIVENESS


We all make many mistakes in life, however funnily enough, we only see the flaws/mistakes of others.

What causes us to see the negativity in others? When we see the negative in others, we are actually seeing the true colours of our own mind.

Most spiritually enlightened people only see the good in all. Even if they've had a fall out with someone, whether it be at home, work etc they would always make it work after.

The reason for this is the beautiful teachings of our beloved Guru. Our Guru tells us, if we don't know how to forgive, then we might as well not be a sikh. Guru Sahib Ji tells us in the last line of this post, that wherever forgiveness is, that's where God himself will reside. So basically, God resides in the heart of those who have forgiveness.

We are all guilty of falling out with others and then through our horrible egos and stubborn mindedness, we tend not to forgive them. Where will this stubbornness take us? What will we achieve? It just becomes more awkward between both parties and overtime, a petty fallout has been the cause of a breakup in a beautiful relationship. Fallouts usually tend to leave a crack in relationships forever, if not mended quick enough through one being humble and saving the relationship through forgiveness.

Everyone has an ego but this ego has to be controlled and used by us in whichever positive way we can use it. Ego should never be used in a negative way. It will always be hurtful to others, which is the same as hurting God himself, as every soul is God.

So if we have fallen out with someone, let's become the bigger, better and humbler person and forgive them and also forgive ourselves for not understanding the true meaning of love and life.

Forgiveness doesn't excuse the behaviour of others. Forgiveness makes us stronger, makes us respect ourself, makes us respect others, helps us find peace and most of all prevents the destroying of our own hearts. Forgiveness is the final form of love and it helps us to understand that we all make mistakes. So forgive others, if you would like to be forgiven by God and others.

Let's not let our egos get the better of us. Don't hold grudges, it only causes suffering within.

How would we feel, if we fell out with a loved one over something very trivial and they passed away without us speaking or forgiving one another?

Only meditation on the Naam washes the filth of this stubborn, egotistical mind.

"Jehaa lobh thehaa kaal hai, jehaa khimaa thehh aap."

Bhagat Kabeer Ji Says, "Kabeer, where there is spiritual wisdom, there is righteousness and Dharma. Where there is falsehood, there is sin. Where there is greed there is death. Where there is forgiveness, there is God himself."



Game of love 💜- FRIENDSHIP


We all want good friends in our lives. Who is a good friend? What is a good friend? How do we find good friends? Does friendship really exist? Who is our real and true friend?

Many of us have friends. Are these friends there for us in time of need? Are they there to share our sorrow? Do they always want the best for us? Are these friends only our friends because we fill their void?

Friendship is all about us. We need to be all of the above. When we become all of the above, that is when friendship really works. There are very rare faithful friends, who have unconditional love. Most are friends, because they need each other for something. Friendship usually works on condition. If one keeps taking off the other, it won't be long until they've had enough and weaknesses are formed within the relationship. Friendship is a two way process but if you have called someone a friend then that friendship should be a binding relationship for life, whether you speak or never see that person ever again.

It's easy to keep family but very difficult to keep unconditional friends. There are not many about. It's a nice feeling to have friends but one should never fall in to the trap of being attached to them. There is a fine line between love and attachment. Attachment will cause inner suffering.

As Sikhs, We should think of the friendship we have with our Guru and God. If we learn how to make our Guru and God our best friend, then that means we have learnt the true friendship of love. For the spiritual person, keeping unconditional friendship is a very easy game, as spiritual people, who meditate on the name of God, see God in all. They see the virtues of God in all. Guru Ji says the whole world becomes the friend of a God loving person.

How is this possible?

Those that meditate on God's name, become one with their spirits. When a human becomes one with their spirit, they naturally become one with all spirits, as all spirits are joined to the one but they've just not had this living realisation.

Making best friends with your inner self through Naam meditation is the most loving and peaceful friendship one will ever have. This friendship will support your mind until the end. This friendship will fight against all your vices, thoughts, emotions and actions. This friend will never judge you. This friend will only love and support you.

To make the sangat (congregation) our friend is also a very vital friendship in Sikhi. One should always remain close to Spiritual like minded people. In the end, they will always pull you through.

So seek the love of Guru Ji and through their spiritual teachings become one with yourself and God by meditating on their beautiful Name. In the end, even our friends will leave our side.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says "Your devotees are imbued with Your Name; they enjoy peace everywhere.
The entire world is seen to be passing away; only the Lord's Name is lasting and stable.
So make friends with the Holy Saints, so that you may obtain a lasting place of rest.
Friends, acquaintances, children and relatives - none of these shall be your companion in the end.
The Lord's Name alone shall go with you; God is the Master of the meek."



Game of love 💙- Amrit Sanchaar (ceremony) - Bairaag (spiritual longing) & Previous Janam (life)

Amrit Sanchaar (ceremony) - Bairaag (spiritual longing) & Previous Janam (life)

Enjoyed reading this and really wanted to share it!

We arrived at the location of Amrit Sinchaar (ceremony) Samagam (event). Part of me was still thinking that all this was a dream. I could not believe my good fortune. Soon I was called inside, in the hazoori (sanctuary) of Guru Sahib and Punj Pyare (five beloved ones). Jathedar Bau Mal Singh jee was holding the Siri Sahib, (sword) whilst standing. He asked me in extreme Bir-Ras (powerful/spiritual voice), “why have you come here?” I lost my consciousness when I saw them and heard Bau jee. With a trembling voice I said, “Jee I have come here to drink Amrit.” Bau jee in similar Bir Ras said, “You will have to offer your head.” I almost fainting. I got a flood of Bairaag (spiritual crying). I could not say anything. They sent me outside. Everyone had their peshi (questioned to drink Amrit) done and in the end we all were called in.

On one side all the Singhs were standing and on the other side all the Bibiyaan (women). On the side of Bibiyaan, I was standing on the end. When the Baata (utensil) of Amrit was ready, the Jathedar of the Punj, Respectable Bau Mal Singh jee ran his sweet gaze on all sides and I was the first one to be called. I was made to sit in Bir Aasan (Bir sitting-posture). The gift of Amrit was placed on my hand. When I put this gift in my mouth, I lost the worldly senses. That place became some other Mandal (realm). In Punj Pyare, I could only see Guru Kalgidhar (Siri Guru Gobind Singh jee/10th Guru). I don’t even remember receiving other choolay (drops) of Amrit and nor I remember getting Naam DriR (name of God being implanted within). I was sent to my place in this condition of spiritual intoxication. This was the place where I saw Bau Mal Singh jee in the form of my father (for many lives). I realized my relationship of many lives with him (Bau jee had later confirmed that Bibi Inder Kaur was his mother in his previous life). My mind was filled with deep love and devotion for him. In this condition of spiritual intoxication I reached home and did not sleep all night. At Amritvela (ambrosial hours), we did Ishnaan (bathed) Naam Simran (meditated) & Nitnem (prayed). While reading Siri Anand Sahib (5th prayer), my mind got stuck at the following Pankiti (line):

ਸੁਰਿ ਨਰ ਮੁਨਿ ਜਨ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਖੋਜਦੇ ਸੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਗੁਰ ਤੇ ਪਾਇਆ ॥  "The angelic beings and the silent sages search for the Ambrosial Nectar; this Amrit is obtained from the Guru." Guru Amardas Ji.

If you want this Amrit, drink it now, as you will never know when your final breath will be. Tomorrow may never arrive.



Game of love 💛- MAN OF HIS WORD!


A Muslim woman called Banu came to visit Hari Singh Nalwa. She had heard a lot about the seven foot tall General of the Sikhs at the time. She had heard he was powerful, strong, spiritual and a great warrior.

When she came to visit him, the Gursikhs asked General Hari Singh, if she was ok to come in. She said, she wanted to speak alone to Hari Singh Ji. The Gursikhs asked if this was ok and Hari singh Ji responded, it was fine.

She said, "I'm here to make a request, which I would not like you to decline."
Hari Singh uttered, "please make your request."
She replied, "I want you be the father of my children. I want my children to be strong and powerful like you"
Hari Singh Ji calmly said, "It's not possible, I am married, so therefor I can not give you what you want."
In hearing this, the woman got very upset and said, "I have heard Sikhs are very spiritual and compassionate people, with amazingly great characters and they never turn down the request of anyone. I have also heard no one goes away empty handed from the house of Guru Nanak (1st Sikh Guru)."
"You are completely right," lovingly answered Hari Singh Ji. "No one has ever gone empty handed from the dharr (door) of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and neither will you."
When Banu heard this response, she became very happy.
Hari Singh Ji lovingly uttered, "Please close your eyes." Banu closed her eyes and was waiting eagerly for a response she desired. 
Hari Singh Ji put his head in Banu's lap and sweetly said, "From now, you are my mother and I am your son. I will look after you til my very last breath."

General Hari Singh Ji lived by this promise for the rest of his life.

This is the beauty of Sikhi, when Sikhs of the Guru make a promise (Bachan), no matter how hard it is to follow through, they will make sure they live by it.

Are we still living in the same way today? Do we still have the virtues of the old puraatan Singhs and the stead fast saintly/warrior character? Do we give our word (Bachan) to people and live by it or do our words not hold that power and wealth anymore?

We need to look inside ourself and live by the beautiful teachings our Gurus have left us with. They are ours to spread in to the universe and make the world a much better, loving, peaceful place to live in.

Live by the teachings and spread them far and wide.

Are you doing your bit for your father Guru Gobind Singh Ji? Are you a kehnee te karnee da puttar (live by the teachings) or are you a naalaek puttar (has no respect for his father).

You choose and you decide what you want to be. You can be either. The choice is ours. We just need to take the steps and live it.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Following the Guru's Teachings, compassion, righteousness and contentment are found."



Game of love 💚- POSITIVE ENERGY


Why is it important for us to be positive at all times?

It is very difficult to be positive all the time. It takes an immaculate mind to be this way inclined and have such loving energy.

There are many benefits to being positive all the time. Firstly, to be positive is a great feeling in general. Secondly, if we are positive, others around us also become positive. It's a snowball affect and many become positive around us. Thirdly, when we are positive all the time, it helps us to be very controlled, our mind becomes very balanced and our emotions are also efficiently subdued.

As Sikhs, we call this feeling Chardeekallah (high spirits). When one is forever happy and positive, their spirits are raised and they cannot be touched by any form of negative energy. When we feel this way, our aura and energy is felt by everyone around us. It creates everyone to be happy and positive. This energy works as a form of magnetic force, which tends to pull others closer towards the individual. This energy is the power of the mind and spirit which is connected to the infinite (God). Everyone's spirits and minds are connected, so therefore are pulled closer towards the warm hearted, God loving spirit.

It's very difficult to be happy and positive all the time without meditation. This continuous state can only be achieved through regular meditation. When ones mind is always coloured in the love of Gods mantra, ones mind is cleansed through the thoughts being purified. All emotions are controlled through the Naam mantra.

Positive energy through meditation can be felt upto a radius of 30 miles or further by other humans. The spirit connects to other spirits through love.

Remember! Every human being on the planet has the potential to experience this positive energy of love by tapping in to themselves through meditation. Why would you want to waste this human treasure for mere shells?

The mind and spirit is God. Recognise yourself as the one. A persons energy tells you more about themselves, more than their words.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "The Gurmukhs (Guru's pure Sikhs) never suffer bodily pain.
The Gurmukhs have the pain of egotism taken away.
The minds of the Gurmukhs are immaculate, positive and pure; no filth ever sticks to them again. The Gurmukhs merge in celestial peace."






Just by wearing religious robes or having the appearance of a religious person, one does not become a spiritual lover of God. Just by having a religious appearance, ones mind is not cleansed. Just by having a religious appearance, one is not liberated. Just by having a religious appearance one does not become a good person. Just by having a religious appearance one is not happy, peaceful or content!

The religious appearance is very important for spiritual people, especially for Sikhs. The attire, all the Sikh symbols (panj kakaar) have a massive and meaningful place in the Sikh faith. They help towards ones spirituality massively but one has to recognise this and use and allow these symbols to help us progress in Sikhi, as amazing, loving, beautiful individuals. 

Many of us think we have our appearance so therefore Guru Ji is closer to us. We are blessed to be baptised and blessed to have been given this blessed appearance but it does not end there. We have a huge responsibility on our shoulders.

What responsibility do we have?

We are Sikhs of the Guru, so therefore we should have every quality a human being can adopt. We should be extremely virtuous to all. We need to develop love, compassion, truth, contentment, patience, forgiveness and all the rest of the beautiful qualities in existence. We need to be pure human beings. We need to teach by example. The world needs to look towards us for guidance, strength, support and for us to fill them with happiness in their lives, just by them meeting us.

Can we honestly say our character is of the above? Because that's the way our character used to be many years ago and there are many examples of it in Sikh history. Are we still living that life style or have we just become "THE SIKHS OF APPEARANCE." Do we realise we are being judged for everything we do? Do we realise there is no short cut? Do we realise nobody apart from the True Guru can really support us and bless us through this terrifying world ocean? Are we true to Guru? Do we live by all their spiritual teachings? Or have we become Sikhs only on the outside?????

We talk about others. We expose others. We love this taste (ras) of bringing others down. Then we suffer, when it comes to bite us back through karma. We sewed the seed, we have to reap the outcome. As Sikhs do we know a massive teaching is to "dekh ke andith kardhayna" (to see something wrong, then to ignore it and then speak to the individual In person in a loving manner to put them back on the right track. All this is fine without another soul finding out).

Do we understand the panj pyaare (five beloved ones) have a huge blessed seva (service). Their seva is supposed to stay in the room of the Amrit sanchaar and not a soul should find out about anything that went on in that room, as Guru sahib blesses the Amrit to the abhlakees. Even their families are not supposed to know, as this is a service given by Guru Ji himself.

These are just a few examples we have talked about today of religious people failing to be spiritually inclined and more physically orientated.

Just remember! We are judged by our every action. If we are not practicing to be blessed, loving, spiritual souls then there is no point in having a religious appearance, as this brings the importance and respect of religion and faith down drastically. Just because we belong to a certain faith, group, religion does not mean we will be saved or better than the other. The work and practice is one of a life time for an individual's loving relationship with God and Guru. No other third person can intervene and save us.

If we reside the one Name of Vaheguroo (God) within our heart with every breath, Guru sahib Ji will bless our every action and guide our lazy mind through this life in great, loving ease themselves. This is when the physical appearance of an individual is accepted by Guru Ji. Otherwise it's a massive hypocrisy and we need to change this if we want to make the world a better and more spiritual place. We need to get rid of the mere shells and replace them with beautiful rubies, emeralds and gems.

Come to know the nature of your own mind, In which there is no self, no other but only God.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "You may torment your body with extremes of self-discipline, practice intensive meditation and hang upside-down, but your ego will not be eliminated from within.
You may perform religious rituals, and still never obtain the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, remain dead while yet alive, and the Name of the Lord shall come to dwell within the mind.
Listen, O my mind: hurry to the Protection of the Guru's Sanctuary.
By Guru's Grace you shall be saved. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean of poison."



Game of love 💜- BELIEVE YOU CAN!



Start believing that you’re ready for the next step. You are ready! Think about it. You have everything you need right now to take the next small, realistic step forward. So embrace the opportunities that come your way, and accept the challenges – they’re gifts that will help you to grow.


This works in every walk of life. We always need to believe we are ready for the next step, whether it be work opportunities, school, university or spiritual living. If we don't believe we are ready, there will never be any growth. We are always ready to take steps but get trapped in small bubbles of comfort, which tend to stop any form of progression. Eventually, this becomes a lack of confidence. It's important we take conscious steps forward on a regular basis, in order to build ourselves as strong, powerful, humble, loving and compassionate characters.


When we are challenged in life, this is an opportunity to excel for the positive as human beings. We usually tend to back away from the challenges and ignore them. Spiritually elevated people will take on any challenge that life brings towards them, as they have all the positive energy they need, to keep them uplifted and push them through any challenge that life brings to them.


Guru Ji has called out for us many times but we have always been ignorant towards them and ignored their loving calls. Guru Ji is the only one in who will make every challenge of life easier and more successful for us, by stepping in and supporting us through thick and thin. Without a Guru, every challenge is materialistic and will end up departing from us in the end. The challenges become difficult to attain, as we feel we are alone and have no true support. When Guru Ji is there to support us, every challenge will be that of peace, love and joy and one we successfully succeed in.


Guru Ji loves us all and will always support us. Guru Ji makes one humble request in return and that is to take steps towards Sikhi and develop as spiritual human beings, through Naam meditation and the beautiful teachings of Gurbaani, as this is the substance in which will effortlessly guide us through this terrifying world ocean.


Positive people have negative thoughts, they just never let them grow and destroy them. Remain positive always and believe you can. This thought brings great strength and growth. 


Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Meeting with the True Guru, they cross over the terrifying world-ocean. In the Court of the Lord, they are honoured and approved."


